Exemple #1
        public HttpResponseMessage translate(StaticPage post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (StaticPage.MasterPostExists(post.id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The static page does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.link_name        = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.link_name, 100);
            post.title            = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.title, 200);
            post.meta_description = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_description, 200);
            post.meta_keywords    = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_keywords, 200);
            post.meta_robots      = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_robots, 20);
            post.page_name        = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.page_name, 100);

            // Get a static page on page name
            StaticPage staticPageOnPageName = StaticPage.GetOneByPageName(post.page_name, languageId);

            // Check if the page name exists
            if (staticPageOnPageName != null && post.id != staticPageOnPageName.id)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The page name is not unique for the language"));

            // Get the post
            StaticPage savedPost = StaticPage.GetOneById(post.id, languageId);

            // Check if we should add or update the post
            if (savedPost == null)
                StaticPage.AddLanguagePost(post, languageId);
                StaticPage.UpdateLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The translate was successful"));
        } // End of the translate method