public void Disconnect() { client.Connected -= Client_Connected; client.Disconnected -= Client_Disconnected; client.Disconnected -= OnConnectedCallback; client.ConnectFailed -= Client_ConnectFailed; client.ConnectFailed -= OnConnectFailedCallback; client.ErrorMessageReceived -= Client_ErrorMessageReceived; Messages = null; client?.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine($"Disconnected from {serverConfig.ServerId}."); }
static bool HandlerRoutine(int CtrlType) { Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); switch (CtrlType) { case 0: case 2: PingThread.Abort(); if (IRCClient != null) { IRCClient.SendRawMessage("QUIT"); IRCClient.Disconnect(); } Environment.Exit(0); break; } return(false); }
private void ConnectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (client.IsConnected) { client.Disconnect(); ConnectBtn.Text = "Connect"; } else { Uri uri = new Uri(AddressTxb.Text); ConnectBtn.Text = "Connecting..."; IrcUserRegistrationInfo info = new IrcUserRegistrationInfo(); string username = UsernameTxb.Text; if (username.Length < 1) { username = "******" + RandomNumberGenerator.Create().ToString(); } info.NickName = username; info.RealName = username; info.UserName = username; info.Password = PasswordTxb.Text; client.Connect(uri, info); } }
public bool Connect(BotType target) { switch (target) { case BotType.Osu: { IrcUserRegistrationInfo reg = new IrcUserRegistrationInfo() { NickName = m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Username, UserName = m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Username, RealName = m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Username, Password = m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Password, }; try { m_osuClient = new StandardIrcClient(); m_osuClient.Connected += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Connected to"); }; m_osuClient.ConnectFailed += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Failed connecting to"); }; Console.WriteLine("Connecting to"); m_osuClient.RawMessageReceived += m_osuClient_RawMessageReceived; m_osuClient.Disconnected += (o, e) => { m_osuClient.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Got disconnected from, reconnecting..."); m_osuClient.Connect("", 6667, false, reg); }; m_osuClient.Connect("", 6667, false, reg); m_osuClient.SendRawMessage($"PASS {m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Password}\r\n"); m_osuClient.SendRawMessage($"NICK {m_credentials.OsuCredentials.Username}\r\n"); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Something happened while trying to connect to, {e.Message}"); return(false); } } case BotType.Twitch: { { IrcUserRegistrationInfo reg = new IrcUserRegistrationInfo() { NickName = m_credentials.TwitchCredentials.Username, UserName = m_credentials.TwitchCredentials.Username, RealName = m_credentials.TwitchCredentials.Username, Password = m_credentials.TwitchCredentials.Password }; try { m_twitchClient = new TwitchIrcClient(); m_twitchClient.Connected += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Connected to"); }; m_twitchClient.ConnectFailed += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Failed connecting to"); }; Console.WriteLine("Connecting to"); m_twitchClient.RawMessageReceived += m_twitchClient_RawMessageReceived; m_twitchClient.Disconnected += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Got disconnected from, reconnecting..."); m_twitchClient.Connect("", 6667, false, reg); }; m_twitchClient.Connect("", 6667, false, reg); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Something happened while trying to connect to, {e.Message}"); return(false); } } } default: return(false); // wat } }
void Run() { Client = new StandardIrcClient(); DrawCommandLine(); var Info = new IrcUserRegistrationInfo(); Info.NickName = Settings.Default.Name; Info.RealName = Settings.Default.Realname; Info.UserName = Settings.Default.Realname + "Bot"; using (var connectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)) { Client.Connected += (sender2, e2) => connectedEvent.Set(); Client.Connect(new Uri(Settings.Default.Server), Info); if (!connectedEvent.Wait(10000)) { Client.Dispose(); PrintLine(string.Format("Connection to {0} timed out.", Settings.Default.Server), ConsoleColor.Red); return; } PrintLine(string.Format("Connected to {0}", Settings.Default.Server)); // *** POST-INIT Client.MotdReceived += delegate(Object Sender, EventArgs E) { PrintLine("Joining Channels..."); Client.Channels.Join(Settings.Default.Channel); }; // *** DEBUG OUTPUT Client.RawMessageReceived += delegate(Object Sender, IrcRawMessageEventArgs Event) { PrintLine(Event.RawContent); }; // *** PING Client.PingReceived += delegate(Object Sender, IrcPingOrPongReceivedEventArgs Event) { Client.Ping(Event.Server); }; // *** CHANNEL JOINING Client.LocalUser.JoinedChannel += delegate(Object Sender, IrcChannelEventArgs Event) { Event.Channel.MessageReceived += Channel_MessageReceived; SayInChannel(OnJoinActions); }; // *** REJOIN AFTER KICK Client.LocalUser.LeftChannel += delegate(Object Sender, IrcChannelEventArgs Event) { Client.Channels.Join(Event.Channel.Name); }; Int32 Counter = 0; while (Client.IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(5); if (DCTimer > 0) { DCTimer--; if (DCTimer == 0) { Client.Disconnect(); } } if (++Counter == 12000) { PrintLine("Manual Ping"); Client.Ping(); Counter = 0; } while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); ConsoleKeyInfo Key = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (Key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Enter: ConsoleCommand(); CommandLine = ""; break; case ConsoleKey.Backspace: if (CommandLine.Length > 0) { CommandLine = CommandLine.Substring(0, CommandLine.Length - 1); } break; default: CommandLine = CommandLine + Key.KeyChar; break; } DrawCommandLine(); } } } DrawCommandLine(); }