Exemple #1
    // time: must be normalized(0~1)
    static public float Interpolate <T>(SsCurveParams curve, float time, T startValue, T endValue, int startTime, int endTime)
#if false
        if (!(startValue is float))
            if (!(startValue is int))
        switch (curve.Type)
        case SsInterpolationType.Linear:
            return(Linear(time, Convert.ToSingle(startValue), Convert.ToSingle(endValue)));

        case SsInterpolationType.Hermite:
            return(Hermite(time, Convert.ToSingle(startValue), Convert.ToSingle(endValue), curve.StartV, curve.EndV));

        case SsInterpolationType.Bezier:
            return(Bezier(time, startTime, Convert.ToSingle(startValue), endTime, Convert.ToSingle(endValue), curve.StartT, curve.StartV, curve.EndT, curve.EndV));

Exemple #2
    CreateAttrValues(int frameNum)
        if (frameNum <= 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("No keys to precalculate.");
        FrameNum = frameNum;
//		if (keyFrameLists == null)
//		{
//			Debug.LogError("Key frame list must be prepared.");
//			return;
//		}
#if _DEBUG
        SsDebugLog.PrintLn("Name: " + Name);

        // create temporary key frame list
//		keyFrameLists = new List<SsKeyFrameInterface>[(int)SsKeyAttr.Num];
//		keyFrameLists[(int)SsKeyAttr.PosX] = PosXKeys;

        // create attribute value lists
        for (int attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < (int)SsKeyAttr.Num; ++attrIdx)
            SsKeyAttr attr   = (SsKeyAttr)attrIdx;
            int       keyNum = GetKeyNumOf(attr);

            // skip non-key attribute
            if (keyNum <= 0)

            int curKeyIndex             = 0;
            SsKeyFrameInterface curKey  = GetKey(attr, 0);
            int nextKeyIndex            = 0;
            SsKeyFrameInterface nextKey = null;
            int valuesNum = 1;
            if (keyNum > 1)
                nextKey      = GetKey(attr, 1);
                nextKeyIndex = 1;
                // consolidate identical values if possible
                for (int i = 1; i < keyNum; ++i)
                    SsKeyFrameInterface key = GetKey(attr, i);
                    if (!key.EqualsValue(curKey))
                        // give up consolidating
                        valuesNum = frameNum;
            else if (keyNum == 1)
                if (attr == SsKeyAttr.Hide)
                    SsBoolKeyFrame hideKey = (SsBoolKeyFrame)curKey;
                    if (hideKey.Value == false)
                        valuesNum = frameNum;

            SsKeyAttrDesc attrDesc = SsKeyAttrDescManager.GetById(attr);
            switch (attr)
            case SsKeyAttr.PosX:    PosXValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];             break;

            case SsKeyAttr.PosY:    PosYValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];             break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Angle:   AngleValues = new SsFloatAttrValue[valuesNum];  break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ScaleX:  ScaleXValues = new SsFloatAttrValue[valuesNum]; break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ScaleY:  ScaleYValues = new SsFloatAttrValue[valuesNum]; break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Trans:   TransValues = new SsFloatAttrValue[valuesNum];  break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Prio:    PrioValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];             break;

            case SsKeyAttr.FlipH:   FlipHValues = new SsBoolAttrValue[valuesNum];   break;

            case SsKeyAttr.FlipV:   FlipVValues = new SsBoolAttrValue[valuesNum];   break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Hide:    HideValues = new SsBoolAttrValue[valuesNum];            break;

            case SsKeyAttr.PartsCol: PartsColValues = new SsColorBlendAttrValue[valuesNum]; break;

            case SsKeyAttr.PartsPal: PartsPalValues = new SsPaletteAttrValue[valuesNum]; break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Vertex:  VertexValues = new SsVertexAttrValue[valuesNum];        break;

            case SsKeyAttr.User:    UserValues = new SsUserDataAttrValue[valuesNum];        break;

            case SsKeyAttr.Sound:   SoundValues = new SsSoundAttrValue[valuesNum];  break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetX:    ImageOffsetXValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];     break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetY:    ImageOffsetYValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];     break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetW:    ImageOffsetWValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];     break;

            case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetH:    ImageOffsetHValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];     break;

            case SsKeyAttr.OriginOffsetX:   OriginOffsetXValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];    break;

            case SsKeyAttr.OriginOffsetY:   OriginOffsetYValues = new SsIntAttrValue[valuesNum];    break;
            // mark that this attribute is used.
            _hasAttrFlags |= (SsKeyAttrFlags)(1 << attrIdx);
#if _DEBUG
            SsDebugLog.Print(string.Format("\tAttr[{0}]: {1}\n", attrIdx, attrDesc.Attr));
            for (int frame = 0; frame < valuesNum; ++frame)
                if (nextKey != null &&
                    frame >= nextKey.Time)
                    // advance to next keyed frame
                    curKeyIndex = nextKeyIndex;
                    curKey      = nextKey;
                    nextKey = nextKeyIndex < keyNum?GetKey(attr, nextKeyIndex) : null;

                // base typed value
                SsAttrValue v = null;
                // create new value to add
                SsBoolAttrValue  boolValue  = null;
                SsIntAttrValue   intValue   = null;
                SsFloatAttrValue floatValue = null;
//				SsPointAttrValue		pointValue = null;
                SsPaletteAttrValue    paletteValue    = null;
                SsColorBlendAttrValue colorBlendValue = null;
                SsVertexAttrValue     vertexValue     = null;
                SsUserDataAttrValue   userValue       = null;
                SsSoundAttrValue      soundValue      = null;
                switch (attrDesc.ValueType)
                case SsKeyValueType.Data:                               ///< actually decimal or integer
                    switch (attrDesc.CastType)
                        v = intValue = new SsIntAttrValue();

                    case SsKeyCastType.Float:
                    case SsKeyCastType.Degree:
                        v = floatValue = new SsFloatAttrValue();

                case SsKeyValueType.Param:                              ///< actually boolean
                    v = boolValue = new SsBoolAttrValue();

//				case SsKeyValueType.Point:		///< x,y
//					v = pointValue = new SsPointAttrValue();
//					break;
                case SsKeyValueType.Palette:                    ///< left,top,right,bottom
                    v = paletteValue = new SsPaletteAttrValue();

                case SsKeyValueType.Color:                              ///< single or vertex colors
                    v = colorBlendValue = new SsColorBlendAttrValue();

                case SsKeyValueType.Vertex:                             ///< vertex positions relative to origin
                    v = vertexValue = new SsVertexAttrValue();

                case SsKeyValueType.User:                               ///< user defined data(numeric|point|rect|string...)
                    v = userValue = new SsUserDataAttrValue();

                case SsKeyValueType.Sound:                              ///< sound id, volume, note on...
                    v = soundValue = new SsSoundAttrValue();

#if false       // move this care to runtime
                if (attrDesc.Attr == SsKeyAttr.Hide &&
                    frame < curKey.Time)
                    // "hide" needs special care, it will be true before first key.
                    boolValue.Value = true;
                if (attrDesc.NeedsInterpolatable && nextKey != null && frame >= curKey.Time)
                    bool doInterpolate = true;

                    if (attrDesc.Attr == SsKeyAttr.PartsCol)
                        var curCbk  = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)curKey.ObjectValue;
                        var nextCbk = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)nextKey.ObjectValue;
                        // if current and next key has no target, new value simply refers current key.
                        if (curCbk.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None &&
                            nextCbk.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None)
                            v.RefKeyIndex = curKeyIndex;
                            doInterpolate = false;

                    if (doInterpolate)
                        // needs interpolation
                        object res;
                        if (frame == curKey.Time)
                            // use start key value as is.
                            res = curKey.ObjectValue;
                            // interpolate curKey~nextKey
                            res = SsInterpolation.InterpolateKeyValue(curKey, nextKey, frame);
                            // can't restore primitive type from the boxed through casting.
                            if (boolValue)
                                boolValue.Value = System.Convert.ToBoolean(res);
                            else if (intValue)
                                intValue.Value = System.Convert.ToInt32(res);
                            else if (floatValue)
                                floatValue.Value = System.Convert.ToSingle(res);
                        }catch {
                            Debug.LogError("[INTERNAL] failed to unbox: " + res);

                        if (attrDesc.Attr == SsKeyAttr.PartsCol)
                            var curCbk  = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)curKey.ObjectValue;
                            var nextCbk = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)nextKey.ObjectValue;
                            // if current or next key has vertex colors, key between them should have vertex colors.
                            if (curCbk.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.Vertex ||
                                nextCbk.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.Vertex)
                                var newCbk = colorBlendValue.Value;
                                newCbk.Target = SsColorBlendTarget.Vertex;
                                // use next key operation.
                                newCbk.Operation = nextCbk.Operation;
                    // just use the value at last referred key frame.
                    v.RefKeyIndex = curKeyIndex;
#if _DEBUG
                if (v.Value != null)
                    SsDebugLog.Print(string.Format("\t\tframe[{0}]: {1}\n", frame, v.Value));
                // add value to the relative array
                switch (attr)
                case SsKeyAttr.PosX:                    PosXValues[frame] = intValue;           break;

                case SsKeyAttr.PosY:                    PosYValues[frame] = intValue;           break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Angle:                   AngleValues[frame] = floatValue;        break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ScaleX:                  ScaleXValues[frame] = floatValue;       break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ScaleY:                  ScaleYValues[frame] = floatValue;       break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Trans:                   TransValues[frame] = floatValue;        break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Prio:                    PrioValues[frame] = intValue;           break;

                case SsKeyAttr.FlipH:                   FlipHValues[frame] = boolValue;         break;

                case SsKeyAttr.FlipV:                   FlipVValues[frame] = boolValue;         break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Hide:                    HideValues[frame] = boolValue;          break;

                case SsKeyAttr.PartsCol:                PartsColValues[frame] = colorBlendValue; break;

                case SsKeyAttr.PartsPal:                PartsPalValues[frame] = paletteValue;   break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Vertex:                  VertexValues[frame] = vertexValue;      break;

                case SsKeyAttr.User:                    UserValues[frame] = userValue;          break;

                case SsKeyAttr.Sound:                   SoundValues[frame] = soundValue;        break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetX:    ImageOffsetXValues[frame] = intValue;   break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetY:    ImageOffsetYValues[frame] = intValue;   break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetW:    ImageOffsetWValues[frame] = intValue;   break;

                case SsKeyAttr.ImageOffsetH:    ImageOffsetHValues[frame] = intValue;   break;

                case SsKeyAttr.OriginOffsetX:   OriginOffsetXValues[frame] = intValue;  break;

                case SsKeyAttr.OriginOffsetY:   OriginOffsetYValues[frame] = intValue;  break;

        // set having transparency flag
        HasTrancparency = false;
        if (HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Trans))
            // if opacity value under 1 exists in some keys, we recognize this will be transparent at some frames
            foreach (SsFloatKeyFrame e in TransKeys)
                if (e.Value < 1f)
                    HasTrancparency = true;