protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbl.Text = ""; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Session["SID"] != null) { DataRow StaffDT = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT["StdId"].ToString() != "") { lbl_standard.Text = StaffDT["StdName"].ToString(); BindDiv(int.Parse(StaffDT["StdId"].ToString())); BindExam(); // BindGridiv(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ResultId"])) { string id = Request.QueryString["ResultId"]; loaddata(int.Parse(id)); } } } }
private void loaddata(int id) { try { DataRow dr = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(id); if (dr != null) { txtadd.Text = dr["Add"].ToString(); txtcity.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); txtemail.Text = dr["Email"].ToString(); txtmobile.Text = dr["Mobile"].ToString(); txtname.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); txtpin.Text = dr["Pincode"].ToString(); txtqual.Text = dr["Qualification"].ToString(); txtuname.Text = dr["Uname"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["StdId"].ToString())) { drpstd.SelectedValue = dr["StdId"].ToString(); } DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text = dr["Gender"].ToString(); StaffId = id; btnadd.Text = "Update"; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
protected void btnchangepass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // DataTable StaffDT = StaffMst.Select_Current_Pass(txtcurrent.Text, Session["uname"].ToString()); DataRow StaffDr = StaffMst.GetNameandPassword(Session["uname"].ToString(), txtcurrent.Text); if (StaffDr != null) { StaffMst staffmst = new StaffMst(); staffmst.SID = Convert.ToInt32(StaffDr["SID"].ToString()); staffmst.StdName = StaffDr["StdName"].ToString(); staffmst.Qualification = StaffDr["StdName"].ToString(); staffmst.Pass = txtnewpass.Text; staffmst.Name = StaffDr["Name"].ToString(); staffmst.Mobile = StaffDr["Mobile"].ToString(); staffmst.Image = StaffDr["Image"].ToString(); staffmst.Pincode = StaffDr["PinCode"].ToString(); staffmst.Uname = StaffDr["Uname"].ToString(); staffmst.UpdateDataByKey(); lbl.Text = "Password Changed"; } else { lbl.Text = "Invalid Current Pass"; } }
protected void GvStaff_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { StaffMst.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(GvStaff.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value)); DataTable StaffDT = StaffMst.GetAllActiveData(); GvStaff.DataSource = StaffDT; GvStaff.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DataTable StaffDT = StaffMst.GetAllActiveData(); GvStaff.DataSource = StaffDT; GvStaff.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { DataTable StaffDT = StaffMst.GetAllActiveData(); GvStaff.DataSource = StaffDT; GvStaff.DataBind(); lblstaff.Text = GvStaff.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void btnstafflogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRow StaffDr = StaffMst.StaffLogin(txtstaffuname.Text, txtstaffpass.Text); if (StaffDr != null) { Session["uname"] = txtstaffuname.Text; Session["SID"] = StaffDr["SID"].ToString(); Response.Redirect("Staff/Default.aspx"); } else { lblstafferror.Text = "Login Error !!"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { if (Session["SID"] != null) { DataRow staffsr = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (staffsr != null) { Image4.ImageUrl = staffsr["Image"].ToString(); Label1.Text = "Welcome " + staffsr["name"].ToString(); Session["std"] = staffsr["stdname"].ToString(); } } } }
protected void GvStudent_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { // StudentMst.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(GvwResult.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value)); if (Session["SID"] != null) { DataRow StaffDT = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT["StdId"].ToString() != "") { DataTable Student_dt = StudentResult.GetAllResultDataByStId(int.Parse(StaffDT["StdId"].ToString())); GvwResult.DataSource = Student_dt; GvwResult.DataBind(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { if (Session["SID"] != null) { DataRow StaffDT = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT["StdId"].ToString() != "") { DataTable Student_dt = StudentResult.GetAllResultDataByStId(int.Parse(StaffDT["StdId"].ToString())); GvwResult.DataSource = Student_dt; GvwResult.DataBind(); } } BindExam(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DataRow staffdr = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (staffdr != null) { lblname.Text = staffdr["Name"].ToString(); lblstd.Text = staffdr["stdname"].ToString(); txtemail.Text = staffdr["email"].ToString(); txtmobile.Text = staffdr["mobile"].ToString(); txtadd.Text = staffdr["add"].ToString(); txtcity.Text = staffdr["city"].ToString(); txtpin.Text = staffdr["pincode"].ToString(); Imgprofile.ImageUrl = staffdr["image"].ToString(); ViewState["sid"] = staffdr["SID"].ToString(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // lblatt.Text = ""; // lblcnt.Text = ""; if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { DataRow staffdr = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (staffdr != null) { //StdDT = StdAdapter.SelectStd(); //drpstd.DataSource = StdDT; //drpstd.DataTextField = "STDName"; //drpstd.DataValueField = "SID"; //drpstd.DataBind(); // drpstd.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); BindStandard(int.Parse(staffdr["StdId"].ToString())); lblstd.Text = staffdr["StdName"].ToString(); } } }
protected void Bindgridview(string status) { try { if (Session["SID"] != null) { int staffId = int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString()); DataRow drstaff = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(staffId); if (drstaff != null) { DataTable LeaveDT = LeaveMst.GetAllDataRecordByStId(status, int.Parse(drstaff["StdId"].ToString())); GridView3.DataSource = LeaveDT; GridView3.DataBind(); } } } catch { } }
protected void bindgrid() { try { if (Session["SID"] != null) { int staffId = int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString()); DataRow drstaff = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(staffId); if (drstaff != null) { DataTable compdt = Complainmst.GetAllDataRecordByStId("", int.Parse(drstaff["StdId"].ToString())); GridView1.DataSource = compdt; GridView1.DataBind(); lblcomplain.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString(); } } } catch { } }
protected void btnupdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { StaffMst staff = new StaffMst(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["sid"].ToString())); /// staff.SID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["sid"].ToString()); staff.StdName = txtadd.Text; staff.Email = txtemail.Text; staff.Mobile = txtmobile.Text; staff.Image = Imgprofile.ImageUrl.ToString(); staff.Pincode = txtpin.Text; staff.City = txtcity.Text; staff.UpdateDataByKey(); Response.Redirect("/Staff/Default.aspx", false); } catch (Exception ex) { lblcnt.Text = "Fail to update profile"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); } }
protected void btnsarch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataRow StaffDT = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); DataTable Student_dt = null; if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT["StdId"].ToString() != "") { DataTable StuDT = StudentResult.GetAllResultDataByStId(int.Parse(StaffDT["StdId"].ToString())); if (StuDT != null) { try { Student_dt = StuDT.Select("ExamId= " + drpExam.SelectedValue).CopyToDataTable(); if (Student_dt != null && Student_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { GvwResult.DataSource = Student_dt; GvwResult.DataBind(); } } catch { GvwResult.DataSource = Student_dt; GvwResult.DataBind(); } } } } catch { } //else //{ // //MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = -1; //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { if (Session["SID"] != null) { DataRow StaffDT = StaffMst.GetDataByKey(int.Parse(Session["SID"].ToString())); if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT["StdId"].ToString() != "") { DataTable DivDT = DivMst.GetDataByStandardId(int.Parse(StaffDT["StdId"].ToString())); lblstd.Text = StaffDT["StdName"].ToString(); drpdiv.DataSource = DivDT; drpdiv.DataTextField = "DivName"; drpdiv.DataValueField = "DID"; drpdiv.DataBind(); drpdiv.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); drpstudent.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); } } } }
protected void btnadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataTable StaffDT = StaffMst.Select_UNAME(txtuname.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtemail.Text)) { lbl.Text = "Name and email can't be null !!"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtuname.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpass.Text)) { lbl.Text = "user name and and password can't be null !!"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); return; } else { StaffMst staff = new StaffMst(); staff.Name = txtname.Text; if (drpstd.SelectedIndex > 0) { staff.StdName = drpstd.SelectedItem.Text; staff.StdId = int.Parse(drpstd.SelectedValue); } staff.Email = txtemail.Text; staff.Mobile = txtmobile.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload1.FileName)) { FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/StaffImg/" + FileUpload1.FileName)); staff.Image = "~/StaffImg/" + FileUpload1.FileName; } staff.Qualification = txtqual.Text; staff.Pass = txtpass.Text; staff.Pincode = txtpin.Text; staff.Uname = txtuname.Text; staff.Add = txtadd.Text; staff.City = txtcity.Text; staff.Gender = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text; if (StaffId != null) { staff.SID = int.Parse(StaffId.ToString()); if (staff.UpdateDataByKey()) { lbl.Text = "Record updated Successfully"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); resret(); Response.Redirect("StaffReport.aspx", false); } } else { if (StaffDT != null && StaffDT.Rows.Count == 1) { lbl.Text = "UserName alredy exists !!"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); } staff.SID = StaffMst.GetNewSID(); staff.Insert(); lbl.Text = "Record Added Successfully"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); resret(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl.Text = "Fail to Add record"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "fadeLabelOut()", true); } }