/// <summary> /// Invokes all events for this components. /// </summary> public override void InvokeEvents() { base.InvokeEvents(); try { #region Code StiValueEventArgs e = new StiValueEventArgs(); InvokeGetCustomCode(this, e); if (e.Value != null) { this.customCodeValue = e.Value.ToString(); } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { StiLogService.Write(this.GetType(), "DoEvents...ERROR"); StiLogService.Write(this.GetType(), e); if (Report != null) { Report.WriteToReportRenderingMessages(this.Name + " " + e.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the GetCustomCode event. /// </summary> public void InvokeGetCustomCode(StiComponent sender, StiValueEventArgs e) { try { OnGetCustomCode(e); StiValueEventHandler handler = base.Events[EventGetCustomCode] as StiValueEventHandler; if (handler != null) { handler(sender, e); } } catch (Exception ex) { string str = string.Format("Expression in CustomCode property of '{0}' can't be evaluated!", this.Name); StiLogService.Write(this.GetType(), str); StiLogService.Write(this.GetType(), ex.Message); Report.WriteToReportRenderingMessages(str); } }
public void GroupHeaderBand2__GetValue(object sender, StiValueEventArgs e) { e.Value = Format("{0:MM.dd.yyyy}", FN_GetSalesOrderHeaderPurchaseTotal.OrderDate) + " \r\n" + FN_GetSalesOrderHeaderPurchaseTotal.BranchName + "\r\n" + FN_GetSalesOrderHeaderPurchaseTotal.PaymentMethodName; }
public void GroupHeader0__GetValue(object sender, StiValueEventArgs e) { e.Value = VW_SalesOrderHeader.BranchName; }
/// <summary> /// Raises the GetCustomCode event. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnGetCustomCode(StiValueEventArgs e) { }
public void BarCode1__GetBarCode(object sender, StiValueEventArgs e) { e.Value = "UPC" + VW_Product.ProductID; }