private void SaveStep() { string key = listBox1.GetItemText(listBox1.SelectedItem); StepItem value = FindItem(key); if (value != null) { if (value.mName != textBoxStepName.Text) { foreach (StepItem step in Const.stepList) { if (step.mNextTrue == value.mName) { step.mNextTrue = textBoxStepName.Text; } if (step.mNextFalse == value.mName) { step.mNextFalse = textBoxStepName.Text; } } value.mName = textBoxStepName.Text; UpdateList(); } value.mDescription = textBoxStepMota.Text; value.mPoint = this.comboBoxStepPoint.Text; value.mNextTrue = comboBoxStepNext.Text; value.mNextFalse = comboBoxStepFail.Text; } }
public StepItem GetCurStepItem() { int index = StepManager.Instance().CurSetpIndex - 1; StepItem temp = GetOneStepItem(index); return(temp); }
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string key = listBox1.GetItemText(listBox1.SelectedItem); StepItem value = FindItem(key); if (value != null) { // Const.stepList[key]; this.textBoxStepName.Text = value.mName; this.textBoxStepMota.Text = value.mDescription; this.comboBoxStepPoint.Text = value.mPoint; this.comboBoxStepNext.Text = value.mNextTrue; if (value.mType == "TT") { this.label5.Text = "Tên thao tác:"; this.comboBoxStepFail.Hide();// = "N/A"; label11.Hide(); //this.comboBoxStepFail.Text = "N/A"; } else { this.label5.Text = "Tên điều kiện:"; this.comboBoxStepFail.Show(); label11.Show(); this.comboBoxStepFail.Text = value.mNextFalse; } selectSchemePoint(value.mPoint); } //UpdateList(); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { StepDetailViewModel viewModel = new StepDetailViewModel(); StepItem stepItem = GetSqlItem <StepItem>(StepItem.ItemSql, new { Id = id }); stepItem.Houses = GetSqlList <ProcedureStepHouse>(ProcedureStepHouse.ListByStepSql, new { StepId = id }); if (stepItem.Id != 0) { viewModel.Step = stepItem; Tuple <List <RouteItem>, List <StepHouse> > routesAndSteps = GetSqlList <RouteItem, StepHouse>(RouteItem.ListByStepSql, new { StepId = id }); routesAndSteps.Item1 .ForEach(r => { r.FromStepHouseName = string.Join(",", routesAndSteps.Item2 .Where(s => s.ProcedureStepId == r.FromStepId).Select(s => s.HouseName)); r.ToStepHouseName = string.Join(",", routesAndSteps.Item2 .Where(s => s.ProcedureStepId == r.ToStepId).Select(s => s.HouseName)); }); viewModel.Routes = routesAndSteps.Item1; viewModel.BusinessItems = GetSqlList <BusinessItem>(BusinessItem.ListByStepSql, new { StepId = id }); List <BusinessItemStep> steps = GetSqlList <BusinessItemStep>(BusinessItemStep.ListByStepSql, new { StepId = id }); viewModel.BusinessItems.ForEach(bi => bi.ActualisesProcedureStep = steps.Where(s => s.BusinessItemId == bi.Id).ToList()); } return(View(viewModel)); }
private void AddCheckInDT(string qrcode, int id) { CheckInDT dT = new CheckInDT { CheckData = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), CheckInID = id, delflag = false, Rating = ratingStar.Rating, Meno = frist_ScStauts.Dicval, GoodsStauts = }; int iddt = checkInService.AddCheckInDT(dT); if (iddt > 0) { ShowTipsMessageBox("添加成功"); pb_qr.Image = QRManage.GetQRCodeByZXingNet(qrcode, pb_qr.Width, pb_qr.Height); lbl_qrcode.Text = qrcode; StepItem item = new StepItem(, frist_ScStauts.Dicname); progressSteps.Items.Add(item); Btn_adddt.Visible = true; btn_print.Visible = true; GetHistory((int)txb_name.Tag); } oper = 0; }
public bool IsCurDragTarget(EleItem item) { int index = StepManager.Instance().CurSetpIndex - 1; StepItem temp = GetOneStepItem(index); return(temp.CurDragEleItem.Name.Equals(item.Name)); }
private void AddStep(string p, int type, StepItem nextTrue = null, StepItem nextFalse = null) { if (p == null) { MessageBox.Show("Tên không hợp lệ"); return; } if (FindItem(p) != null) { MessageBox.Show("Tên như vậy đã tồn tại"); return; } if (type == 2)//thao tac { StepItem newstep = new StepItem(); newstep.Init(p, nextTrue); Const.stepList.Add(newstep); UpdateList(); } else if (type == 3)//dieu kien { StepItem newstep = new StepItem(); newstep.Init(p, nextTrue, nextFalse); Const.stepList.Add(newstep); UpdateList(); } }
private void CreateList() { var stepItem = new StepItem(); stepItem.actionTitle = parent.Title; stepItem.actionTime = "This takes: " + parent.ExpectedCompletionTime.ToString(@"%h") + (parent.ExpectedCompletionTime.ToString(@"%h") != "1" ? "hrs " : "hr ") + parent.ExpectedCompletionTime.ToString(@"mm") + (parent.ExpectedCompletionTime.ToString(@"mm") != "01" ? "mins" : "min");; stepItem.stepsList = new ObservableCollection <Instruction>(); var stepsCount = 0; foreach (Instruction step in instruction_steps) { if (step.IsComplete == true) { step.Photo = "greencheckmark.png"; processedSteps.Add(stepsCount); } else { step.Photo = parent.PicUrl; step.Photo = "whiteCheckMarkIcon"; } step.stepIndex = stepsCount; step.color = MainPage.account.routineColor.ToHex();; stepItem.stepsList.Add(step); items.Add(step); stepsCount++; } stepSource.Add(stepItem); collectionViewSteps.ItemsSource = stepSource; UpdateRoutineStatus(); }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string key = listBox1.GetItemText(listBox1.SelectedItem); StepItem value = FindItem(key); if (value.mType == "TT") { if (MessageBox.Show("Chuyển bước tiếp theo?", "Chuyển bước", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } int index = listBox1.FindString(comboBoxStepNext.Text); if (index > -1) { listBox1.SetSelected(index, true); } else { return; } } else if (label_kl_voltage.Text == "Đạt" && label_kl_amp.Text == "Đạt" && label_kl_noise.Text == "Đạt") { if (MessageBox.Show("Kết quả đo đạt yêu cầu, chuyển bước tiếp theo?", "Chuyển bước", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } int index = listBox1.FindString(comboBoxStepNext.Text); if (index > -1) { listBox1.SetSelected(index, true); } else { return; } } else { if (MessageBox.Show("Kết quả đo không đạt yêu cầu, chuyển bước tiếp theo?", "Chuyển bước", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } int index = listBox1.FindString(comboBoxStepFail.Text); if (index > -1) { listBox1.SetSelected(index, true); } else { return; } } }
private bool CheckNeedWaitNextStep(StepItem step) { foreach (FadeInItem item in step.fadeInList) { if (item.gameObject.activeSelf) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void AddProgressSetp(CheckInDT dt) { Sysdic staut = ScStautlist.Find(s => == dt.GoodsStauts); StepItem item = new StepItem(, staut.Dicval); item.Tag = dt; progressSteps.Items.Add(item); ratingStar.Rating = (int)dt.Rating; lbl_dtmemo.Text = dt.Meno; nud_cost.Value = (int)dt.ServerPay; progressSteps.Refresh(); }
private void ProgressStepsClick(object sender) { StepItem item = (StepItem)sender; CheckInDT dt = (CheckInDT)item.Tag; ratingStar.Rating = (int)dt.Rating; lbl_dtmemo.Text = dt.Meno; nud_cost.Value = (int)dt.ServerPay; int count = progressSteps.Items.Count; StepItem lastitem = (StepItem)progressSteps.Items[count - 1]; CheckInDT dTlast = (CheckInDT)lastitem.Tag; bool islast = ==; DetailBtnVisible(islast); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Const.stepList.Remove(listBox1.SelectedItem as StepItem); if (MessageBox.Show("Xóa bước đã chọn?", "Xóa bước", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } StepItem step = FindItem(this.textBoxStepName.Text); if (step != null) { Const.stepList.Remove(step); } UpdateList(); }
/// 添加新的阶梯电价 /// <summary> /// 添加新的阶梯电价 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int rowIndex = dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewRow row = dataGridViewX1.Rows[rowIndex]; StepItem step = new StepItem(); row.Cells[0].Value = rowIndex; row.Cells[1].Value = string.Format("{0:F2}", step.StepValue); row.Cells[2].Value = string.Format("{0:F4}", step.StepPrice); if (row.Index == 0) { row.Cells[1].Value = 0; } stepCount = dataGridViewX1.Rows.Count; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { readForm(); } else { var step1 = new StepItem(); step1.SubSteps = new List <SubStepItem>(); step1.SubSteps.Add(new SubStepItem()); var Steps = new List <StepItem>(); Steps.Add(step1); StoredList = Steps; bindRepeater(); } }
private void SwapItems(string key, string keynext) { foreach (StepItem step in Const.stepList) { if (step.mName == key) { foreach (StepItem stepnext in Const.stepList) { if (stepnext.mName == keynext) { StepItem temp = new StepItem(); temp.copy(step); step.copy(stepnext); stepnext.copy(temp); return; } } } } }
private void InitData() { _congfigStep = (ConfigStep)ConfigManager.Instance().GetConfig(ConfigType.ConfigStep); Transform tran = GameObject.Find("StepObjs").transform; EleItems = new List <EleItem>(tran.childCount); for (int i = 0; i < tran.childCount; i++) { EleItem item = new EleItem(tran.GetChild(i)); EleItems.Add(item); } StepItems = new Dictionary <int, StepItem>(5); for (int i = 0; i < _congfigStep.ConfigDatas.Count; i++) { StepItem sItem = new StepItem(); sItem.Index = i; sItem.Desc = StepManager.Instance().GetCurStepDesc(i); sItem.CurDragEleItem = EleItems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(_congfigStep.Get(i + 1).dragName)); sItem.CurCastEleItem = EleItems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(_congfigStep.Get(i + 1).castName)); StepItems.Add(i, sItem); } }
private void readForm() { var steps = new List <StepItem>(); foreach (RepeaterItem RI in StepRep.Items) { var step = new StepItem(); step.Name = ((TextBox)RI.FindControl("NameBox")).Text; step.Ratio = Double.Parse(((TextBox)RI.FindControl("RatioBox")).Text); step.SubSteps = new List <SubStepItem>(); var SubRep = (Repeater)RI.FindControl("SubStepRep"); foreach (RepeaterItem SubRI in SubRep.Items) { var subStep = new SubStepItem(); subStep.Name = ((TextBox)SubRI.FindControl("SubNameBox")).Text; subStep.Ratio = Double.Parse(((TextBox)SubRI.FindControl("SubRatioBox")).Text); step.SubSteps.Add(subStep); } steps.Add(step); } StoredList = steps; }
/// <summary> /// must start with low-case!!! /// </summary> /// <param name="xpath"></param> public void htmlElementSelected(string xpath) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { switch (route_type) { case RouteType.DATA_SEPARATED_FROM_LIST: MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(xpath); if (step.SelectedIndex == 0) { route.SetOutput(Queue.StartQueueName, new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "ListNextPage", Xpath = xpath }); route.SetOutput("ListNextPage", new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "ListNextPage", Xpath = xpath }); } else if (step.SelectedIndex == 1) { //SetProductPages string x = find_product_links_xpath(xpath); route.SetOutput(Queue.StartQueueName, new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "Product0", Xpath = x }); route.SetOutput("ListNextPage", new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "Product0", Xpath = x }); MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(x); } else if (step.SelectedIndex == step.Items.Count - 1) { route.SetOutput("Product" + (step.Items.Count - 4), new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "Product" + (step.Items.Count - 3), Xpath = xpath }); step.Items.Insert(step.Items.Count - 1, "SetProduct" + (step.Items.Count - 3)); } else { //SetProduct DataFieldWindow w = new DataFieldWindow(xpath); if (w.ShowDialog() == true) { foreach (DataFieldWindow.Item i in w.Items) { if (i.Get) { route.SetOutput("Product" + (step.SelectedIndex - 2), new Route.Output.Field { Name = w.Name.Text + "." + i.Attribute, Xpath = xpath, Attribute = i.Attribute }); } } } } break; case RouteType.DATA_IS_IN_LIST: MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(xpath); if (step.SelectedIndex == 0) { route.SetOutput(Queue.StartQueueName, new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "ListNextPage", Xpath = xpath }); route.SetOutput("ListNextPage", new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = "ListNextPage", Xpath = xpath }); } else if (step.SelectedIndex == 1) { //SetProductBlocks string x = find_product_blocks_xpath(xpath); route.SetOutput(Queue.StartQueueName, new Route.Output.ElementCollection { Queue = "Product0", Xpath = x }); route.SetOutput("ListNextPage", new Route.Output.ElementCollection { Queue = "Product0", Xpath = x }); MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(x); base_xpath = xpath; } else { //SetProduct if (base_xpath == null) { Message.Error("No product block was set."); return; } if (!xpath.StartsWith(base_xpath)) { MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(base_xpath); Message.Error("Your selection must be inside the product block you picked up previously."); return; } DataFieldWindow w = new DataFieldWindow(xpath); if (w.ShowDialog() == true) { foreach (DataFieldWindow.Item i in w.Items) { if (i.Get) { route.SetOutput("Product0", new Route.Output.Field { Name = w.Name.Text + "." + i.Attribute, Xpath = xpath.Substring(base_xpath.Length, xpath.Length - base_xpath.Length), Attribute = i.Attribute }); } } } } break; case RouteType.UNIVERSAL: MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(xpath); StepItem si = ((StepItem)step.SelectedItem); if (si.Step == StepItem.Steps.ListNext) { route.SetOutput(si.QueueName, new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = si.QueueName, Xpath = xpath, QueuingManner = Route.Output.UrlCollection.QueuingManners.LIFO }); } else if (si.Step == StepItem.Steps.Children) { string x = find_product_links_xpath(xpath); string output_queue_name = null; bool passed = false; foreach (Route.Queue q in route.GetQueues()) { if (passed) { output_queue_name = q.Name; break; } if (q.Name == si.QueueName) { passed = true; } } if (output_queue_name == null) { output_queue_name = Queue.BaseName + (Queue.GetLevel(si.QueueName) + 1); step.Items.Add(new StepItem(StepItem.Steps.ListNext, output_queue_name)); step.Items.Add(new StepItem(StepItem.Steps.Data, output_queue_name)); step.Items.Add(new StepItem(StepItem.Steps.Children, output_queue_name)); } route.SetOutput(si.QueueName, new Route.Output.UrlCollection { Queue = output_queue_name, Xpath = x }); MainWindow.This.Browser.HighlightElements(x); } else if (si.Step == StepItem.Steps.Data) { DataFieldWindow w = new DataFieldWindow(xpath); if (w.ShowDialog() == true) { foreach (DataFieldWindow.Item i in w.Items) { if (i.Get) { Route.Output.Field f = new Route.Output.Field { Name = w.Name.Text + "." + i.Attribute, Xpath = xpath, Attribute = i.Attribute }; route.SetOutput(si.QueueName, f); DataFieldsWindow.This.OutputFieldAdded(si.QueueName, f.Name, i.Value); } } } } else if (si.Step == StepItem.Steps.Submit) { string action = null; if (Regex.IsMatch(xpath, @"/input(\[\d+\])?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { string type = MainWindow.This.Browser.GetAttribute(xpath, "type")[0]; if (Regex.IsMatch(type, @"text|email|password", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { action = "set"; } else { action = "click"; } } else if (Regex.IsMatch(xpath, @"/textarea(\[\d+\])?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { action = "set"; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(xpath, @"/button(\[\d+\])?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { action = "click"; } else { return; } switch (action) { case "set": route.AddAction(si.QueueName, new Route.Action.Set { Xpath = xpath, Attribute = "value", Value = MainWindow.This.Browser.GetValue(xpath)[0] }); break; case "click": route.AddAction(si.QueueName, new Route.Action.Click { Xpath = xpath }); route.AddAction(si.QueueName, new Route.Action.WaitDocumentLoaded { MinimalSleepMss = 500 }); MainWindow.This.Browser.Click(xpath); //MainWindow.This.Browser.WaitForCompletion(); break; default: throw new Exception("Undefined action: " + action); } } else { throw new Exception("No such option: " + si.Step); } break; default: throw new Exception("No such option: " + route_type); } })); }
/// <summary> /// 渲染 Step 组件方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual RenderFragment RenderStep(StepItem item) => new(builder =>