private void SetStarImage(StarType starType, UISprite spStar) { string starSpriteName = "fb_xing_yidengdao"; switch (starType) { case StarType.StarType1: { starSpriteName = "zs"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); } break; case StarType.StarType2: { starSpriteName = "hg_h"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); } break; case StarType.StarType3: { starSpriteName = "hg"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); } break; } }
public StarInfo(StarType type, bool coreStar = false) { sType = type; if (type == StarType.Check) { BayerCreater(); sPos = GenCheckStarPos(coreStar); if (Random.Range(0, 100) >= 20) { sColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); } else { sColor = new Color(Random.Range(0.5f, 1), Random.Range(0.5f, 1), Random.Range(0.5f, 1)); } } else if (type == StarType.End) { BayerCreater(); sPos = GenTgtStarPos(); sColor = new Color(1, 0.85f, 0); } else { sPos = GenPos(); } }
private void SetStarImage(StarType starType, UISprite spStar) { string starSpriteName = "fb_xing_yidengdao"; switch(starType) { case StarType.StarType1: { starSpriteName = "zs"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); }break; case StarType.StarType2: { starSpriteName = "hg_h"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); }break; case StarType.StarType3: { starSpriteName = "hg"; spStar.atlas = MogoUIManager.Instance.GetAtlasByIconName(starSpriteName); spStar.spriteName = starSpriteName; spStar.MakePixelPerfect(); }break; } }
public virtual void SaveToXML(XmlElement objSystem) { var xeStar = objSystem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Star"); objSystem.AppendChild(xeStar); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "Type", StarType.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "LumClass", LumClass.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "DecClass", DecClass.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "StellarMass", StellarMass.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "Luminosity", Luminosity.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "NumOrbits", NumOrbits.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "HZone", HZone.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "TypeRoll", TypeRoll.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "ClassRoll", ClassRoll.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "NumCompanions", NumCompanions.ToString()); Common.CreateTextNode(xeStar, "Name", Name.ToString()); foreach (var orbit in Orbits) { orbit.SaveToXML(xeStar); } var xeStars = objSystem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Companions"); xeStar.AppendChild(xeStars); foreach (var companion in Companions) { companion.SaveToXML(xeStars); } }
public static Gradient GetStarColour(StarType _type) { switch (_type) { case StarType.B: return(GetClassBColour()); case StarType.A: return(GetClassAColour()); case StarType.F: return(GetClassFColour()); case StarType.G: return(GetClassGColour()); case StarType.K: return(GetClassKColour()); case StarType.M: return(GetClassMColour()); default: return(GetClassAColour()); } }
/// <summary> /// Genera un lista de estrellas /// </summary> /// <param name="number">número de estrellas. Tiene que se un valor entre 0 -255)</param> /// <param name="type">tipo de las estrellas a generar</param> /// <param name="velocity">velocidad de las estrellas a generar</param> /// <param name="window">ventana para la que se generar las estrellas</param> /// <returns>Lista de estrellas</returns> static public List<Star> StarGenerator(Byte number, StarType type, Vector2f velocity, RenderWindow window) { float _baseRadius = 0.5f; // radio base de las estrellas del fondo Star star; int posX, posY; // asigno coordenadas enteras List<Star> _stars = new List<Star>(); switch (type) { case StarType.SMALL: _baseRadius = 0.5f; break; case StarType.MEDIUM: _baseRadius = 0.8f; break; case StarType.BIG: _baseRadius = 1.5f; break; } Random rnd = new Random(); // Creo las estrellas for (int contStar = 0; contStar < number; contStar++) { byte red = (byte)rnd.Next(150,255); posX = rnd.Next((int)window.Size.X); posY = rnd.Next(-(int)(window.Size.Y * .02), (int)(window.Size.Y * 1.02)); star = new Star(new Vector2f(posX, posY),_baseRadius,new Color(red,red, 255),velocity); _stars.Add(star); } return _stars; }
public void SetVisuals(StarType starType) { switch (starType) { case StarType.None: { buttonComponent = circleButton; gameObject.SetActive(false); circleButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); silverStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); goldStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); } break; case StarType.Silver: { buttonComponent = silverStarButton; gameObject.SetActive(false); circleButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); silverStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); goldStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); } break; case StarType.Gold: { buttonComponent = goldStarButton; gameObject.SetActive(false); circleButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); silverStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); goldStarButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); } break; } }
public static string GetStarCssType(StarType type) { var cssclass = "typeg1"; switch (type) { case StarType.Typeg: cssclass = "typeg" + Utility.RandomNumber(1, 4); break; case StarType.Dualstar: cssclass = "dual" + Utility.RandomNumber(1, 2); break; case StarType.Reddwarf: cssclass = "dwarf" + Utility.RandomNumber(1, 2); break; case StarType.Redgiant: cssclass = "giant" + Utility.RandomNumber(1, 3); break; case StarType.Supernova: cssclass = "supernova" + Utility.RandomNumber(1, 2); break; } return(cssclass); }
public StarSystemInfo(int _numberOfPlanets, bool _asteroidBelt, StarType _starType, float _systemSize) { numberOfPlanets = _numberOfPlanets; asteroidBelt = _asteroidBelt; starType = _starType; systemSize = _systemSize; }
public static StarType GetStarType() { StarType type = StarType.Typeg; int random = Utility.RandomNumber(0, 100); if (random > 98) { type = StarType.Supernova; } else if (random < 99 && random > 85) { type = StarType.Dualstar; } else if (random < 86 && random > 65) { type = StarType.Redgiant; } else if (random < 66 && random > 50) { type = StarType.Reddwarf; } else if (random < 51 && random > 35) { type = StarType.Whitedwarf; } return(type); }
private void setColor(StarType type) { // Set color based off of star type switch (type) { case StarType.RedGiant: BodyColor = Color.OrangeRed; break; case StarType.WhiteDwarf: BodyColor = Color.LightSteelBlue; break; case StarType.RedDwarf: BodyColor = Color.DarkRed; break; case StarType.Neutron: BodyColor = Color.Purple; break; case StarType.Supergiant: BodyColor = Color.DarkCyan; break; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Name")] StarType starType) { if (id != starType.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(starType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!StarTypeExists(starType.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(starType)); }
// C-tors public Star(string name, double distance, StarType type = StarType.RedDwarf) { Name = name; Distance = distance; Type = type; BodyType = BodyType.Star; setColor(type); }
Star(StarType t, string desc, int tierMod, int numD, int numNM, double DVmod) { Type = t; Description = desc; TierModifier = tierMod; NumDreams = numD; NumNightmares = numNM; DVModifier = DVmod; }
public Star(string name, double distance, StarType classification, double mass, string constellation) { this.Name = StringLimiter(name, 20); this.Distance = distance; this.Classification = classification; this.Mass = mass; this.Constellation = StringLimiter(constellation, 30); }
public Sun(StarType starType) { if (starType >= StarType.Nebula) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("starType"); } _starType = starType; }
/// <summary> /// 经过类型装饰 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NPCStar GetNPCStarFromType(StarType type) { NPCStar e = NPCStarPool.GetObject(); e.SpriteRenderer.sprite = GetSpriteMapping(GameConfig.Instance.GetComnmonStarMapping(type.ToString())); e.Type = type; e.Used(); return(e); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name")] StarType starType) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(starType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(starType)); }
// 星星的类型是否一致 bool IsStarMatchType(int row, int columns, StarType targetType) { if (starList[row, columns] == null) { return(false); } if (starList[row, columns].GetComponent <Star>().type == targetType) { return(true); } return(false); }
public Star(StarType star) { type = star.type; description = star.description; maxTemperature = star.maxTemperature; minTemperature = star.minTemperature; sprite = star.sprite; visSize = star.visSize; visColor = star.visColor; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="StarSystemChildDefinition"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="starType"> /// The type of the primary star of a star system child. /// </param> /// <param name="spectralClass">The <see cref="Stars.SpectralClass"/> of the /// primary star of the star system.</param> /// <param name="luminosityClass"> /// The <see cref="Stars.LuminosityClass"/> of the primary star of the star /// system. /// </param> /// <param name="populationII">True if the primary star of the star system is to be a /// Population II star.</param> /// <param name="allowBinary"> /// Whether a multiple-star system will satisfy this definition. /// </param> public StarSystemChildDefinition( StarType starType, SpectralClass?spectralClass = null, LuminosityClass?luminosityClass = null, bool populationII = false, bool allowBinary = true) : base(StarSystem._StarSystemSpace, HugeNumber.Zero) { StarType = starType; SpectralClass = spectralClass; LuminosityClass = luminosityClass; PopulationII = populationII; AllowBinary = allowBinary; }
/// <summary> /// 检查星星 是不是可以消除的 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="columns"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool CheckStarEliminable(int row, int columns) { bool eliminable = false; GameObject star = starList[row, columns]; if (star == null) { return(eliminable); } StarType targetType = star.GetComponent <Star>().type; bool targetTypeMatched; //上边星星 if (row - 1 >= 0) { targetTypeMatched = IsStarMatchType(row - 1, columns, targetType); if (targetTypeMatched) { return(true); } } //右边星星 if (columns + 1 < 9) { targetTypeMatched = IsStarMatchType(row, columns + 1, targetType); if (targetTypeMatched) { return(true); } } //下边星星 if (row + 1 < 9) { targetTypeMatched = IsStarMatchType(row + 1, columns, targetType); if (targetTypeMatched) { return(true); } } //左边星星 if (columns - 1 >= 0) { targetTypeMatched = IsStarMatchType(row, columns - 1, targetType); if (targetTypeMatched) { return(true); } } return(eliminable); }
public StarType GetRandomStarType(StarType[] _UsedType) { StarType newType = GetRandomStarType(); for (int i = 0; i < _UsedType.Length; i++) { if (newType == _UsedType [i]) { GetRandomStarType(_UsedType); } } return(newType); }
public StarSystem(StarType StarType1, StarType StarType2, StarType StarType3, StarSystemType StarSystemType, int NumPlanets, Vector3 StarPosition, string StarSystemName, Sector Sector, GameObject StarSystemObject) { numPlanets = NumPlanets; GenerateStarSystemType(); starSystemType = StarSystemType; GenerateStars(StarSystemType); starType1 = StarType1; starType2 = StarType2; starType3 = StarType3; starPosition = StarPosition; starSystemName = StarSystemName; sector = Sector; starSystemsObject = StarSystemObject; }
private void CreateStars() { Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < starsAmount; i++) { StarType starType = (StarType)rand.Next(1, 6); int starBrightness = rand.Next(1, 6); //StarType starType = StarType.Shiny; backgroundObjects.Add(new Star( new Point(rand.Next(1, size.Width), rand.Next(1, size.Height)), new Point(-rand.Next(1, i + 1), 0), 10, starType, starBrightness)); } }
static string StarImage(StarType starType) { switch (starType) { default: case StarType.Empty: return("stare.gif"); case StarType.Half: return("starh.gif"); case StarType.Full: return("starf.gif"); } }
void OnStarGet(StarType star) { if (star != starType) { return; } if (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } image.enabled = true; anim.enabled = true; anim.Play(state); }
public void Initialize(StarType starType) { Mass = Distribution.GenerateSolarMass(); Density = 0.1f; Radius = CalcRadius(Mass, Density); gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Star"); if (starType == StarType.DistantStar) { Destroy(this.GetComponent <Light>()); } }
public static SunView3D GetView(StarType starType) { if (starType >= StarType.Nebula) { return(null); } SunView3D sunView; if (!_views.TryGetValue(starType, out sunView)) { sunView = new SunView3D(starType); _views[starType] = sunView; } return(sunView); }
public void consumeStar(StarType state) { consumedStar = state; currentStar.SetActive(false); currentStar = starPrefabs[(int)consumedStar]; currentStar.SetActive(true); ++numOfConsume; if (hp <= maxHp) { hp += 10.0f; if (hp > maxHp) { hp = maxHp; } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:VisualPlus.Toolkit.Controls.Interactivity.VisualRating" /> /// class. /// </summary> public VisualRating() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); _bufferedContext = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current; _toggleHalfStar = true; _maximum = 5; _mouseOverIndex = -1; _ratingType = StarType.Thick; _starBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow); _starDullStroke = new Pen(Color.Gray, 3f); _starDullBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Silver); _starSpacing = 1; _starStroke = new Pen(Color.Gold, 3f); _starWidth = 25; SetPenBrushDefaults(); Size = new Size(200, 100); UpdateGraphicsBuffer(); }
public void ParseCsv(string[] csv) { int i = 0; // id id = csv.GetInt32(i++); // 星星类型 starType = (StarType)csv.GetInt32(i++); // 描述 description = csv.GetString(i++); // 进程描述 processDescription = csv.GetString(i++); // 参数 parameters = csv.GetInt32Array(i++); War.model.AddStarConfig(this); }
// 星星的类型是否一致 bool IsStarMatchType(int row, int columns, StarType targetType) { if (starList[row, columns] == null) return false; if (starList[row, columns].GetComponent<Star>().type == targetType) { return true; } return false; }
public void SetType(StarType _type) { type = _type; switch (type) { case StarType.A: Scale = 4; Colour = new Vector3(0.5f, 1, 0.5f); break; case StarType.B: Scale = 6; Colour = new Vector3(0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); break; case StarType.F: Scale = 1; Colour = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); break; case StarType.G: Scale = 0.8f; Colour = new Vector3(1, 1, 0.3f); break; case StarType.K: Scale = 0.7f; Colour = new Vector3(1, 0.8f, 0.3f); break; case StarType.M: Scale = 0.5f; Colour = new Vector3(1, 0.3f, 0.3f); break; case StarType.O: Scale = 10; Colour = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 1); break; } glowSize = 30 * Scale; }
public Star(GraphicsDevice graphics, ContentManager content, StarType starType) : this(Vector3.Zero, graphics, content, starType) { }
public Star(Vector3 position, GraphicsDevice graphics, ContentManager content, StarType starType) { this.Position = position; SetType(starType); LoadContent(graphics, content); }
public static MvcHtmlString Stars(this HtmlHelper helper, StarType type, double? rating) { if (rating.HasValue) { var totalWidth = 5*14; var starWidth = (int)(rating*14.0); return new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("<span class='{0}' style='width:{1}px'></span><span style='width:{3}px'></span>", type, starWidth, rating, totalWidth - starWidth)); } else { return new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("<span class='{0}' style='width:70px' title='No votes'></span>", type == StarType.RedSkull ? StarType.WhiteSkull : StarType.WhiteStarSmall)); } }
public Star Star_Create(Int32 Galaxy_Id, String name, Decimal radius, Decimal galactic_radius, Decimal speed, StarType type, Decimal diameter, Int32 size, Decimal mass) { Star s = new Star(); using (var cmd = GetCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[Star_Create]"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Galaxy_Id", Galaxy_Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@radius", radius); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@galactic_radius", galactic_radius); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@speed", speed); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@type", type.ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@diameter", diameter); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@size", size); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mass", mass); Int32 id = 0; SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@id", id); param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); id = Convert.ToInt32(param.Value); return Star_SelectById(id); } return s; }
public void SetLevel(StarType type, int level) { for (int i = 0; i < transformList.Count; i++) { UISprite spStar = transformList[i].GetComponent<UISprite>(); if (spStar != null) SetStarImage(type, spStar); if (i < level) transformList[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); else transformList[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } }