Exemple #1
        public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodCall methodCall)
            string target;

            if (isNavigationOnBackKeyPressHandler(methodCall, out target))
                ICollection <Tuple <IMethodReference, string> > targets;
                try {
                    targets = PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders[typeTraversed];
                } catch (KeyNotFoundException) {
                    targets = new HashSet <Tuple <IMethodReference, string> >();
                targets.Add(Tuple.Create <IMethodReference, string>(methodTraversed, "\"" + target + "\""));
                PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders[typeTraversed] = targets;
            else if (isCancelOnBackKeyPressHandler(methodCall))
                PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyCancellingOffenders.Add(Tuple.Create <ITypeReference, string>(typeTraversed, ""));

            // re-check whether it is an event cancellation call
            if (isEventCancellationMethodCall(methodCall))

            // check whether it is a NavigationService call
            IMethodReference methodToCall = methodCall.MethodToCall;
            ITypeReference   callType     = methodToCall.ContainingType;

            if (!callType.ResolvedType.Equals(navigationSvcType.ResolvedType))

            string methodToCallName = methodToCall.Name.Value;

            if (!PhoneCodeHelper.NAV_CALLS.Contains(methodToCallName))

            navCallFound = true;
            // TODO check what to do with these
            if (methodToCallName == "GoForward" || methodToCallName == "StopLoading")
                // TODO forward navigation is not supported by the phone
                // TODO StopLoading is very async, I don't think we may verify this behaviour
                // TODO possibly log
                currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.NOT_STATIC;
                if (methodToCallName == "GoBack")
                    navCallIsStatic = false;
                    navCallIsBack   = true;
                else // Navigate()
                    navCallIsBack = false;

                    // check for different static patterns that we may be able to verify
                    IExpression uriArg = methodCall.Arguments.First();
                    if (UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStatic(uriArg, host, out unpurifiedFoundURI))
                        navCallIsStatic   = true;
                        currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.STATIC_URI_CREATION_ONSITE;
                    else if (UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStaticRoot(uriArg, host, out unpurifiedFoundURI))
                        navCallIsStatic   = true;
                        currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.STATIC_URI_ROOT_CREATION_ONSITE;
                        // get reason
                        //ICreateObjectInstance creationSite = methodCall.Arguments.First() as ICreateObjectInstance;
                        //if (creationSite == null)
                        //  notStaticReason = "URI not created at call site";
                        //  notStaticReason = "URI not initialized as a static string";

                if (navCallFound && !navCallIsBack)
                    // check this method as a navigation method

                //Console.Write("Page navigation event found. Target is static? " + (isStatic ? "YES" : "NO"));
                //if (!isStatic) {
                //  Console.WriteLine(" -- Reason: " + notStaticReason);
                //} else {
                //  Console.WriteLine("");
    public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodCall methodCall) {
      string target;
      if (isNavigationOnBackKeyPressHandler(methodCall, out target)) {
        ICollection<Tuple<IMethodReference,string>> targets;
        try {
          targets= PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders[typeTraversed];
        } catch (KeyNotFoundException) {
          targets = new HashSet<Tuple<IMethodReference,string>>();
        targets.Add(Tuple.Create<IMethodReference,string>(methodTraversed, "\"" + target + "\""));
        PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders[typeTraversed]= targets;
      } else if (isCancelOnBackKeyPressHandler(methodCall)) {
        PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyCancellingOffenders.Add(Tuple.Create<ITypeReference, string>(typeTraversed,""));

      // re-check whether it is an event cancellation call
      if (isEventCancellationMethodCall(methodCall)) {

      // check whether it is a NavigationService call
      IMethodReference methodToCall= methodCall.MethodToCall;
      ITypeReference callType= methodToCall.ContainingType;
      if (!callType.ResolvedType.Equals(navigationSvcType.ResolvedType))

      string methodToCallName= methodToCall.Name.Value;
      if (!PhoneCodeHelper.NAV_CALLS.Contains(methodToCallName))

      navCallFound = true;
      // TODO check what to do with these
      if (methodToCallName == "GoForward" || methodToCallName == "StopLoading") {
        // TODO forward navigation is not supported by the phone
        // TODO StopLoading is very async, I don't think we may verify this behaviour
        // TODO possibly log
      } else {
        currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.NOT_STATIC;
        if (methodToCallName == "GoBack") {
          navCallIsStatic = false;
          navCallIsBack = true;
        } else { // Navigate()
          navCallIsBack = false;

          // check for different static patterns that we may be able to verify
          IExpression uriArg = methodCall.Arguments.First();
          if (UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStatic(uriArg, host, out unpurifiedFoundURI)) {
            navCallIsStatic = true;
            currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.STATIC_URI_CREATION_ONSITE;
          } else if (UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStaticRoot(uriArg, host, out unpurifiedFoundURI)) {
            navCallIsStatic = true;
            currentStaticMode = StaticURIMode.STATIC_URI_ROOT_CREATION_ONSITE;
          } else {
            // get reason
            //ICreateObjectInstance creationSite = methodCall.Arguments.First() as ICreateObjectInstance;
            //if (creationSite == null)
            //  notStaticReason = "URI not created at call site";
            //  notStaticReason = "URI not initialized as a static string";

        if (navCallFound && !navCallIsBack) {
          // check this method as a navigation method

        //Console.Write("Page navigation event found. Target is static? " + (isStatic ? "YES" : "NO"));
        //if (!isStatic) {
        //  Console.WriteLine(" -- Reason: " + notStaticReason);
        //} else {
        //  Console.WriteLine("");