Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="crop"> StateCU_CropCharacteristics object to display </param>
        /// <param name="editable"> whether the display should be editable or not. </param>
        public StateCU_CropCharacteristics_JFrame(StateCU_DataSet dataset, StateCU_CropCharacteristics crop, bool editable) : base(dataset.getBaseName() + " - StateCU GUI - Crop Characteristics")
            __currentCropIndex = -1;
            __editable         = editable;

            __dataset       = dataset;
            __cropComponent = __dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateCU_DataSet.COMP_CROP_CHARACTERISTICS);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateCU_CropCharacteristics> cropsVector0 = (java.util.List<StateCU_CropCharacteristics>)__cropComponent.getData();
            IList <StateCU_CropCharacteristics> cropsVector0 = (IList <StateCU_CropCharacteristics>)__cropComponent.getData();

            __cropsVector = cropsVector0;

            __blaneyComponent = __dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateCU_DataSet.COMP_BLANEY_CRIDDLE);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> blaneyVector0 = (java.util.List<StateCU_BlaneyCriddle>)__blaneyComponent.getData();
            IList <StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> blaneyVector0 = (IList <StateCU_BlaneyCriddle>)__blaneyComponent.getData();

            __blaneyVector = blaneyVector0;

            string id    = crop.getID();
            int    index = StateCU_Util.IndexOf(__cropsVector, id);

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs general and specific data checks on location climate station data. </summary>
        /// <param name="props"> A property list for specific properties. </param>
        /// <param name="data_vector"> Vector of data to check. </param>
        private void checkLocationClimateStationsData(PropList props, System.Collections.IList data_vector)
            // Create elements for the checks and check file
            string[] header = StateCU_CropCharacteristics.getDataHeader();
            System.Collections.IList data = new List <object>();
            string title = "Location Climate Station";

            // Perform the general validation using the Data Table Model
            StateCU_Data_TableModel tm = new StateCU_Location_ClimateStation_TableModel(data_vector);

            System.Collections.IList @checked = performDataValidation(tm, title);
            //String [] columnHeader = getDataTableModelColumnHeader( tm );
            string[] columnHeader = getColumnHeader(tm);

            // Do specific checks
            int size = 0;

            if (data_vector != null)
                size = data_vector.Count;
            data = doSpecificDataChecks(data_vector, props);
            // Add the data and checks to the check file.
            // Provides basic header information for this data check table
            string info = "The following " + title + " (" + data.Count +
                          " out of " + size + ") have no .....";

            // Create data models for Check file
            CheckFile_DataModel dm     = new CheckFile_DataModel(data, header, title, info, data.Count, size);
            CheckFile_DataModel gen_dm = new CheckFile_DataModel(@checked, columnHeader, title + " Missing or Invalid Data", "", __gen_problems, size);

            __check_file.addData(dm, gen_dm);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the Apply button is pressed. This commits any changes to the data
        /// objects.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void apply()
            StateCU_CropCharacteristics station = null;
            int size = _data.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                station = (StateCU_CropCharacteristics)_data[i];
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the cancel button is pressed.  This discards any changes made to
        /// the data objects.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void cancel()
            StateCU_CropCharacteristics station = null;
            int size = _data.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                station = (StateCU_CropCharacteristics)_data[i];
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the information associated with the currently-selected crop.
        /// The user doesn't need to hit the return key for the gui to recognize changes.
        /// The info is saved each time the user selects a differents tation or pressed
        /// the close button.
        /// </summary>
        private void saveInformation(int record)
            if (!__editable || record == -1)

            if (!checkInput())

            StateCU_CropCharacteristics crop = (StateCU_CropCharacteristics)__cropsVector[record];

 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parent well under which the right and return flow data is stored. </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"> the parent well. </param>
 public virtual void setParentCropCharacteristics(StateCU_CropCharacteristics parent)
     // TODO SAM 2007-03-01 Evaluate use
     //__parentCrop = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the data that should be placed in the JTable
        /// at the given row and column. </summary>
        /// <param name="row"> the row for which to return data. </param>
        /// <param name="col"> the column for which to return data. </param>
        /// <returns> the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and col. </returns>
        public virtual object getValueAt(int row, int col)
            if (_sortOrder != null)
                row = _sortOrder[row];

            StateCU_CropCharacteristics crop = (StateCU_CropCharacteristics)_data.get(row);

            if (__singleCrop)
                switch (col)
                case __COL_NAME:

                case __COL_DAY_PCT:
                    if (__blaneyCriddle == null)
                        return(new int?(0));
                    if (__dayNotPercent)
                        return(new int?(__blaneyCriddle.getNckcp(row)));
                        return(new int?(__blaneyCriddle.getNckca(row)));

                case __COL_VALUE:
                    if (__blaneyCriddle == null)
                        return(new double?(0));

                    if (__dayNotPercent)
                        return(new double?(__blaneyCriddle.getCkcp(row)));
                        return(new double?(__blaneyCriddle.getCkca(row)));
                switch (col)
                case __COL_NAME:

                case __COL_GDATE1:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdate1()));

                case __COL_GDATE2:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdate2()));

                case __COL_GDATE3:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdate3()));

                case __COL_GDATE4:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdate4()));

                case __COL_GDATE5:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdate5()));

                case __COL_GDATES:
                    return(new int?(crop.getGdates()));

                case __COL_TMOIS1:
                    return(new double?(crop.getTmois1()));

                case __COL_TMOIS2:
                    return(new double?(crop.getTmois2()));

                case __COL_MAD:
                    return(new double?(crop.getMad()));

                case __COL_IRX:
                    return(new double?(crop.getIrx()));

                case __COL_FRX:
                    return(new double?(crop.getFrx()));

                case __COL_AWC:
                    return(new double?(crop.getAwc()));

                case __COL_APD:
                    return(new double?(crop.getApd()));

                case __COL_TFLAG1:
                    return(new int?(crop.getTflg1()));

                case __COL_TFLAG2:
                    return(new int?(crop.getTflg2()));

                case __COL_CUT2:
                    return(new int?(crop.getCut2()));

                case __COL_CUT3:
                    return(new int?(crop.getCut3()));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a table selection (either via a mouse press or programmatically
        /// from selectTableIndex() by writing the old data back to the data set component
        /// and getting the next selection's data out of the data and displaying it
        /// on the form. </summary>
        /// <param name="index"> the index of the reservoir to display on the form. </param>
        private void processTableSelection(int index)
            __lastCropIndex    = __currentCropIndex;
            __currentCropIndex = __worksheet.getOriginalRowNumber(index);


            if (__worksheet.getSelectedRow() == -1)


            StateCU_CropCharacteristics crop = (StateCU_CropCharacteristics)__cropsVector[__currentCropIndex];

            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdate1(), __plantMonthJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdate2(), __plantDayJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdate3(), __harvestMonthJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdate4(), __harvestDayJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdate5(), __daysToCoverJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getGdates(), __seasonLengthJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getTmois1(), __earliestValueJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getTmois2(), __latestValueJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getFrx(), __maxRootFeetJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getApd(), __maxAppDepthJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getCut2(), __firstDaysBetweenJTextField);
            StateCU_Util.checkAndSet(crop.getCut3(), __secondDaysBetweenJTextField);

            int flag = crop.getTflg1();

            if (flag == -999)
                flag = 3;

            flag = crop.getTflg2();
            if (flag == -999)
                flag = 3;

            int bcindex = StateCU_Util.indexOfName(__blaneyVector, crop.getID());
            StateCU_BlaneyCriddle bc = null;

            if (bcindex != -1)
                bc = (StateCU_BlaneyCriddle)__blaneyVector[bcindex];
                if (bc.getFlag().Equals("Percent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    __coeffWorksheet.setColumnName(3, "PERCENT");
                    __coeffWorksheet.setColumnName(3, "DAY");