Exemple #1
 void removeWeapon()
     if (weapons.Count != 0)
         string LastAdded = weapons[w.wep.Count - 1];
         // 1
         GameObject FindLastAdded = GameObject.Find("" + LastAdded);
         // 2
         activeWeap = FindObjectOfType <ActiveWeapons>();           // Reference to ActiveWeapons.
         activeWeap.Weapons.RemoveAt(activeWeap.Weapons.Count - 1); // Remove weapon from ActiveWeapons List
         startWeap = FindObjectOfType <StartWeapons>();             // Reference to StartWeapons.
         startWeap.Weapons.RemoveAt(startWeap.Weapons.Count - 1);   // Remove weapon from StartWeapons List
         GameObject FindLastAddedOnPanel = GameObject.Find("" + LastAdded);
         weapons.RemoveAt(weapons.Count - 1);
Exemple #2
        void createWeapon()
            // 1
            // creating new "Weapon" Gameobject, parent it to weapon selection and add weaponMobile component.
            g = new GameObject("" + weaponName);
            g.AddComponent <weaponHolder>();
            if (WeaponImage)
                g.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = WeaponImage;
            W = GameObject.FindWithTag("WeaponSelection");// finding weaponSelection to parent new weapon to it.
            // create new GameObject and parent it to weapon.
            p = new GameObject("GameObject");
            // add name to new weapon
            string www = weaponName;

            g.name = www;
            weapons.Add(g.name); // add new weapon to "Weapons" ScriptableObject.
            // 2
            //adding new new Weapon on weapons panel.
            // creating new "Weapon" Gameobject, parent it to weapon panel and add Button and Image components.
            b = new GameObject("" + weaponName);
            b.AddComponent <Image>();
            b.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = WeaponImage;
            b.AddComponent <Button>();
            b.layer = 5;
            GameObject weaponpanel = GameObject.Find("Panel");// finding weapon Panel to parent new weapon to it.

            b.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            // create new Text GameObject and parent it to weapon.
            string[] results2             = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("_Weapons");
            string   ScriptableObjectpath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(results2[0]);

            w  = (Weapons)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ScriptableObjectpath, typeof(Weapons));
            pb = new GameObject(weaponName + "Ammo");
            pb.AddComponent <Text>();
            Text text = pb.GetComponent <Text>();

            text.font      = w.MainFont;
            text.fontSize  = 30;
            text.color     = new Color32(50, 50, 50, 255);
            text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            pb.layer       = 5;
            RectTransform TEXTrect = pb.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            TEXTrect.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            TEXTrect.anchorMin  = new Vector2(0.6187f, 0f);
            TEXTrect.anchorMax  = new Vector2(1, 1);
            TEXTrect.offsetMin  = new Vector2(0, 0);
            TEXTrect.offsetMax  = new Vector2(20, 0);
            activeWeap = FindObjectOfType <ActiveWeapons>(); // Reference to ActiveWeapons.
            activeWeap.Weapons.Add(b);                       // Add Weapon to Activeweapons List.
            weaponIndex = activeWeap.Weapons.Count - 1;
            startWeap   = FindObjectOfType <StartWeapons>(); // Reference to StartWeapons.
            startWeap.Weapons.Add(b);                        // Add Weapon to Activeweapons List.
            Button            butten  = b.GetComponent <Button>();
            WeaponSelection   waepsel = FindObjectOfType <WeaponSelection>();
            UnityAction <int> action  = new UnityAction <int>(waepsel.Select);

            UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(butten.onClick, action, weaponIndex);
            GameManager gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();

Exemple #3
        void createWeaponFromPrefab()
            pre      = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            pre.name = prefab.name;
            weapons.Add(pre.name);                         // add new weapon to "Weapons" ScriptableObject.

            W = GameObject.FindWithTag("WeaponSelection"); // finding weaponSelection to parent new weapon to it.
            // instantiate weapon prefab and parent it to weapon.

            // 2
            //adding new new Weapon on weapons panel.
            // creating new "Weapon" Gameobject, parent it to weapon panel and add Button and Image components.
            b = new GameObject("" + pre.name);
            b.AddComponent <Image>();
            if (WeaponImage)
                b.GetComponent <Image>().sprite         = WeaponImage;
                b.GetComponent <Image>().preserveAspect = true;
            b.AddComponent <Button>();
            b.layer = 5;
            GameObject weaponpanel = GameObject.Find("Panel");// finding weapon Panel to parent new weapon to it.

            b.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            // create new Text GameObject and parent it to weapon.
            pb = new GameObject(pre.name + "Ammo");
            pb.AddComponent <Text>();
            Text text = pb.GetComponent <Text>();

            text.font      = w.MainFont;
            text.fontSize  = 30;
            text.color     = new Color32(50, 50, 50, 255);
            text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            pb.layer       = 5;
            RectTransform TEXTrect = pb.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            TEXTrect.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            TEXTrect.anchorMin  = new Vector2(0.6187f, 0f);
            TEXTrect.anchorMax  = new Vector2(1, 1);
            TEXTrect.offsetMin  = new Vector2(0, 0);
            TEXTrect.offsetMax  = new Vector2(20, 0);
            activeWeap = FindObjectOfType <ActiveWeapons>(); // Reference to ActiveWeapons.
            activeWeap.Weapons.Add(b);                       // Add Weapon to Activeweapons List.
            weaponIndex = activeWeap.Weapons.Count - 1;
            startWeap   = FindObjectOfType <StartWeapons>(); // Reference to StartWeapons.
            startWeap.Weapons.Add(b);                        // Add Weapon to Activeweapons List.
            Button            butten  = b.GetComponent <Button>();
            WeaponSelection   waepsel = FindObjectOfType <WeaponSelection>();
            UnityAction <int> action  = new UnityAction <int>(waepsel.Select);

            UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(butten.onClick, action, weaponIndex);
            GameManager gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();
