private UltimateMesh CreateRenderMesh(RSkeleton skeleton, MeshObject meshObject) { var vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(mesh); var vertexIndices = vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(meshObject); var renderMesh = new UltimateMesh(vertexIndices, meshObject.VertexCount); ConfigureVertexAttributes(renderMesh, skeleton, meshObject, vertexAccessor); return(renderMesh); }
private static UltimateMesh CreateRenderMesh(Mesh mesh, RSkeleton skeleton, MeshObject meshObject, BufferObject vertexBuffer0, BufferObject vertexBuffer1) { var vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(mesh); var vertexIndices = vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(meshObject); var renderMesh = new UltimateMesh(vertexIndices, meshObject.VertexCount); ConfigureVertexAttributes(mesh, renderMesh, skeleton, meshObject, vertexBuffer0, vertexBuffer1); return renderMesh; }
private RenderMesh GetRenderMesh(RSkeleton skeleton, MeshObject meshObject) { var vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(mesh); var vertexIndices = vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(0, meshObject.IndexCount, meshObject); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Vertex Count: {vertexIndices.Length}"); var vertices = CreateVertices(skeleton, meshObject, vertexAccessor, vertexIndices); return(new RenderMesh(vertices, vertexIndices)); }
public static void Open(string FileName, SBScene Scene) { SsbhFile File; if (Ssbh.TryParseSsbhFile(FileName, out File)) { if (File is Mesh mesh) { if (mesh.VersionMajor != 1 && mesh.VersionMinor != 10) { SBConsole.WriteLine($"Mesh Version {mesh.VersionMajor}.{mesh.VersionMinor} not supported"); return; } if (mesh.UnknownOffset != 0 || mesh.UnknownSize != 0) { SBConsole.WriteLine($"Warning: Unknown Mesh format detected"); } SBUltimateModel model = new SBUltimateModel(); model.Name = mesh.ModelName; model.BoundingSphere = new Vector4(mesh.BoundingSphereX, mesh.BoundingSphereY, mesh.BoundingSphereZ, mesh.BoundingSphereRadius); ((SBSceneSSBH)Scene).Model = model; SsbhVertexAccessor accessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(mesh); { foreach (var meshObject in mesh.Objects) { SBUltimateMesh sbMesh = new SBUltimateMesh(); sbMesh.EnableAttributes(meshObject); sbMesh.Name = meshObject.Name; sbMesh.ParentBone = meshObject.ParentBoneName; sbMesh.BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(meshObject.BoundingSphereX, meshObject.BoundingSphereY, meshObject.BoundingSphereZ, meshObject.BoundingSphereRadius); sbMesh.AABoundingBox = new AABoundingBox(new Vector3(meshObject.MinBoundingBoxX, meshObject.MinBoundingBoxY, meshObject.MinBoundingBoxZ), new Vector3(meshObject.MaxBoundingBoxX, meshObject.MaxBoundingBoxY, meshObject.MaxBoundingBoxZ)); sbMesh.OrientedBoundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox(new Vector3(meshObject.ObbCenterX, meshObject.ObbCenterY, meshObject.ObbCenterZ), new Vector3(meshObject.ObbSizeX, meshObject.ObbSizeY, meshObject.ObbSizeZ), new Matrix3(meshObject.M11, meshObject.M12, meshObject.M13, meshObject.M21, meshObject.M22, meshObject.M23, meshObject.M31, meshObject.M32, meshObject.M33)); sbMesh.Indices = new List <uint>(accessor.ReadIndices(0, meshObject.IndexCount, meshObject)); sbMesh.Vertices = CreateVertices(mesh, Scene.Skeleton, meshObject, accessor, sbMesh.Indices.ToArray()); model.Meshes.Add(sbMesh); } } } } }
private RenderMesh GetRenderMesh(RSkeleton skeleton, MeshObject meshObject, RMesh rMesh) { var vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(mesh); { var vertexIndices = vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(0, meshObject.IndexCount, meshObject); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Vertex Count: {vertexIndices.Length}"); List <CustomVertex> vertices = CreateVertices(skeleton, meshObject, vertexAccessor, vertexIndices); /*if(obs.IndexOf(meshObject) != 0x2B && ExtendedMesh != null && ExtendedMesh.MeshToIndexBuffer.ContainsKey(obs.IndexOf(meshObject))) * { * rMesh.RenderMesh = new RenderMesh(vertices, new List<uint>(ExtendedMesh.MeshToIndexBuffer[obs.IndexOf(meshObject)]), PrimitiveType.TriangleFan); * } * else*/ return(new RenderMesh(vertices, new List <uint>(vertexIndices))); } }
public IOModel GetIOModel() { IOModel outModel = new IOModel(); Mesh meshFile = null; Matl materialFile = null; foreach (FileNode n in Parent.Nodes) { if (n.Text.Equals(model.MeshString)) { meshFile = ((NumsbhNode)n).mesh; } if (n.Text.Equals(model.SkeletonFileName)) { outModel.Skeleton = (RSkeleton)((SkelNode)n).GetRenderableNode(); } if (n.Text.Equals(model.MaterialFileNames[0].MaterialFileName)) { materialFile = ((MatlNode)n).Material; } } Dictionary <string, int> indexByBoneName = new Dictionary <string, int>(); if (outModel.Skeleton != null) { for (int i = 0; i < outModel.Skeleton.Bones.Count; i++) { indexByBoneName.Add(outModel.Skeleton.Bones[i].Name, i); } } Dictionary <string, int> materialNameToIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(); if (materialFile != null) { int materialIndex = 0; foreach (var entry in materialFile.Entries) { materialNameToIndex.Add(entry.ShaderLabel, materialIndex++); IOMaterial material = new IOMaterial { Name = entry.ShaderLabel }; outModel.Materials.Add(material); foreach (var attr in entry.Attributes) { if (attr.ParamId == MatlEnums.ParamId.Texture0) { IOTexture dif = new IOTexture { Name = attr.DataObject.ToString() }; material.DiffuseTexture = dif; } } } } if (meshFile != null) { SsbhVertexAccessor vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(meshFile); { SsbhRiggingAccessor riggingAccessor = new SsbhRiggingAccessor(meshFile); foreach (MeshObject obj in meshFile.Objects) { IOMesh outMesh = new IOMesh() { Name = obj.Name, }; outModel.Meshes.Add(outMesh); // get material if (materialFile != null) { foreach (var entry in model.ModelEntries) { if (entry.MeshName.Equals(obj.Name) && entry.SubIndex == obj.SubMeshIndex) { outMesh.MaterialIndex = materialNameToIndex[entry.MaterialLabel]; break; } } } IOVertex[] vertices = new IOVertex[obj.VertexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i] = new IOVertex(); } foreach (MeshAttribute attr in obj.Attributes) { SsbhVertexAttribute[] values = vertexAccessor.ReadAttribute(attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name, 0, obj.VertexCount, obj); if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("Position0")) { outMesh.HasPositions = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].Position = new OpenTK.Vector3(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z); } } if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("Normal0")) { outMesh.HasNormals = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].Normal = new OpenTK.Vector3(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z); } } // Flip UVs vertically for export. if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("map1")) { outMesh.HasUV0 = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].UV0 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y); } } if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet")) { outMesh.HasUV1 = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].UV1 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y); } } if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet1")) { outMesh.HasUV2 = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].UV2 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y); } } if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet2")) { outMesh.HasUV3 = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].UV3 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y); } } if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("colorSet1")) { outMesh.HasColor = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { vertices[i].Color = new OpenTK.Vector4(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z, values[i].W) / 127f; } } } // Fix SingleBinds if (outModel.Skeleton != null && !obj.ParentBoneName.Equals("")) { int parentIndex = outModel.Skeleton.GetBoneIndex(obj.ParentBoneName); if (parentIndex != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i].Position = OpenTK.Vector3.TransformPosition(vertices[i].Position, outModel.Skeleton.Bones[parentIndex].WorldTransform); vertices[i].Normal = OpenTK.Vector3.TransformNormal(vertices[i].Normal, outModel.Skeleton.Bones[parentIndex].WorldTransform); vertices[i].BoneIndices.X = indexByBoneName[obj.ParentBoneName]; vertices[i].BoneWeights.X = 1; outMesh.HasBoneWeights = true; } } } // Apply Rigging SsbhVertexInfluence[] influences = riggingAccessor.ReadRiggingBuffer(obj.Name, (int)obj.SubMeshIndex); foreach (SsbhVertexInfluence influence in influences) { outMesh.HasBoneWeights = true; // Some influences refer to bones that don't exist in the skeleton. // _eff bones? if (!indexByBoneName.ContainsKey(influence.BoneName)) { continue; } if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.X == 0) { vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.X = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName]; vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.X = influence.Weight; } else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Y == 0) { vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.Y = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName]; vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Y = influence.Weight; } else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Z == 0) { vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.Z = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName]; vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Z = influence.Weight; } else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.W == 0) { vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.W = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName]; vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.W = influence.Weight; } } outMesh.Vertices.AddRange(vertices); outMesh.Indices.AddRange(vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(0, obj.IndexCount, obj)); } } } return(outModel); }