public override void GetInput()
        if (isFinished || isRespawning)
            horz = 0;
            vert = 0;

        // drop out if we're not supposed to be controlling this player
        if (!canControl)

        // grab inputs from the default input provider
        horz = Mathf.Clamp(default_input.GetHorizontal(), -1, 1);
        vert = Mathf.Clamp(default_input.GetVertical(), -1, 1);

        // fire if we need to
        if (default_input.GetFire() && canFire)
            // tell weapon controller to deal with firing
Exemple #2
    public override void GetInput()
        // calculate steering amount
        steer = Mathf.Clamp(default_input.GetHorizontal(), -1, 1);

        // how much accelerator?
        motor = Mathf.Clamp(default_input.GetVertical(), 0, 1);

        // how much brake?
        brake = -1 * Mathf.Clamp(default_input.GetVertical(), -1, 0);

        if (default_input.GetRespawn() && !isRespawning && canRespawn)
            isRespawning = true;
            canRespawn = false;
            Invoke("resetRespawn", 2);

        // first, we make sure that a weapon controller exists (otherwise no need to fire!)
        if (weaponControl != null)
            // fire if we need to
            if (default_input.GetFire() && canFire)
                // tell weapon controller to deal with firing

                if (canPlayFireSound)
                    // tell our sound controller to play a pew sound
                    BaseSoundController.Instance.PlaySoundByIndex(0, myTransform.position);

                    canPlayFireSound = false;
                    Invoke("ResetFireSoundDelay", timeBetweenFireSounds);
Exemple #3
    public override void Update()
        // don't do anything until Init() has been run
        if (!didInit)

        // do the update in our base

        // check to see if we're supposed to be controlling the player before checking for firing
        if (!canControl)

        // fire if we need to
        if (fire_input)
            // tell weapon controller to deal with firing
Exemple #4
    protected virtual void UpdateState()
        // if we are not allowed to control the weapon, we drop out here
        if (!canControl)

        if (thisGameObjectShouldFire)
            // we use doFire to determine whether or not to fire right now
            doFire = false;

            // canFire is used to control a delay between firing
            if (canFire)
                if (currentState == AIAttackState.random_fire)
                    // if the random number is over x, fire
                    if (Random.Range(0, 100) > 98)
                        doFire = true;
                else if (currentState == AIAttackState.look_and_destroy)
                    if (Physics.Raycast(myTransform.position, myTransform.forward, out rayHit))
                        // is it an opponent to be shot at?
                        if (rayHit.transform.CompareTag(tagOfTargetsToShootAt))
                            //	we have a match on the tag, so let's shoot at it
                            doFire = true;
                    // if we're not set to random fire or look and destroy, just fire whenever we can
                    doFire = true;

            if (doFire)
                // we only want to fire if we are on-screen, visible on the main camera
                if (onlyFireWhenOnscreen && !rendererToTestAgainst.IsVisibleFrom(Camera.main))
                    doFire = false;

                // tell weapon control to fire, if we have a weapon controller
                if (weaponControl != null)
                    // tell weapon to fire
                // set a flag to disable firing temporarily (providing a delay between firing)
                canFire = false;
                // invoke a function call in <fireDelayTime> to reset canFire back to true, allowing another firing session
                Invoke("ResetFire", fireDelayTime);