private string SignUpStation(string email, string password, WebClient agent) { StationApi api = StationApi.SignUp(agent, stationId, email, password); api.LogOn(agent, StatusChecker.GetDetail()); return(api.Token); }
protected override void HandleRequest() { string email = Parameters["email"]; string password = Parameters["password"]; try { StationInfo stationInfo = StationCollection.Instance.FindOne(); if (stationInfo != null) { logger.DebugFormat("Station logon with stationId = {0}", stationInfo.Id); StationLogOnResponse logonRes; if (email != null && password != null) { using (WebClient agent = new WebClient()) { Driver driver = DriverCollection.Instance.FindOne(Query.EQ("email", email)); if (driver == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User is not registered to this station"); } // station.logon must be called before user.login to handle non-existing driver case logonRes = StationApi.LogOn(new WebClient(), stationInfo.Id, email, password, StatusChecker.GetDetail()); User user = User.LogIn(agent, email, password); // update user's session token driver.session_token = user.Token; DriverCollection.Instance.Save(driver); } } else { StationApi api = new StationApi(stationInfo.Id, stationInfo.SessionToken); logonRes = api.LogOn(new WebClient(), StatusChecker.GetDetail()); } // update session in DB stationInfo.SessionToken = logonRes.session_token; StationCollection.Instance.Save(stationInfo); logger.Debug("Station logon successfully, disable block auth of function server"); functionServer.BlockAuth(false); } logger.Debug("Start function server"); functionServer.Start(); stationTimer.Start(); logger.Debug("Start function server successfully"); RespondSuccess(); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { if (e.WammerError == 0x4000 + 3) // driver already registered another station { logger.Error("Driver already registered another station"); // force user re-register the station on next startup CleanDB(); // function server should be stopped if driver's info is removed logger.Debug("Try to stop function server"); functionServer.Stop(); stationTimer.Stop(); throw new ServiceUnavailableException("Driver already registered another station", (int)StationApiError.AlreadyHasStaion); } else if (e.WammerError == 0x4000 + 4) // user does not exist { logger.Error("Driver account does not exist"); // force user re-register the station on next startup CleanDB(); // function server should be stopped if driver's info is removed logger.Debug("Try to stop function server"); functionServer.Stop(); stationTimer.Stop(); throw; } else { throw; } } }