public override int GetHashCode() { int hashcode = 157; unchecked { if (__isset.squareChatMid) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + SquareChatMid.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.squareMessage) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + SquareMessage.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.senderDisplayName) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + SenderDisplayName.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.unreadCount) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + UnreadCount.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.requiredToFetchChatEvents) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + RequiredToFetchChatEvents.GetHashCode(); } } return(hashcode); }
public async Task ReadAsync(TProtocol iprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; await iprot.ReadStructBeginAsync(cancellationToken); while (true) { field = await iprot.ReadFieldBeginAsync(cancellationToken); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SquareChatMid = await iprot.ReadStringAsync(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 2: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { SquareMessage = new SquareMessage(); await SquareMessage.ReadAsync(iprot, cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; default: await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); break; } await iprot.ReadFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await iprot.ReadStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("SquareEventNotificationMessage("); bool __first = true; if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("SquareChatMid: "); SquareChatMid.ToString(sb); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("SquareMessage: "); SquareMessage.ToString(sb); } if (SenderDisplayName != null && __isset.senderDisplayName) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("SenderDisplayName: "); SenderDisplayName.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.unreadCount) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("UnreadCount: "); UnreadCount.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.requiredToFetchChatEvents) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("RequiredToFetchChatEvents: "); RequiredToFetchChatEvents.ToString(sb); } sb.Append(")"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder __sb = new StringBuilder("SquareEventNotificationMessage("); bool __first = true; if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("SquareChatMid: "); __sb.Append(SquareChatMid); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("SquareMessage: "); __sb.Append(SquareMessage == null ? "<null>" : SquareMessage.ToString()); } if (SenderDisplayName != null && __isset.senderDisplayName) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("SenderDisplayName: "); __sb.Append(SenderDisplayName); } if (__isset.unreadCount) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("UnreadCount: "); __sb.Append(UnreadCount); } if (__isset.requiredToFetchChatEvents) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("RequiredToFetchChatEvents: "); __sb.Append(RequiredToFetchChatEvents); } __sb.Append(")"); return(__sb.ToString()); }
public void Read(TProtocol iprot) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SquareChatMid = iprot.ReadString(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 2: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { SquareMessage = new SquareMessage(); SquareMessage.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public async Task WriteAsync(TProtocol oprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { oprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { var struc = new TStruct("SquareEventSendMessage"); await oprot.WriteStructBeginAsync(struc, cancellationToken); var field = new TField(); if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { field.Name = "squareChatMid"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 1; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStringAsync(SquareChatMid, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { field.Name = "squareMessage"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await SquareMessage.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (__isset.reqSeq) { field.Name = "reqSeq"; field.Type = TType.I32; field.ID = 3; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteI32Async(ReqSeq, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await oprot.WriteFieldStopAsync(cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { oprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public void Write(TProtocol oprot) { oprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TStruct struc = new TStruct("SquareEventSendMessage"); oprot.WriteStructBegin(struc); TField field = new TField(); if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { field.Name = "squareChatMid"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 1; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteString(SquareChatMid); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { field.Name = "squareMessage"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); SquareMessage.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (__isset.reqSeq) { field.Name = "reqSeq"; field.Type = TType.I32; field.ID = 3; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteI32(ReqSeq); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } oprot.WriteFieldStop(); oprot.WriteStructEnd(); } finally { oprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashcode = 157; unchecked { if (__isset.squareChatMid) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + SquareChatMid.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.squareMessage) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + SquareMessage.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.reqSeq) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + ReqSeq.GetHashCode(); } } return(hashcode); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder __sb = new StringBuilder("SquareEventSendMessage("); bool __first = true; if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("SquareChatMid: "); __sb.Append(SquareChatMid); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("SquareMessage: "); __sb.Append(SquareMessage == null ? "<null>" : SquareMessage.ToString()); } if (__isset.reqSeq) { if (!__first) { __sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; __sb.Append("ReqSeq: "); __sb.Append(ReqSeq); } __sb.Append(")"); return(__sb.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("SquareEventSendMessage("); bool __first = true; if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("SquareChatMid: "); SquareChatMid.ToString(sb); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("SquareMessage: "); SquareMessage.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.reqSeq) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("ReqSeq: "); ReqSeq.ToString(sb); } sb.Append(")"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void SquareServiceTest() { var storage = CloudStorage.ForInMemoryStorage().BuildStorageProviders(); var service = new SquareQueueService { Storage = storage, Environment = new MockEnvironment(), Log = NullLog.Instance }; const string containerName = "mockcontainer"; //filling blobs to be processed. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { storage.BlobStorage.PutBlob(containerName, "blob" + i, (double)i); } var squareMessage = new SquareMessage { ContainerName = containerName, Expiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0), IsStart = true }; var queueName = TypeMapper.GetStorageName(typeof(SquareMessage)); storage.QueueStorage.Put(queueName, squareMessage); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { service.StartService(); } var sum = storage.BlobStorage.ListBlobs <double>(containerName).Sum(); //0*0+1*1+2*2+3*3+...+9*9 = 285 Assert.AreEqual(285, sum, "result is different from expected."); }
public void Write(TProtocol oprot) { oprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TStruct struc = new TStruct("SquareEventNotificationMessage"); oprot.WriteStructBegin(struc); TField field = new TField(); if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { field.Name = "squareChatMid"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 1; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteString(SquareChatMid); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { field.Name = "squareMessage"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); SquareMessage.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (SenderDisplayName != null && __isset.senderDisplayName) { field.Name = "senderDisplayName"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 3; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteString(SenderDisplayName); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (__isset.unreadCount) { field.Name = "unreadCount"; field.Type = TType.I32; field.ID = 4; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteI32(UnreadCount); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (__isset.requiredToFetchChatEvents) { field.Name = "requiredToFetchChatEvents"; field.Type = TType.Bool; field.ID = 5; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); oprot.WriteBool(RequiredToFetchChatEvents); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } oprot.WriteFieldStop(); oprot.WriteStructEnd(); } finally { oprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public void Read(TProtocol iprot) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SquareChatMid = iprot.ReadString(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 2: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { SquareMessage = new SquareMessage(); SquareMessage.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 3: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SenderDisplayName = iprot.ReadString(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 4: if (field.Type == TType.I32) { UnreadCount = iprot.ReadI32(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 5: if (field.Type == TType.Bool) { RequiredToFetchChatEvents = iprot.ReadBool(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public async Task ReadAsync(TProtocol iprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; await iprot.ReadStructBeginAsync(cancellationToken); while (true) { field = await iprot.ReadFieldBeginAsync(cancellationToken); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 3: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { LastMessage = new SquareMessage(); await LastMessage.ReadAsync(iprot, cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 4: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SenderDisplayName = await iprot.ReadStringAsync(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 5: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { OtherStatus = new SquareChatStatusWithoutMessage(); await OtherStatus.ReadAsync(iprot, cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; default: await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); break; } await iprot.ReadFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await iprot.ReadStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public async Task WriteAsync(TProtocol oprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { oprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { var struc = new TStruct("SquareEventNotificationMessage"); await oprot.WriteStructBeginAsync(struc, cancellationToken); var field = new TField(); if (SquareChatMid != null && __isset.squareChatMid) { field.Name = "squareChatMid"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 1; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStringAsync(SquareChatMid, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (SquareMessage != null && __isset.squareMessage) { field.Name = "squareMessage"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await SquareMessage.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (SenderDisplayName != null && __isset.senderDisplayName) { field.Name = "senderDisplayName"; field.Type = TType.String; field.ID = 3; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStringAsync(SenderDisplayName, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (__isset.unreadCount) { field.Name = "unreadCount"; field.Type = TType.I32; field.ID = 4; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteI32Async(UnreadCount, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (__isset.requiredToFetchChatEvents) { field.Name = "requiredToFetchChatEvents"; field.Type = TType.Bool; field.ID = 5; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteBoolAsync(RequiredToFetchChatEvents, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await oprot.WriteFieldStopAsync(cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { oprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public async Task ReadAsync(TProtocol iprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; await iprot.ReadStructBeginAsync(cancellationToken); while (true) { field = await iprot.ReadFieldBeginAsync(cancellationToken); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SquareChatMid = await iprot.ReadStringAsync(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 2: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { SquareMessage = new SquareMessage(); await SquareMessage.ReadAsync(iprot, cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 3: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SenderDisplayName = await iprot.ReadStringAsync(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 4: if (field.Type == TType.I32) { UnreadCount = await iprot.ReadI32Async(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; case 5: if (field.Type == TType.Bool) { RequiredToFetchChatEvents = await iprot.ReadBoolAsync(cancellationToken); } else { await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); } break; default: await TProtocolUtil.SkipAsync(iprot, field.Type, cancellationToken); break; } await iprot.ReadFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await iprot.ReadStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public void Read(TProtocol iprot) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 3: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { LastMessage = new SquareMessage(); LastMessage.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 4: if (field.Type == TType.String) { SenderDisplayName = iprot.ReadString(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 5: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { OtherStatus = new SquareChatStatusWithoutMessage(); OtherStatus.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }