private void Button_down_onState(SteamVR_Action_Boolean fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource) { if (smooth_Y) { defaultActionSet.Deactivate(); transform.Translate(Vector3.down * up_down_speed * Time.deltaTime); player.trackingOriginTransform.Translate(Vector3.down * up_down_speed * Time.deltaTime); } }
private void updateLasersActionSetState() { if (!mainActionSet.IsActive()) { laserActionSet.Deactivate(); return; } if (laserActionSet.IsActive() && VRPlayer.activePointer == null) { laserActionSet.Deactivate(); } else if (!laserActionSet.IsActive() && VRPlayer.activePointer != null) { laserActionSet.Activate(SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any, 1 /* Higher priority than main action set */); } }
protected virtual void OnDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (activateActionSetOnAttach != null) { if (hand.otherHand == null || hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.HasValue == false || (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable != null && hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable.activateActionSetOnAttach != this.activateActionSetOnAttach)) { activateActionSetOnAttach.Deactivate(hand.handType); } } if (onDetachedFromHand != null) { onDetachedFromHand.Invoke(hand); } if (skeletonPoser != null) { if (hand.skeleton != null) { hand.skeleton.BlendToSkeleton(releasePoseBlendTime); } } attachedToHand = null; //Here is the object released }
protected virtual void OnDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (activateActionSetOnAttach != null) { if (hand.otherHand == null || hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.HasValue == false || (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable != null && hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable.activateActionSetOnAttach != this.activateActionSetOnAttach)) { activateActionSetOnAttach.Deactivate(hand.handType); } } if (onDetachedFromHand != null) { onDetachedFromHand.Invoke(hand); } if (skeletonPoser != null) { // detach child object from interactable if (childToAttach != null) { childToAttach.transform.parent = childObjectOrigin; } if (hand.skeleton != null) { hand.skeleton.BlendToSkeleton(releasePoseBlendTime); } } attachedToHand = null; }
private void OnDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (actionsetEnableOnGrab) { actionsetEnableOnGrab.Deactivate(); } }
public virtual void OnDrop(MyHand hand) { // deactivate ActionSet if (activateActionSet != null) { activateActionSet.Deactivate(hand.handType); } // enable controller model if (hideControllerModelOnPickUp) { hand.controllerRenderer.SetMeshRendererState(true); } // enable hand model if (hideHandModelOnPickUp) { hand.handRenderer.enabled = true; } // blend to normal skeleton if (skeletonPoser != null) { if (hand.skeleton != null) { hand.skeleton.BlendToSkeleton(releasePoseBlendTime); } } }
private void Interactable_onDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject != null && (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject.GetComponent <SquishyToy>() != null || hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject.GetComponent <turret>() != null)) { return; } actionSet.Deactivate(); }
private void Interactable_onDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject != null && hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject.GetComponent <grenade>() != null) { return; } actionSet.Deactivate(); }
public virtual void OnDrop(MyHand hand) { // deactivate ActionSet if (activateActionSet != null) { activateActionSet.Deactivate(hand.handType); } // enable Hand model if (hideHandModelOnPickUp) { hand.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
private void updateMainActionSetState() { bool useVrControls = VHVRConfig.UseVrControls(); if (!useVrControls && mainActionSet.IsActive()) { mainActionSet.Deactivate(); } else if (useVrControls && !mainActionSet.IsActive()) { mainActionSet.Activate(); } }
private void ActionSetStartViewEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_action_set_start_view != null) { if (enabled) { _action_set_start_view.Activate(); } else { _action_set_start_view.Deactivate(); } } }
void UpdateDisplay() { ui_actionInput.SetActive(drawActionInput); ui_rawInput.SetActive(drawRawInput); if (drawRawInput) { rawActionSet.Activate(); } else { rawActionSet.Deactivate(); } }
private void ActionSetPointcloudViewEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_action_set_pointcloud_view != null) { if (enabled) { _action_set_pointcloud_view.Activate(); } else { _action_set_pointcloud_view.Deactivate(); } } }
void SelectActionSet() { if (inZone == true) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("[SteamVR] Activating {0} action set.", actionSet.fullPath)); dartsActionSet.Activate(forSources, 0, disableAllOtherActionSets); //defaultActionSet.Deactivate(forSources); } else { dartsActionSet.Deactivate(forSources); // Disable darts action set //defaultActionSet.Activate(forSources); } }
protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (attachedToHand) { if (!was_attached) { actionSet.ActivatePrimary(); } } else { if (was_attached) { actionSet.Deactivate(); } } was_attached = attachedToHand != null; if (attachedToHand) { hand = attachedToHand.handType; Vector2 m = a_move.GetAxis(hand); movement = new Vector3(m.x, 0, m.y); jump = a_jump.GetStateDown(hand); glow = Mathf.Lerp(glow, a_jump.GetState(hand) ? 1.5f : 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 20); } else { movement =; jump = false; glow = 0; } Joystick.localPosition = movement * joyMove; float rot = transform.eulerAngles.y; movement = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rot, Vector3.up) * movement; jumpHighlight.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white * glow); character.Move(movement * 2, jump); }
private void OnDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { if (activateActionSetOnAttach != null) { if (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.HasValue == false || (hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable != null && hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObjectInfo.Value.interactable.activateActionSetOnAttach != this.activateActionSetOnAttach)) { activateActionSetOnAttach.Deactivate(); } } if (onDetachedFromHand != null) { onDetachedFromHand.Invoke(hand); } attachedToHand = null; }
void Update() { if (openMenuAction.GetStateUp(m_TargetSource) || closeMenuAction.GetStateUp(m_TargetSource)) { if (menu.enabled == false) { menu.enabled = true; menuActions.Activate(); graphActions.Deactivate(); } else { menu.enabled = false; graphActions.Activate(); menuActions.Deactivate(); } } }
void OnDisable() { //remove actions if (gripAction != null) { gripAction.RemoveOnChangeListener(OnGripActionChange, Hand_InputSource); } if (touchAction != null) { touchAction.RemoveOnChangeListener(OnTouchActionChange, Hand_InputSource); } if (pressAction != null) { pressAction.RemoveOnChangeListener(OnPressActionChange, Hand_InputSource); } if (menuAction != null) { menuAction.RemoveOnChangeListener(OnMenuActionChange, Hand_InputSource); } if (CVR_ActionSet != null) { CVR_ActionSet.Deactivate(Hand_InputSource); } }
private void Interactable_onDetachedFromHand(Hand hand) { setToActivate.Deactivate(); }
private void ActionActivityController() { if (dimExplorer.dimensionExpLorerLoaded) { dimExplorerActions.Activate(); vizNavActions.Deactivate(); } else if (vizController.vizFullyLoaded) { vizNavActions.Activate(); dimExplorerActions.Deactivate(); } if (dimExplorer.dimExKeyboard.keyboardLoaded) { dimExplorerActions.Activate(); vizNavActions.Deactivate(); } if (dimExplorer.dimExKeyboard.keyboardMoving) { dimExplorerActions.Deactivate(); vizNavActions.Deactivate(); } if (timeline.timelineLoaded) { timelineActions.Activate(); } else { timelineActions.Deactivate(); } menuInteractionActions.Activate(); // debugging if (false) { //Debug.Log("dimensionExpLorerLoaded: " + dimExplorer.dimensionExpLorerLoaded + " | vizFullyLoaded: " + vizController.vizFullyLoaded + " | keyboardLoaded: " + dimExplorer.dimExKeyboard.keyboardLoaded + " | keyboardMoving: " + dimExplorer.dimExKeyboard.keyboardMoving); string activeSetDebug = "Active Sets:"; if (defaultActions.IsActive()) { activeSetDebug += " | default"; } if (vizNavActions.IsActive()) { activeSetDebug += " | viz"; } if (dimExplorerActions.IsActive()) { activeSetDebug += " | dimEx"; } if (menuInteractionActions.IsActive()) { activeSetDebug += " | menu"; } if (timelineActions.IsActive()) { activeSetDebug += " | timeline"; } Debug.Log(activeSetDebug); } }
void Update() { if (actionSetChanged) { switch (currentActionSet.GetShortName()) { case "MySet": currentActionSet.Activate(currentSource, 0, false); pose.poseAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Pose>("MySet", "Pose", false, false); gripClickAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Boolean>("MySet", "GripClick", false, false); triggerPullAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Single>("MySet", "Teleport", false, false); joyStickAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Vector2>("MySet", "Move", false, false); break; case "Sword": currentActionSet.Activate(currentSource, 0, false); pose.poseAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Pose>("Sword", "Pose", false, false); //gripClickAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction<SteamVR_Action_Boolean>("Sword", "InitiateSlash", false, false); triggerClickAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Boolean>("Sword", "InitiateSlash", false, false); joyStickAction = SteamVR_Input.GetAction <SteamVR_Action_Vector2>("Sword", "Move", false, false); break; default: break; } actionSetChanged = false; } gripClick = gripClickAction.GetStateDown(currentSource); triggerClickUp = triggerClickAction.GetStateUp(currentSource); triggerValue = triggerPullAction.GetAxis(currentSource); triggerClick = triggerClickAction.GetLastStateDown(currentSource); detach = detachAction.GetStateDown(currentSource); moveValue = joyStickAction.GetAxis(currentSource); //INITIATESLASH CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (triggerClick && attached && currentActionSet.GetShortName().Equals("Sword")) { slashParticles = currentlyAttachedObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emiss = slashParticles.emission; emiss.rateOverDistance = 200f; } if (triggerClickUp && attached && currentActionSet.GetShortName().Equals("Sword")) { slashParticles = currentlyAttachedObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emiss = slashParticles.emission; emiss.rateOverDistance = 0f; } //OBJECT DETACH CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (attached && detach && hover.closestHoverObj != null) { //Grab a reference to the current closestHoverObject that is obtained by running Hover() in Hover.cs try { ObjectInteraction detachCall = hover.closestHoverObj.GetComponent <ObjectInteraction>(); attached = detachCall.DetachObjectFromController(); currentActionSet.Deactivate(currentSource); currentActionSet = SteamVR_Input.GetActionSet("MySet"); currentlyAttachedObject = null; actionSetChanged = true; } catch (NullReferenceException) { Debug.LogWarning("detachCall Hand is null in OculusInput.cs"); return; } } //OBJECT ATTACH CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (gripClick && hover.closestHoverObj != null && !attached) { try { ObjectInteraction attachCall = hover.closestHoverObj.GetComponent <ObjectInteraction>(); attached = attachCall.AttachObjectToController(this.gameObject, hover.hoverPoint); currentlyAttachedObject = hover.closestHoverObj; currentActionSet.Deactivate(currentSource); currentActionSet = SteamVR_Input.GetActionSet("Sword"); //CHANGE THIS LATER WHEN WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE ITEM TO PICK UP actionSetChanged = true; } catch (NullReferenceException) { Debug.LogWarning("attachCall Right Hand is null in OculusInput.cs"); return; } } //TRIGGER PRESS CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (triggerValue > 0.1f) { int layerMask = (1 << 9); if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward - transform.up, out RaycastHit hit, 50f, layerMask)) { teleTarget.transform.position = hit.point; Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, (transform.forward - transform.up) * 100f,, 5f); } } if (triggerValue > 0.75f && pressFlag)//Teleport using raycast { print("Teleport"); Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.forward * 100f,; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward - transform.up, out RaycastHit hit, 100f)) { cameraRig.transform.position = hit.point; } pressFlag = false; } if (triggerValue < 0.1f)//Must release or almost release trigger before teleporting again { pressFlag = true; } //JOYSTICK MOVEMENT CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (moveValue.y > 0.1f || moveValue.y < -0.1f) {//Forward and Backward Vector3 controllerMove = new Vector3(((transform.forward - transform.up).normalized).x, 0f, (((transform.forward - transform.up).normalized).z)); cameraRig.transform.Translate(controllerMove * moveValue.y); } if (moveValue.x > 0.1f || moveValue.x < -0.1f) {//Right and Left Vector3 controllerMove = new Vector3(transform.right.x, 0f, transform.right.z); cameraRig.transform.Translate(controllerMove * moveValue.x); } }
// Removes the selection event. private void OnDestroy() { trigger.onStateDown -= Trigger_onStateDown; SelectRobot.Deactivate(); }
protected override void Update() { base.Update(); Vector2 steer =; float throttle = 0; float brake = 0; bool reset = false; bool b_brake = false; bool b_reset = false; if (attachedToHand) { SteamVR_Input_Sources hand = attachedToHand.handType; if (!was_attached) { actionSet.ActivatePrimary(); } steer = a_steering.GetAxis(hand); throttle = a_trigger.GetAxis(hand); b_brake = a_brake.GetState(hand); b_reset = a_reset.GetState(hand); brake = b_brake ? 1 : 0; reset = a_reset.GetStateDown(hand); } else { if (was_attached) { actionSet.Deactivate(); } } was_attached = attachedToHand != null; if (reset && resettingRoutine == null) { resettingRoutine = StartCoroutine(DoReset()); } if (ui_Canvas != null) { ui_Canvas.gameObject.SetActive(attachedToHand); usteer = Mathf.Lerp(usteer, steer.x, Time.deltaTime * 9); ui_steer.localEulerAngles = Vector3.forward * usteer * -ui_steerangle; ui_rpm.fillAmount = Mathf.Lerp(ui_rpm.fillAmount, Mathf.Lerp(ui_fillAngles.x, ui_fillAngles.y, throttle), Time.deltaTime * 4); float speedLim = 40; ui_speed.fillAmount = Mathf.Lerp(ui_fillAngles.x, ui_fillAngles.y, 1 - (Mathf.Exp(-buggy.speed / speedLim))); } modelJoystick.localRotation = joySRot; /*if (input.AttachedHand != null && input.AttachedHand.IsLeft) * { * Joystick.Rotate(steer.y * -joystickRot, steer.x * -joystickRot, 0, Space.Self); * } * else if (input.AttachedHand != null && input.AttachedHand.IsRight) * { * Joystick.Rotate(steer.y * -joystickRot, steer.x * joystickRot, 0, Space.Self); * } * else*/ //{ modelJoystick.Rotate(steer.y * -joystickRot, steer.x * -joystickRot, 0, Space.Self); //} modelTrigger.localRotation = trigSRot; modelTrigger.Rotate(throttle * -triggerRot, 0, 0, Space.Self); buttonBrake.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, b_brake ? 0.4f : 1.0f); buttonReset.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, b_reset ? 0.4f : 1.0f); buggy.steer = steer; buggy.throttle = throttle; buggy.handBrake = brake; buggy.controllerReference = transform; }