public static GameObject[] SortGameObjectsForStaticbatching(GameObject[] gos, StaticBatcherGOSorter sorter)
     gos = gos.OrderBy(x =>
         Renderer aRenderer = StaticBatcherGOSorter.GetRenderer(x as GameObject);
     }).ThenBy(y =>
         Renderer aRenderer = StaticBatcherGOSorter.GetRenderer(y as GameObject);
     }).ThenBy(z =>
         Renderer aRenderer = StaticBatcherGOSorter.GetRenderer(z as GameObject);
        static public void CombineGameObjects(GameObject[] gos, UnityEngine.GameObject staticBatchRoot, bool isEditorPostprocessScene, StaticBatcherGOSorter sorter)
            Matrix4x4 staticBatchInverseMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
            Transform staticBatchRootTransform = null;

            if (staticBatchRoot)
                staticBatchInverseMatrix = staticBatchRoot.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
                staticBatchRootTransform = staticBatchRoot.transform;

            int batchIndex      = 0;
            int verticesInBatch = 0;
            List <MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshContainer> meshes = new List <MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshContainer>();

            gos = SortGameObjectsForStaticbatching(gos, sorter ?? new StaticBatcherGOSorter());

            foreach (GameObject go in gos)
                MeshFilter filter = go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;
                if (filter == null)

                Mesh instanceMesh = filter.sharedMesh;

                // reject if has no mesh or (mesh not readable and not called from Editor PostprocessScene.cs)
                // Editor is allowed to modify meshes even if they are marked as read-only e.g. Applicatiopn.LoadLevel() called from a script inside the editor player
                if (instanceMesh == null || (!isEditorPostprocessScene && !instanceMesh.canAccess))

                Renderer renderer = filter.GetComponent <Renderer>();

                // reject if has not renderer or renderer is disabled
                if (renderer == null || !renderer.enabled)

                // reject if already combined for static batching
                if (renderer.staticBatchIndex != 0)

                Material[] materials = renderer.sharedMaterials;

                // reject if any of the material's shader is using DisableBatching tag
                if (materials.Any(m => m != null && m.shader != null && m.shader.disableBatching != DisableBatchingType.False))

                int vertexCount = instanceMesh.vertexCount;
                // Use same tests as MeshCombiner::IsMeshBatchable to stay consistent with C++ code
                if (vertexCount == 0)

                MeshRenderer meshRenderer = renderer as MeshRenderer;
                if ((meshRenderer != null) && (meshRenderer.additionalVertexStreams != null))
                    if (vertexCount != meshRenderer.additionalVertexStreams.vertexCount)

                // check if we have enough space inside the current batch
                if (verticesInBatch + vertexCount > MaxVerticesInBatch)
                    MakeBatch(meshes, staticBatchRootTransform, batchIndex++);
                    verticesInBatch = 0;

                MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshInstance instance = new MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshInstance();
                instance.meshInstanceID     = instanceMesh.GetInstanceID();
                instance.rendererInstanceID = renderer.GetInstanceID();
                if (meshRenderer != null && meshRenderer.additionalVertexStreams != null)
                    instance.additionalVertexStreamsMeshInstanceID = meshRenderer.additionalVertexStreams.GetInstanceID();

                instance.transform                   = staticBatchInverseMatrix * filter.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                instance.lightmapScaleOffset         = renderer.lightmapScaleOffset;
                instance.realtimeLightmapScaleOffset = renderer.realtimeLightmapScaleOffset;

                MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshContainer mesh = new MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshContainer();
                mesh.gameObject       = go;
                mesh.instance         = instance;
                mesh.subMeshInstances = new List <MeshSubsetCombineUtility.SubMeshInstance>();

                //;;Debug.Log("New static mesh (" + + ")verts: " + instanceMesh.vertexCount +
                //  ", tris: " + instanceMesh.triangles.Length +
                //  ", materials: " + renderer.sharedMaterials.Length +
                //  ", subs: " + instanceMesh.subMeshCount
                //  );


                if (materials.Length > instanceMesh.subMeshCount)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Mesh '" + + "' has more materials (" + materials.Length + ") than subsets (" + instanceMesh.subMeshCount + ")", renderer);
                    // extra materials don't have a meaning and it screws the rendering as Unity
                    // tries to render with those extra materials.
                    Material[] newMats = new Material[instanceMesh.subMeshCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < instanceMesh.subMeshCount; ++i)
                        newMats[i] = renderer.sharedMaterials[i];
                    renderer.sharedMaterials = newMats;
                    materials = newMats;

                for (int m = 0; m < System.Math.Min(materials.Length, instanceMesh.subMeshCount); ++m)
                    //;;Debug.Log("   new subset : " + m + ", tris " + instanceMesh.GetTriangles(m).Length);
                    MeshSubsetCombineUtility.SubMeshInstance subMeshInstance = new MeshSubsetCombineUtility.SubMeshInstance();
                    subMeshInstance.meshInstanceID       = filter.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID();
                    subMeshInstance.vertexOffset         = verticesInBatch;
                    subMeshInstance.subMeshIndex         = m;
                    subMeshInstance.gameObjectInstanceID = go.GetInstanceID();
                    subMeshInstance.transform            = instance.transform;
                verticesInBatch += instanceMesh.vertexCount;

            MakeBatch(meshes, staticBatchRootTransform, batchIndex);
        static public void Combine(UnityEngine.GameObject staticBatchRoot, bool combineOnlyStatic, bool isEditorPostprocessScene, StaticBatcherGOSorter sorter)
            GameObject[] gos = (GameObject[])UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject));

            List <GameObject> filteredGos = new List <GameObject>();

            foreach (GameObject go in gos)
                if (staticBatchRoot != null)
                    if (!go.transform.IsChildOf(staticBatchRoot.transform))

                if (combineOnlyStatic && !go.isStaticBatchable)


            gos = filteredGos.ToArray();

            CombineGameObjects(gos, staticBatchRoot, isEditorPostprocessScene, sorter);
 public static void CombineRoot(UnityEngine.GameObject staticBatchRoot, StaticBatcherGOSorter sorter)
     Combine(staticBatchRoot, false, false, sorter);