Exemple #1
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        //The List<string> in the methods below can be changed to a list of any type of identification more suitable for the toolkit
        //If no ids are provided, the convention is to return all elements of the type

        private List <Node> ReadNodes(List <string> ids = null)
            int         err       = 0;
            int         nodeCount = 0;
            List <Node> nodes     = new List <Node>();

            double[] XYZ = new double[3];

            err = St7.St7GetTotal(1, St7.tyNODE, ref nodeCount);
            if (!St7Error(err))
            for (int nn = 0; nn < nodeCount; nn++)
                int nodeId = nn + 1;
                // getting node coordinates
                err = St7.St7GetNodeXYZ(1, nodeId, XYZ);
                if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Could not get a position of node: " + nodeId.ToString()))
                // getting node restraints
                // !!! LOCAL RESTRAINTS ARE NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!! read UCS and write it to Orientation property in Node
                int         ucsId          = 1;
                int[]       restraints     = new int[6];
                double[]    enforcedDispls = new double[6];
                List <bool> bhFixed        = new List <bool>();
                err     = St7.St7GetNodeRestraint6(1, nodeId, 1, ref ucsId, restraints, enforcedDispls);
                bhFixed = restraints.Select(rst => rst == St7.btTrue).ToList();
                double[] translationStiff = new double[3];
                err = St7.St7GetNodeKTranslation3F(1, nodeId, 1, ref ucsId, translationStiff);
                double[] rotationStiff = new double[3];
                err = St7.St7GetNodeKRotation3F(1, nodeId, 1, ref ucsId, rotationStiff);
                List <double> stiffnessVals = new List <double>();
                Constraint6DOF bhRestraint = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Constraint6DOF("", bhFixed, stiffnessVals);
                Node           bhNode      = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node(BH.Engine.Geometry.Create.Point(XYZ[0], XYZ[1], XYZ[2]), "", bhRestraint);
                SetAdapterId(bhNode, nodeId);