/// <summary>Initialize a new worker with the specified action. /// </summary> /// <param name="actionName">The action name.</param> /// <param name="action">The action to run by the worker.</param> public Worker(string actionName, Action action) { _actionName = actionName; _action = action; _status = Status.Initial; _logger = ObjectContainer.Resolve<ILoggerFactory>().Create(GetType().FullName); }
// The following return usernames /// <summary> /// Create a game between 2 players /// </summary> /// <param name="Player1"> /// </param> /// <param name="Player2"></param> public Game(String Player1, String Player2) { GameStatus = Status.PENDING; this.Player1 = Player1; this.Player2 = Player2; this.Board = (int[][]) DefaultBoard.Clone (); }
//verifica se dois status são iguais(compara o valor dos atributos) public bool ehIgual(Status outroStatus) { bool ehIgual = true; if(this.forca != outroStatus.forca) { ehIgual = false; } else if (this.inteligencia != outroStatus.inteligencia) { ehIgual = false; } else if (this.vitalidade != outroStatus.vitalidade) { ehIgual = false; } else if(this.defesa != outroStatus.defesa) { ehIgual = false; } else if(this.magia != outroStatus.magia) { ehIgual = false; } else if(this.ataque != outroStatus.ataque) { ehIgual = false; } else if(this.hp != outroStatus.hp) { ehIgual = false; } else if(this.mp != outroStatus.mp) { ehIgual = false; } return ehIgual; }
private void DoWalkOrClimb(string tag) { switch (tag) { case "Up": TimeToWait = Consts.WalkTime; TimeSwitchs.GetInput = true; PlayerStatus = Status.Climb; PlayerAnimator.SetTrigger("Climb"); PlayerRigibody.velocity = new Vector2(0, Consts.MoveSpeed); break; case "Down": TimeToWait = Consts.WalkTime; TimeSwitchs.GetInput = true; PlayerStatus = Status.Climb; PlayerAnimator.SetTrigger("Climb"); PlayerRigibody.velocity = new Vector2(0, -Consts.MoveSpeed); break; case "Left": TimeToWait = Consts.WalkTime; TimeSwitchs.GetInput = true; PlayerStatus = Status.Walk; PlayerAnimator.SetTrigger("Walk"); PlayerRigibody.velocity = new Vector2(-Consts.MoveSpeed, 0f); break; case "Right": TimeToWait = Consts.WalkTime; TimeSwitchs.GetInput = true; PlayerStatus = Status.Walk; PlayerAnimator.SetTrigger("Walk"); GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(Consts.MoveSpeed, 0f); break; } }
public static string FormatStatusHtml(Status inputStatus) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); string tlitemClass = "tlitem"; // If your user name is found in the text of any status, change the style. if (inputStatus.Text.ToLower().Contains(Properties.Settings.Default.UserName.ToLower())) { tlitemClass = "tlitemAlert"; } else if (inputStatus.User.ScreenName == TwitterManager.Instance().CurrentUser.ScreenName) { tlitemClass = "tlitemMine"; } // Build the output output.Append("<tweet><div class=\"" + tlitemClass + "\">"); output.Append(" <div class=\"tlimage\">"); output.Append(" <img onclick=\"window.external.SetReply('" + inputStatus.User.ScreenName + "');\" src=\"" + inputStatus.User.ProfileImageUrl + "\" alt=\"" + inputStatus.User.Name + " (" + inputStatus.User.ScreenName + ")\" />"); output.Append(" </div>"); output.Append(" <div class=\"tldetails\">"); output.Append(" <h2>" + inputStatus.User.ScreenName + "</h2>"); output.Append(" <span class=\"tlcommands\">"); output.Append(" <span class=\"tlcreated\">" + inputStatus.CreatedAt.ToShortTimeString() + "</span><br />"); output.Append(" <span class=\"directReply\" onclick=\"window.external.SetReplyCommand('" + inputStatus.User.ScreenName + "','d');\">Direct Reply</span><br />"); output.Append(" <span class=\"publicReply\" onclick=\"window.external.SetReply('" + inputStatus.User.ScreenName + "');\">Public Reply</span>"); output.Append(" </span>"); output.Append(" <div class=\"tltext\">" + Format(inputStatus.Text) + "</div>"); output.Append(" </div>"); output.Append("</div></tweet>"); return output.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the SM of the primite action: Take-Object /// </summary> /// <param name="brain">HAL9000Brain instance</param> /// <param name="cmdMan">HAL9000CmdMan instance</param> /// <param name="objectToTake">Name of the object to take. Default: empty string.</param> public NavigateTo(HAL9000Brain brain, HAL9000CmdMan cmdMan, GPSR_WORLD SMConfiguration, string locationToReach = "") { this.brain = brain; this.cmdMan = cmdMan; finalStatus = Status.Ready; this.SMConfiguration = SMConfiguration; this.locationToReach = locationToReach; navigSucceded = "I reach the location."; navigFailed = "I can't reach the location."; SM = new FunctionBasedStateMachine(); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.InitialState, InitialState)); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.RiseArms, RiseArms)); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.Navigate, Navigate)); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.Navigate_Succeeded, Navigate_Succeeded)); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.Navigate_Failed, Navigate_Failed)); SM.AddState(new FunctionState((int)States.FinalState, FinalState, true)); SM.SetFinalState((int)States.FinalState); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したツイートを起点とした会話ツリーを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="root"></param> /// <returns></returns> public StatusCollection Get(Status root) { return this.DoReadLockAction(() => { var list = new List<Status> { root }; var current = root; // 起点より古いツイートの抽出 (in_reply_to を辿っていく) while (current.DisplayStatus.InReplyToStatusId.HasValue) { Status next; if (this.statuses.TryGetValue(current.DisplayStatus.InReplyToStatusId.Value, out next)) { list.Add(next); current = next; } else break; } // 起点より新しいツイートの抽出 (ReplyFrom を使って逆方向へ辿る (再帰でツリーすべてをさらう感じ)) Action<Status> recursion = null; recursion = status => { status.DisplayStatus.ReplyFrom.ForEach(s => recursion(s)); list.Add(status); }; recursion(root); return new StatusCollection(list.OrderByDescending(s => s.Id)); }); }
public SCAnimationInfo(Action callback, float time) { mCallback = callback; mTime = time; mStatus = Status.NOT_STARTED; }
async private void OnUploadData() { IsUploading = true; await UploadData(Name); IsUploading = false; Status = Status.Uploaded; }
public Registro(Conta Conta, DateTime DataAgendamento, double Valor, Status Status) { this.Conta = Conta; this.DataAgendamento = DataAgendamento; this.Valor = Valor; this.Status = Status; }
//상테와 파라메터를 통해 아처의 상태를 컨트롤 합니다. public void SetStatus(Status status) { //animator 에서 만든 상태 간 전이를 상황에 맞게 호출 한다. switch (status) { case Status.Idle: mAnimator.SetTrigger("Idle"); Debug.Log("idle---"); break; case Status.Attack: mAnimator.SetTrigger("Basic_Attack"); Debug.Log("Attack---"); break; case Status.Dead: mAnimator.SetTrigger("Dead"); Debug.Log("Die---"); break; case Status.Damaged: mAnimator.SetTrigger("Damaged"); Debug.Log("Damage---"); break; case Status.UseSkill: mAnimator.SetTrigger("Skill01"); Debug.Log("Skill---"); break; } }
public override void OnUpdate(Status ks) { var lst = new List<Entity>(Parent.FindEntitiesByType<EntityPlayer>()); foreach (var entity in lst) { var ep = (EntityPlayer) entity; if (ep.IsDying) continue; if ( new RectangleF(ep.Location.X, ep.Location.Y + 1, ep.Size.Width, ep.Size.Height - 1).CheckCollision( new RectangleF(Location.X + 2, Location.Y + 4, 12, 12)) && ep.Velocity.Y < 0) OpenItem(ep); } foreach (var entity in new List<Entity>(Parent.FindEntitiesByType<EntityTurcosShell>())) { var m = (EntityTurcosShell) entity; if (m.IsRunning && new RectangleF(Location.X - 4, Location.Y + 8, 24, 8).CheckCollision(new RectangleF(m.Location, m.Size))) { try { OpenItem((EntityPlayer) Parent.First(s => s is EntityPlayer)); } catch { // 握りつぶす } break; } } }
public Status GetStatus() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); if (Key == null) { throw new Exception("Captcha.GetStatus: Key is null"); } if (CaptchaID == null) { throw new Exception("Captcha.GetStatus: CaptchaID is null"); } string resp=client.DownloadString("http://antigate.com/res.php?key="+ Key+"&action=get&id="+CaptchaID.ToString()); if (resp.Contains("CAPCHA_NOT_READY")) { CaptchaStatus = Status.NotReady; return Status.NotReady; } if(resp.Substring(0,2)=="OK") { CaptchaText = resp.Substring(3); CaptchaStatus=Status.Success; return Status.Success; } CaptchaStatus=Status.Error; return Status.Error; }
void Start() { var controller = HelloApp.App.Get<HomeController>(); var model = controller.SceneInfo().Model.As<SceneInfoViewModel>(); model.BackButton.Manifest(); var r = new nResolver(); var db = r.Resolve<nUnityDb>(); db.Count<Status>(delegate (int count) { if (count == 0) { nLog.Debug("Found no instances; creating one"); var record = new Status(); record.Value = "Hello World"; record.IdValue = 99; db.Insert(record, delegate { nLog.Debug("Inserted"); }); } else { db.All<Status>(0, 1, delegate (IEnumerable<Status> items) { var item = items.First(); nLog.Debug ("Loaded value was: " + item.Value); nLog.Debug ("Loaded id was: " + item.IdValue); }); } }); }
private void UpdateBehavior(Status ks) { if (Location.X < 0) Kill(); if (Location.X > ks.Map.Width * 16 - 16) Kill(); if (Location.Y < 0) { Velocity.Y = 0; Location.Y = 0; } if (Location.Y > ks.Map.Height * 16) Kill(true, false); foreach (EntityLiving e in new List<Entity>(Parent.FindEntitiesByType<EntityLiving>())) if (!e.IsDying && (e.MyGroup == EntityGroup.Enemy) && new RectangleF(Location, Size).CheckCollision(new RectangleF(e.Location, e.Size))) { e.Kill(); Kill(); } if (Life < 1) Kill(); if (CollisionBottom() == ObjectHitFlag.Hit) { Velocity.Y = -2.5f; Life--; } if ((CollisionLeft() == ObjectHitFlag.Hit) || (CollisionRight() == ObjectHitFlag.Hit)) Kill(); }
public Version(Status status, string firmware, string revision, string build) { Status = status; Firmware = firmware; Revision = revision; Build = build; }
public new void SetUp() { _status = SingletonProvider<TestSetup>.Instance.GetApp().Status; string logFile = _settings.Logging.CurrentDefaultLog; if (File.Exists(logFile)) File.Delete(logFile); }
public GameAction(Status gameStatus, Team actionTeam, Point actionPoint) { ActionTeam = actionTeam; ActionPoint = actionPoint; GameStatus = gameStatus; ThrowRoom = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); }
public JsonResult reviews(int id, string commentStr) { BaWuClub.Web.Dal.User user = GetUser(); string url="/account/login"; string context = string.Empty; if (user != null) { VideoReview reviews = new VideoReview(); reviews.UserId=user.Id; reviews.VideoId=id; reviews.Review=HtmlCommon.ClearJavascript(commentStr); reviews.VarDate=DateTime.Now; reviews.IP = Request.UserHostAddress; using (club = new ClubEntities()) { club.VideoReviews.Add(reviews); if (club.SaveChanges() >= 0){ status = Status.success; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("<div class=\"comment-item\">"); str.Append("<div class=\"comment-item-info\">"); str.Append("<a href=\"/member/u-" + user.Id + "/show/\" class=\"comment-item-info-name\">" + user.NickName + "</a>"); str.Append("<a href=\"/member/u-" + user.Id + "/show/\" class=\"comment-item-info-avatar\"><img src=\"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Cover) ? "/content/images/no-img.jpg" : "~/uploads/avatar/small/" + user.Cover) + "\"/>"); str.Append("</a>"); str.Append("</div>"); str.Append("<div class=\"comment-item-content\">" + HtmlCommon.ClearJavascript(reviews.Review) + "</div>"); str.Append("<div class=\"comment-item-meta\"><span>评论与" + HtmlCommon.GetAnswerTimeSpan((DateTime)reviews.VarDate) + "</span></div>"); str.Append("</div>"); context = str.ToString(); } else{ status = Status.warning; context = "系统异常,操作失败,请稍后重试!"; } } } return Json(new { status = status.ToString(), context = context, url = url }); }
public static List<Actions> initialization(List<string> strLstActions, Status thisStat) { List<Character> chaLstCharacters = thisStat.chaLstCharacter; List<Spell> splLstAll = thisStat.splLstSpell; List<Actions> actLstResult = new List<Actions>(); Regex rgSource = new Regex("{.*}"); Regex rgSpell = new Regex("\\[\\[.*\\]\\]"); Regex rgDestination = new Regex("->.*<-"); string strTmp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strLstActions.Count; i++) { Actions actionItem = new Actions(); strTmp = rgSource.Match(strLstActions[i]).ToString(); strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{", ""); actionItem.strCharacterName = strTmp.Replace("}", ""); strTmp = rgSpell.Match(strLstActions[i]).ToString(); strTmp = strTmp.Replace("[[", ""); actionItem.strSpellName = strTmp.Replace("]]", ""); strTmp = rgDestination.Match(strLstActions[i]).ToString(); strTmp = strTmp.Replace("->", ""); actionItem.intCharacter = Character.findIndexForCharacter(actionItem.strCharacterName, chaLstCharacters); strTmp = strTmp.Replace("<-", ""); actionItem.intDestination = Character.findIndexForCharacter(strTmp, chaLstCharacters); actionItem.intResult = 0; actionItem.intTargetAvailable = Spell.isSpellTargetFixed(actionItem.strSpellName, splLstAll); actLstResult.Add(actionItem); } return actLstResult; }
public static void LateBoundTypeFailure(IStatusAppender s, string originalString, Exception ex) { Component component = typeof(RuntimeWarning).Assembly.AsComponent(); Status status = new Status( component, SR.LateBoundTypeFailure(originalString), ex, FileLocation.Empty); s.Append(status); }
public Specification(string name, Result result) { _status = result.Status; _exception = result.Exception; _supplements = result.Supplements; _name = name; }
public Udp(Status status, string hostName, string ipAddress, int port) { Status = status; HostName = hostName; Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), port); }
public BlockObject(Transform block,float width,float height) { this.block =block; this.status = Status.Active; this.width = width; this.height = height; }
/// <summary> /// Internal Unity method. /// This method is called whenever the object is enabled/re-enabled. /// Initializes all local variables which are frequently used. /// Always check so that the variables are valid at start, so I don't have to later. /// "GameObject.FindObjectOfType" method is kind of expensive and should be used as sparingly as possible. /// </summary> void OnEnable() { if(m_transformComponent == null) m_transformComponent = this.GetComponent<Transform>(); m_sphereMovementStatus = Status.Idle; }
/// <summary> /// For serialisation. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameStatus"></param> /// <param name="teamId"></param> /// <param name="actionPoint"></param> public CachedGameAction(Status gameStatus, int teamId, Point actionPoint) { TeamId = teamId; ActionPoint = actionPoint; GameStatus = gameStatus; ThrowRoom = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); }
public override void Reset () { convertReadyTo = Status.Ready; convertSuccessTo = Status.Success; convertFailureTo = Status.Failure; convertErrorTo = Status.Error; convertRunningTo = Status.Running; }
private void drawMiniContractsGoals(Mission mission, Status s) { int index = 1; foreach (MissionGoal c in mission.goals) { if (hiddenGoals.Contains(c)) { index++; continue; } List<Value> values = c.getValues(activeVessel, s.events); foreach (Value v in values) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(v.name, styleValueName); GUILayout.Label(v.shouldBe + " : " + v.currentlyIs, (v.done ? styleValueGreen : styleValueRed)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (activeVessel != null) { if (s.finishableGoals.ContainsKey(c.id) && s.finishableGoals[c.id]) { hiddenGoals.Add(c); } } } }
public void ReAutoTarget() { // 타겟을 재 탐색합니다. mMonsterCount -= 1; TargetMonster = null; if(mMonsterCount == 0) { // 몬스터를 모두 클리어 하였습니다. Debug.Log ("Clear"); mLoopCount -= 1; // 모든 공격과 스텝을 중지시킵니다. StopCoroutine("ArcherAttack"); StopCoroutine("MonsterAttack"); StopCoroutine("AutoStep"); if(mLoopCount == 0) { // 모든 스테이지가 클리어 되었습니다. Debug.Log("Stage All Clear"); GameOver(); return; } // 던전 스텝을 초기화 시키고 다시 순환 시킵니다. mStatus = Status.Idle; StartCoroutine("AutoStep"); return; } // 타겟 재 탐색 GetAutoTarget(); }
public static string ParseStatus(Status status) { switch (status) { case Status.Queued: return "Queued"; case Status.Sending: return "Sending"; case Status.Sent: return "Sent"; case Status.Receiving: return "Receiving"; case Status.Received: return "Received"; case Status.Delivered: return "Delivered"; case Status.Undelivered: return "Undelivered"; ; case Status.Failed: return "Failed"; case Status.Processing: return "Received"; //Processing is an internal status case Status.Processed: return "Received"; //Processed is an internal status case Status.Error: return "Error"; default: return string.Empty; } }
protected void ToString(List <string> toStringOutput) { toStringOutput.Add($"Status = {(Status == null ? "null" : Status.ToString())}"); toStringOutput.Add($"Card = {(Card == null ? "null" : Card.ToString())}"); toStringOutput.Add($"EntryMethod = {(EntryMethod == null ? "null" : EntryMethod.ToString())}"); }
Monster(Status _status, System.Drawing.Point pos) : base(_status, pos) { status.type = Type.Enemy; }
public ActionResult Create(MemberInfo iMemberInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.FirstName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("FirstName", "Please enter first name"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.LastName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("LastName", "Please enter last name"); } //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.Password)) // ModelState.AddModelError("Password", "Please enter Password"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber)) { ModelState.AddModelError("PhoneNumber", "Please enter Phone Number"); } else { //iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber = new string(iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); //if (!Regex.IsMatch(iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber, @"^[0-9]*$")) // ModelState.AddModelError("PhoneNumber", "Enter a valid phone number"); string PhoneRegex = @"^([0-9]{10})$"; Regex phonere = new Regex(PhoneRegex); if (!phonere.IsMatch(iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber)) { ModelState.AddModelError("PhoneNumber", "Enter a valid phone number"); } else if (iMemberInfo.PhoneNumber.Length != 10) { ModelState.AddModelError("PhoneNumber", "Phone number should be 10 digits"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iMemberInfo.EmailAddress)) { string emailRegex = @"^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$"; Regex re = new Regex(emailRegex); if (!re.IsMatch(iMemberInfo.EmailAddress)) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmailAddress", "Please Enter Correct Email Address"); } } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.EmailAddress)) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmailAddress", "Please enter EmailAddress"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iMemberInfo.Address)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Address", "Please enter address"); } if (!(iMemberInfo.isActive)) { ModelState.AddModelError("isActive", "Please check Active"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { iMemberInfo.iMode = 101; //iMemberInfo.Id = iMemberInfo.Id; // iMemberInfo.iMode = 122; client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Utility.BaseURL); var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("SetMemberDetails", iMemberInfo).Result; Status status = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <Status>().Result; if (status.Errors == null) { TempData["JavaScriptFunction"] = string.Format("fnSuccess('0');"); //return RedirectToAction("Index"); return(View()); // return RedirectToAction("Create", new { displaymessage = "Success" }); } else { TempData["JavaScriptFunction"] = string.Format("fnSuccess('1');"); return(View()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { message = "Failed" })); } }
public ActionResult Index(int?page) { //if (Convert.ToString(Session["Email"]) =="") //{ // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Login"); //} //int pageSize = 5; //int pageIndex = 1; //pageIndex = page.HasValue ? Convert.ToInt32(page) : 1; //IPagedList<MemberInfo> MI = null; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { iMemberInfo.iMode = 102; client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Utility.BaseURL); var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("GetMemberDetails", iMemberInfo).Result; Status status = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <Status>().Result; if (status.Errors == null) { DataTable dt = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(status.Data.ToString(), (typeof(DataTable))); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) //foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { iMemberInfo = new MemberInfo { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["Id"]), EmpID = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["EmpID"]), FirstName = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["FirstName"]), LastName = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["LastName"]), PhoneNumber = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["PhoneNumber"]), EmailAddress = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["EmailAddress"]), Address = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Address"]), isActive = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["isActive"]), }; //iMemberInfo = new MemberInfo //{ // ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), // EmpID = Convert.ToString(dr["EmpID"]), // FirstName = Convert.ToString(dr["FirstName"]), // LastName = Convert.ToString(dr["LastName"]), // PhoneNumber = Convert.ToString(dr["PhoneNumber"]), // EmailAddress = Convert.ToString(dr["EmailAddress"]), // Address = Convert.ToString(dr["Address"]), // isActive = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isActive"]), //}; //iMemberInfo.std = listMember; //MI = listMember.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize); listMember.Add(iMemberInfo); } } } } ViewData["Norecords"] = "No records found"; //return View(MI); return(View(listMember)); }
// 「待機」コマンド // 他のコマンドの終了処理にも使われる private void WaitCommand(bool WithoutAction = false) { LogDebug(); // コマンド終了時はターゲットを解除 SelectedTarget = null; // ユニットにパイロットが乗っていない? if (SelectedUnit.CountPilot() == 0) { CommandState = "ユニット選択"; GUI.RedrawScreen(); Status.ClearUnitStatus(); return; } if (!WithoutAction) { // 残り行動数を減少させる SelectedUnit.UseAction(); // 持続期間が「移動」のスペシャルパワー効果を削除 if (Strings.InStr(CommandState, "移動後") > 0) { SelectedUnit.RemoveSpecialPowerInEffect("移動"); } } CommandState = "ユニット選択"; // アップデート SelectedUnit.Update(); SRC.PList.UpdateSupportMod(SelectedUnit); // ユニットが既に出撃していない? if (SelectedUnit.Status != "出撃") { GUI.RedrawScreen(); Status.ClearUnitStatus(); return; } GUI.LockGUI(); GUI.RedrawScreen(); var p = SelectedUnit.Pilots.First(); // 接触イベント foreach (var unit in Map.AdjacentUnit(SelectedUnit)) { SelectedTarget = unit; Event.HandleEvent("接触", SelectedUnit.MainPilot().ID, SelectedTarget.MainPilot().ID); SelectedTarget = null; if (SRC.IsScenarioFinished) { SRC.IsScenarioFinished = false; return; } if (SelectedUnit.Status != "出撃") { GUI.RedrawScreen(); Status.ClearUnitStatus(); GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } } // 進入イベント Event.HandleEvent("進入", SelectedUnit.MainPilot().ID, "" + SelectedUnit.x, "" + SelectedUnit.y); if (SRC.IsScenarioFinished) { SRC.IsScenarioFinished = false; return; } if (SelectedUnit.CountPilot() == 0) { GUI.RedrawScreen(); Status.ClearUnitStatus(); GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } // 行動終了イベント Event.HandleEvent("行動終了", SelectedUnit.MainPilot().ID); if (SRC.IsScenarioFinished) { SRC.IsScenarioFinished = false; return; } if (SelectedUnit.CountPilot() == 0) { GUI.RedrawScreen(); Status.ClearUnitStatus(); GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } if (p.Unit is object) { SelectedUnit = p.Unit; } if (SelectedUnit.Action > 0 && SelectedUnit.CountPilot() > 0) { // カーソル自動移動 if (SRC.AutoMoveCursor) { GUI.MoveCursorPos("ユニット選択", SelectedUnit); } } // ハイパーモード・ノーマルモードの自動発動をチェック SelectedUnit.CurrentForm().CheckAutoHyperMode(); SelectedUnit.CurrentForm().CheckAutoNormalMode(); if (GUI.IsPictureVisible || GUI.IsCursorVisible) { GUI.RedrawScreen(); } GUI.UnlockGUI(); //// ステータスウィンドウの表示内容を更新 //if (SelectedUnit.Status == "出撃" && GUI.MainWidth == 15) //{ // Status.DisplayUnitStatus(SelectedUnit); //} //else //{ // Status.ClearUnitStatus(); //} }
public override void ReadCompletionCallback(ref CustomType key, ref CustomType input, ref CustomType output, byte ctx, Status status) { if (ctx == 0) { if (status != Status.OK || key.payload + 10000 != output.payload) { throw new Exception("Incorrect read result"); } } else if (ctx == 1) { if (status != Status.OK || key.payload + 10000 + 25 + 25 != output.payload) { throw new Exception("Incorrect read result"); } } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected user context"); } }
public void RunSearch() { State = Status.Checking; USBKiller.Run(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Status([FromBody] Status request) { return(await this.Process(() => this._statusPublisher.Publish(request))); }
private void UserDefineUnitCommand(UiCommand command) { var unit = SelectedUnit; var prev_used_action = unit.UsedAction; GUI.LockGUI(); // ユニットコマンドの使用イベント Event.HandleEvent("使用", unit.MainPilot().ID, command.Label); if (SRC.IsScenarioFinished) { SRC.IsScenarioFinished = false; GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } if (SRC.IsCanceled) { SRC.IsCanceled = false; WaitCommand(); return; } // ユニットコマンドを実行 Event.HandleEvent("" + command.LabelData.EventDataId); if (SRC.IsCanceled) { SRC.IsCanceled = false; CancelCommand(); GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } // ユニットコマンドの使用後イベント if (unit.CurrentForm().CountPilot() > 0) { Event.HandleEvent("使用後", unit.CurrentForm().MainPilot().ID, command.Label); if (SRC.IsScenarioFinished) { SRC.IsScenarioFinished = false; GUI.UnlockGUI(); return; } } // ステータスウィンドウを更新 if (unit.CurrentForm().CountPilot() > 0) { Status.DisplayUnitStatus(unit.CurrentForm()); } // 行動終了 if (unit.CurrentForm().UsedAction <= prev_used_action) { if (CommandState == "移動後コマンド選択") { WaitCommand(); } else { CommandState = "ユニット選択"; GUI.UnlockGUI(); } } else if (SRC.IsCanceled) { SRC.IsCanceled = false; } else { WaitCommand(true); } }
public LogEntry(DateTime occurred, Status status, string text) { Occurred = occurred; Status = status; StatusText = text; }
public Campaign(string name, string productCode, int priceManipulationLimit, int duration, int targetSalesCount, Status status) { Name = name; ProductCode = productCode; PriceManipulationLimit = priceManipulationLimit; Duration = duration; TargetSalesCount = targetSalesCount; Status = status; }
public void SetStatus(Status status) { curStatus = status; }
public void Reset(Status status) { this.Checksums.All(x => { x.Status = status; return(true); }); }
List <Node> SearchForRoute() { status = Status.searching; int timeOut = 0; while (!isComplete) { timeOut++; if (timeOut > 200) { isComplete = true; //This could be because you are trying to use a goal node that is inside a wall or the path was blocked Logger.Log( $"Pathing finding could not find a path where one was expected to be found. StartNode {startNode.position} GoalNode {goalNode.position}", Category.Movement); return(null); } if (frontierNodes.Count > 0) { Node currentNode = frontierNodes.Dequeue(); if (currentNode.neighbors == null) { FindNeighbours(currentNode); } if (!exploredNodes.Contains(currentNode)) { exploredNodes.Add(currentNode); } ExpandFrontierAStar(currentNode); if (pathFound) { isComplete = true; List <Node> path = new List <Node>(); Node nextNode = goalNode; do { path.Add(nextNode); nextNode = nextNode.previous; } while (nextNode != null); path.Reverse(); return(path); } } else { isComplete = true; return(null); } } status = Status.idle; return(null); }
public void RMWCompletionCallback(ref long key, ref long input, Empty ctx, Status s) { }
private void PublishEvent(string eventName, Status status) { _context.Clients.Group(_channel).OnEvent(eventName, status); }
public virtual void Deactivate() { activated = false; status = Status.idle; }
/// <summary> /// Update status in database /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Status to update</param> /// <returns>Updated status</returns> public Status Update(Status item) { var statusToUpdate = this._context.Statuses.Update(item); return(statusToUpdate.Entity); }
public TransitionScheme AddDefaultTransitionScheme() { var transitionScheme = new TransitionScheme() { Name = Constants.DefaultSchemeName, IsDefault = true }; var openStatus = this.data.StatusRepository.Get(s => s.Name == DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.Open.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); var closedStatus = this.data.StatusRepository.Get(s => s.Name == DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.Closed.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); var inProgressStatus = this.data.StatusRepository.Get(s => s.Name == DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.InProgress.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); var stoppedProgressStatus = this.data.StatusRepository.Get(s => s.Name == DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.StoppedProgress.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (openStatus == null) { openStatus = new Status() { Name = DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.Open.ToString() }; this.data.StatusRepository.Insert(openStatus); } if (closedStatus == null) { closedStatus = new Status() { Name = DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.Closed.ToString() }; this.data.StatusRepository.Insert(closedStatus); } if (inProgressStatus == null) { inProgressStatus = new Status() { Name = DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.InProgress.ToString() }; this.data.StatusRepository.Insert(inProgressStatus); } if (stoppedProgressStatus == null) { stoppedProgressStatus = new Status() { Name = DefaultTransitionSchemeStatuses.StoppedProgress.ToString() }; this.data.StatusRepository.Insert(stoppedProgressStatus); } this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = openStatus, ChildStatus = closedStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = openStatus, ChildStatus = inProgressStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = inProgressStatus, ChildStatus = stoppedProgressStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = inProgressStatus, ChildStatus = closedStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = stoppedProgressStatus, ChildStatus = inProgressStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.StatusTransitionRepository.Insert(new StatusTransition() { ParentStatus = stoppedProgressStatus, ChildStatus = closedStatus, TransitionScheme = transitionScheme }); this.data.TransitionSchemeRepository.Insert(transitionScheme); return(transitionScheme); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void LineTo(double x, double y) { m_vectorClipper.LineTo(upscale(x), upscale(y)); m_status = Status.LineTo; }
public void SetStatus(Status s) { Status = s; }
private async void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var control in this.Controls) { if (control is TextBox && (control as TextBox).Text == "" && !(control as TextBox).Equals(additionalInfoTextBox) && !(control as TextBox).Equals(phoneTextBox)) { var name = ((TextBox)control).Name.Replace("TextBox", ""); name = (string.Concat(name.Select(x => Char.IsUpper(x) ? " " + x : x.ToString())).TrimStart(' ')); name = Char.ToUpper(name[0]) + name.Substring(1).ToLower(); _toolTip.Show($"{name} is empty", (TextBox)control); return; } } if (statusComboBox.SelectedItem == default) { _toolTip.Show("There is nothing selected", statusComboBox); return; } if (!double.TryParse(requestedSalaryTextBox.Text, out double result)) { _toolTip.Show("Number in wrong format", requestedSalaryTextBox); return; } var strSelItem = statusComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(' '); string status = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strSelItem.Length; i++) { status += Char.ToUpper(strSelItem[i][0]) + strSelItem[i].Substring(1); } Status enumStat = (Status)(Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), status)); GenericResponse response = null; if (_id == default) { response = await ApiHelper.Instance.AddCandidateAsync(titleTextBox.Text, nameTextBox.Text, surnameTextBox.Text, educationTextBox.Text, specialtyTextBox.Text, phoneTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, double.Parse(requestedSalaryTextBox.Text), (int)EvaluationNumericUpDown.Value, enumStat, additionalInfoTextBox.Text); } else { response = await ApiHelper.Instance.EditCandidateAsync(_id, titleTextBox.Text, nameTextBox.Text, surnameTextBox.Text, educationTextBox.Text, specialtyTextBox.Text, phoneTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, double.Parse(requestedSalaryTextBox.Text), (int)EvaluationNumericUpDown.Value, enumStat, additionalInfoTextBox.Text); } if (response.Success) { LoadScreen(ScreenName.CandidatesScreen); } else { errorLabel.Text = ""; foreach (var error in response.Errors) { errorLabel.Text += error; } errorLabel.Visible = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Create status in database /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Item to add</param> /// <returns>Status entity</returns> public Status Create(Status item) { var createdStatus = this._context.Statuses.Add(item); return(createdStatus.Entity); }
public static bool IsFinishedStatus(Status status) { return(status == Status.Completed || status == Status.Cancelled); }
//public bool FlipY { get { return _filpY; } set { _filpY = value; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Reset() { m_cellAARas.Reset(); m_status = Status.Initial; }