Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a loader that loads one of the <paramref name="storedPlayers"/> that corresponds to the data in
            /// <paramref name="newInfo"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="level">The level to load the player into.</param>
            /// <param name="storedPlayers">The stored data of all players.</param>
            /// <param name="insigniaGetter">The source of graphical representations of the players.</param>
            /// <param name="newInfo">Info of the player to load.</param>
            public Loader(LevelManager level, IList <StPlayer> storedPlayers, InsigniaGetter insigniaGetter, PlayerInfo newInfo)
                this.level        = level;
                this.storedPlayer = (from stPlayer in storedPlayers
                                     where stPlayer.InsigniaID == newInfo.Insignia.Index
                                     select stPlayer).FirstOrDefault();

                if (storedPlayer == null)
                    throw new
                          ArgumentException("StoredPlayers did not contain player entry for player with provided playerInfo", nameof(storedPlayers));

                this.type     = newInfo.PlayerType;
                this.teamID   = newInfo.TeamID;
                this.insignia = insigniaGetter.MarkUsed(newInfo.Insignia);

                //Clear the stored player plugin data
                storedPlayer.UserPlugin = new PluginData();
Exemple #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a loader that loads the given <paramref name="storedPlayer"/> into the <paramref name="level"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="level">The level to load the player into.</param>
            /// <param name="storedPlayer">Stored data of the player.</param>
            /// <param name="insigniaGetter">The source of graphical representations of the players.</param>
            /// <param name="loadPlaceholder">If the player should be loaded as a placeholder player, or if it should be loaded with it's
            /// actual type and plugin.</param>
            public Loader(LevelManager level, StPlayer storedPlayer, InsigniaGetter insigniaGetter, bool loadPlaceholder)
                this.level        = level;
                this.storedPlayer = storedPlayer;
                this.insignia     = insigniaGetter.GetUnusedInsignia(storedPlayer.InsigniaID);
                if (loadPlaceholder)
                    this.type = PlayerType.Placeholder;
                    teamID    = 0;
                    if (storedPlayer.TypeID == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException("StoredPlayer had no type", nameof(storedPlayer));

                    type   = level.Package.GetPlayerType(storedPlayer.TypeID);
                    teamID = storedPlayer.TeamID;
Exemple #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Stores the players state in an instance of <see cref="StPlayer"/> for serialization.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="player">The player to store.</param>
            /// <returns>Player data stored in an instance of <see cref="StPlayer"/>.</returns>
            public static StPlayer Save(Player player)
                var storedPlayer = new StPlayer
                    Id         = player.ID,
                    TeamID     = player.TeamID,
                    TypeID     = player.PlayerType?.ID ?? 0,
                    InsigniaID = player.Insignia.Index

                storedPlayer.UnitIDs.AddRange(from unitType in player.units
                                              from unit in unitType.Value
                                              select unit.ID);

                storedPlayer.BuildingIDs.AddRange(from buildingType in player.buildings
                                                  from building in buildingType.Value
                                                  select building.ID);

                storedPlayer.Resources.AddRange(from resourceType in player.resources
                                                select new StResource {
                    Id = resourceType.Key.ID, Amount = resourceType.Value

                storedPlayer.UserPlugin = new PluginData();
                try {
                    player.Plugin?.SaveState(new PluginDataWrapper(storedPlayer.UserPlugin, player.Level));
                catch (Exception e)
                    string message = $"Saving player plugin failed with Exception: {e.Message}";
                    Urho.IO.Log.Write(LogLevel.Error, message);
                    throw new SavingException(message, e);

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads placeholder player with ownership of units and buildings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">The level the placeholder player is loading into.</param>
 /// <param name="storedPlayer">The stored data for this placeholder player.</param>
 /// <param name="insigniaGetter">Provider of graphical identifications for players.</param>
 /// <returns>Loader that loads the placeholder player from the data in the <paramref name="storedPlayer"/>.</returns>
 public static IPlayerLoader GetLoaderToPlaceholder(LevelManager level, StPlayer storedPlayer, InsigniaGetter insigniaGetter)
     return(new Loader(level, storedPlayer, insigniaGetter, true));