private void Display_RenderingActiveMenu(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderingActiveMenuEventArgs e)
            if (!MenuOverride) return;

            if (!Context.IsWorldReady)

            if (_openedNonCustomMenu)

            _openedNonCustomMenu = true;

            var activeMenu = Game1.activeClickableMenu;
            if (activeMenu == null)

            IClickableMenu instance;

            if (activeMenu is CraftingPage)
                instance = activeMenu;
            else if (activeMenu is GameMenu gameMenu)
                instance = gameMenu.pages[GameMenu.craftingTab];
            else if (activeMenu.GetType() == CookingSkillMenu)
                instance = activeMenu;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler to render the button to the screen before the rest of the SpriteBatch is drawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object from which the event originated.</param>
        /// <param name="e">These are the arguments sent along with the event from SMAPI, used to access the SpriteBatch.</param>
        private void Display_RenderingActiveMenu(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderingActiveMenuEventArgs e)
            GameMenu menu = Game1.activeClickableMenu as GameMenu;

            if (menu != null && menu.currentTab == 0)
                organiseButton.draw(e.SpriteBatch, Color.White, (float)(0.860000014305115 + (double)organiseButton.bounds.Y / 20000.0));
        private static void Display_RenderingActiveMenu(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderingActiveMenuEventArgs e)
            if (Helper.Input.IsDown(SButton.MouseLeft) && ModEntry.screenRect.Contains(Game1.getMousePosition()))
                int dy = Game1.getMouseY() - lastMousePositionY;
                if (Math.Abs(dy) > 0)
                    dragging = true;
                if (dragging)
                    yOffset = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min(0, yOffset + dy), -1 * Math.Max(0, listHeight - ModEntry.GetScreenSize().Y));

            lastMousePositionY = Game1.getMouseY();

            if (!ModEntry.appRunning || !ModEntry.phoneOpen || !(Game1.activeClickableMenu is PhoneBookMenu))
                ModEntry.appRunning      = false;
                ModEntry.phoneAppRunning = false;
                Helper.Events.Display.RenderingActiveMenu -= Display_RenderingActiveMenu;
                Helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed         -= Input_ButtonPressed;
                Helper.Events.Input.ButtonReleased        -= Input_ButtonReleased;
            e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.phoneBookTexture, ModEntry.screenPosition, Color.White);

            if (yOffset < 0)
                e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.upArrowTexture, ModEntry.upArrowPosition, Color.White);
            if (yOffset > ModEntry.GetScreenSize().Y - listHeight)
                e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.downArrowTexture, ModEntry.downArrowPosition, Color.White);

            int screenBottom = (int)(ModEntry.screenPosition.Y + ModEntry.GetScreenSize().Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < callableList.Count; i++)
                Vector2   npcPos = GetNPCPos(i);
                Rectangle r      = callableList[i].sourceRect;
                if (npcPos.Y < ModEntry.screenPosition.Y - r.Height * 2 || npcPos.Y >= screenBottom)
                Rectangle sourceRect = r;
                int       cutTop     = 0;
                int       cutBottom  = 0;
                if (npcPos.Y < ModEntry.screenPosition.Y)
                    cutTop     = (int)Math.Round((ModEntry.screenPosition.Y - (int)npcPos.Y) / 2f);
                    sourceRect = new Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + cutTop, r.Width, r.Height - cutTop);
                    npcPos     = new Vector2(npcPos.X, ModEntry.screenPosition.Y);
                else if (npcPos.Y > screenBottom - r.Height * 2)
                    cutBottom  = (int)Math.Round((screenBottom - r.Height * 2 - (int)npcPos.Y) / 2f);
                    sourceRect = new Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height + cutBottom);

                e.SpriteBatch.Draw(callableList[i].portrait, npcPos + new Vector2((Config.ContactWidth - 32) / 2, 0), sourceRect, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 2, SpriteEffects.None, 0.86f);
                if (Config.ShowNamesInPhoneBook && npcPos.Y < screenBottom - Config.ContactHeight - callableList[i].nameSize.Y * 0.4f + 6)
                    e.SpriteBatch.DrawString(Game1.dialogueFont, callableList[i].name, GetNPCPos(i) + new Vector2(Config.ContactWidth / 2 - callableList[i].nameSize.X * 0.2f, Config.ContactHeight - 6), Color.Black, 0, Vector2.Zero, 0.4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.86f);