public NoteBuilder SetStem(StemValueMusicXML stemDirection)
     note.Stem = new StemMusicXML {
         Value = stemDirection
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares pitch pitch middle staff line pitch. If lower, direction is up
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pitch"></param>
 private void SetDirection(int pitch)
     if (pitch > 4)
         direction = StemValueMusicXML.up;
         direction = StemValueMusicXML.down;
        private void CalculateDirection(bool isChord = false)
            if (!isChord)
                //! Get first pitch (if not chord there is only one pitch
                var pitch = note.PitchedPosition.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                //! gets indexes of notes excudes grace notes
                var indexes = note.NoteItem.Select((x, i) => new { note = x, index = i }).Where(x => !x.note.IsGrace()).Select(x => x.index).ToList();
                //! select pitches using indexes
                var pitches = indexes.Select(x => note.PitchedPosition[x]);
                //? var pitches = note.PitchedPosition.Select(x => x.Value); Previous version (grace notes not excluded)

                //! staff line indexes are nubered from 0 from first staff upper staff line
                //! positive if notehead placed below this line
                //! negative if notehead is placed above first staff line of staffLine(ledger lines)
                //! if all noteheads are placed above middle line - direction down
                if (pitches.Max() < 5)
                    direction = StemValueMusicXML.down;
                //! if all noteheds below middle staff line
                if (pitches.Min() > 4)
                    direction = StemValueMusicXML.up;

                //! none of previous continue calculations

                int[] distanceToMid = new int[pitches.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < pitches.Count(); i++)
                    distanceToMid[i] = Math.Abs(pitches.ElementAt(i) - 4);
                var maxDistCount = distanceToMid.Select(x => x).Count(x => x == distanceToMid.Max());
                if (maxDistCount == 0)
                    Log.LoggIt.Log("Chorded notes stem direction calculation exception! Max distance to middle line equals 0", Log.LogType.Exception);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();//! temp debug only
                //! If if two noteheads are placed in same distance from middle line, set direction to down;
                if (maxDistCount == 2)
                    //! sum up notehead above and below
                    var aboveMiddle = pitches.Select(x => x).Count(x => x > 4);
                    var belowMiddle = pitches.Select(x => x).Count(x => x < 4);
                    //! find which direction has more noteheads

                    if (aboveMiddle > belowMiddle)
                        direction = StemValueMusicXML.down;
                    if (aboveMiddle < belowMiddle)
                        direction = StemValueMusicXML.up;
                    //! if equal set stem direction down
                        direction = StemValueMusicXML.down;
                    //! Gets max distance index to retrive pitch and set direction
                    SetDirection(pitches.ElementAt(Array.IndexOf(distanceToMid, distanceToMid.Max())));
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets stem direction using StemMusicXML object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stem"></param>
 private void GetDirection(StemMusicXML stem)
     direction = stem.Value;