public void CombatTestOne()
            //Setup the aggressor and defender ICombatant supporting objects
            ICombatant aggressor = new Brawler(), defender = new Skeleton();

            //Handle the combat. Take the defenders previous health and obtain the damage done from StaticGameActions.HandleCombat call
            int defenderPreviousHealth = defender.Health, damageDone = StaticGameActions.HandleCombat(aggressor, defender);

            //Test that the defenders health has been subtracted properly (TODO - Handle dead defenders and make sure this works if a defender is overkilled)
            Assert.AreEqual <int>((defenderPreviousHealth - damageDone), defender.Health);
        private void HandleFullDungeonDelve()
            Dictionary <KeyValuePair <HeroDefensiveItemType, HeroDefensiveItemSlotType>, int> dictionaryTest = Armour.ArmourMappings;

            StaticGameActions.HandleCombat(new Brawler(), new Skeleton());

             *  A Turn
             *  -----------------------
             *  1) Next room is revealed
             *  2) Monsters in the room are listed
             *  3) Each hero gets a chance to attack the monsters
             *  - All heroes defeated = End of game
             *  4) Remaining monsters get to attack the heroes
             *  5) If no monsters remain treasures are revealed
             *  6) Treasures can be allocated to any hero
             *  7) Next room is revealed - If all rooms have been processed the dungeon is defeated and the player win

            //Heroes enter each room in the dungeon
            gameDungeon.DungeonRooms.ForEach(room =>

                //All monsters dead - Handle treasure

                Console.WriteLine("Room Cleared!");

            Console.WriteLine("Dungeon Cleared!");