private void SaveStaff() { if (MessageBox.Show("You are about to Save new Staff. Do you really want to proceed?", MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } try { using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.TConnectionString)) { Conn.Open(); using (SqlTransaction tran = Conn.BeginTransaction()) { if ((int)Conn.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(BARCODE) FROM tblStaff WHERE BARCODE = '{0}'", staff.BARCODE), transaction: tran) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Barcode already exists. Barcode cannot be duplicate.", MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } staff.Save(tran); GlobalClass.SetUserActivityLog(tran, "Staff Registration", "New", WorkDetail: "BARCODE : " + staff.BARCODE, Remarks: staff.FULLNAME); tran.Commit(); } MessageBox.Show("Staff Saved Successfully", MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); StaffList.Add(staff); ExecuteUndo(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(GlobalClass.GetRootException(ex).Message, MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void LoadStaff() { StaffList.Clear(); var sqlData = new StaffQuery().SelectAllNotRetirement(); if (sqlData.HasRows) { while (sqlData.Read()) { StaffDTO dto = new StaffDTO { STAFF_IDNUMBER = sqlData["idnumber"].ToString(), STAFF_DEPT = sqlData["dept"].ToString(), STAFF_RANK = sqlData["rank"].ToString(), STAFF_NAME = sqlData["name"].ToString(), STAFF_ADDRESS = sqlData["address"].ToString(), STAFF_TEL = sqlData["tel"].ToString(), STAFF_JOIN_DAY = sqlData["join_day"].ToString(), STAFF_RETIREMENT_DAY = sqlData["retirement_day"].ToString(), STAFF_STATE = sqlData["state"].ToString() }; StaffList.Add(new StaffModel(dto)); } sqlData.Close(); SharedPreference.Instance.DBM.SqlConn.Close(); } else { sqlData.Close(); SharedPreference.Instance.DBM.SqlConn.Close(); } }
private void Execute_Reset(object obj) { var p = (SfDataGrid)obj; p.SearchHelper.ClearSearch(); var UID = session.AccountID; var res = staffRepository.Get(s => s.Account_id != UID); StaffList.Clear(); res.Distinct().ToList().ForEach(i => StaffList.Add(i)); }
public Boolean addNewStaffMember(string firstname, string lastname, object userType, string pps, string phone, string email, int hod) { string userID = firstname + "." + lastname; // some validation on userID. No duplicate userIDs; //IUser duplicateUser = this.StaffList.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == userID.Trim()); //if (duplicateUser != null) // return false; //else //{ try { int count = 0; string id = userID; foreach (IUser user in UserList) { if (user.FirstName.Equals(firstname) && user.LastName.Equals(lastname)) { count++; } } if (count == 1) { } else { count--; userID += count.ToString(); } IStaff theUser = UserFactory.GetStaffMember(userID, hod, pps, email, phone, userType.ToString()); IUser usernameDetails = UserList.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == theUser.UserID); theUser.FirstName = usernameDetails.FirstName; theUser.LastName = usernameDetails.LastName; StaffList.Add(theUser); // Add a reference to the newly created object to the Models UserList DataLayer.addNewStaffMemberToDB(theUser); //Gets the DataLayer to add the new user to the DB. return(true); } catch (System.Exception excep) { return(false); } //} }
public Company() { AllProducts = new ProductList();// new List<Product>(); AllProjects = new List<Project>(); AllEmployees = new StaffList(); CEO = new CEO(); AllEmployees.Add(CEO); Accounting = new Accounting(1500000); Office = new Office(); Office.PhysicalObjectsInOffice.Add(AllEmployees); //BusinessCycles.ProjectCreated += new ProjectCreatedEventHandler(BusinessCycles_ProjectCreated); Accounting.ProfitableItems.Add(AllProducts); Accounting.IndebtedItems.Add(AllEmployees); Accounting.IndebtedItems.Add(Office); Accounting.IndebtedItems.Add(AllProducts); }
public GreatStaffModel() { Uri uri = new Uri(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"/MetDemo.ttf"); Metdemo = new FontFamily(uri, "MetDemo"); Uri uri2 = new Uri(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"/NoteHedz170.ttf"); Notehedz = new FontFamily(uri2, "NoteHedz"); StaffList.Add(new StaffModel() { Number = 1 }); StaffList.Add(new StaffModel() { Number = 2 }); }
private void h_TestFill() { StaffList.Add(new CStaff() { Fio = "q1 w e", BirthDate = new DateTime(2000, 10, 01), RankTitle = "rank1" }); StaffList.Add(new CStaff() { Fio = "q2 w e", BirthDate = new DateTime(1990, 10, 01), RankTitle = "rank2" }); StaffList.Add(new CStaff() { Fio = "q3 w e", BirthDate = new DateTime(2000, 10, 01), RankTitle = "rank3" }); }
private void Execute_UpdateInfoStaff(object obj) { MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { var p = (staff)obj; staffRepository.Update(p); staffRepository.Save(); var selectedAcc = accountRepository.Get(acc => acc.ID == p.Account_id).FirstOrDefault(); selectedAcc.UserName = ExtraFunction.generateUserName(p); accountRepository.Update(selectedAcc); accountRepository.Save(); var UID = session.AccountID; var res = staffRepository.Get(s => s.Account_id != UID); StaffList.Clear(); res.Distinct().ToList().ForEach(i => StaffList.Add(i)); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Successfully updated", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }