void Start()
     dashDetector = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("weaponPrefab");
     playerState = GetComponent <MasterPlayerStateScript>();
     stamina = GetComponent<Stamina> ();
     floor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Floor");
     //playerCollider = GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
Exemple #2
    void Awake()
        rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        transform = GetComponent<Transform>();
        collider = GetComponent<Collider>();
        stamina = GetComponent<Stamina>();
        grapple = GetComponent<GrappleHook>();

        distToGround = collider.bounds.extents.y;

        maxSpeed = walkSpeed;
    public SpecialLevel(int roomNumber, string name, bool saved = false)
        drawSaveText = saved;
        firstTime = true;

        //Adding the player and grid
        player = new Player(Vector3.Zero);
        player.Parent = this;
        tileGrid = LoadLevel(name);
        tileGrid.Parent = this;

        //Setting the roomcounter
        roomCounter = new TextGameObject("text");
        roomCounter.text = roomNumber.ToString();
        //Adding the hanging man
        if (roomCounter.text == "100")
            BillBoard man = new BillBoard(new Vector3(700, 210, 200));
            man.Parent = this;

        if (drawSaveText)
            saveText = new TextGameObject("text");
            saveText.text = "Progress Saved";
            saveText.Position = new Vector2((GameEnvironment.Screen.X - saveText.Size.X) / 2, 0);
        if (name == "Content\\Special Levels\\Final.txt")
            exitText.text = "Press E to kill yourself";
            exitText.text = "Press E to proceed";

        //Adding the roomcounter

        //Adding stamina
        stamina = new Stamina();
        stamina.Parent = this;
    public MultipleExitLevel(int roomNumber = 1)
        part = 0;
        completed = false;
        firstTime = true;
        player.Grid = grids[part];
        stamina = new Stamina();
        stamina.Parent = this;

        exitText.text = "Press E to proceed";

        roomCounter = new TextGameObject("text");
        roomCounter.text = roomNumber.ToString();
Exemple #5
 private void Start()
     sScripti       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Stamina>();
     staminaBarKuva = GetComponent <Image>();
     maxStamina     = sScripti.maxStamina;
Exemple #6
 static public bool IsParmittion(Stamina stamina)
     return(stamina.quantity > PARMIT_STAMINA);
 public static bool IsParmittion(Stamina stamina)
     return stamina.quantity > PARMIT_STAMINA;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the partial star rating of the beatmap, calculated using peak strains from all sections of the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For each section, the peak strains of all separate skills are combined into a single peak strain for the section.
        /// The resulting partial rating of the beatmap is a weighted sum of the combined peaks (higher peaks are weighted more).
        /// </remarks>
        private double locallyCombinedDifficulty(Colour colour, Rhythm rhythm, Stamina staminaRight, Stamina staminaLeft, double staminaPenalty)
            List <double> peaks = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < colour.StrainPeaks.Count; i++)
                double colourPeak  = colour.StrainPeaks[i] * colour_skill_multiplier;
                double rhythmPeak  = rhythm.StrainPeaks[i] * rhythm_skill_multiplier;
                double staminaPeak = (staminaRight.StrainPeaks[i] + staminaLeft.StrainPeaks[i]) * stamina_skill_multiplier * staminaPenalty;
                peaks.Add(norm(2, colourPeak, rhythmPeak, staminaPeak));

            double difficulty = 0;
            double weight     = 1;

            foreach (double strain in peaks.OrderByDescending(d => d))
                difficulty += strain * weight;
                weight     *= 0.9;

Exemple #9
 protected override void Awake()
     stamina = GetComponent <Stamina>();
Exemple #10
 void Awake()
     fighter = gameObject.GetComponent<Fighter> ();
     stamina = gameObject.GetComponent<Stamina> ();
 void Start()
     s            = GetComponent <Stamina>();
     runningsound = FindObjectsOfType <ChasingLure>();
    public void Update(Stamina playerstam, PlayerState currentstate, GameObject Handlocation)

        int Vertical   = 0;
        int Horizontal = 0;
        int Running    = 0;

        float   CurrentSpeed = 0;
        Vector3 Tempjumpvec;

        if (currentstate.GetWalk())
            Vertical   += GetInput("forward");
            Vertical   -= GetInput("backward");
            Horizontal += GetInput("right");
            Horizontal -= GetInput("left");

        if (currentstate.GetRun() && Vertical > 0)
            Running += GetInput("run");

        if (currentstate.GetJump())

        //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
        //    Debug.Log("HEAD ROT: " + _Headtransform.eulerAngles);
        //    Debug.Log("BODY ROT: " + _transform.eulerAngles);
        //    Debug.Log("CAM ROT: " + GameObject.Find("PlayerCamera").transform.eulerAngles);

        Vector3 RawRotation = RotateCamera(currentstate);
        //_transform.rotation =
        //_Headtransform.rotation =
        //_transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * RawRotation.x);
        Quaternion NewRot        = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(RawRotation.x, RawRotation.y, 0));
        Quaternion FinalRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(OldRot, NewRot, Time.deltaTime / lerpSmoothingTime);

        _transform.eulerAngles     = new Vector3(0, FinalRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
        _Headtransform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(FinalRotation.eulerAngles.x, FinalRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
        OldRot = NewRot;

        HorizontalVelocity += GradualMovement(Horizontal, MaxVelocity, MinVelocity, HorizontalVelocity, StartIncrement, StopIncrement);
        VerticalVelocity   += GradualMovement(Vertical, MaxVelocity, MinVelocity, VerticalVelocity, StartIncrement, StopIncrement);
        // Debug.Log("AFTER" + VerticalVelocity);

        //Reduces diagonal speed if A/D + W/S are pressed together
        CurrentSpeed = Vertical != 0 && Horizontal != 0 ? Speed / 2 : Speed;

        CurrentSpeed = (Running > 0) && IsJumping == false?CurrentSpeed *playerstam.DecreaseStam(Time.deltaTime) : CurrentSpeed;

        if (Running == 0 && !IsJumping)
            playerstam.IncreaseStam(Time.deltaTime, Mathf.Abs(Vertical) + Mathf.Abs(Horizontal));

        HorizontalVelocity = CheckVelocity(HorizontalVelocity);
        VerticalVelocity   = CheckVelocity(VerticalVelocity);

        if (Horizontal != 0 || Vertical != 0)
            _animator.SetBool("IsWalking", true);
        else if (Horizontal != 0 || Vertical != 0)
            _animator.SetBool("IsWalking", true);
            _animator.SetBool("IsWalking", false);

        Vector3 VerticalMovement   = _Headtransform.forward * VerticalVelocity;
        Vector3 HorizontalMovement = _Headtransform.right * HorizontalVelocity;

        Tempjumpvec = Vector3.up * YVelocity * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 MovementFinal = (HorizontalMovement + VerticalMovement) * CurrentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        MovementFinal.y = 0;
        Vector3 GravityFinal = AdjustedGravityForce * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 Final = MovementFinal + GravityFinal + Tempjumpvec;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creating/generating the level itself
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="roomNumber">The number of the room</param>
    /// <param name="tiles">The size the Mainpath should be, counted in tiles</param>
    /// <param name="chased">Whether or not the monster is chasing the player</param>
    public RandomLevel(int roomNumber, int tiles = 12, bool chased = false, int noteID = 0)
        //Setting a boolean for the monster
        this.chased = chased;

        //Assining the variables
        tileList = new Dictionary<Point, Tile>();
        keyList = new List<Point>();

        random = GameEnvironment.Random;

        //Select the tiles to use
        int pathType = random.Next(4);
        if (pathType < 9)
            pathID = "0" + (pathType + 1);
            pathID = "" + (pathType + 1);

        int wallType = random.Next(4);
        if (wallType < 9)
            wallID = "0" + (wallType + 1);
            pathID = "" + (wallType + 1);
        newTile = new EntryTile(pathID);
        this.tiles = tiles;

        //Create the startpoint
        position = Point.Zero;
        tileList.Add(position, newTile);

        //Creating the paths
        for (int i = random.Next(1, (int)Math.Pow(tiles,2/3)); i > 0; i--)
            CreateSidePath(random.Next(3, 15), chased);

        //making the tile grid
        TileGrid tileGrid = Grid;

        //making the player
        player = new Player(Vector3.Zero);
        player.Parent = this;

        foreach(GameObject obj in tileGrid.Objects)
            if (obj != null)
                if(obj.ID == "EntryTile")
                    player.Position = new Vector3(obj.Position.X, obj.Position.Y + GameObjectGrid.CellHeight, obj.Position.Z);
                    foreach(GameObject tile in tileGrid.Objects)
                        if (tile != null)
                            if (tile.Position.X == obj.Position.X + 200 && tile.Position.Z == obj.Position.Z && tile.ID == "PathTile")
                                player.viewAngleX = 0f;
                            if (tile.Position.X == obj.Position.X && tile.Position.Z == obj.Position.Z + 200 && tile.ID == "PathTile")
                                player.viewAngleX = (float)(Math.PI / 2);
                            if (tile.Position.X == obj.Position.X - 200 && tile.Position.Z == obj.Position.Z && tile.ID == "PathTile")
                                player.viewAngleX = (float)(Math.PI);
                            if (tile.Position.X == obj.Position.X && tile.Position.Z == obj.Position.Z - 200 && tile.ID == "PathTile")
                                player.viewAngleX = (float)(Math.PI * 1.5);

        //Adding decoration objects
        TileGrid grid = Find("TileGrid") as TileGrid;
        for (int x = 0; x < grid.Columns; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.Rows; y++)
                if (grid.Get(x, y) != null)
                    if (grid.Get(x, y).ID == "WallTile" && GameEnvironment.Random.Next(15) == 0)
                            if (grid.Get(x + 1, y) != null && grid.Get(x + 1, y).ID == "PathTile" && grid.Get(x + 1, y).ID != "DecorationTile")
                                AddDecoration(grid.Get(x, y).Position, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));
                                grid.Add(new DecorationTile(pathID), x + 1, y);
                            else if (grid.Get(x, y + 1) != null && grid.Get(x, y + 1).ID == "PathTile" && grid.Get(x, y + 1).ID != "DecorationTile")
                                AddDecoration(grid.Get(x, y).Position, new Vector3(0, 0, -1));
                                grid.Add(new DecorationTile(pathID), x, y + 1);
                            else if (grid.Get(x - 1, y) != null && grid.Get(x - 1, y).ID == "PathTile" && grid.Get(x - 1, y).ID != "DecorationTile")
                                AddDecoration(grid.Get(x, y).Position, new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                                grid.Add(new DecorationTile(pathID), x - 1, y);
                            else if (grid.Get(x, y - 1) != null && grid.Get(x, y - 1).ID == "PathTile" && grid.Get(x, y - 1).ID != "DecorationTile")
                                AddDecoration(grid.Get(x, y).Position, new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
                                grid.Add(new DecorationTile(pathID), x, y - 1);
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); }

        //Add the note
        if (noteID != 0)
            NoteObject note = new NoteObject(noteID.ToString());
            note.Parent = this;
            CreateNote(note, tileGrid);

        //Making the monster
        if (chased)
            monster = new Monster(Grid.Objects);
            monster.Parent = this;

        //Making the stamina bar
        stamina = new Stamina();
        stamina.Parent = this;
        exitText.text = "Press E to proceed";

        //Making the room counter
        roomCounter = new TextGameObject("text");
        roomCounter.text = roomNumber.ToString();
Exemple #14
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     d        = GetComponent <DresdenController>();
     s        = d.GetComponent <Stamina>();
     animator = d.GetComponent <Anim>();
Exemple #15
 public void FilterExpense(StaminaExpense expense, Stamina stamina)
     expense.cost = 0;
 public void YAxisMove(float magnitude)
     Rigidbody2d.velocity = new Vector2(Rigidbody2d.velocity.x, speed * magnitude);
     Stamina.Spend(Time.deltaTime * staminaDrianSpeed);
Exemple #17
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0UL)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (PokemonId != 0)
                hash ^= PokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (Stamina != 0)
                hash ^= Stamina.GetHashCode();
            if (StaminaMax != 0)
                hash ^= StaminaMax.GetHashCode();
            if (Move1 != 0)
                hash ^= Move1.GetHashCode();
            if (Move2 != 0)
                hash ^= Move2.GetHashCode();
            if (DeployedFortId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= DeployedFortId.GetHashCode();
            if (OwnerName.Length != 0)
                hash ^= OwnerName.GetHashCode();
            if (IsEgg != false)
                hash ^= IsEgg.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedTarget != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedTarget.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedStart != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedStart.GetHashCode();
            if (Origin != 0)
                hash ^= Origin.GetHashCode();
            if (HeightM != 0F)
                hash ^= HeightM.GetHashCode();
            if (WeightKg != 0F)
                hash ^= WeightKg.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualAttack != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualAttack.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualDefense != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualDefense.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualStamina != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualStamina.GetHashCode();
            if (CpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= CpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Pokeball != 0)
                hash ^= Pokeball.GetHashCode();
            if (CapturedCellId != 0UL)
                hash ^= CapturedCellId.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesAttacked != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesAttacked.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesDefended != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesDefended.GetHashCode();
            if (EggIncubatorId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= EggIncubatorId.GetHashCode();
            if (CreationTimeMs != 0UL)
                hash ^= CreationTimeMs.GetHashCode();
            if (NumUpgrades != 0)
                hash ^= NumUpgrades.GetHashCode();
            if (AdditionalCpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= AdditionalCpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Favorite != 0)
                hash ^= Favorite.GetHashCode();
            if (Nickname.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Nickname.GetHashCode();
            if (FromFort != 0)
                hash ^= FromFort.GetHashCode();
            if (BuddyCandyAwarded != 0)
                hash ^= BuddyCandyAwarded.GetHashCode();
            if (BuddyTotalKmWalked != 0F)
                hash ^= BuddyTotalKmWalked.GetHashCode();
            if (DisplayPokemonId != 0)
                hash ^= DisplayPokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (DisplayCp != 0)
                hash ^= DisplayCp.GetHashCode();
            if (pokemonDisplay_ != null)
                hash ^= PokemonDisplay.GetHashCode();
Exemple #18
        public virtual bool CastIsValid(GameObject player)
            Stamina stamina = player.GetComponent <Stamina>();

Exemple #19
    Stamina vidaStamina; //Hace referencia al script de estamina

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    void Awake()
        vidaStamina = GameObject.Find("Stamina").GetComponent<Stamina>();
Exemple #20
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0UL)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (PokemonId != global::POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonId.Missingno)
                hash ^= PokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (Stamina != 0)
                hash ^= Stamina.GetHashCode();
            if (StaminaMax != 0)
                hash ^= StaminaMax.GetHashCode();
            if (Move1 != global::POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonMove.MoveUnset)
                hash ^= Move1.GetHashCode();
            if (Move2 != global::POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonMove.MoveUnset)
                hash ^= Move2.GetHashCode();
            if (DeployedFortId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= DeployedFortId.GetHashCode();
            if (OwnerName.Length != 0)
                hash ^= OwnerName.GetHashCode();
            if (IsEgg != false)
                hash ^= IsEgg.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedTarget != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedTarget.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedStart != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedStart.GetHashCode();
            if (Origin != 0)
                hash ^= Origin.GetHashCode();
            if (HeightM != 0F)
                hash ^= HeightM.GetHashCode();
            if (WeightKg != 0F)
                hash ^= WeightKg.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualAttack != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualAttack.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualDefense != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualDefense.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualStamina != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualStamina.GetHashCode();
            if (CpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= CpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Pokeball != global::POGOProtos.Inventory.Item.ItemId.ItemUnknown)
                hash ^= Pokeball.GetHashCode();
            if (CapturedCellId != 0UL)
                hash ^= CapturedCellId.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesAttacked != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesAttacked.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesDefended != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesDefended.GetHashCode();
            if (EggIncubatorId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= EggIncubatorId.GetHashCode();
            if (CreationTimeMs != 0UL)
                hash ^= CreationTimeMs.GetHashCode();
            if (NumUpgrades != 0)
                hash ^= NumUpgrades.GetHashCode();
            if (AdditionalCpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= AdditionalCpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Favorite != 0)
                hash ^= Favorite.GetHashCode();
            if (Nickname.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Nickname.GetHashCode();
            if (FromFort != 0)
                hash ^= FromFort.GetHashCode();
            if (BuddyCandyAwarded != 0)
                hash ^= BuddyCandyAwarded.GetHashCode();
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (FortId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= FortId.GetHashCode();
            if (TeamColor != 0)
                hash ^= TeamColor.GetHashCode();
            if (pokemonData_ != null)
                hash ^= PokemonData.GetHashCode();
            if (Name.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Name.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= imageUrls_.GetHashCode();
            if (Fp != 0)
                hash ^= Fp.GetHashCode();
            if (Stamina != 0)
                hash ^= Stamina.GetHashCode();
            if (MaxStamina != 0)
                hash ^= MaxStamina.GetHashCode();
            if (Type != 0)
                hash ^= Type.GetHashCode();
            if (Latitude != 0D)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(Latitude);
            if (Longitude != 0D)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(Longitude);
            if (Description.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Description.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= modifiers_.GetHashCode();
            if (CloseSoon != false)
                hash ^= CloseSoon.GetHashCode();
            if (CheckinImageUrl.Length != 0)
                hash ^= CheckinImageUrl.GetHashCode();
            if (eventInfo_ != null)
                hash ^= EventInfo.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Exemple #22
 void Start()
     rb          = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     saakoHypata = true;
     sScripti    = GetComponent <Stamina>();