public void InvariantCultureTest()
            // The StandardEnvironment must always use InvariantCulture
            // (de-DE uses "," as the decimal separator). Because CONCAT
            // converts its arguments to string, it's a good test case:

            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var fconcat = GetFunction(env, "CONCAT");

            var cc = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

                Assert.AreEqual("1,2", (1.2).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

                Assert.AreEqual("1.2", env.Invoke(fconcat, Args(1.2)));
                Assert.AreEqual("1.23.4", env.Invoke(fconcat, Args(1.2, 3.4)));
                Assert.AreEqual("", env.Invoke(fconcat, Args(1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8)));
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cc;                 // restore
        public void CanRegisterExtraFunctions()
            var extra = new ExtraFunctionality(2.0);

            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            // Register functions (static):
            env.Register("Pi", ExtraFunctionality.Pi);
            env.Register <double, double>("Square", ExtraFunctionality.Square);

            // Register methods (need object state):
            env.Register("Circumference", extra.Circumference, extra);
            env.Register <double, double>("Volume", extra.Volume, extra);
            env.Register <object[], double>("Volume", extra.Volume, extra);            // variadic

            object r1 = env.Invoke(GetFunction(env, "Pi"));

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, r1);

            object r2 = env.Invoke(GetFunction(env, "Square"), 2.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(4.0, r2);

            object r3 = env.Invoke(GetFunction(env, "Circumference"));

            Assert.AreEqual(extra.Radius * Math.PI * 2, r3);

            object r4 = env.Invoke(GetFunction(env, "Volume"), 3.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(extra.Radius * extra.Radius * Math.PI * 3.0, r4);

            object r5 = env.Invoke(GetFunction(env, "Volume"), 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);             // variadic

            Assert.AreEqual(extra.Radius * extra.Radius * Math.PI * 6.0, r5);
        public void CanDecodeFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var fdecode = GetFunction(env, "DECODE");

            Assert.AreEqual(12, env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(12)));
            Assert.AreEqual(13, env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(12, 13)));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(12, 8, 16)));
            Assert.AreEqual(24, env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(12, 12, 24)));
            Assert.AreEqual(25, env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(12, 8, 16, 25)));

            // DECODE considers two nulls to be equal (emulate Oracle behaviour):
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, null)));
            Assert.AreEqual("deflt", env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, "deflt")));
            Assert.AreEqual("deflt", env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, "s1", "r1", "s2", "r2", "deflt")));
            Assert.AreEqual("r2", env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, "s1", "r1", null, "r2", "deflt")));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, "s1", "r1", "s2", "r2")));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(null, "s1", "r1", "s2", "r2", null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fdecode, Args("s2", "s1", null, "s2", null, "deflt")));

            // DECODE: equate (int) 1 and (double/float) 1.0 etc.
            Assert.AreEqual("one", env.Invoke(fdecode, Args(1.0, 1, "one", "oops")));
        public void CanSubstrFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var fsubstr = GetFunction(env, "SUBSTR");

            Assert.AreEqual("cde", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", 2, 3)));
            Assert.AreEqual("cdefg", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", 2)));
            Assert.AreEqual("cdefg", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", 2, 99)));
            Assert.AreEqual("", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", -7, 3)));
            Assert.AreEqual("a", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", -7, 8)));
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdefgh", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefgh", -7)));
            Assert.AreEqual("", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abcdefg", 9, 3)));

            // SUBSTR: the 1st and 2nd arg are null-contagious; the 3rd defaults
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args(null, null, null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args(null, null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args(null, 2, 3)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args(null, 2)));
            Assert.AreEqual("b", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abc", 1, 1)));
            Assert.AreEqual("bc", env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abc", 1, null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abc", null, 1)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abc", null, null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fsubstr, Args("abc", null)));
        public void CanEvaluateUnaryOps()
            Assert.AreEqual(5, Evaluate("+5"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-5, Evaluate("+-5"));
            Assert.AreEqual(25, Evaluate("+ + +25"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.2, Evaluate(" - 0.2 "));
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.2, Evaluate("- - -0.2"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.2e-03, Evaluate("-1.2e-03"));

            Assert.AreEqual(false, Evaluate("not true"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Evaluate("not not true"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Evaluate("not not 5"));

            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            env.DefineValue("foo", 42.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(42.0, Evaluate("foo", env));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Evaluate("not foo", env));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Evaluate("not not foo", env));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Evaluate("not not not foo", env));

            Assert.AreEqual(5, Evaluate("+ +5"));
            Catch(() => Evaluate("++5"));

            Assert.AreEqual(25, Evaluate("- - 25"));
            Catch(() => Evaluate("-- 25"));             // -- is one token
Exemple #6
        public static UnumEnvironment FromStandardEnvironment(StandardEnvironment environment)
            switch (environment)
            case StandardEnvironment.Warlpiri:
                return(new UnumEnvironment(0, 0));

            case StandardEnvironment.HalfPrecisionLike:

            case StandardEnvironment.SinglePrecisionLike:

            case StandardEnvironment.DoublePrecisionLike:

            case StandardEnvironment.ExtendedPrecisionLike:

            case StandardEnvironment.QuadPrecisionLike:

Exemple #7
        public static bool SystemListToVector(out object answer, object arg0, object arg1)
            TC code = (TC)arg0;

            switch (code)
            case TC.COMBINATION:
                answer = Combination.FromList((Cons)arg1);

            case TC.ENVIRONMENT:
                StandardClosure closure       = (StandardClosure)((Cons)arg1).Car;
                object          tail          = ((Cons)arg1).Cdr;
                object []       initialValues =
                    tail == null
                        ? new object [0]
                        : ((Cons)tail).ToVector();
                answer = new StandardEnvironment <StandardLambda, StandardClosure> (closure, initialValues);

            case TC.PCOMB3:
                answer = PrimitiveCombination3.Make((Cons)arg1);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
        public void CanIsType()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(null, "null"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(true, "boolean"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(1.25, "number"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType("foo", "string"));

            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(0, "null"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(0, "boolean"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType("123", "number"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(123, "string"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(null, "boolean"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(null, "number"));
            Assert.IsFalse(env.IsType(null, "string"));

            // Case in type name is ignored:

            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(null, "NULL"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(false, "Boolean"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType(-500, "NuMbEr"));
            Assert.IsTrue(env.IsType("", "STRING"));

            // Unknown type name must throw an exception:

            var ex = Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => env.IsType("foo", "NoSuchType"));

            Console.WriteLine(@"Expected: {0}", ex.Message);
        public void CanEvaluatePrimitives()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            env.DefineValue("foo", "foo");
            env.DefineValue("_foo_bar", "_foo_bar");

            // Symbols
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", Evaluate("foo", env));
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", Evaluate("  foo  ", env));
            Assert.AreEqual("_foo_bar", Evaluate("_foo_bar", env));

            // Strings
            Assert.AreEqual("foo'bar", Evaluate("'foo''bar'", env));
            Assert.AreEqual("foo\"bar\"\n\'/\\", Evaluate(@"""foo\""bar\""\n\'\/\\""", env));

            // Numbers
            Assert.AreEqual(123, Evaluate("123"));
            Assert.AreEqual(1.23, Evaluate("1.23"));
            Assert.AreEqual(2.7e-5, Evaluate("2.7e-5"));

            // null and Booleans
            Assert.AreEqual(null, Evaluate("null"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Evaluate("false"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Evaluate("true"));

            // Excessive parens...
            Assert.AreEqual(42, Evaluate("(((23+19)))"));
Exemple #10
 private FieldSetter([NotNull] IEnumerable <Assignment> assignments)
     _assignments = assignments.ToArray();
     _values      = new object[_assignments.Length];
     _stack       = new Stack <object>();
     _environment = new StandardEnvironment();
     _text        = null;
        public void CanLogicalNot()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            Assert.AreEqual(null, env.Not(null));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Not(false));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, env.Not(true));
Exemple #12
        // Functions of the same name must differ by their arity!
        // This is different from C# method overloading!

        public static StandardEnvironment RegisterGeometryFunctions(
            [NotNull] this StandardEnvironment env)
            env.Register <object, object>("SHAPEAREA", Area);
            env.Register <object, object>("SHAPELENGTH", Length);
            // Nice to have: Area/0 and Length/0 that refer to current row's Shape field (whatever it's named)

        public void CanLengthFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var flength = GetFunction(env, "LENGTH");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, env.Invoke(flength, Args("abc")));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, env.Invoke(flength, Args("")));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(flength, Args(null)));
        public void CanAbsFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var fabs = GetFunction(env, "ABS");

            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fabs, new object[] { null }));
            Assert.AreEqual(13.5, env.Invoke(fabs, Args(13.5)));
            Assert.AreEqual(7.0, env.Invoke(fabs, Args(-7.0)));
        public void CanFloorFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var ffloor = GetFunction(env, "FLOOR");

            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(ffloor, new object[] { null }));
            Assert.AreEqual(13.0, env.Invoke(ffloor, Args(13.5)));
            Assert.AreEqual(-8.0, env.Invoke(ffloor, Args(-7.1)));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, env.Invoke(ffloor, Args(0.99)));
        public void CanCeilFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var fceil = GetFunction(env, "CEIL");

            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(fceil, new object[] { null }));
            Assert.AreEqual(14.0, env.Invoke(fceil, Args(13.5)));
            Assert.AreEqual(-7.0, env.Invoke(fceil, Args(-7.1)));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, env.Invoke(fceil, Args(-0.99)));
        public void CannotDivideByZero()
            // The StandardEnvironment throws on divide by zero
            // (rather than returning a double infinity or NaN or null)

            var evaluator = ExpressionEvaluator.Create("2.5/0.0");
            var env       = new StandardEnvironment();

            var ex = Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => evaluator.Evaluate(env));

            Console.WriteLine(@"Expected: {0}", ex.Message);
        public void CanRandPickFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var frandpick = GetFunction(env, "RANDPICK");

            env.RandomSeed = 1234;             // repeatable randomness

            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(frandpick, Args()));
            Assert.AreEqual("one", env.Invoke(frandpick, Args("one")));
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", env.Invoke(frandpick, Args("foo", "bar")));
            Assert.AreEqual(4, env.Invoke(frandpick, Args(1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4)));
        public void CanRPadFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var frpad = GetFunction(env, "RPAD");

            Assert.AreEqual("abc   ", env.Invoke(frpad, Args("abc", 6)));
            Assert.AreEqual("123***", env.Invoke(frpad, Args(123, 6, "*")));

            // 1st arg is null-contagious, 2nd & 3rd args have defaults
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(frpad, Args(null, null)));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(frpad, Args(null, 5)));
            Assert.AreEqual("x", env.Invoke(frpad, Args("x", null)));
        public void CanEvaluateVariadicFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var r1 = Evaluate("MIN(3,8,1,5)", env);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, r1);

            var r2 = Evaluate("MIN(123)", env);

            Assert.AreEqual(123, r2);
        public void CanEvaluateConditionalOperator()
            Assert.AreEqual("T", Evaluate("true ? 'T' : 'F'"));
            Assert.AreEqual("F", Evaluate("false ? 'T' : 'F'"));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, Evaluate("null ? 'T' : 'F'"));

            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            env.DefineValue("xyzzy", "Magic");
            env.DefineValue("d", 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, Evaluate("xyzzy ? length(xyzzy) : -1", env));
            Assert.AreEqual("Fri", Evaluate("d=0 ? 'Sun' : d=1 ? 'Mon' : d=2 ? 'Tue' : d=3 ? 'Wed' : d=4 ? 'Thu' : d=5 ? 'Fri' : d=6 ? 'Sat' : null", env));
        public void CanLookupIgnoreCase()
            var envIgnoreCase = new StandardEnvironment();

            envIgnoreCase.DefineValue("foo", "bar");
            Assert.AreEqual("bar", envIgnoreCase.Lookup("foo", null));
            Assert.AreEqual("bar", envIgnoreCase.Lookup("FOO", null));
            var ex1 = Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => envIgnoreCase.Lookup("foo", "qualifier"));

            Console.WriteLine(@"Expected exception: {0}", ex1.Message);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Function), envIgnoreCase.Lookup("TRIM", null));
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Function), envIgnoreCase.Lookup("Trim", null));
        public void CanLogicalOr()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            Assert.AreEqual(null, env.Or(null, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, env.Or(null, false));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Or(null, true));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, env.Or(false, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, env.Or(false, false));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Or(false, true));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Or(true, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Or(true, false));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, env.Or(true, true));
Exemple #24
        public void setupFixture()
            e   = new Evaluator();
            env = StandardEnvironment.Create();
            var setupDatum = getLispFromResource("setup");

            if (setupDatum != nil)
                foreach (var f in setupDatum.Enumerate())
                    e.Evaluate(env, f);
Exemple #25
        public static StandardEnvironment RegisterConversionFunctions(
            [NotNull] this StandardEnvironment env /*,
                                                    * [CanBeNull] IMapContext mapContext*/)
            //var instance = new ConversionFunctions {MapContext = mapContext};

            env.Register <object, object>("mm2pt", mm2pt);
            env.Register <object, object>("pt2mm", pt2mm);
            //env.Register<object, object>("mm2mu", instance.mm2mu, instance);
            //env.Register<object, object>("mu2mm", instance.mu2mm, instance);
            //env.Register<object, object>("pt2mu", instance.pt2mu, instance);
            //env.Register<object, object>("mu2pt", instance.mu2pt, instance);

        public void CanEvaluateNullCoalescingOperator()
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", Evaluate("'foo' ?? 'bar'"));
            Assert.AreEqual("bar", Evaluate("null ?? 'bar'"));

            // Here's how ?? is different from || (logical or):
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Evaluate("false ?? 'bar'"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Evaluate("false or 'bar'"));             // "bar"

            // ?? binds tighter than ?:
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            env.DefineValue("nothing", null);
            Assert.AreEqual("alt", Evaluate("nothing ?? false ? null ?? 'consequent' : 'alt' ?? 'alternative'", env));
Exemple #27
 static void Main(string[] args)
         var env = StandardEnvironment.Create();
         env.Define("args", DatumHelpers.atomList(args));
         var statistics = new Statistics();
         env = statistics.AddTo(env);
         ResourceLoader.ExecuteResource(statistics, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), env, "Lisp.REPL.lisp");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR:\n{0}\n{1}\n", ex, ex.StackTrace);
        public void CanLcaseFunction()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            var flcase = GetFunction(env, "LCASE");

            Assert.AreEqual("hello world", env.Invoke(flcase, Args("Hello World")));
            Assert.IsNull(env.Invoke(flcase, Args(null)));

            Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => env.Invoke(flcase, Args()));
            Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => env.Invoke(flcase, Args("one", "two")));
            var ex = Assert.Catch(() => env.Invoke(flcase, Args(123)));

            Console.WriteLine(@"Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message);
        public void CanIsTrue()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();

            // null and false are "falsy", all other values are "truthy"
            // Generally, IsFalse(x) != IsTrue(x) for all x except null.

        public void CannotLookupAmbiguous()
            var env = new StandardEnvironment();
            var one = new ConstantValueTestRow("one", "FOO");
            var two = new ConstantValueTestRow("two", "FOO");

            env.DefineFields(one, "one");
            env.DefineFields(two, "two");

            var ex = Assert.Catch <EvaluationException>(() => env.Lookup("FOO", null));

            Console.WriteLine(@"Expected exception: {0}", ex.Message);

            Assert.AreEqual("one", env.Lookup("FOO", "one"));
            Assert.AreEqual("two", env.Lookup("FOO", "two"));
Exemple #31
 internal static LexicalMap Make(StandardEnvironment env)
     return new StandardLexicalMap (env);
Exemple #32
 StandardLexicalMap(StandardEnvironment env)
     : base()
     this.environment = env;
        public static bool SystemListToVector(out object answer, object arg0, object arg1)
            TC code = (TC) arg0;
            switch (code) {
                case TC.COMBINATION:
                    answer = Combination.FromList ((Cons) arg1);

                case TC.ENVIRONMENT:
                    StandardClosure closure = (StandardClosure) ((Cons) arg1).Car;
                    object tail = ((Cons) arg1).Cdr;
                    object [] initialValues =
                        tail == null
                        ? new object [0]
                        : ((Cons) tail).ToVector ();
                    answer = new StandardEnvironment<StandardLambda, StandardClosure> (closure, initialValues);

                case TC.PCOMB3:
                    answer = PrimitiveCombination3.Make ((Cons) arg1);

                    throw new NotImplementedException ();
            return false;
        public static bool ObjectSetType(out object answer, object arg0, object arg1)
            TC newType = (TC) (int) arg0;
            // kludge!!!!
            if ((int) arg0 == 0 && (int) arg1 == 1)
                answer = new NullEnvironment ();
            switch (newType)
                case TC.COMBINATION_2:
                    answer = Combination2.Make ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.CONDITIONAL:
                    answer = Conditional.Make ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.CONSTANT:
                    answer = Constant.Decode ((uint) (int) arg1);

                case TC.HUNK3_A:
                    // Probably someone trying to mark a history object.
                    answer = arg1;

                case TC.HUNK3_B:
                    answer = arg1;

                case TC.ENVIRONMENT:
                    object [] args = (object[]) arg1;
                    StandardClosure closure = (StandardClosure) args [0];
                    object [] actualArgs = new object [args.Length - 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < actualArgs.Length; i++)
                        actualArgs [i] = args [i + 1];
                    answer = new StandardEnvironment<StandardLambda,StandardClosure> (closure, actualArgs);

                     // throw new NotImplementedException ();
            //            // answer = (new InterpreterEnvironment ((object []) arg1));

                case TC.EXTENDED_LAMBDA:
                    answer = ExtendedLambda.Make ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.PCOMB0:
                    answer = PrimitiveCombination0.Make ((Primitive0) arg1);

                case TC.PCOMB2:
                    answer = PrimitiveCombination2.Make ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.PRIMITIVE:
                    if (!(arg1 is PrimitiveCombination0))
                        throw new NotImplementedException ("Object-set-type on primitive");
                    answer = ((PrimitiveCombination0) arg1).Operator;

                case TC.RECORD:
                    answer = new Record ((object []) arg1);
                    return false;

                case TC.SEQUENCE_3:
                    answer = new Sequence3 ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.THE_ENVIRONMENT:
                    answer = TheEnvironment.Make();

                case TC.VARIABLE:
                    answer =  Variable.Make ((Hunk3) arg1);

                case TC.VECTOR:
                    // Someone wants to see what endian we are!
                    char [] source = (char []) arg1;
                    object [] result = new object [source.Length / 4];
                    result [1] = ((((((byte) source [3]) * 256)
                        + ((byte) source [2])) * 256)
                        + ((byte) source [1])) * 256
                        + ((byte) source [0]);
                    result [0] = ((((((byte) source [7]) * 256)
                                        + ((byte) source [6])) * 256)
                                        + ((byte) source [5])) * 256
                                        + ((byte) source [4]);
                    answer = result;

                case TC.WEAK_CONS:
                    answer = new WeakCons (((Cons) arg1).Car, ((Cons) arg1).Cdr);

                    throw new NotImplementedException ();
            return false;