public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Event @event) { try { if (@event == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _eventRepository.Add(@event); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Event Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Event has Failed to Add. Event - {0}", @event); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Event failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error Event failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, @event); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Event Failed to Add."))); } }
public IActionResult GetCountryBasedOnTournament(int?tournamentId) { try { if (!tournamentId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("tournamentId Paramter has no value."))); } var results = _countryRepository.GetCountryBasedOnTournament(tournamentId); if (results != null) { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0} successful.", tournamentId); return(Ok(results)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0} has no items", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items found."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0}. Error - {1}", tournamentId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed to retrieve items."))); } }
public IActionResult Get(int?tournamentId) { try { if (!tournamentId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No paramter provided for Market Odds"))); } var result = _oddsRepository.GetMarketOdds(tournamentId); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Get odds for markets for tournament Id : {0} successful", tournamentId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Get odds for markets for tournament Id : {0} has no items.", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Market odds contains no items."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogInformation("Get odds for markets for tournament Id : {0}. Error - {1}", tournamentId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Markets odds has failed"))); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] Event @event) { try { if (@event.Equals(null)) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The was no data present."))); } var result = _eventRepository.Update(@event); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Event ID : {0} successfully updated.", @event.EventId); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"{@event.EventId} was Successfully Updated."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Event ID : {0} was not updated.", @event.EventId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"Update was unsuccessful."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("The Event update has failed. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The update has failed."))); } }
public IActionResult Get(int?tournamentId) { try { if (!tournamentId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Retriving events failed."))); } var result = _eventRepository.GetAllEventsForTournament(tournamentId); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Get events for tournament ID : {0} successful", tournamentId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Get events for tournament ID : {0} has no items", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Retriving events failed."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogInformation("Get events for tournament ID : {0} has failed", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"Retriving events failed. Error : {e.Message}"))); } }
public IActionResult AddMarketBetTypes([FromBody] MarketBetType marketBetType) { try { if (marketBetType == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _marketRepository.AddMarketBetTypes(marketBetType); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Market Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Market Bet Type Mapping Has Failed to Add. Market - {0}", marketBetType); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Market Bet Type Mapping failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error Market failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, marketBetType); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Market Bet Type Mapping Failed to Add."))); } }
public IActionResult Find(int?countryId) { try { if (!countryId.HasValue) { return(BadRequest("Invalid Input.")); } var result = _countryRepository.Find(countryId); if (result != null) { _logger.LogInformation($"ID : {countryId} has been successfully found."); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogError("Country ID : {0} was not found.", countryId); return(StatusCode(404, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Country Not Found."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Failed to located Country. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Something went wrong."))); } }
public IActionResult GetTournament(int?tournamentId) { try { if (!tournamentId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No parameters provided."))); } var result = _tournamentRepository.GetTournament(tournamentId); if (result != null) { _logger.LogInformation("Get tournaments for tournamentId {0} successful.", tournamentId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("No items for tournaments for tournamentId {0}.", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items found"))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Failed to get items for tournaments for tournamentId {0}. Error - {1}", tournamentId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed to recivece items."))); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Country country) { try { if (country == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _countryRepository.Add(country); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Country Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Country has Failed to Add. Country - {0}", country); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Country failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error country failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, country); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Country Failed to Add."))); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] Country country) { try { if (country.Equals(null)) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The was no data present."))); } var result = _countryRepository.Update(country); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Country ID : {0} successfully updated.", country.CountryId); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"{country.CountryName} was Successfully Updated."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Country ID : {0} was not updated.", country.CountryId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"Update was unsuccessful."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("The Country update has failed. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The update has failed."))); } }
public IActionResult GetBetTypes(int?tournamentId) { try { if (!tournamentId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Retriving bet types has failed."))); } var result = _betTypeRepository.GetBetTypesForTournament(tournamentId); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Bet types for tournament Id {0} has been successfully executed.", tournamentId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Bet types for tournament Id {0} has failed.", tournamentId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Retriving bet types has failed."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogInformation("Bet types for tournament Id {0} has failed. Error : {1}", tournamentId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Retriving bet types has failed."))); } //_logger.LogInformation("Bet types for tournament Id {0} accessed.",tournamentId); //return _betTypeRepository.GetBetTypesForTournament(tournamentId); }
public IActionResult GetMarkets(int?betTypeId) { try { if (!betTypeId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Getting markets failed. No parameter provided."))); } var result = _marketRepository.GetMarketsForBetType(betTypeId); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Get all markets for bet type Id :{0} successful", betTypeId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Get all markets for bet type Id :{0} has no items.", betTypeId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No markets found."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Get all markets for bet type Id :{0} has failed. : Error - {1}", betTypeId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Getting markets failed"))); } }
public IActionResult Delete(int?countryId) { try { if (!countryId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No parameter provided."))); } var result = _countryRepository.Delete(countryId); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation($"ID : {countryId} has been successfully deleted."); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"ID : {countryId} has been successfully deleted."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Country ID : {0} was not deleted.", countryId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"Delete was unsuccessful."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("The Country delete has failed. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The delete has failed."))); } }
public IActionResult AddOdds([FromBody] Odds odds) { try { if (odds == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _eventRepository.AddOdds(odds); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Odds Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Odds has Failed to Add. Event - {0}", odds); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Odds failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error Odds failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, odds); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Odds Failed to Add." + e.Message))); } }
public IActionResult Get(int?sportId, int?countryId) { try { if (!sportId.HasValue && !countryId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No parameters provided."))); } var result = _tournamentRepository.GetAllTournamentsForSportBasedOnCountry(sportId, countryId); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Get tournaments for sport id : {0} and countryId : {1} successful.", sportId, countryId); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("No items for tournaments for sport id : {0} and countryId : {1}.", sportId, countryId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items found"))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Failed to get items for tournaments for sport id : {0} and countryId : {1}. Error - {2}", sportId, countryId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed to recivece items."))); } }
public IActionResult AddSportTournamentCountry([FromBody] SportTournament sportTournament) { try { if (sportTournament == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _tournamentRepository.AddSportTournamentCountry(sportTournament); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Tournament Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Tournament has Failed to Add. Tournament - {0}", sportTournament); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Tournament mapping failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error Tournament failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, sportTournament); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Tournament mapping Failed to Add."))); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] BetType betType) { try { if (betType.Equals(null)) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The was no data present."))); } var result = _betTypeRepository.Update(betType); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Bet Type ID : {0} successfully updated.", betType.BetTypeId); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"{betType.BetTypeName} was Successfully Updated."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Bet Type : {0} was not updated.", betType.BetTypeId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject($"Update was unsuccessful."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("The Bet Type update has failed. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The update has failed."))); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] BetType betType) { try { if (betType == null) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items have been provided."))); } var result = _betTypeRepository.Add(betType); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Bet Type Successfully Added"); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Bet Type has Failed to Add. Bet Type - {0}", betType); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Bet Type failed to add."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error Bet Type failed to add . Error - {0} , Data - {1}", e.Message, betType); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error Bet Type Failed to Add."))); } }
public IActionResult Get(int?sportId) //https://localhost:44330/api/sportcountry?sportId=5 { try { if (!sportId.HasValue) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("SportId Paramter has no value."))); } var results = _countryRepository.GetCountryForSport(sportId); if (results.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0} successful.", sportId); return(Ok(results)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0} has no items", sportId); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items found."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogInformation("Get countries for sport id : {0}. Error - {1}", sportId, e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed to retrieve items."))); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] SportTree sportTree) { try { var result = _sportTree.Add(sportTree); // returns a boolean based on the number of rows affected if (result) // if the post was successfully added to the db it will return true { return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added"))); } else // if the post was unsuccesful it will return false { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Insert Failed."))); } } catch (Exception eo) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Insert Failed."))); } }
public IActionResult Get() { try { var result = _sportTree.GetAll(); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Successfully retrieved."); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogInformation("No items found."); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No items available."))); } } catch { _logger.LogInformation("Failed to find items."); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed to retrive items."))); } }
public IActionResult Get() { try { var result = _countryRepository.GetAll(); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Successfully recieved Country Data."); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogError("No country data. Data - {0}", result); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No country data."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error recieving data. Error - {0}. Data - {1}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error recieving Country data."))); } }
public IActionResult GetMarketBetTypes() { try { var result = _marketRepository.GetMarketBetTypes(); if (result.Any()) { _logger.LogInformation("Successfully recieved Market Data."); return(Ok(result)); } else { _logger.LogError("No Market data. Data - {0}", result); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No Market data."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Error recieving data. Error - {0}.", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Error recieving Market data." + e.Message))); } }
public IActionResult AddSportCountryMapping([FromBody] SportCountry sportCountry) { try { if (sportCountry.Equals(null)) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("No input provided."))); } var result = _sportTree.AddSportCountryMapping(sportCountry); if (result) { return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Added."))); } else { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Insert has Failed."))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Insert has Failed. " + e.Message))); } }
public IActionResult DeleteSportCountry(int?sportCountry) { try { if (!sportCountry.HasValue) { return(BadRequest("Oops something went wrong.")); // if there was no value entered of sportId it will return a bad request. } var result = _sportTree.DeteleSportCountry(sportCountry); //returns a bool based on a row being effected. if (result) { return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Delete successful"))); } else { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Delete Failed."))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("The item could not be Deleted. {0}"))); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] SportTree sportTree) { try { if (sportTree.Equals(null)) { return(BadRequest("Oops something went wrong.")); // if there was no value entered of sportId it will return a bad request. } var result = _sportTree.Update(sportTree); // searches the table using the given idea and if the item is found and updated it will return true if (result) { return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Successfully Updated"))); } else { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Update Failed."))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Update Failed."))); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] BetSlipViewModel betSlip) { //var x =_betSlip.Add(betSlip); //return StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("successful")); try { var result = _betSlip.Add(betSlip); if (result) { _logger.LogInformation("Bet Slip successfully created."); return(StatusCode(200, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Bet Successfully Placed."))); } else { _logger.LogError("Bet slip was not created."); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Unsuccessful."))); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("Creating bet slip has failed. Error - {0}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(400, StatusCodes.ReturnStatusObject("Failed."))); } }