/// <summary> /// Creates a settlement for a Consumer Trust representative. /// </summary> /// <param name="consumerTrustNegotiationId">The identifier of the negotiation that has been agreed to by both parties.</param> public static void CreateConsumerTrustSettlement(Guid consumerTrustNegotiationId) { // A reference to the data model is required to query the database within the scope of a transaction. DataModel dataModel = new DataModel(); // The locking model does not provide for recursive reader locks or promoting reader locks to writer locks. So the data is collected // during a phase then the table can be locked determinstically to prevent deadlocks, then the calls to update the data model are made // once all the reader locks have been released. This structure holds the information required for the creation of a settlement record. TrustSettlementInfo trustSettlementInfo = new TrustSettlementInfo(); // Extract the ambient transaction. DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModelTransaction.Current; // These rows will be locked momentarily while the data is collected and released before the actual transaction. ConsumerTrustNegotiationRow consumerTrustNegotiationRow = null; MatchRow matchRow = null; MatchRow contraMatchRow = null; BlotterRow blotterRow = null; BlotterRow contraBlotterRow = null; DebtClassRow debtClassRow = null; ConsumerDebtNegotiationRow consumerDebtNegotiationRow = null; WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow = null; SecurityRow securityRow = null; ConsumerTrustRow consumerTrustRow = null; WorkingOrderRow contraWorkingOrderRow = null; SecurityRow contraSecurityRow = null; ConsumerDebtRow consumerDebtRow = null; ConsumerRow consumerRow = null; CreditCardRow creditCardRow = null; try { // The starting point for creating a settlement record is to find the negotiation record that has been agreed to by both parties. consumerTrustNegotiationRow = DataModel.ConsumerTrustNegotiation.ConsumerTrustNegotiationKey.Find(consumerTrustNegotiationId); consumerTrustNegotiationRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This is the record used to match this asset against another. matchRow = consumerTrustNegotiationRow.MatchRow; matchRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The next step is to find the counter parties matching information which will lead us to the counter parties asset which, in turn, contains // more information for the settlement. contraMatchRow = DataModel.Match.MatchKey.Find(matchRow.ContraMatchId); contraMatchRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The blotter contains a link to the Debt Class which is where the Payee information is found. blotterRow = matchRow.BlotterRow; blotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The blotter contains a link to the Debt Class which is where the Payee information is found. contraBlotterRow = contraMatchRow.BlotterRow; contraBlotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The debt class of the debt holder provides information about the Payee. debtClassRow = contraBlotterRow.GetDebtClassRows()[0]; debtClassRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The negotiation table has a historical component. Ever time a change is made to the negotiation on either side a completely new record // is created to record the change. While the earlier versions are useful for a historical context and for reports, this console is only // interested in the current version of the negotiations. Int64 maxVersion = Int64.MinValue; foreach (ConsumerDebtNegotiationRow versionRow in contraMatchRow.GetConsumerDebtNegotiationRows()) { try { versionRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); if (versionRow.Version > maxVersion) { maxVersion = versionRow.Version; consumerDebtNegotiationRow = versionRow; } } finally { versionRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } consumerDebtNegotiationRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The working order record is part of the object oriented path that will lead to the the asset information. This info is also needed for the // settlement record. workingOrderRow = matchRow.WorkingOrderRow; workingOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The Security record will lead us to the asset. securityRow = workingOrderRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_WorkingOrder_SecurityId; securityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This row contains the actual asset that is to be matched. consumerTrustRow = securityRow.GetConsumerTrustRows()[0]; consumerTrustRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The counter party's asset information is also required. contraWorkingOrderRow = contraMatchRow.WorkingOrderRow; contraWorkingOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This will lead to the counter party's asset. contraSecurityRow = contraWorkingOrderRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_WorkingOrder_SecurityId; contraSecurityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This is the asset belonging to the counter party that has just agreed to a settlement. consumerDebtRow = contraSecurityRow.GetConsumerDebtRows()[0]; consumerDebtRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This is the Debt Negotiator's version of the Consumer will be used to settle the account. consumerRow = consumerTrustRow.ConsumerRow; consumerRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // We also need to know which credit card was settled. creditCardRow = consumerDebtRow.CreditCardRow; creditCardRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // These values are extracted from the data model while reader locks are in place on the related records. Since the locks aren't recursive // and reader locks can't be promoted, any locks held for this collection process must be released before the middle tier methods are // called to create the record. trustSettlementInfo.AccountBalance = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.AccountBalance; trustSettlementInfo.BlotterId = contraWorkingOrderRow.BlotterId; trustSettlementInfo.ConsumerTrustNegotiationId = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.ConsumerDebtNegotiationId; trustSettlementInfo.ConsumerTrustSettlementId = Guid.NewGuid(); trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchId = contraMatchRow.MatchId; trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchRowVersion = contraMatchRow.RowVersion; trustSettlementInfo.CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; trustSettlementInfo.CreatedUserId = TradingSupport.DaemonUserId; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAccountNumber = creditCardRow.AccountNumber; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAddress1 = consumerRow.IsAddress1Null() ? null : consumerRow.Address1; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAddress2 = consumerRow.IsAddress2Null() ? null : consumerRow.Address2; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorBankAccountNumber = consumerRow.IsBankAccountNumberNull() ? null : consumerRow.BankAccountNumber; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorBankRoutingNumber = consumerRow.IsBankRoutingNumberNull() ? null : consumerRow.BankRoutingNumber; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorFirstName = consumerRow.IsFirstNameNull() ? null : consumerRow.FirstName; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorLastName = consumerRow.IsLastNameNull() ? null : consumerRow.LastName; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorMiddleName = consumerRow.IsMiddleNameNull() ? null : consumerRow.MiddleName; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorOriginalAccountNumber = creditCardRow.OriginalAccountNumber; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorSalutation = consumerRow.IsSalutationNull() ? null : consumerRow.Salutation; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorSuffix = consumerRow.IsSuffixNull() ? null : consumerRow.Suffix; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorCity = consumerRow.IsCityNull() ? null : consumerRow.City; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorProvinceId = consumerRow.IsProvinceIdNull() ? null : (Object)consumerRow.ProvinceId; trustSettlementInfo.DebtorPostalCode = consumerRow.IsPostalCodeNull() ? null : consumerRow.PostalCode; trustSettlementInfo.DebtStatusId = contraMatchRow.StatusId; trustSettlementInfo.MatchId = matchRow.MatchId; trustSettlementInfo.MatchRowVersion = matchRow.RowVersion; trustSettlementInfo.ModifiedTime = trustSettlementInfo.CreatedTime; trustSettlementInfo.ModifiedUserId = trustSettlementInfo.CreatedUserId; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeAddress1 = debtClassRow.IsAddress1Null() ? null : debtClassRow.Address1; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeAddress2 = debtClassRow.IsAddress2Null() ? null : debtClassRow.Address2; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeBankAccountNumber = debtClassRow.IsBankAccountNumberNull() ? null : debtClassRow.BankAccountNumber; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeBankRoutingNumber = debtClassRow.IsBankRoutingNumberNull() ? null : debtClassRow.BankRoutingNumber; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCity = debtClassRow.IsCityNull() ? null : debtClassRow.City; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCompanyName = debtClassRow.IsCompanyNameNull() ? null : debtClassRow.CompanyName; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeContactName = debtClassRow.IsContactNameNull() ? null : debtClassRow.ContactName; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeDepartment = debtClassRow.IsDepartmentNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Department; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeEmail = debtClassRow.IsEmailNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Email; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeFax = debtClassRow.IsFaxNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Fax; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeForBenefitOf = debtClassRow.IsForBenefitOfNull() ? null : debtClassRow.ForBenefitOf; trustSettlementInfo.PayeePhone = debtClassRow.IsPhoneNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Phone; trustSettlementInfo.PayeeProvinceId = debtClassRow.IsProvinceIdNull() ? null : (Object)debtClassRow.ProvinceId; trustSettlementInfo.PayeePostalCode = debtClassRow.IsPostalCodeNull() ? null : debtClassRow.PostalCode; trustSettlementInfo.PaymentLength = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferPaymentLength; trustSettlementInfo.TrustStatusId = matchRow.StatusId; // The payment methods acceptable for this settlement is the union of the payment methods acceptable to both sides. foreach (ConsumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow consumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow in consumerDebtNegotiationRow.GetConsumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRows()) { try { // The payment method needs to be locked while we check the counter party to see what types of payment methods are used there. consumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This loop will compare all of the counter party's acceptable payment methods against the current one offered by the // Debt Holder. If there are any that are compatible, they are moved to a list that is used to generate the settlement. foreach (ConsumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow consumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow in consumerTrustNegotiationRow.GetConsumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRows()) { try { // Lock each of the counter party payment methods while a compatible one is found. consumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // All compatible payment methods between the parties become part of the settlement information. if (consumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.PaymentMethodTypeId == consumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.PaymentMethodTypeId) { trustSettlementInfo.PaymentMethods.Add( new PaymentMethodInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), consumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.PaymentMethodTypeId)); } } finally { // The counter party payment method is no longer needed. consumerTrustNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } } finally { // This payment method is no longer needed. consumerDebtNegotiationOfferPaymentMethodRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } // This will calculate the amount of time until the first payment based on the amount of time in the negotiation and the time units. TimeUnitRow timeUnitRow = DataModel.TimeUnit.TimeUnitKey.Find(consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferPaymentStartDateUnitId); try { timeUnitRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); trustSettlementInfo.PaymentStartDate = CommonConversion.ToDateTime( consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferPaymentStartDateLength, timeUnitRow.TimeUnitCode); } finally { timeUnitRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // This will calculate the real value of the settlement from the negotiated parameters. All settlements are in terms of market value while // the negotiations may take place in terms of percentages, market value or basis points. SettlementUnitRow settlementUnitRow = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.SettlementUnitRowByFK_SettlementUnit_ConsumerDebtNegotiation_OfferSettlementUnitId; try { // Lock the SettlementUnit row down while the actual settlement value is calculated. settlementUnitRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This will calclate the actual settlement value from the negotiated value and the units used to negotiate. switch (settlementUnitRow.SettlementUnitCode) { case SettlementUnit.BasisPoint: trustSettlementInfo.SettlementAmount = Math.Round( consumerDebtNegotiationRow.AccountBalance * consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferSettlementValue, 2); break; case SettlementUnit.MarketValue: trustSettlementInfo.SettlementAmount = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferSettlementValue; break; case SettlementUnit.Percent: trustSettlementInfo.SettlementAmount = Math.Round( consumerDebtNegotiationRow.AccountBalance * consumerDebtNegotiationRow.OfferSettlementValue, 2); break; } } finally { // The SettlementUnit row is no longer needed. settlementUnitRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The 'Accepted' status indicates that one side of the negotiation has accepted the offer. StatusRow acceptedStatusRow = DataModel.Status.StatusKeyStatusCode.Find(Status.Accepted); try { acceptedStatusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); trustSettlementInfo.AcceptedStatusId = acceptedStatusRow.StatusId; } finally { acceptedStatusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The 'New' status is use for all freshly crated settlements. This state is used to tell the settlement engine that a settlement document // should be created from the parameters. StatusRow newStatusRow = DataModel.Status.StatusKeyStatusCode.Find(Status.New); try { newStatusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); trustSettlementInfo.NewStatusId = newStatusRow.StatusId; } finally { newStatusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The 'Locked' status indicates that one side of the negotiation has accepted the offer. StatusRow offerAcceptedStatusRow = DataModel.Status.StatusKeyStatusCode.Find(Status.OfferAccepted); try { offerAcceptedStatusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); trustSettlementInfo.OfferAcceptedStatusId = offerAcceptedStatusRow.StatusId; } finally { offerAcceptedStatusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The 'Pending' status indicates that one side of the negotiation has accepted the offer. StatusRow pendingStatusRow = DataModel.Status.StatusKeyStatusCode.Find(Status.Pending); try { pendingStatusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); trustSettlementInfo.PendingStatusId = pendingStatusRow.StatusId; } finally { pendingStatusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } finally { // Release the record locks. if (consumerTrustNegotiationRow != null) { consumerTrustNegotiationRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (matchRow != null) { matchRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (contraMatchRow != null) { contraMatchRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (blotterRow != null) { blotterRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (contraBlotterRow != null) { contraBlotterRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (debtClassRow != null) { debtClassRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (consumerDebtNegotiationRow != null) { consumerDebtNegotiationRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (workingOrderRow != null) { workingOrderRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (securityRow != null) { securityRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (consumerTrustRow != null) { consumerTrustRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (contraWorkingOrderRow != null) { contraWorkingOrderRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (contraSecurityRow != null) { contraSecurityRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (consumerDebtRow != null) { consumerDebtRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (consumerRow != null) { consumerRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } if (creditCardRow != null) { creditCardRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } // Nothing is done if this order has already been settled. if (trustSettlementInfo.TrustStatusId == trustSettlementInfo.AcceptedStatusId) { return; } // Nothing is done if this side has already accepted the negotiation and is waiting for the other side to respond. if (trustSettlementInfo.TrustStatusId == trustSettlementInfo.PendingStatusId) { return; } // Busines Rule #1: Don't allow a settlement if the payment methods are not compatible. if (trustSettlementInfo.PaymentMethods.Count == 0) { throw new FaultException <PaymentMethodFault>(new PaymentMethodFault("The negotiation doesn't contain compatible payment methods.")); } // Busines Rule #2: Insure there is a Payee Address if (trustSettlementInfo.PayeeAddress1 == null) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Payee Address was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #2: Insure there is a Payee City if (trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCity == null) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Payee City was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #3: Insure there is a Payee Province if (trustSettlementInfo.PayeeProvinceId == null) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Payee Province was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #4: Insure there is a Payee Company Name if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCompanyName)) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Payee Company Name was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #5: Insure there is a Debtor City if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAddress1)) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Debtor Address was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #5: Insure there is a Debtor City if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)trustSettlementInfo.DebtorCity)) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Debtor City was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #6: Insure there is a Debtor Province if (trustSettlementInfo.DebtorProvinceId == null) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Debtor State was not provided.")); } // Busines Rule #7: Insure there is a first or last name. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)trustSettlementInfo.DebtorFirstName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)trustSettlementInfo.DebtorLastName)) { throw new FaultException <ArgumentFault>(new ArgumentFault("The Debtor Name was not provided.")); } // Only when the Consumer Debt side is awaiting a settlement is the settlement generated. if (trustSettlementInfo.DebtStatusId == trustSettlementInfo.PendingStatusId) { // The state of the Match must be updated to reflect that this record is no longer available for negotiation. dataModel.UpdateMatch( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new Object[] { trustSettlementInfo.MatchId }, trustSettlementInfo.MatchRowVersion, trustSettlementInfo.AcceptedStatusId, null); // The contra is also updated to reflect the settled state of this negotiation. dataModel.UpdateMatch( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new Object[] { trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchId }, trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchRowVersion, trustSettlementInfo.AcceptedStatusId, null); // This records the terms of the settlement between the Consumer Trust account and the Consumer Debt account. dataModel.CreateConsumerDebtSettlement( trustSettlementInfo.AccountBalance, trustSettlementInfo.BlotterId, trustSettlementInfo.ConsumerTrustNegotiationId, trustSettlementInfo.ConsumerTrustSettlementId, trustSettlementInfo.CreatedTime, trustSettlementInfo.CreatedUserId, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAccountNumber, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAddress1, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorAddress2, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorBankAccountNumber, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorBankRoutingNumber, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorCity, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorFirstName, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorLastName, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorMiddleName, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorOriginalAccountNumber, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorPostalCode, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorProvinceId, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorSalutation, trustSettlementInfo.DebtorSuffix, null, trustSettlementInfo.ModifiedTime, trustSettlementInfo.ModifiedUserId, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeAddress1, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeAddress2, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeBankAccountNumber, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeBankRoutingNumber, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCity, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeCompanyName, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeContactName, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeDepartment, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeEmail, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeFax, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeForBenefitOf, trustSettlementInfo.PayeePhone, trustSettlementInfo.PayeePostalCode, trustSettlementInfo.PayeeProvinceId, trustSettlementInfo.PaymentLength, trustSettlementInfo.PaymentStartDate, trustSettlementInfo.SettlementAmount, null, trustSettlementInfo.NewStatusId); // Each of the acceptable payment methods is also written as part of this transaction. foreach (PaymentMethodInfo paymentMethodInfo in trustSettlementInfo.PaymentMethods) { dataModel.CreateConsumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethod( trustSettlementInfo.BlotterId, trustSettlementInfo.ConsumerTrustSettlementId, paymentMethodInfo.ConsumerTrustSettlementPaymentMethodId, paymentMethodInfo.PaymentMethodId); } } else { // At this point, the other party has not yet accepted the offer so we set the status of the Match and wait. dataModel.UpdateMatch( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new Object[] { trustSettlementInfo.MatchId }, trustSettlementInfo.MatchRowVersion, trustSettlementInfo.PendingStatusId, null); // The counter party must be advised that they can not alter the state of the settlement once it has been accepted. dataModel.UpdateMatch( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new Object[] { trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchId }, trustSettlementInfo.ContraMatchRowVersion, trustSettlementInfo.OfferAcceptedStatusId, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Evaluates whether a given working order is eligible for a cross with another order. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key of the object to be handled.</param> /// <param name="parameters">A generic list of paraneters to the handler.</param> public static void MergeDocument(Object[] key, params Object[] parameters) { // Extract the strongly typed variables from the generic parameters. Guid consumerDebtSettlementId = (Guid)key[0]; // This structure will collect the information required for the merge operation. MergeInfo mergeInfo = new MergeInfo(); mergeInfo.ConsumerDebtSettlementId = consumerDebtSettlementId; // An instance of the data model is required for CRUD operations. DataModel dataModel = new DataModel(); // If two counterparties agree on a transaction then a settlement report is generated from the Word Template associated with the Consumer Debt // Entity. using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TimeSpan.FromHours(1))) { // This provides a context for any transactions. DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModelTransaction.Current; // It is important to minimize the locking for these transactions since they will drag the system performance down and create deadlock // sitiations if too many are held for too long. BlotterRow blotterRow = null; ConsumerDebtSettlementRow consumerDebtSettlementRow = null; ConsumerDebtNegotiationRow consumerDebtNegotiationRow = null; MatchRow matchRow = null; CreditCardRow creditCardRow = null; WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow = null; try { // The ConsumerDebtSettlement row is where the search for the Settlement Information begins. consumerDebtSettlementRow = DataModel.ConsumerDebtSettlement.ConsumerDebtSettlementKey.Find(consumerDebtSettlementId); consumerDebtSettlementRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // There is no need to generate a report on a settlement that isn't new. This will momentarily lock the status table so we // can see if the settlement is new. try { consumerDebtSettlementRow.StatusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); if (consumerDebtSettlementRow.StatusRow.StatusCode != Status.New) { return; } } finally { consumerDebtSettlementRow.StatusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The RowVersion is needed to update the record with the new PDF report. mergeInfo.RowVersion = consumerDebtSettlementRow.RowVersion; // The negotiation row contains the link to the base matching row. consumerDebtNegotiationRow = consumerDebtSettlementRow.ConsumerDebtNegotiationRow; consumerDebtNegotiationRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The base matching row is where we'll find the working order. matchRow = consumerDebtNegotiationRow.MatchRow; matchRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The working order row is where the blotter can be found. workingOrderRow = matchRow.WorkingOrderRow; workingOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // And the blotter will lead us to the Entity hierarchy which is where we'll find the rules. blotterRow = workingOrderRow.BlotterRow; blotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // The 'Pending' status is applied to the Settlement after the letter has been generated. The status needs to be picked up while we're // still locking and reading tables. StatusRow statusRow = DataModel.Status.StatusKeyStatusCode.Find(Status.Pending); try { statusRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); mergeInfo.StatusId = statusRow.StatusId; } finally { statusRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } //Find the consumerDebt to find the credit Card to get the origianl creditor ConsumerTrustNegotiationRow trustNegotiation = null; MatchRow contraWorMatchRow = DataModel.Match.MatchKey.Find(matchRow.ContraMatchId); contraWorMatchRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); try { trustNegotiation = contraWorMatchRow.GetConsumerTrustNegotiationRows()[0]; } finally { if (contraWorMatchRow != null) { contraWorMatchRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } //Consumer Debt Row trustNegotiation.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); try { creditCardRow = trustNegotiation.CreditCardRow; } finally { if (trustNegotiation != null) { trustNegotiation.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } creditCardRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // There is only going to be one Debt Class record associated with this blotter, but the iteration is an easier construct to work with than // the equivalent array logic for a single element. foreach (DebtClassRow debtClassRow in blotterRow.GetDebtClassRows()) { // This variable will keep track of our current location as we crawl up the hierarchy. It is important to release the records as soon // as possible to reduce the likelyhood of a deadlock. DebtClassRow currentDebtClassRow = debtClassRow; DebtClassRow nextDebtClassRow = null; // This flag will be set when a Debt Class in the hierarchy contains a Debt Rule. Boolean isFound = false; // This will crawl up the hierarchy until a Debt Class is found with a rule. This rule will provide the opening values for the bid on // this negotiation. do { try { // This will lock the current item in the hierarchy so it can be examined for a rule or, failing that, a parent element. currentDebtClassRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // If the current Debt Class has no rule then the Entity Hierarchy is used to find the parent element. if (currentDebtClassRow.IsSettlementTemplateNull()) { // The entity is the root of all objects in the hierarchy. From this object the path to the parent Debt Class can be // navigated. EntityRow entityRow = DataModel.Entity.EntityKey.Find(currentDebtClassRow.DebtClassId); try { // Each entity needs to be locked before the relation can be used. entityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This will find each relation in the hierarchy which uses the current node as a child. foreach (EntityTreeRow entityTreeRow in entityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId()) { try { // Lock the relation down before navigating to the parent. entityTreeRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // This is the parent entity of the current entity in the crawl up the hierarchy. EntityRow parentEntityRow = entityTreeRow.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId; try { // The parent entity must be locked befor it can be checked for blotters and then, in turn, debt // classes. parentEntityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // In practice, there will be zero or one blotter rows. The iteration makes it easier to check both // conditions. foreach (BlotterRow parentBlotterRow in parentEntityRow.GetBlotterRows()) { try { // The blotter must be locked before iterating through the Debt Classes that may be associated // with the blotter. parentBlotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); // Each blotter can have zero or one Debt Classes associated with it. This is a long an // tortuous way to finally get to the parent Debt Class. foreach (DebtClassRow parentDebtClassRow in parentBlotterRow.GetDebtClassRows()) { try { // Now that we've finally found the parent Debt Class, it will become the parent on the // next pass through the hierarchy. Note that the locks are released each time we pass // through a level of the hierarchy. parentDebtClassRow.AcquireReaderLock( dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); nextDebtClassRow = parentDebtClassRow; } finally { // The locks are released after the parent Debt Class is found. parentDebtClassRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } } finally { // The locks are released after the each level of the hierarchy is checked. parentBlotterRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } } finally { // The parent Entity record is released after each level of the hiearchy is examined for a parent. parentEntityRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } finally { // The relationship record is released after each level of the hierarchy is examined for a parent. entityTreeRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } } finally { // Finaly, the current entity is released. This allows us to finally move on to the next level of the hierarchy // without having to hold the locks for the entire transaction. entityRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } else { // The template has been found and converted back to a Microsoft Word template. mergeInfo.SourceDocument = Convert.FromBase64String(currentDebtClassRow.SettlementTemplate); // This will cause the loop to exit. isFound = true; } } finally { // The current Debt Class can be released. At this point, every record that was locked to read the hiearchy has been // released and the loop can either exit (when a rule is found) or move on to the parent Debt Class. currentDebtClassRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // Now that all the locks are released, the parent Debt Class becomes the current one for the next level up in the hierarchy. // This algorithm will keep on climbing through the levels until a rule is found or the hierarchy is exhausted. currentDebtClassRow = nextDebtClassRow; } while (isFound == false && currentDebtClassRow != null); } // AccountBalance mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "AccountBalance", String.Format("{0:$#,##0.00}", consumerDebtSettlementRow.AccountBalance)); // CreatedDate mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("CreatedDate", consumerDebtSettlementRow.CreatedTime); // Original Creditor mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtHolder", creditCardRow.IsDebtHolderNull() ? null : creditCardRow.DebtHolder); // DebtorAccountNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorAccountNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorAccountNumberNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorAccountNumber); // DebtorBankAccountNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorBankAccountNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorBankAccountNumberNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorBankAccountNumber); // DebtorBankRoutingNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorBankRoutingNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorBankRoutingNumberNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorBankRoutingNumber); // DebtorAddress1 mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorAddress1", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorAddress1Null() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorAddress1); // DebtorAddress2 mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorAddress2", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorAddress2Null() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorAddress2); // DebtorCity mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorCity", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorCityNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorCity); // DebtorFirstName mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorFirstName", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorFirstNameNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorFirstName); // DebtorLastName mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorLastName", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorLastNameNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorLastName); // DebtorMiddleName mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorMiddleName", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorMiddleNameNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorMiddleName); // DebtorOriginalAccountNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorOriginalAccountNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorOriginalAccountNumber); // DebtorPostalCode mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorPostalCode", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorPostalCodeNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorPostalCode); // DebtorProvince String debtorProvince = null; if (!consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorProvinceIdNull()) { ProvinceRow provinceRow = consumerDebtSettlementRow.ProvinceRowByFK_Province_ConsumerDebtSettlement_DebtorProvinceId; try { provinceRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); debtorProvince = provinceRow.Abbreviation; } finally { provinceRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("DebtorProvinceAbbreviation", debtorProvince); // DebtorSalutation mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorSalutation", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorSalutationNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorSalutation); // DebtorSuffix mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "DebtorSuffix", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsDebtorSuffixNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.DebtorSuffix); // PayeeAddress1 mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeAddress1", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeAddress1Null() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeAddress1); // PayeeAddress2 mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeAddress2", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeAddress2Null() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeAddress2); // PayeeCity mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeCity", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeCityNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeCity); // PayeeCompanyName mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeCompanyName", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeCompanyNameNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeCompanyName); // PayeeContactName mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeContactName", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeContactNameNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeContactName); // PayeeDepartment mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeDepartment", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeDepartmentNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeDepartment); // PayeeEmail mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeEmail", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeEmailNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeEmail); // PayeeFax mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeFax", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeFaxNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeFax); // PayeeForBenefitOf mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeForBenefitOf", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeForBenefitOfNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeForBenefitOf); // PayeePhone mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeePhone", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeePhoneNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeePhone); // PayeePostalCode mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeePostalCode", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeePostalCodeNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeePostalCode); // PayeeProvince String payeeProvince = null; if (!consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeProvinceIdNull()) { ProvinceRow provinceRow = consumerDebtSettlementRow.ProvinceRowByFK_Province_ConsumerDebtSettlement_PayeeProvinceId; try { provinceRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); payeeProvince = provinceRow.Abbreviation; } finally { provinceRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("PayeeProvinceAbbreviation", payeeProvince); // PaymentLength mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("PaymentLength", consumerDebtSettlementRow.PaymentLength); // PaymentStartDate mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("PaymentStartDate", consumerDebtSettlementRow.PaymentStartDate.ToLocalTime().ToLongDateString()); // PayeeBankAccountNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeBankAccountNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeBankAccountNumberNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeBankAccountNumber); // PayeeBankRoutingNumber mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add( "PayeeBankRoutingNumber", consumerDebtSettlementRow.IsPayeeBankRoutingNumberNull() ? null : consumerDebtSettlementRow.PayeeBankRoutingNumber); // SettlementAmount mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("SettlementAmount", consumerDebtSettlementRow.SettlementAmount); // SettlementPercent mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("SettlementPercent", consumerDebtSettlementRow.SettlementAmount / consumerDebtSettlementRow.AccountBalance); // TermPaymentAmount mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add("TermPaymentAmount", consumerDebtSettlementRow.SettlementAmount / consumerDebtSettlementRow.PaymentLength); // The payment methods is modeled as a vector which makes it difficult to add as a single merge field. To work around this, each of the // possible payment methods are described in the data dictionary using the form 'Is{PaymentMethodName}'. The Word Merge process should look for // the presence of these fields to generate a block of text for the instructions for each of the payment methods. This iteration will // collect all the possible payment method types in an array and assume that they don't exist (i.e. set them to a Boolean value of 'false') // until they're found in the settlement instructions. foreach (PaymentMethodTypeRow paymentMethodTypeRow in DataModel.PaymentMethodType) { try { paymentMethodTypeRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); mergeInfo.Dictionary.Add(String.Format("Is{0}", paymentMethodTypeRow.Name.Replace(" ", String.Empty)), false); } finally { paymentMethodTypeRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } // This iteration will cycle through all the payment methods in the settlement and set them to be true. The result is a dictionary of all // possible payment methods with the ones included in this settlement set to be the Boolean value of 'true'. foreach (ConsumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRow consumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRow in consumerDebtSettlementRow.GetConsumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRows()) { try { // Each of the payment methods in the settlement are modeled as a list that is associated with the settlement. This will lock each // of the items in the list in turn and examine the parent 'PaymentMethodType' record to construct a mail-merge tag. consumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); PaymentMethodTypeRow paymentMethodTypeRow = DataModel.PaymentMethodType.PaymentMethodTypeKey.Find( consumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRow.PaymentMethodTypeId); try { // Once the parent MethodType is found a tag is added to the dictionary. The presence of the 'Is<PaymentMethodType>' item in // the dictionary means that the given payment method is acceptable for this settlement. paymentMethodTypeRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout); mergeInfo.Dictionary[String.Format("Is{0}", paymentMethodTypeRow.Name.Replace(" ", String.Empty))] = true; } finally { // The parent payment method type row is not needed any longer. paymentMethodTypeRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } finally { // Release the payment method row. consumerDebtSettlementPaymentMethodRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } } finally { // The CreditCardRow is no longer needed. if (creditCardRow != null && creditCardRow.IsReaderLockHeld(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId)) { creditCardRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The ConsumerDebtSettlementRow is no longer needed. if (consumerDebtSettlementRow != null) { consumerDebtSettlementRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The ConsumerDebtNegotiation Row is no longer needed. if (consumerDebtNegotiationRow != null) { consumerDebtNegotiationRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The MatchRow is no longer needed. if (matchRow != null) { matchRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The WorkingOrderRow is no longer needed. if (workingOrderRow != null) { workingOrderRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } // The BlotterRow is no longer needed. if (blotterRow != null) { blotterRow.ReleaseReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId); } } MemoryStream memoryStream = null; try { // At this point, all the data has been collected and the record locks released. It is time to merge the document. memoryStream = SettlementDocumentFactory.iMailMerge.CreateDocument(mergeInfo.SourceDocument, mergeInfo.Dictionary); } catch (Exception exception) { EventLog.Error("There was a problem creating the settlement letter. \n Details: {0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace); } if (memoryStream != null) { // Update the settlement with the newly generated PFD file. dataModel.UpdateConsumerDebtSettlement( null, null, null, null, new Object[] { consumerDebtSettlementId }, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, mergeInfo.RowVersion, null, Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray()), mergeInfo.StatusId); } // If we reached here the transaction was successful. transactionScope.Complete(); } }