Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Creates this report</summary>
        protected override void Create()
            FontDef  fd       = new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Helvetica);
            FontProp fp       = new FontPropMM(fd, 3);
            FontProp fp_Title = new FontPropMM(fd, 20);

            fp_Title.bBold = true;
            FontProp  fp_Small = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.3);
            PenProp   pp       = new PenPropMM(this, 0.2, Color.Blue);
            BrushProp bp       = new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240));

            #region Page 1
            Page page = new Page(this);
            page.AddCB_MM(40, new RepString(fp_Title, "Text Sample"));
            fp_Title.rSizeMM     = 4;
            fp_Title.rLineFeedMM = 8;

            // font sample
            Double rX = 20;
            Double rY = 60;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Fonts"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            FontDef[] aFontDef = { new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Courier), fd, new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.TimesRoman) };
            foreach (FontDef fontDef in aFontDef)
                FontProp fp_Test = new FontPropMM(fontDef, 2.8);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName));
                fp_Test.bBold = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 30, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Bold"));
                fp_Test.bBold   = false;
                fp_Test.bItalic = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 72, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Italic"));
                fp_Test.bItalic    = false;
                fp_Test.bUnderline = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 120, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Underline"));
                rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;

            rY      += 3;
            aFontDef = new FontDef[] { new FontDef(this, "Symbol"), new FontDef(this, "ZapfDingbats") };
            foreach (FontDef fontDef in aFontDef)
                FontProp fp_Test = new FontPropMM(fontDef, 3);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, fontDef.sFontName));
                page.AddMM(rX + 30, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
                rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            // Int32 sample
            rX = 20;
            Double rYcopy = rY;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Int32 Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"0000000\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "0000000"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#,#\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "$#,#"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "$#;($#);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, -12345, "$#;($#);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 0, "$#;($#);Zero"));

            // Single / Double sample
            rX = 115;
            rY = rYcopy;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Single / Double Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"0.0000\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "0.0000"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#,#0.00\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "$#,#0.00"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, -123.456, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 0, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM + 10;

            // DateTime sample
            rX     = 20;
            rYcopy = rY;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "DateTime Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"D\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "D"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"t\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "t"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"dd.MM.yyyy\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "dd.MM.yyyy"));

            // color sample
            StaticContainer sc = new StaticContainer(RT.rPointFromMM(100), RT.rPointFromMM(100));
            page.AddMM(115, rYcopy + 5, sc);
            sc.AddAlignedMM(-2, RepObj.rAlignLeft, -6, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepRectMM(bp, 85, 33));
            rY = 0;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Colors"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Red"));
            fp.color = Color.Red;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Green"));
            fp.color = Color.Green;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Blue"));
            fp.color = Color.Blue;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "RGB(255,180,255)"));
            fp.color = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 255);  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += rYcopy + fp.rLineFeedMM + 10;

            // alignment sample
            rX = 20;
            String s = "Alignment";
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, s));
            Double rLengthMM = fp_Title.rGetTextWidthMM(s);
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + 3, new RepLineMM(pp, rLengthMM, 0));
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + 2, new RepLineMM(pp, 0, 2));
            page.AddMM(rX + rLengthMM, rY + 2, new RepLineMM(pp, 0, 2));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rLengthMM / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, rY + 4, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepReal64(fp_Small, rLengthMM, "0.0 mm"));
            rX  = 100;
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            Double rD = 15;
            bp.color = Color.LightSkyBlue;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "right - bottom"));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "right - top"));
            page.AddMM(rX + rD, rY, new RepString(fp, "left - bottom")); // default
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "left - top"));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, rY + rD / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, new RepString(fp, "center"));
            rY += 30;

            // rotated string
            rX = 60;
            page.AddMM(20, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Rotated Strings"));
            rY    += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM + 10;
            rYcopy = rY;
            rD     = 10;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            fp.rAngle = 45;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "[45°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 135;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepString(fp, "[135°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 225;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "[225°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 315;
            page.AddMM(rX + rD, rY, new RepString(fp, "[315°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 0;

            rX            = 155;
            rY            = rYcopy;
            fp.bUnderline = true;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            fp.rAngle = 45;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "1/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 135;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "3/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 225;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "5/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 315;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "7/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle     = 0.0;
            fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY           += 35;

            #region Page 2
            rX = 20;
            rY = 60;
            String sText = "Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter." + Environment.NewLine +
                           "Now it happened that he was talking with the king one time, and in order to make himself seem important, " +
                           "he said to the king, \"I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.\"";
            page = new Page(this);
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Best Fitting Font"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 80, 40));
            FontProp fp_BestFit = fp_Title.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 80, 40, 1);
            rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            Int32 iStart = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(80), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 40, 40));
            fp_BestFit = fp.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 40, 40, 1);
            rY        += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            iStart     = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(40), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 30, 30));
            fp_BestFit = fp.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 30, 30, 1);
            rY        += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            iStart     = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(30), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;