public void CanCorrectlyCalculateOriginForBottomRightSquareWhenSquareTwoOne()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I have a standard board with the centre square selected".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                board[2, 1].IsMainSelection = true;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 8, 8".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[8, 8]));

            "Then the origin x should be -220".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(-220));

            "Then the origin y should be -260".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(-260));
        public void CanCorrectlyCalculateOriginForTopLeftSquareWhenCentreSquareSelected()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I have a standard board with the centre square selected".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                    board[4, 4].IsMainSelection = true;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 0, 0".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[0, 0]));

            "Then the origin x should be 180".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(180));

            "Then the origin y should be 180".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(180));
        public void CanCorrectlyCalculateTheOriginOfASquareWithAYOffset()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I a y offset on square 0, 0".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                board[4, 4].IsMainSelection = true;
                board[0, 0].YOffset = 20;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 0, 0".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[0, 0]));

            "Then the origin x should be 180".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(180));

            "Then the origin y should be 200".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(200));