private void initConfig() { theme1.Theme = bc.iniC.themeApplication; txtUserName.KeyUp += TxtUserName_KeyUp; txtUserName.LostFocus += TxtUserName_LostFocus; txtUserName.Enter += TxtUserName_Enter; txtPassword.KeyUp += TxtPassword_KeyUp; txtPassword.Enter += TxtUserName_Enter; btnOk.Click += BtnOk_Click; bg = txtUserName.BackColor; fc = txtUserName.ForeColor; //theme1.SetTheme(panel1, "Office2013Red"); theme1.SetTheme(btnOk, bc.iniC.themeApplication); stt = new C1SuperTooltip(); sep = new C1SuperErrorProvider(); stfDB = new StaffDB(bc.conn); foreach (Control con in panel1.Controls) { theme1.SetTheme(con, bc.iniC.themeApplication); } theme1.SetTheme(txtUserName, bc.iniC.themeDonor); theme1.SetTheme(txtPassword, bc.iniC.themeDonor); //stt.BackgroundGradient = C1.Win.C1SuperTooltip.BackgroundGradient.Gold; //stt. }
protected void UpdateList() { Staff staff = IsValidFormStaffID() ? StaffDB.GetByID(GetFormStaffID()) : null; Organisation org = IsValidFormOrgID() ? OrganisationDB.GetByID(GetFormOrgID()) : null; UpdateList(org, staff); }
// gets messages regarding dispute selected protected string retrieveMessage(string memberID, string staffID, string reply, string datePosted) { if (memberID != "") { return(" <div class='item'> \n " + " <div class='text'> \n " + " <div class='heading'> \n " + " <a class='text-success' href='#'>" + MemberDB.getMemberbyID(memberID).Name + "</a> \n " + " <span class='date'>" + Convert.ToString(datePosted) + "</span> \n " + " </div> \n " + reply + " </div> \n " + " </div> \n "); } else { return(" <div class='item'> \n " + " <div class='text'> \n " + " <div class='heading'> \n " + " <a href='#'> <Strong> (Staff) " + StaffDB.getStaffbyID(staffID).Name + " </strong> </a> \n " + " <span class='date'>" + Convert.ToString(datePosted) + "</span> \n " + " </div> \n " + reply + " </div> \n " + " </div> \n "); } }
private void DeleteStaff() { try { //If button is clicked, a messagebox will be shown to make sure that the user wants to delete the patient MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the patient?", "Delete", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation, MessageBoxResult.No); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { rowsAffected = StaffDB.deleteStaff(SelectedStaff); Staff.Clear(); DisplayAllStaff(); if (rowsAffected != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Staff Deleted"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Delete Failed"); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
//populate listbox with staff private void initcombo() { stafflist.Items.Clear(); StaffDB staffdb = new StaffDB(db); staff = staffdb.getallstaff(); if(staff.Count == 0) // no staff added { btnadd.Visible = false; btnremove.Visible = false; mode = "add"; enableTextboxes(); } else { if (!stilladding && (!btnadd.Visible || !btnremove.Visible && staff.Count > 0)) { btnadd.Visible = true; btnremove.Visible = true; } foreach (StaffMember member in staff) { stafflist.Items.Add(member.Forename + " " + member.Surname); } stafflist.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void stafflist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!stilladding) // still adding no update needed { StaffDB sdb = new StaffDB(db); staffGroup = sdb.getStaffGroup(staff[stafflist.SelectedIndex].Forename); foreach (StaffMember member in staff) { if (member.Forename + " " + member.Surname == stafflist.Text) { current = member; break; } } mode = "edit1"; fnametxt.Text = current.Forename; Surnametxt.Text = current.Surname; TeleNotxt.Text = current.TeleNo; Addresstxt.Text = current.Address; Postcodetxt.Text = current.Postcode; groupcbx.SelectedIndex = staffGroup - 1; btnupdate.Text = "Edit"; } }
protected void GrdRegistration_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { Label lblId = (Label)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblId"); DropDownList ddlOrganisation = (DropDownList)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("ddlOrganisation"); TextBox txtProviderNumber = (TextBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtProviderNumber"); CheckBox chkMainProvider = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkMainProvider"); CheckBox chkIncMondays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncMondays"); CheckBox chkIncTuesdays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncTuesdays"); CheckBox chkIncWednesdays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncWednesdays"); CheckBox chkIncThursdays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncThursdays"); CheckBox chkIncFridays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncFridays"); CheckBox chkIncSaturdays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncSaturdays"); CheckBox chkIncSundays = (CheckBox)GrdRegistration.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("chkIncSundays"); Staff staff = StaffDB.GetByID(GetFormID()); if (staff == null) { HideTableAndSetErrorMessage(""); return; } RegisterStaffDB.Update(Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrganisation.SelectedValue), staff.StaffID, txtProviderNumber.Text, chkMainProvider.Checked, !chkIncSundays.Checked, !chkIncMondays.Checked, !chkIncTuesdays.Checked, !chkIncWednesdays.Checked, !chkIncThursdays.Checked, !chkIncFridays.Checked, !chkIncSaturdays.Checked); if (chkMainProvider.Checked) { RegisterStaffDB.UpdateAllOtherStaffAsNotMainProviders(Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrganisation.SelectedValue), staff.StaffID); } GrdRegistration.EditIndex = -1; FillGrid(); }
// gets messages regarding supoprt ticket selected protected string retrieveMessage(string memberID, string staffID, string reply, string datePosted) { if (MemberDB.getMemberbyID(memberID).Email == SupportTicketDB.getSupportTicketbyID(Request.QueryString["ticketID"].ToString()).Member.Email) { return(" <div class='item'> \n " + " <div class='text'> \n " + " <div class='heading'> \n " + " <a class='text-success' href='#'>" + MemberDB.getMemberbyID(memberID).Name + "</a> \n " + " <span class='date'>" + Convert.ToString(datePosted) + "</span> \n " + " </div> \n " + reply + " </div> \n " + " </div> \n "); } else { return(" <div class='item'> \n " + " <div class='text'> \n " + " <div class='heading'> \n " + " <a href='#'> <Strong> (Staff) " + StaffDB.getStaffbyID(staffID).Name + " </strong> </a> \n " + " <span class='date'>" + Convert.ToString(datePosted) + "</span> \n " + " </div> \n " + reply + " </div> \n " + " </div> \n "); } }
protected void SetUpGUI() { ddlNewStaff.Items.Clear(); ddlNewStaff.Items.Add(new ListItem("All Staff", "-1")); DataTable dtStaff = StaffDB.GetDataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < dtStaff.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(dtStaff.Rows[i]["staff_is_fired"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(dtStaff.Rows[i]["staff_is_provider"])) { ddlNewStaff.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtStaff.Rows[i]["person_firstname"].ToString() + " " + dtStaff.Rows[i]["person_surname"].ToString(), dtStaff.Rows[i]["staff_staff_id"].ToString())); } } ddlNewOffering.Style["max-width"] = "250px"; ddlNewOffering.Items.Clear(); ddlNewOffering.Items.Add(new ListItem("All Offerings", "-1")); DataTable dtOfferings = OfferingDB.GetDataTable(false, "1,3", "63,89"); for (int i = 0; i < dtOfferings.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(dtOfferings.Rows[i]["o_is_deleted"])) { ddlNewOffering.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtOfferings.Rows[i]["o_name"].ToString(), dtOfferings.Rows[i]["o_offering_id"].ToString())); } } txtNewActiveDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Utilities.SetNoCache(Response); } try { if (Session == null || Session["DB"] == null) { throw new SessionTimedOutException(); } string show = Request.QueryString["show"]; if (show == null || (show != "1" && show != "0")) { throw new CustomMessageException(); } int staffID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]); StaffDB.UpdateBookingScreenShowKey(staffID, show == "1"); } catch (SessionTimedOutException) { Utilities.UnsetSessionVariables(); Response.Write("SessionTimedOutException"); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Exception: " + (Utilities.IsDev() ? ex.ToString() : "please contact system administrator.")); } }
public static Staffs.Staffs InsertStaff(object json, List <Staffs.Staffs> StaffList) { dynamic dynamicstaff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json.ToString()); Staffs.Staffs staff = new Staffs.Staffs(); int typeno = (int)dynamicstaff.staffType; switch (typeno) { case 1: staff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TeachingStaffs>(json.ToString()); staff.Id = StaffDB.GetId(); return(staff); case 2: staff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdministrativeStaff>(json.ToString()); staff.Id = StaffDB.GetId(); return(staff); case 3: staff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SupportStaffs>(json.ToString()); staff.Id = StaffDB.GetId(); return(staff); default: return(staff); } }
//populate the group stats for the user private void populategroupNums() { GroupDB gdb = new GroupDB(db); List <int> groupNums = gdb.numineachgroup(); List <string> groupNames = gdb.getgroupnames(); // use the correct group names set by the user GroupANum.Text = groupNames[0] + " : "; GroupBNum.Text = groupNames[1] + " : "; GroupCNum.Text = groupNames[2] + " : "; num1.Text = groupNums[0].ToString(); Num2.Text = groupNums[1].ToString(); Num3.Text = groupNums[2].ToString(); if (groupNums[0] >= gdb.getANum()) { num1.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { num1.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; } if (groupNums[1] >= gdb.getBNum()) { Num2.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { Num2.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; } if (groupNums[2] >= gdb.getCNum()) { Num3.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { Num3.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; } StaffDB sdb = new StaffDB(db); StaffA.Text = groupNames[0] + " : " + sdb.countStaffbyid(1); StaffB.Text = groupNames[1] + " : " + sdb.countStaffbyid(2); StaffC.Text = groupNames[2] + " : " + sdb.countStaffbyid(3); List <Label> stafflabels = new List <Label>() { StaffA, StaffB, StaffC }; int counter = 0; foreach (Label label in stafflabels) { counter++; if (sdb.countStaffbyid(counter) < 2) { label.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } }
// method to read the column values in the database (through the referenced reader) and assign it to the correct properties of the referenced FAQ object // allows for easier editing of column names if needed, used only for methods with select statments regarding FAQ private static void readAFAQ(ref FAQ faq, ref SqlDataReader reader) { faq.FaqID = reader["faqID"].ToString(); faq.Title = reader["title"].ToString(); faq.Description = reader["description"].ToString(); faq.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["date"]); faq.Staff = StaffDB.getStaffbyID(reader["staffID"].ToString()); }
protected void lnkBackToCallCenter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session == null || Session["PreviousDB"] == null) { Utilities.LogoutV2(Session, Response, Request); return; } Session["DB"] = (string)Session["PreviousDB"]; Session["SystemVariables"] = SystemVariableDB.GetAll(); // Set system staff variables of external staff member 'Call Center' Staff staff = StaffDB.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["PreviousStaffID"])); Session["IsLoggedIn"] = true; Session["IsStakeholder"] = staff.IsStakeholder; Session["IsMasterAdmin"] = staff.IsMasterAdmin; Session["IsAdmin"] = staff.IsAdmin; Session["IsPrincipal"] = staff.IsPrincipal; Session["IsProvider"] = staff.IsProvider; Session["IsExternal"] = staff.IsExternal; Session["StaffID"] = staff.StaffID; Session["StaffFullnameWithoutMiddlename"] = staff.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename; Session["StaffFirstname"] = staff.Person.Firstname; Site site = SiteDB.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["PreviousSiteID"])); Session["SiteID"] = site.SiteID; Session["SiteName"] = site.Name; Session["SiteIsClinic"] = site.SiteType.ID == 1; Session["SiteIsAgedCare"] = site.SiteType.ID == 2; Session["SiteIsGP"] = site.SiteType.ID == 3; Session["SiteTypeID"] = site.SiteType.ID; Session["SiteTypeDescr"] = site.SiteType.Descr; Session["IsMultipleSites"] = SiteDB.GetAll().Length > 1; Session.Remove("PreviousDB"); Session.Remove("PreviousStaffID"); Session.Remove("PreviousSiteID"); // Set OrgID in session as external user has OrgID set Session.Remove("OrgID"); Session.Remove("OrgName"); // Remove patient list session data for pt searches Session.Remove("patientinfo_data"); Session.Remove("patientlist_data"); Session.Remove("patientlist_sortexpression"); Session.Remove("patientinfo_sortexpression"); // Go to call center page Response.Redirect("~/CallCenterV2.aspx", false); return; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // checks if user-entered credentials exists in database if (StaffDB.isPermittedLogin(tbxEmail.Value, tbxPassword.Value)) // if exists in database, redirect to default page { Session["admin"] = tbxEmail.Value; Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } }
//Method to displayAllStaff public void DisplayAllStaff() { var allStaff = StaffDB.GetAllStaff(); foreach (var item in allStaff) { Staff.Add(item); } }
public static ReferrerAdditionalEmail LoadAll(DataRow row) { ReferrerAdditionalEmail rae = Load(row); rae.DeletedBy = StaffDB.Load(row, "deleted_by_"); rae.DeletedBy.Person = PersonDB.Load(row, "person_deleted_by_"); rae.DeletedBy.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_deleted_by_title_id", "title_deleted_by_descr"); return(rae); }
protected void SetProviderNbrs() { string provs = StaffDB.GetAllProviderNbrs() + RegisterStaffDB.GetAllProviderNbrs(); if (provs.Length > 0) { provs = provs.Substring(0, provs.Length - 1); } lblProvNbrs.Text = provs; }
//Method to call the searchpatient instance from the PatientDB. //This method will be attached to the button 'Search' command. private void SearchStaff() { Staff.Clear(); var search = StaffDB.SearchStaff(SearchInput); foreach (var item in search) { Staff.Add(item); } }
public static CreditNote LoadAll(DataRow row) { CreditNote creditNote = Load(row); creditNote.Staff = StaffDB.Load(row, "staff_"); creditNote.Staff.Person = PersonDB.Load(row, "person_"); creditNote.Staff.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_title_id", "title_descr"); return(creditNote); }
protected void SetupGUI() { bool isValidFormPatient = IsValidFormPatient(); if (isValidFormPatient) { Patient patient = PatientDB.GetByID(GetFormPatient()); lblSelectedPatientName.Text = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"open_new_window('PatientDetailV2.aspx?type=view&id=" + patient.PatientID + "', 1750, 1000);return false;\">" + patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename + "</a>"; } lblSelectedPatientLabelText.Visible = isValidFormPatient; lblSelectedPatientName.Visible = isValidFormPatient; btnClearSelectedPatient.Visible = isValidFormPatient; txtStartDate.Text = GetFormDate().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { ddlDaysToDisplay.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } int ndays = GetFormNumDays(); if (ndays < 1) { ndays = 1; } if (ndays > 8) { ndays = 8; } ddlDaysToDisplay.SelectedValue = ndays.ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlDaysToDisplay.SelectedValue) != Convert.ToInt32(Session["NumDaysToDisplayOnBookingScreen"])) { StaffDB.UpdateNumDaysToDisplayOnBookingScreen(Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), Convert.ToInt32(ddlDaysToDisplay.SelectedValue)); Session["NumDaysToDisplayOnBookingScreen"] = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDaysToDisplay.SelectedValue); } if (UserView.GetInstance().IsAgedCareView) { lblGetPatientLabelText.Visible = false; txtSearchFullName.Visible = false; btnClearFullNameSearch.Visible = false; lblSelectedPatientLabelText.Visible = false; lblSelectedPatientName.Visible = false; btnClearSelectedPatient.Visible = false; pt_table_seperator.Style["min-width"] = "0px"; } }
public static PatientHistory LoadAll(DataRow row) { PatientHistory p = Load(row); p.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_id", "descr"); p.ModifiedFromThisBy = StaffDB.Load(row, "staff_person_"); p.ModifiedFromThisBy.Person = PersonDB.Load(row, "staff_person_"); p.ModifiedFromThisBy.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_staff_title_id", "title_staff_descr"); return(p); }
public static Refund LoadAll(DataRow row) { Refund refund = Load(row); refund.RefundReason = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "refund_reason_id", "descr"); refund.Staff = StaffDB.Load(row, "staff_"); refund.Staff.Person = PersonDB.Load(row, "staff_person_"); refund.Staff.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_title_id", "title_descr"); return(refund); }
// method to get MessageSupportTicket by suport ticket from the database public static List <TicketMsg> getMessage1(SupportTicket t) { List <TicketMsg> msgList = new List <TicketMsg>(); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select * from MessageSupportTicket where ticketID = @ticketID "); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ticketID", t.TicketID); command.Connection = connection; connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { TicketMsg tix = new TicketMsg(); if (reader.IsDBNull(2)) //member null { tix.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["date"]); tix.Msg = reader["reply"].ToString(); tix.Ticket = t; Staff s = StaffDB.getStaffbyID(reader["staffID"].ToString()); tix.Person = s.Name; msgList.Add(tix); } if (reader.IsDBNull(3)) //stuff null { tix.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["date"]); tix.Msg = reader["reply"].ToString(); tix.Ticket = t; Member m = MemberDB.getMemberbyID(reader["memberID"].ToString()); tix.Person = m.Name; msgList.Add(tix); } } if (!reader.HasRows) { TicketMsg tix = new TicketMsg(); tix.Date = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 00:00:00"); tix.Msg = "No Messages Yet"; tix.Person = "System"; tix.Ticket = t; msgList.Add(tix); } //reader.Close(); } finally { connection.Close(); } return(msgList); }
public static HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory[] GetByHealthCardID(int health_card_id) { string sql = @" SELECT health_card_epc_remaining_change_history_id,HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory.health_card_epc_remaining_id,HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory.staff_id,date, pre_num_services_remaining,post_num_services_remaining, health_card_id,HealthCardEPCRemaining.field_id,num_services_remaining,deleted_by,date_deleted, Field.descr, staff.staff_id as staff_staff_id, staff.person_id as staff_person_id, staff.login as staff_login, staff.pwd as staff_pwd, staff.staff_position_id as staff_staff_position_id, staff.field_id as staff_field_id, staff.costcentre_id as staff_costcentre_id, staff.is_contractor as staff_is_contractor, staff.tfn as staff_tfn, staff.provider_number as staff_provider_number, staff.is_fired as staff_is_fired, staff.is_commission as staff_is_commission, staff.commission_percent as staff_commission_percent, staff.is_stakeholder as staff_is_stakeholder,staff.is_master_admin as staff_is_master_admin,staff.is_admin as staff_is_admin,staff.is_principal as staff_is_principal,staff.is_provider as staff_is_provider, staff.is_external as staff_is_external, staff.staff_date_added as staff_staff_date_added, staff.start_date as staff_start_date, staff.end_date as staff_end_date, staff.comment as staff_comment, staff.num_days_to_display_on_booking_screen as staff_num_days_to_display_on_booking_screen, staff.show_header_on_booking_screen as staff_show_header_on_booking_screen, staff.bk_screen_field_id as staff_bk_screen_field_id, staff.bk_screen_show_key as staff_bk_screen_show_key, staff.enable_daily_reminder_sms as staff_enable_daily_reminder_sms, staff.enable_daily_reminder_email as staff_enable_daily_reminder_email, staff.hide_booking_notes as staff_hide_booking_notes, " + PersonDB.GetFields("person_", "person") + @", title.title_id as title_title_id, title.descr as title_descr FROM HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory LEFT OUTER JOIN HealthCardEPCRemaining ON HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory.health_card_epc_remaining_id = HealthCardEPCRemaining.health_card_epc_remaining_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Field ON HealthCardEPCRemaining.field_id = Field.field_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Staff staff ON staff.staff_id = HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory.staff_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Person person ON person.person_id = staff.person_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Title title ON title.title_id = person.title_id WHERE HealthCardEPCRemaining.health_card_id = " + health_card_id; DataTable tbl = DBBase.ExecuteQuery(sql).Tables[0]; HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory[] histories = new HealthCardEPCRemainingChangeHistory[tbl.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tbl.Rows.Count; i++) { histories[i] = Load(tbl.Rows[i]); histories[i].HealthCardEpcRemaining = HealthCardEPCRemainingDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i]); histories[i].HealthCardEpcRemaining.Field = IDandDescrDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "field_id", "descr"); histories[i].Staff = StaffDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "staff_"); histories[i].Staff.Person = PersonDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "person_"); histories[i].Staff.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "title_title_id", "title_descr"); } return(histories); }
// posts message and updates database of the message posted private void submitMessage(string message, Dispute dis) { MessageDispute msgDis = new MessageDispute(); msgDis.Date = DateTime.Now; msgDis.Dispute = dis; msgDis.Member = new Member(null, null, null, 0, null, null, 0, null, null, new DateTime(), new DateTime(), null, new DateTime(), null, null); msgDis.Staff = StaffDB.getStaffbyEmail(Session["admin"].ToString()); msgDis.Reply = message; MessageDisputeDB.addMsgDispute(msgDis); }
//remove staff member/bookings private void btnremove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("WARNING removing staff members can affect bookings"); DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to Remove this staff member?", "Removal", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { removeBookings(); StaffDB staffdb = new StaffDB(db); staffdb.removeStaffmember(staff[stafflist.SelectedIndex].Forename); // remove staff member initcombo(); } }
//remove bookings if required private void removeBookings() { StaffDB staffdb = new StaffDB(db); int count = staffdb.countStaff(staff[stafflist.SelectedIndex].Forename); if (count <= 2) // if there will be less than two staff remove the bookings { int deleted = staffdb.DeleteDates(staff[stafflist.SelectedIndex].Forename); MessageBox.Show($"{deleted} Bookings temporarly removed due to the removal of the staff member, add another staff member to get these bookings back, check by-date to view bookings removed"); } }
public static Receipt LoadAll(DataRow row) { Receipt receipt = Load(row); receipt.Staff = StaffDB.Load(row, "staff_"); receipt.Staff.Person = PersonDB.Load(row, "person_"); receipt.Staff.Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "title_title_id", "title_descr"); receipt.ReceiptPaymentType = IDandDescrDB.Load(row, "receipt_payment_type_id", "descr"); return(receipt); }
public static Staff[] GetWorkingStaffOf(int organistion_id, DateTime date) { DataTable tbl = GetDataTable_WorkingStaffOf(organistion_id, date); Staff[] list = new Staff[tbl.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tbl.Rows.Count; i++) { list[i] = StaffDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i]); list[i].Person = PersonDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "", "person_entity_id"); list[i].Person.Title = IDandDescrDB.Load(tbl.Rows[i], "title_id", "descr"); } return(list); }