public void AddNewPupil(List <object[]> AllStaff) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var PupilsToAdd = new List <Pupil>(); foreach (object[] row in AllStaff) { int Int32Row0 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); var result = StaffCtx.Pupils.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PupilIdOld == Int32Row0); if (result == null) { Pupil Student = new Pupil(); Student.PupilIdOld = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); Student.FirstName = row[2].ToString(); Student.LastName = row[1].ToString(); Student.MiddleName = row[3].ToString(); Student.FullFIO = row[22].ToString(); Student.Clas = row[21].ToString(); Student.EljurAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(row[20]); PupilsToAdd.Add(Student); } } foreach (Pupil p in PupilsToAdd) { StaffCtx.Pupils.Add(p); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("New Student success saved", "Warn"); } } }
public void UpdateStaff(List <object[]> AllStaff) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { foreach (object[] row in AllStaff) { int Int32Row0 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); var result = StaffCtx.Pupils.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PupilIdOld == Int32Row0); if (result != null) { result.FirstName = row[2].ToString(); result.LastName = row[1].ToString(); result.MiddleName = row[3].ToString(); result.FullFIO = row[22].ToString(); result.FirstName = row[2].ToString(); result.Clas = row[21].ToString(); result.EljurAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(row[20]); } } StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); var students = StaffCtx.Pupils; message.Display("List of objects:", "Info"); foreach (Pupil p in students) { message.Display(String.Format("{0}.{1} - {2} - {3} - {4} - {5}", p.PupilId, p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.MiddleName, p.FullFIO, p.Clas), "Info"); } } }
public void FillStaffDb(List <object[]> AllStaff) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { foreach (object[] row in AllStaff) { Pupil Student = new Pupil(); Student.PupilIdOld = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); Student.FirstName = row[2].ToString(); Student.LastName = row[1].ToString(); Student.MiddleName = row[3].ToString(); Student.FullFIO = row[22].ToString(); Student.Clas = row[21].ToString(); Student.EljurAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(row[20]); StaffCtx.Pupils.Add(Student); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("Student success saved", "Warn"); } var students = StaffCtx.Pupils; message.Display("List of objects:", "Info"); foreach (Pupil p in students) { message.Display(String.Format("{0}.{1} - {2} - {3} - {4} - {5}", p.PupilId, p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.MiddleName, p.FullFIO, p.Clas), "Info"); } } }
public void SetOneFullEventForTesting(Event TestEvent) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { StaffCtx.Events.Add(TestEvent); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("TestEvent success saved", "Warn"); } }
public void SetTestScheduleForTesting(Schedule TestSchedule) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { StaffCtx.Schedules.Add(TestSchedule); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("TestSchedule success saved", "Warn"); } }
public void SetOneTestPupilForTesting(Pupil TestPupil) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { StaffCtx.Pupils.Add(TestPupil); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("TestPupil success saved", "Warn"); } }
public void SetStatusNotifyWasSend(int PupilIdOld) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var result = StaffCtx.Events.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PupilIdOld == PupilIdOld); if (result != null) { result.NotifyWasSend = true; StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("Status NotifyWasSend to " + PupilIdOld + " PupilIdOld was set", "Trace"); } } }
public void SetStatusCameTooLate(int PupilIdOld) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var result = StaffCtx.Events.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PupilIdOld == PupilIdOld); if (result != null) { result.EventName = "Опоздал"; StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("CameTooLate to " + PupilIdOld + " PupilIdOld was set", "Trace"); } } }
public void SetClasByPupilIdOld(int PupilIdOld, String Clas) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var result = StaffCtx.Pupils.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PupilIdOld == PupilIdOld); if (result != null) { result.Clas = Clas; StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("Clas to " + PupilIdOld + " PupilIdOld was updated", "Info"); } } }
public void SetNotifyEnableByPupilIdOld(int PupilIdOld, bool NotifyEnable) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var result = StaffCtx.Pupils.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PupilIdOld == PupilIdOld); if (result != null) { result.NotifyEnable = NotifyEnable; StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("Status NotifyWasSend to " + PupilIdOld + " PupilIdOld was set", "Trace"); } } }
public void SetDelAllSchedulesForTesting() { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var rows = from s in StaffCtx.Schedules select s; foreach (var row in rows) { StaffCtx.Schedules.Remove(row); } StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("TestSchedule success removed", "Warn"); } }
public void SetUpdatedEvent(Event UpdatedEvent) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { var result = StaffCtx.Events.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PupilIdOld == UpdatedEvent.PupilIdOld); if (result != null) { result.EventName = UpdatedEvent.EventName; result.EventTime = UpdatedEvent.EventTime; result.NotifyWasSend = UpdatedEvent.NotifyWasSend; StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("UpdatedEvent success updated", "Warn"); } } }
public void FillSchedulesDb(List <object[]> AllClasses) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { foreach (object[] ScheduleRow in AllClasses) { Schedule ScheduleItem = new Schedule(); ScheduleItem.Clas = ScheduleRow[0].ToString(); ScheduleItem.StartTimeLessons = TimeSpan.Parse(ScheduleRow[1].ToString()); ScheduleItem.EndTimeLessons = TimeSpan.Parse(ScheduleRow[2].ToString()); StaffCtx.Schedules.Add(ScheduleItem); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("ScheduleItem success saved", "Warn"); } } }
public void CleanOldStaff(List <object[]> AllStaff) { using (this.StaffCtx = new StaffContext(nameorConnectionString)) { IQueryable <Pupil> Pupils = from p in StaffCtx.Pupils select p; var PupilsToDel = new List <Pupil>(); foreach (Pupil p in Pupils) { var result = AllStaff.SingleOrDefault(s => Convert.ToInt32(s[0]) == p.PupilIdOld); if (result == null) { PupilsToDel.Add(p); } } foreach (Pupil p in PupilsToDel) { StaffCtx.Pupils.Remove(p); StaffCtx.SaveChanges(); message.Display("Pupil with " + p.PupilIdOld + " PupilIdOld was cleared in Pupils Table", "Warn"); } } }