Exemple #1
        private static void ProcessLog(Match log)
            var haproxy_name = log.Groups[3].Value;
            var client_ip    = log.Groups[6].Value;
            var accept_date  = DateTime.ParseExact(log.Groups[8].Value, "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var frontend_name = log.Groups[9].Value;
            var backend_name  = log.Groups[10].Value;
            var server_name   = log.Groups[11].Value;

            var timers = log.Groups[12].Value;
            var tr     = int.Parse(timers.Split('/')[3]);

            var status_code = int.Parse(log.Groups[13].Value);
            var bytes_read  = int.Parse(log.Groups[14].Value);

            var terminationState = log.Groups[17].Value;

            var conn     = log.Groups[18].Value.Split('/');
            var actconn  = int.Parse(conn[0]);
            var feconn   = int.Parse(conn[1]);
            var beconn   = int.Parse(conn[2]);
            var srv_conn = int.Parse(conn[3]);

            var captured_request_headers = log.Groups[20].Value.Split('|');
            var req_head_UserAgent       = captured_request_headers[0];
            var req_head_Host            = captured_request_headers[1];

            var captured_response_headers = log.Groups[21].Value.Split('|');
            var res_route_name            = captured_response_headers[0];
            var res_sql_count             = captured_response_headers[1];
            var res_sql_dur    = captured_response_headers[2];
            var res_aspnet_dur = captured_response_headers[3];
            var res_app_id     = captured_response_headers[4];

            var http_method = log.Groups[22].Value;
            var http_path   = log.Groups[23].Value;

            var packetAge = DateTime.Now.Subtract(accept_date);

            if (packetAge.TotalMinutes > 1)
                // too old to flush? should we discard?
                if (packetAge.TotalMinutes > 2)
                    // way too old to flush? should we discard?

            int sql_count  = 0;
            int sql_dur    = 0;
            int aspnet_dur = 0;

            if (res_sql_count.Length > 0)
                sql_count = int.Parse(res_sql_count);
            if (res_sql_dur.Length > 0)
                sql_dur = int.Parse(res_sql_dur);
            if (res_aspnet_dur.Length > 0)
                aspnet_dur = int.Parse(res_aspnet_dur);

            // normalize statusCode into statusCode family
            var statusCode = status_code > 0 ? (int)(Math.Floor((double)status_code / 100d) * 100) : 0;

            collector.InReadLock(() =>
                var metricCount = 1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(req_head_Host))
                    var hostClean = req_head_Host.Replace('.', '_');

                    collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.host", req_head_Host);
                    collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.routes", "_all");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res_app_id))
                        collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.applications", res_app_id);
                    collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.hits", 1);
                    collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.status_code." + statusCode.ToString() + ".hits", 1);
                    collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.bytes_read", bytes_read);
                    collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.tr", tr);
                    if (sql_count >= 0)
                        collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.SqlCount", sql_count);
                    if (sql_dur >= 0)
                        collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.SqlDurationMs", sql_dur);
                    if (aspnet_dur >= 0)
                        collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route._all.AspNetDurationMs", aspnet_dur);
                    metricCount += 9;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res_route_name))
                        var routeName = http_method + "." + res_route_name;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res_app_id))
                            routeName = res_app_id + "." + routeName;
                        var routeNameClean = routeName.Replace('.', '_');
                        collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".hits", 1);
                        collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".status_code." + statusCode.ToString() + ".hits", 1);
                        collector.AddToCounter("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".bytes_read", bytes_read);
                        collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".tr", tr);
                        if (sql_count >= 0)
                            collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".SqlCount", sql_count);
                        if (sql_dur >= 0)
                            collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".SqlDurationMs", sql_dur);
                        if (aspnet_dur >= 0)
                            collector.AddToTimer("haproxy.logs." + hostClean + ".route." + routeNameClean + ".AspNetDurationMs", aspnet_dur);
                        collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.routes", routeName);
                        metricCount += 8;

                    collector.SetGauge("haproxy.logs.actconn", actconn);
                    metricCount += 1;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frontend_name))
                        collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.fe", frontend_name);
                        collector.SetGauge("haproxy.logs.fe." + frontend_name + ".feconn", feconn);
                        metricCount += 2;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(backend_name))
                            collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.be", backend_name);
                            collector.SetGauge("haproxy.logs.fe." + frontend_name + ".be." + backend_name + ".beconn", beconn);
                            metricCount += 2;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server_name))
                                collector.AddToSet("haproxy.logs.srv", server_name);
                                collector.SetGauge("haproxy.logs.fe." + frontend_name + ".be." + backend_name + ".srv." + server_name + ".srv_conn", srv_conn);
                                metricCount += 2;