Exemple #1
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                    EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ServicePrincipalObject))
                    ObjectId = ServicePrincipalObject.Id;

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ServicePrincipalName))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetObjectIdFromSPN(ServicePrincipalName);

                if (Password != null && Password.Length > 0)
                    string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);
                    // Create object for password credential
                    var passwordCredential = new PasswordCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Value     = decodedPassword
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new password to service principal with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateSpPasswordCredential(ObjectId, passwordCredential));
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CertValue))
                    // Create object for key credential
                    var keyCredential = new KeyCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Value     = CertValue,
                        Type      = "AsymmetricX509Cert",
                        Usage     = "Verify"

                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new caertificate to service principal with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateSpKeyCredential(ObjectId, keyCredential));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No valid keyCredential or passwordCredential to update!!");
Exemple #2
        public Deposit
            int percent,
            decimal value,
            AccrualsInterval interv,
            int periods
            Percent     = percent;
            Value       = value;
            Interval    = interv;
            StartDate   = DateTime.Now;
            LastAccrual = StartDate;
            switch (interv)
            case AccrualsInterval.minute:
                FinishDate = StartDate.AddMinutes(periods);

            case AccrualsInterval.month:
                FinishDate = StartDate.AddMonths(periods);

            case AccrualsInterval.year:
                FinishDate = StartDate.AddYears(periods);
Exemple #3
        public AssetItemViewModel()
            Title = "新建";

            _model    = new AssetItem();
            StartDate = DateTime.Today;
            EndDate   = StartDate.AddYears(1);
Exemple #4
 public Fund()
     this.StartDate        = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1);
     this.EndDate          = StartDate.AddYears(1);
     this.OtherServicesMax = 100;
     this.HomecareMin      = 0;
     this.AdminMax         = 100;
Exemple #5
    public static DateTimeSpan CompareDates(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
        DateTimeSpan R = new DateTimeSpan();

        if (StartDate.Equals(EndDate))
            return(new DateTimeSpan());
        bool Later;

        if (Later = StartDate > EndDate)
            DateTime D = StartDate;
            StartDate = EndDate;
            EndDate   = D;

        // Calculate Date Stuff
        for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddYears(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddYears(1), R.Years++)
        if (R.Years > 0)
            StartDate = StartDate.AddYears(R.Years);
        for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddMonths(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddMonths(1), R.Months++)
        if (R.Months > 0)
            StartDate = StartDate.AddMonths(R.Months);
        for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddDays(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddDays(1), R.Days++)
        if (R.Days > 0)
            StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(R.Days);

        // Calculate Time Stuff
        TimeSpan T1 = EndDate - StartDate;

        R.Hours        = T1.Hours;
        R.Minutes      = T1.Minutes;
        R.Seconds      = T1.Seconds;
        R.Milliseconds = T1.Milliseconds;

        // Return answer. Negate values if the Start Date was later than the End Date
        if (Later)
            return(new DateTimeSpan(-R.Years, -R.Months, -R.Days, -R.Hours, -R.Minutes, -R.Seconds, -R.Milliseconds));
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);
                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationObject))
                    ObjectId = ApplicationObject.ObjectId;
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationId))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetAppObjectIdFromApplicationId(ApplicationId);
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.DisplayName))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetAppObjectIdFromDisplayName(DisplayName);

                if (Password != null && Password.Length > 0)
                    string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);
                    // Create object for password credential
                    var passwordCredential = new PasswordCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Value     = decodedPassword
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new password to application with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateAppPasswordCredential(ObjectId, passwordCredential));
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CertValue))
                    // Create object for key credential
                    var keyCredential = new KeyCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Value     = CertValue,
                        Type      = "AsymmetricX509Cert",
                        Usage     = "Verify"
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new certificate to application with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateAppKeyCredential(ObjectId, keyCredential));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No valid keyCredential or passowrdCredential to update!!");
Exemple #7
 public FeedPoll()
     FeedType  = FeedType.Poll;
     PollType  = FeedPollType.SimpleAnswer;
     StartDate = TenantUtil.DateTimeNow();
     EndDate   = StartDate.AddYears(100);
     Variants  = new List <FeedPollVariant>();
     Answers   = new List <FeedPollAnswer>();
            public SimulatorApp()
                IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory))
                                        .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)

                int timeSpend = Convert.ToInt32(config.GetSection("SimulationDayLife").Value);

                EndDate     = StartDate.AddDays(timeSpend);
                PoultryList = new List <IPoultry>()
                    new Poultry()
                        BirthDate = StartDate.AddYears(-1), isMale = true, isPregnant = false, PoultryEnum = (int)PoultryEnum.Rabbit
                    new Poultry()
                        BirthDate = StartDate.AddYears(-1), isMale = false, isPregnant = false, PoultryEnum = (int)PoultryEnum.Rabbit
Exemple #9
        private IList <MasterFIRecord> GetPrevSalesboardCount()
            DateTime prevStartDate = DateHelper.FirstDayOfTheMonth(StartDate.AddYears(-1));
            DateTime prevEndDate   = DateHelper.LastDayOfTheMonth(StartDate.AddYears(-1));

            IList <MasterFIRecord> mRecs = context.MasterFIs
                                           .Where(m => m.status != 6 && //No Wholesale
                                                  ((m.delvdate >= prevStartDate && m.delvdate <= prevEndDate) ||
                                                   (m.delvdate == new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) && m.salesdate >= prevStartDate && m.salesdate <= prevEndDate)))
                                           .Select(d => new MasterFIRecord
                RecordType = "M",
                Record     = d
            var ret = mRecs.Union(context.MasterFIs.Where(m => m.status != 6 && m.unwinddate >= prevStartDate && m.unwinddate <= prevEndDate)
                                  .Select(d => new MasterFIRecord
                RecordType = "U",
                Record     = d

            public ConsoleApplication(ICoopSimulation coopSimulation)
                IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory))
                                        .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)

                SimulationCyclesInMonth    = Convert.ToInt32(config.GetSection("SimulationCyclesInMonth").Value);
                _coopSimulation            = coopSimulation;
                _coopSimulation.Time       = StartDate;
                _coopSimulation.Population = new HashSet <IFowl>()
                    new FemaleRabbit(_coopSimulation)
                        BirthDate = StartDate.AddYears(-1)
                    new MaleRabbit(_coopSimulation)
                        BirthDate = StartDate.AddYears(-1)

                EndDate = StartDate.AddMonths(SimulationCyclesInMonth);
Exemple #11
        private void CreateSimpleServicePrincipal()
            var subscriptionId = DefaultProfile.DefaultContext.Subscription.Id;

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Scope))
                Scope = string.Format("/subscriptions/{0}", subscriptionId);
                WriteVerbose(string.Format("No scope provided - using the default scope '{0}'", Scope));

            AuthorizationClient.ValidateScope(Scope, true);

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Role))
                Role = "Contributor";
                WriteVerbose(string.Format("No role provided - using the default role '{0}'", Role));

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.StartDate))
                DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                StartDate = currentTime;
                WriteVerbose("No start date provided - using the current time as default.");

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);
                WriteVerbose("No end date provided - using the default value of one year after the start date.");

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.DisplayName))
                DisplayName = "azure-powershell-" + StartDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-ss");
                WriteVerbose(string.Format("No display name provided - using the default display name of '{0}'", DisplayName));

            var identifierUri = "http://" + DisplayName;

            // Handle credentials
            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Password))
                // If no credentials provided, set the password to a randomly generated GUID
                Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ConvertToSecureString();

            // Create an application and get the applicationId
            var passwordCredential = new PSADPasswordCredential()
                StartDate = StartDate,
                EndDate   = EndDate,
                KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Password  = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password)

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationId))
                CreatePSApplicationParameters appParameters = new CreatePSApplicationParameters
                    DisplayName         = DisplayName,
                    IdentifierUris      = new[] { identifierUri },
                    HomePage            = identifierUri,
                    PasswordCredentials = new PSADPasswordCredential[]

                if (ShouldProcess(target: appParameters.DisplayName, action: string.Format("Adding a new application for with display name '{0}'", appParameters.DisplayName)))
                    var application = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateApplication(appParameters);
                    ApplicationId = application.ApplicationId;
                    WriteVerbose(string.Format("No application id provided - created new AD application with application id '{0}'", ApplicationId));

            CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters createParameters = new CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters
                ApplicationId       = ApplicationId,
                AccountEnabled      = true,
                PasswordCredentials = new PSADPasswordCredential[]

            if (ShouldProcess(target: createParameters.ApplicationId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new service principal to be associated with an application having AppId '{0}'", createParameters.ApplicationId)))
                var servicePrincipal = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateServicePrincipal(createParameters);
                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.SkipAssignment))
                    WriteVerbose("Skipping role assignment for the service principal.");

                FilterRoleAssignmentsOptions parameters = new FilterRoleAssignmentsOptions()
                    Scope = this.Scope,
                    RoleDefinitionName = this.Role,
                    ADObjectFilter     = new ADObjectFilterOptions
                        SPN = servicePrincipal.ApplicationId.ToString(),
                        Id  = servicePrincipal.Id.ToString()
                    ResourceIdentifier = new ResourceIdentifier()
                        Subscription = subscriptionId
                    CanDelegate = false

                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        var ra = PoliciesClient.FilterRoleAssignments(parameters, subscriptionId);
                        if (ra != null)
                            WriteVerbose(string.Format("Role assignment with role '{0}' and scope '{1}' successfully created for the created service principal.", this.Role, this.Scope));
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Do nothing
Exemple #12
 public FiscalYear AddYears(int years)
     return(new FiscalYear(StartDate.AddYears(years)));
Exemple #13
        private void CreateBillsForDateRange()
            var    days     = (EndDate - StartDate).TotalDays;
            double dayCount = 0.0;

            var spacings = 0;   //weeks, months, fortnights, 4weeks etc

            switch (DueDateFrequency)
            case DueDateFrequencies.OneWeek:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddDays((spacings + 1) * 7) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddDays(7 * i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.TwoWeek:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddDays((spacings + 1) * 14) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddDays(14 * i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.FourWeek:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddDays((spacings + 1) * 28) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddDays(28 * i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.Monthly:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddMonths(spacings + 1) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddMonths(i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.Quarterly:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddMonths(3 * (spacings + 1)) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddMonths(3 * i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.SemiAnnually:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddMonths(6 * (spacings + 1)) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddMonths(6 * i)));

            case DueDateFrequencies.Yearly:
                while (dayCount <= days)
                    dayCount = (StartDate.AddYears(spacings + 1) - StartDate).TotalDays;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacings; i++)
                    NewBills.Add(new NewMultiBillViewModel(i + 1, StartDate.AddYears(i)));

        private void OnStartOfSimulation(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Open the weather file and read its contents.
            DateTime firstDateInFile;
            DateTime lastDateInFile;
            var      file = new ApsimTextFile();

                data            = file.ToTable();
                firstDateInFile = file.FirstDate;
                lastDateInFile  = file.LastDate;
                Latitude        = Convert.ToDouble(file.Constant("Latitude").Value);
                if (file.Constant("TAV") == null)
                    throw new Exception("TAV not specified in weather file.");
                Tav = Convert.ToDouble(file.Constant("TAV").Value);
                if (file.Constant("AMP") == null)
                    throw new Exception("AMP not specified in weather file.");
                Amp = Convert.ToDouble(file.Constant("Amp").Value);
                if (file.Constant("CO2") != null)
                    CO2 = Convert.ToDouble(file.Constant("CO2").Value);
                    CO2 = 350;

            // Make sure some data was read.
            if (data.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception($"No weather data found in file {FileName}");

            // Parse the user input start date into a StartDate.
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(StartDateOfSimulation, out date))
                StartDate = date;
                throw new Exception($"Invalid start date specified in WeatherRandomiser {StartDateOfSimulation}");

            // If sampling method is random then create an array of random years.
            if (TypeOfSampling == RandomiserTypeEnum.RandomSampler)
                // Make sure user has entered number of years.
                if (NumYears <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("The number of years to sample from the weather file hasn't been speciifed.");

                // Determine the year range to sample from.
                var firstYearToSampleFrom = firstDateInFile.Year;
                var lastYearToSampleFrom  = lastDateInFile.Year - 1;
                if (firstDateInFile > StartDate)

                // Randomly sample from the weather record for the required number of years.
                Years = new double[NumYears];
                var random = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < NumYears; i++)
                    Years[i] = random.Next(firstYearToSampleFrom, lastYearToSampleFrom);

            if (Years == null || Years.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("No years specified in WeatherRandomiser");

            EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(Years.Length).AddDays(-1);

            currentYearIndex = -1;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// scan all people pto or signal people
        /// </summary>
        private void InitControls()
            //if (list.Where(t => t.ModuleID == allid).Count() == 0 && (UserInfo.ID + "" != ddlUsers.SelectedValue))//防止在手动修改链接参数
            //    ddlUsers.SelectedValue = UserInfo.ID + "";

            DateTime StartDate;
            DateTime EndDate;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(QS("year"), out StartDate))
                if (QS("year") == "-1")
                    StartDate = MinDate;
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2200, 1, 1);
                    StartDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1);
                    EndDate   = StartDate.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1);
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1);
            if (this.ReportView == "DetailView")
                rptHoursView.Visible  = false;
                rptListReport.Visible = true;

                List <PtoView> ptoViews = PtosHelper.ReGeneratePtos(int.Parse(ddlProject.SelectedValue), StartDate, EndDate, int.Parse(ddlUsers.SelectedValue), OrderBy, OrderDirection, DefaultOrderBy);

                #region Special order
                if (OrderBy == "Hours")
                    if (OrderDirection.ToUpper() == "ASC")
                        ptoViews = ptoViews.OrderBy(t => t.Hours).ToList();
                        ptoViews = ptoViews.OrderByDescending(t => t.Hours).ToList();
                if (OrderBy == "Remaining")
                    if (OrderDirection.ToUpper() == "ASC")
                        ptoViews = ptoViews.OrderBy(t => t.Remaining).ToList();
                        ptoViews = ptoViews.OrderByDescending(t => t.Remaining).ToList();
                rptListReport.DataSource = ptoViews;

                if (ptoViews.Count == 0)
                    trNoListRecord.Visible = true;
            else if (this.ReportView == "HoursView")
                rptListReport.Visible = false;
                rptHoursView.Visible  = true;

                DataTable dt = _tsApp.QueryReportTotalHoursByProject(
                rptHoursView.DataSource = dt;
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    trNoHourRecord.Visible = true;
                rptListReport.Visible = false;
                rptHoursView.Visible  = false;
Exemple #16
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                    EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationObject))
                    ObjectId = ApplicationObject.ObjectId;
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationId))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetAppObjectIdFromApplicationId(ApplicationId);
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.DisplayName))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetAppObjectIdFromDisplayName(DisplayName);

                if (Password != null && Password.Length > 0)
                    string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);
                    // Create object for password credential
                    var passwordCredential = new PasswordCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = KeyId == default(Guid) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : KeyId.ToString(),
                        Value     = decodedPassword
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomKeyIdentifier))
                        passwordCredential.CustomKeyIdentifier = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CustomKeyIdentifier);
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId, action: string.Format("Adding a new password to application with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateAppPasswordCredential(ObjectId, passwordCredential));
                else if (CertValue != null)
                    // Create object for key credential
                    var keyCredential = new KeyCredential()
                        EndDate             = EndDate,
                        StartDate           = StartDate,
                        KeyId               = KeyId == default(Guid) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : KeyId.ToString(),
                        Value               = CertValue,
                        Type                = "AsymmetricX509Cert",
                        Usage               = "Verify",
                        CustomKeyIdentifier = CustomKeyIdentifier
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId, action: string.Format("Adding a new certificate to application with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateAppKeyCredential(ObjectId, keyCredential));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No valid keyCredential or passwordCredential to update!!");
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                if (this.ParameterSetName == SimpleParameterSet)

                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                    EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationObject))
                    ApplicationId = ApplicationObject.ApplicationId;
                    DisplayName   = ApplicationObject.DisplayName;

                if (ApplicationId == Guid.Empty)
                    string uri = "http://" + DisplayName.Trim().Replace(' ', '_');

                    // Create an application and get the applicationId
                    CreatePSApplicationParameters appParameters = new CreatePSApplicationParameters
                        DisplayName    = DisplayName,
                        IdentifierUris = new[] { uri },
                        HomePage       = uri

                    if (ShouldProcess(target: appParameters.DisplayName, action: string.Format("Adding a new application for with display name '{0}'", appParameters.DisplayName)))
                        var application = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateApplication(appParameters);
                        ApplicationId   = application.ApplicationId;

                CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters createParameters = new CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters
                    ApplicationId  = ApplicationId,
                    AccountEnabled = true

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Password))
                    string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);
                    createParameters.PasswordCredentials = new PSADPasswordCredential[]
                        new PSADPasswordCredential
                            StartDate = StartDate,
                            EndDate   = EndDate,
                            KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Password  = decodedPassword
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.PasswordCredential))
                    createParameters.PasswordCredentials = PasswordCredential;
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CertValue))
                    createParameters.KeyCredentials = new PSADKeyCredential[]
                        new PSADKeyCredential
                            StartDate = StartDate,
                            EndDate   = EndDate,
                            KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            CertValue = CertValue
                else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.KeyCredential))
                    createParameters.KeyCredentials = KeyCredential;

                if (ShouldProcess(target: createParameters.ApplicationId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new service principal to be associated with an application having AppId '{0}'", createParameters.ApplicationId)))
                    var servicePrincipal = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateServicePrincipal(createParameters);
Exemple #18
 public DateTimePeriod AddYears(int years)
     return(new DateTimePeriod(StartDate.AddYears(years), EndDate.AddYears(years)));
        protected void ButtonShowReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string   CustomerId, LocationName, ReportName, DataSetName, URL;
            DateTime StartDate, EndDate, StartDate1, EndDate1, StartDate2, EndDate2, StartDate3, EndDate3;

            StartDate = CalendarControlStartPeriod.SelectedDate;
            EndDate   = CalendarControlEndPeriod.SelectedDate;
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "Today")
                StartDate = Common.CurrentClientDate(Session);
                EndDate   = Common.CurrentClientDate(Session);
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "Yesterday")
                StartDate = Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).AddDays(-1);
                EndDate   = Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).AddDays(-1);
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "ThisMonth")
                DateTime BaseDate = new DateTime(Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).Year, Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).Month, 1);
                StartDate = BaseDate;
                EndDate   = BaseDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "PreviousMonth")
                DateTime BaseDate = new DateTime(Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).Year, Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).Month, 1);
                StartDate = BaseDate.AddMonths(-1);
                EndDate   = BaseDate.AddDays(-1);
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "ThisYear")
                StartDate = new DateTime(Common.CurrentClientDate(Session).Year, 1, 1);
                EndDate   = Common.CurrentClientDate(Session);
            if (BulletedListDateSelection.SelectedValue == "All")
                StartDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
                EndDate   = new DateTime(2100, 1, 1);
            StartDate1 = StartDate.AddYears(-1);
            EndDate1   = EndDate.AddYears(-1);
            StartDate2 = StartDate.AddYears(-2);
            EndDate2   = EndDate.AddYears(-2);
            StartDate3 = StartDate.AddYears(-3);
            EndDate3   = EndDate.AddYears(-3);

            LocationName = ComboBoxSelectedLocation.Text;

            CustomerId = "";
            if (RadioButtonListCustomerSelection.SelectedValue == "Select")
                CustomerId = ComboBoxCustomerSelection.SelectedValue;

            ReportName  = "";
            DataSetName = "";
            switch (RadioButtonListReportType.SelectedValue)
            case "All":
                ReportName  = "ReportComparisonTotals";
                DataSetName = "DataSetComparisonTotals";

            case "Material":
                ReportName  = "ReportComparisonMaterialTotals";
                DataSetName = "DataSetComparisonMaterialTotals";

            case "Customer":
                ReportName  = "ReportComparisonCustomerTotals";
                DataSetName = "DataSetComparisonCustomerTotals";

            // load up the iframe
            URL = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=" + DataSetName +
                  "&r=" + ReportName +
                  "&CustomerId=" + CustomerId +
                  "&LocationName=" + LocationName +
                  "&StartDate=" + StartDate.ToString() +
                  "&EndDate=" + EndDate.ToString() +
                  "&StartDate1=" + StartDate1.ToString() +
                  "&EndDate1=" + EndDate1.ToString() +
                  "&StartDate2=" + StartDate2.ToString() +
                  "&EndDate2=" + EndDate2.ToString() +
                  "&StartDate3=" + StartDate3.ToString() +
                  "&EndDate3=" + EndDate3.ToString();
            LabelURL.Text = URL;
            FrameShowReport.Attributes["src"] = URL;
        private void CreateSimpleServicePrincipal()
            var subscriptionId = DefaultContext.Subscription?.Id;

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.StartDate))
                DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                StartDate = currentTime;
                WriteVerbose("No start date provided - using the current time as default.");

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.DisplayName))
                DisplayName = "azure-powershell-" + StartDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-ss");
                WriteVerbose(string.Format("No display name provided - using the default display name of '{0}'", DisplayName));

            var identifierUri = "http://" + DisplayName;

            bool printPassword          = false;
            bool printUseExistingSecret = true;

            // Handle credentials
            var Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ConvertToSecureString();

            // Create an application and get the applicationId
            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationId))
                printUseExistingSecret = false;
                CreatePSApplicationParameters appParameters = new CreatePSApplicationParameters
                    DisplayName         = DisplayName,
                    IdentifierUris      = new[] { identifierUri },
                    HomePage            = identifierUri,
                    PasswordCredentials = new PSADPasswordCredential[]
                        new PSADPasswordCredential()
                            StartDate = StartDate,
                            EndDate   = EndDate,
                            KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Password  = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password)

                if (ShouldProcess(target: appParameters.DisplayName, action: string.Format("Adding a new application for with display name '{0}'", appParameters.DisplayName)))
                    var application = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateApplication(appParameters);
                    ApplicationId = application.ApplicationId;
                    WriteVerbose(string.Format("No application id provided - created new AD application with application id '{0}'", ApplicationId));
                    printPassword = true;

            CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters createParameters = new CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters
                ApplicationId  = ApplicationId,
                AccountEnabled = true,

            var shouldProcessMessage = string.Format("Adding a new service principal to be associated with an application " +
                                                     "having AppId '{0}' with no permissions.", createParameters.ApplicationId);

            if (!SkipRoleAssignment())
                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Scope))
                    Scope = string.Format("/subscriptions/{0}", subscriptionId);
                    WriteVerbose(string.Format("No scope provided - using the default scope '{0}'", Scope));

                AuthorizationClient.ValidateScope(Scope, true);

                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Role))
                    Role = "Contributor";
                    WriteVerbose(string.Format("No role provided - using the default role '{0}'", Role));

                shouldProcessMessage = string.Format("Adding a new service principal to be associated with an application " +
                                                     "having AppId '{0}' with '{1}' role over scope '{2}'.", createParameters.ApplicationId, this.Role, this.Scope);

            if (ShouldProcess(target: createParameters.ApplicationId.ToString(), action: shouldProcessMessage))
                PSADServicePrincipalWrapper servicePrincipal = new PSADServicePrincipalWrapper(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateServicePrincipal(createParameters));
                if (printPassword)
                    servicePrincipal.Secret = Password;
                else if (printUseExistingSecret)
                    WriteVerbose(String.Format(ProjectResources.ServicePrincipalCreatedWithCredentials, ApplicationId));
                if (SkipRoleAssignment())
                    WriteVerbose("Skipping role assignment for the service principal.");

                WriteWarning(string.Format("Assigning role '{0}' over scope '{1}' to the new service principal.", this.Role, this.Scope));
                FilterRoleAssignmentsOptions parameters = new FilterRoleAssignmentsOptions()
                    Scope = this.Scope,
                    RoleDefinitionName = this.Role,
                    ADObjectFilter     = new ADObjectFilterOptions
                        SPN = servicePrincipal.ApplicationId.ToString(),
                        Id  = servicePrincipal.Id.ToString()
                    ResourceIdentifier = new ResourceIdentifier()
                        Subscription = subscriptionId
                    CanDelegate = false

                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        var ra = PoliciesClient.FilterRoleAssignments(parameters, subscriptionId);
                        if (ra != null)
                            WriteVerbose(string.Format("Role assignment with role '{0}' and scope '{1}' successfully created for the created service principal.", this.Role, this.Scope));
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Do nothing
Exemple #21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int userID    = QS("user", 0);
            int projectID = QS("project", 0);

            if (userID == 0 || projectID == 0)
                this.Alert("Current Page get an error,please check your argument!", "/Pto/Pto.aspx?viewmodel=detailmodel");
            UserApplication userApp = new UserApplication();

            this.SelectedUser = userApp.GetUser(userID);
            ProjectApplication projApp = new ProjectApplication();

            this.SelectedProject = projApp.Get(projectID);

            //DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            //DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            //DateTime.TryParse(Request.QueryString["startdate"], out startDate);
            //DateTime.TryParse(Request.QueryString["enddate"], out endDate);

            DateTime StartDate;
            DateTime EndDate;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(Request.QueryString["year"], out StartDate))
                StartDate = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1);
                EndDate   = new DateTime(2200, 1, 1);;
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1);
            _eventsApplication = new EventsApplication();
            DataTable           evdt         = _eventsApplication.GetPtoByProjectUser(projectID, userID, StartDate, EndDate);
            IList <PtoUserView> eventPtolist = ModelConvertHelper <PtoUserView> .ConvertToModel(evdt);

            List <PtoUserDetailView> ptoUserDetailViews = new List <PtoUserDetailView>();

            if (eventPtolist != null && eventPtolist.Count > 0)
                foreach (var t in eventPtolist)
                    PtoUserDetailView ptoUserDetailView = new PtoUserDetailView
                        Title   = t.Title,
                        Name    = t.Name,
                        Details = t.Details
                    double hours = 0;
                    if (t.Office == "CN")
                        if (t.AllDay)
                            if (t.ToDay.Date == t.FromDay.Date)
                                hours += 8;
                                var days = t.ToDay.Day - t.FromDay.Day + 1;
                                hours = hours + days * 8;
                            ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(8).AddMinutes(30);
                            ptoUserDetailView.ToDay   = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(17).AddMinutes(30);
                        if (!t.AllDay)
                            var fromTime = t.FromTime.Split(':');
                            var toTime   = t.ToTime.Split(':');
                            DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
                            dtFormat.ShortDatePattern = "HH:mm";
                            var fromTimeHour    = Int32.Parse(fromTime[0]);
                            var fromtimeMinutes = Int32.Parse(fromTime[1]);
                            var toTimeHour      = Int32.Parse(toTime[0]);
                            var toTimeMinutes   = Int32.Parse(toTime[1]);
                            var fromTimeDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat);
                            var toTimeDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat);
                            var workTime        = Convert.ToDateTime("8:30", dtFormat);
                            var restTimeBegin   = Convert.ToDateTime("12:30", dtFormat);
                            var restTimeEnd     = Convert.ToDateTime("13:30", dtFormat);
                            var closeTime       = Convert.ToDateTime("17:30", dtFormat);
                            if (t.FromTimeType == 2)
                                if (fromTimeHour <= 5)
                                    fromTimeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                            if (t.FromTimeType == 1)
                                if (fromTimeHour == 12)
                                    fromTimeDate = workTime;
                            if (t.ToTimeType == 2)
                                if (toTimeHour <= 5)
                                    toTimeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                                if (5 < toTimeHour && toTimeHour < 12)
                                    toTimeDate = closeTime;
                            if (toTimeDate < restTimeBegin)
                                hours = hours + (toTimeDate - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                            if (toTimeDate > restTimeEnd)
                                hours = hours + (restTimeBegin - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                                hours = hours + (toTimeDate - restTimeEnd).TotalHours;
                            if (t.FromTimeType == 1)
                                ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes);
                                if (fromTimeHour <= 5)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour).AddHours(12).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes);
                            if (t.ToTimeType == 1)
                                ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(toTimeHour).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes);
                                if (toTimeHour <= 5)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.ToDay =
                                if (toTimeHour > 5 && toTimeHour < 12)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = closeTime;
                                if (toTimeHour == 12)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(12).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes);
                        var workTimes  = _eventsApplication.GetWorkTime(t.UserID);
                        var worksViews = workTimes.Select(k => new WorkTimeView
                            FromTime     = k.FromTime,
                            ToTime       = k.ToTime,
                            FromTimeType = k.FromTimeType,
                            ToTimeType   = k.ToTimeType
                        }).OrderBy(c => c.FromDate).ToList();
                        if (!worksViews.Any())
                            if (t.AllDay)
                                if (t.ToDay.Date == t.FromDay.Date)
                                    hours += 8;
                                    var days = t.ToDay.Day - t.FromDay.Day + 1;
                                    hours = hours + days * 8;
                                ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(8).AddMinutes(30);
                                ptoUserDetailView.ToDay   = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(17).AddMinutes(30);
                            if (!t.AllDay)
                                var fromTime = t.FromTime.Split(':');
                                var toTime   = t.ToTime.Split(':');
                                DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
                                dtFormat.ShortDatePattern = "HH:mm";
                                var fromTimeHour    = Int32.Parse(fromTime[0]);
                                var fromtimeMinutes = Int32.Parse(fromTime[1]);
                                var toTimeHour      = Int32.Parse(toTime[0]);
                                var toTimeMinutes   = Int32.Parse(toTime[1]);
                                var fromTimeDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat);
                                var toTimeDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat);
                                var workTime        = Convert.ToDateTime("8:30", dtFormat);
                                var restTimeBegin   = Convert.ToDateTime("12:30", dtFormat);
                                var restTimeEnd     = Convert.ToDateTime("13:30", dtFormat);
                                var closeTime       = Convert.ToDateTime("17:30", dtFormat);
                                if (t.FromTimeType == 2)
                                    if (fromTimeHour <= 5)
                                        fromTimeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                                if (t.FromTimeType == 1)
                                    if (fromTimeHour == 12)
                                        fromTimeDate = workTime;
                                if (t.ToTimeType == 2)
                                    if (toTimeHour <= 5)
                                        toTimeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                                    if (5 < toTimeHour && toTimeHour < 12)
                                        toTimeDate = closeTime;
                                if (toTimeDate < restTimeBegin)
                                    hours = hours + (toTimeDate - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                                if (toTimeDate > restTimeEnd)
                                    hours = hours + (restTimeBegin - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                                    hours = hours + (toTimeDate - restTimeEnd).TotalHours;
                                if (t.FromTimeType == 1)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes);
                                    if (fromTimeHour <= 5)
                                        ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour).AddHours(12).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes);
                                if (t.ToTimeType == 1)
                                    ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(toTimeHour).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes);
                                    if (toTimeHour <= 5)
                                        ptoUserDetailView.ToDay =
                                    if (toTimeHour > 5 && toTimeHour < 12)
                                        ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = closeTime;
                                    if (toTimeHour == 12)
                                        ptoUserDetailView.ToDay = t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(12).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes);
                            var mindate = worksViews.Min(x => x.FromDate);
                            var maxdate = worksViews.Max(x => x.ToDate);
                            if (t.AllDay)
                                if (t.ToDay.Date == t.FromDay.Date)
                                    hours += 8;
                                    var days = t.ToDay.Day - t.FromDay.Day + 1;
                                    hours = hours + days * 8;
                                ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = mindate;
                                ptoUserDetailView.ToDay   = maxdate;
                                DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo
                                    ShortDatePattern = "HH:mm"
                                var fromTime        = t.FromTime.Split(':');
                                var toTime          = t.ToTime.Split(':');
                                var fromTimeHour    = Int32.Parse(fromTime[0]);
                                var fromtimeMinutes = Int32.Parse(fromTime[1]);
                                var toTimeHour      = Int32.Parse(toTime[0]);
                                var toTimeMinutes   = Int32.Parse(toTime[1]);
                                var fromTimeDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat);
                                var toTimeDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat);

                                foreach (var g in worksViews)
                                    var workTime  = g.FromDate;
                                    var closeTime = g.ToDate;
                                    switch (t.FromTimeType)
                                    case 1:
                                        fromTimeDate = fromTimeHour == 12 ? Convert.ToDateTime("00:" + fromtimeMinutes, dtFormat) : Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat);

                                    case 2:
                                        fromTimeDate = fromTimeHour == 12 ? Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat) : Convert.ToDateTime(t.FromTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                                    switch (t.ToTimeType)
                                    case 1:
                                        toTimeDate = toTimeHour == 12 ? Convert.ToDateTime("00:" + toTimeMinutes, dtFormat) : Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat);

                                    case 2:
                                        toTimeDate = toTimeHour == 12 ? Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat) : Convert.ToDateTime(t.ToTime, dtFormat).AddHours(12);
                                    if (fromTimeDate <= workTime && closeTime <= toTimeDate)
                                        if ((closeTime - workTime).TotalHours < 0)
                                        hours = hours + (closeTime - workTime).TotalHours;
                                    if (fromTimeDate <= workTime && closeTime > toTimeDate)
                                        if ((toTimeDate - workTime).TotalHours < 0)
                                        hours = hours + (toTimeDate - workTime).TotalHours;
                                    if (fromTimeDate > workTime && closeTime <= toTimeDate)
                                        if ((closeTime - fromTimeDate).TotalHours < 0)
                                        hours = hours + (closeTime - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                                    if (fromTimeDate > workTime && closeTime > toTimeDate)
                                        if ((toTimeDate - fromTimeDate).TotalHours < 0)
                                        hours = hours + (toTimeDate - fromTimeDate).TotalHours;
                                ptoUserDetailView.FromDay = t.FromTimeType == 1 ? t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour == 12 ? 0 : fromTimeHour).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes) : t.FromDay.Date.AddHours(fromTimeHour == 12 ? 0 : fromTimeHour).AddHours(12).AddMinutes(fromtimeMinutes);
                                ptoUserDetailView.ToDay   = t.ToTimeType == 1 ? t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(toTimeHour == 12 ? 0 : toTimeHour).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes) : t.ToDay.Date.AddHours(toTimeHour == 12 ? 0 : toTimeHour).AddHours(12).AddMinutes(toTimeMinutes);
                    ptoUserDetailView.Hours = hours;
                this.ptoDetail.DataSource = ptoUserDetailViews;
                ShowFailMessageToClient("There is no records ");
            litUserName.Text = SelectedUser.FirstName + " " + SelectedUser.LastName;
            if (ptoUserDetailViews.Any())
                foreach (var t in ptoUserDetailViews)
                    _totalHours += t.Hours;
            litTotalhours.Text = _totalHours.ToString("#0.00") + " h";
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                    EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ServicePrincipalObject))
                    ObjectId = ServicePrincipalObject.Id;

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ServicePrincipalName))
                    ObjectId = ActiveDirectoryClient.GetObjectIdFromSPN(ServicePrincipalName);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CertValue))
                    // Create object for key credential
                    var keyCredential = new KeyCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = KeyId == default(Guid) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : KeyId.ToString(),
                        Value     = CertValue,
                        Type      = "AsymmetricX509Cert",
                        Usage     = "Verify"

                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId, action: string.Format("Adding a new caertificate to service principal with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        WriteObject(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateSpKeyCredential(ObjectId, keyCredential));
                    // If no credentials provided, set the password to a randomly generated GUID
                    var Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ConvertToSecureString();

                    string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);

                    var passwordCredential = new PasswordCredential()
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        KeyId     = KeyId == default(Guid) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : KeyId.ToString(),
                        Value     = decodedPassword
                    if (ShouldProcess(target: ObjectId, action: string.Format("Adding a new password to service principal with objectId {0}", ObjectId)))
                        var spCred    = new PSADCredentialWrapper(ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateSpPasswordCredential(ObjectId, passwordCredential));
                        spCred.Secret = Password;
Exemple #23
        public void ExecuteSaveCollateral(object obj)
            using (CreditsFirmsContext context = new CreditsFirmsContext())
                if (valAgreement && valClient && valDate && valSum && Currency != null && TypeCollateral != null &&
                    !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CreditAgreement) && FormCollateral != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FirmId) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PersonId)))
                    Collateral colRequest;
                    if (Flag == true)
                        colRequest = (Collateral)context.Collaterals.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Collateral_agreement == CollateralAgreement);
                        colRequest = new Collateral();
                    colRequest.Collateral_agreement = CollateralAgreement;
                    colRequest.Start_date           = StartDate;
                    colRequest.End_date             = EndDate;
                    colRequest.Currency_Id          = Currency.Currency_Id;
                    colRequest.Sum              = double.Parse(SumText);
                    colRequest.Description      = Description;
                    colRequest.TypeId           = TypeCollateral.TypeId;
                    colRequest.FormId           = FormCollateral.FormId;
                    colRequest.Credit_agreement = CreditAgreement;
                    if (FirmId != null)
                        colRequest.Id_Firm = FirmId;
                    else if (PersonId != null)
                        colRequest.Id_Person = PersonId;
                    if (Flag == false)
                        Monitoring_collateral monitoringAdd = new Monitoring_collateral();
                        monitoringAdd.Collateral_agreement = CollateralAgreement;
                        monitoringAdd.Previous_date        = StartDate;
                        if (TypeCollateral.TypeId == 99551 || TypeCollateral.TypeId == 99552)
                            monitoringAdd.Planned_date = StartDate.AddYears(1);
                        if (TypeCollateral.TypeId == 99553)
                            monitoringAdd.Planned_date = StartDate.AddMonths(3);

                    CloseWnd(this, new EventArgs());
                    MessageBox.Show("Операция проведена успешно", "Договор обеспечения",
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                    MessageBox.Show("Не все поля заполены корректно", "Ошибка при регистрации договора",
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            WriteWarningWithTimestamp("New-AzAdServicePrincipal will no longer assign role 'Contributor' to new created service principal by default");
            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                //safe gauard for login status, check if DefaultContext not existed, PSInvalidOperationException will be thrown
                var CheckDefaultContext = DefaultContext;

                if (this.ParameterSetName == SimpleParameterSet)

                if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                    EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

                if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ApplicationObject))
                    ApplicationId = ApplicationObject.ApplicationId;
                    DisplayName   = ApplicationObject.DisplayName;

                if (ApplicationId == Guid.Empty)
                    // Create an application and get the applicationId
                    CreatePSApplicationParameters appParameters = new CreatePSApplicationParameters();

                    if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.DisplayName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayName))
                        string uri = "http://" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(DisplayName.Trim());
                        appParameters.IdentifierUris = new string[] { };
                        appParameters.DisplayName    = DisplayName;

                    if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.PasswordCredential))
                        appParameters.PasswordCredentials = PasswordCredential;
                    else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CertValue))
                        appParameters.KeyCredentials = new PSADKeyCredential[]
                            new PSADKeyCredential
                                StartDate = StartDate,
                                EndDate   = EndDate,
                                KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                CertValue = CertValue
                    else if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.KeyCredential))
                        appParameters.KeyCredentials = KeyCredential;

                    if (ShouldProcess(target: appParameters.DisplayName, action: string.Format("Adding a new application for with display name '{0}'", appParameters.DisplayName)))
                        var application = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateApplication(appParameters);
                        ApplicationId   = application.ApplicationId;

                CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters createParameters = new CreatePSServicePrincipalParameters
                    ApplicationId  = ApplicationId,
                    AccountEnabled = true

                if (ShouldProcess(target: createParameters.ApplicationId.ToString(), action: string.Format("Adding a new service principal to be associated with an application having AppId '{0}'", createParameters.ApplicationId)))
                    var servicePrincipal = ActiveDirectoryClient.CreateServicePrincipal(createParameters);
Exemple #25
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (!this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EndDate))
                EndDate = StartDate.AddYears(1);

            CreatePSApplicationParameters createParameters = new CreatePSApplicationParameters
                DisplayName             = DisplayName,
                HomePage                = HomePage,
                IdentifierUris          = IdentifierUris,
                ReplyUrls               = ReplyUrls,
                AvailableToOtherTenants = AvailableToOtherTenants

            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case ParameterSet.ApplicationWithPasswordPlain:
                string decodedPassword = SecureStringExtensions.ConvertToString(Password);
                createParameters.PasswordCredentials = new PSADPasswordCredential[]
                    new PSADPasswordCredential
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Password  = decodedPassword

            case ParameterSet.ApplicationWithPasswordCredential:
                createParameters.PasswordCredentials = PasswordCredentials;

            case ParameterSet.ApplicationWithKeyPlain:
                createParameters.KeyCredentials = new PSADKeyCredential[]
                    new PSADKeyCredential
                        StartDate = StartDate,
                        EndDate   = EndDate,
                        KeyId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        CertValue = CertValue

            case ParameterSet.ApplicationWithKeyCredential:
                createParameters.KeyCredentials = KeyCredentials;

            ExecutionBlock(() =>
                if (ShouldProcess(target: createParameters.DisplayName, action: string.Format("Adding a new application with display name '{0}'", createParameters.DisplayName)))
Exemple #26
 //get next fifty years of dates assuming no schedule will be longer than that
 private DateTime LastPossibleDate()