internal static Bitboard MoveSquare(ref Bitboard bb, SquareE sqr1, SquareE sqr2)
     return(bb =
                GetSquare(bb, sqr1)
       ? bb ^ (SquareMask(sqr1) | SquareMask(sqr2)) // right
       : (bb & ~SquareMask(sqr2)));
        //#region Rotated Bitboard

        //internal static byte[] DiagIndex =
        //    {
        //        00,   01,   03,   06,   10,   15,   21,   28,   36,   43,   49,   54,   58,   61,   63
        //    };

        //internal static BitRank[] DiagMask =
        //    {
        //        0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01
        //    };

        //// These functions manipulate adjacent bits in 45° rotated BitBoards,
        //// which correspond to diagonals in 0° and 90° rotated BitBoards.
        //internal static byte GetDiagIndex( int n )
        //    return DiagIndex[ n ];

        //internal static Bitboard MaskDiag( byte n )
        //    return ((Bitboard) DiagMask[ n ]) << DiagIndex[ n ];

        //internal static BitRank GetDiag( Bitboard bb, int n )
        //    return (BitRank) ((bb >> DiagIndex[ n ]) & DiagMask[ n ]);

        //internal static Bitboard RstDiag( ref Bitboard bb, byte n )
        //    return bb &= ~MaskDiag(n);


        internal static Bitboard PreMaskExclusions(SquareE sqr)
            if (IsSquareOn(BorderSquares, sqr))
                Bitboard exclusions = EmptySquares;

                //if( !CheckSquare(SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_A ], sqr) ) exclusions |= SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_A ];
                //if( !CheckSquare(SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_H ], sqr) ) exclusions |= SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_H ];
                //if( !CheckSquare(SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_1 ], sqr) ) exclusions |= SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_1 ];
                //if( !CheckSquare(SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_8 ], sqr) ) exclusions |= SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_8 ];

                if (!IsSquareOn(File_A, sqr))
                    exclusions |= File_A;
                if (!IsSquareOn(File_H, sqr))
                    exclusions |= File_H;
                if (!IsSquareOn(Rank_1, sqr))
                    exclusions |= Rank_1;
                if (!IsSquareOn(Rank_8, sqr))
                    exclusions |= Rank_8;

Exemple #3
        public void Reset()

            EnPassant        = SquareE.NoSquare;
            HalfMovesCounter = 0;
            FullMovesCounter = 1;
Exemple #4
        internal void RemovePiece(Piece piece, SquareE square)
            byte color = (byte)piece.Color;
            byte type  = (byte)piece.Type;

            BitBoard.RstSquare(ref Occupies[color], square);
            BitBoard.RstSquare(ref Pieces[type], square);
            --PieceCount[color, type];
        internal static Bitboard DiagA8H1Mask(SquareE sqr)
            Debug.Assert(Square.IsValid(sqr), "Not 0-3F");
            sbyte diag = (sbyte)(0x38 - (FileIndex(sqr) << 3) - RankIndex(sqr));
            byte  nort = (byte)(-diag & (diag >> 31));
            byte  sout = (byte)(diag & (-diag >> 31));

            return((DiagA8H1Squares >> sout) << nort);
Exemple #6
        //internal void SetupFen( string fenString )
        //    if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(fenString) )
        //    {
        //        Debug.Assert(false, "Null or Empty FEN");
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    ClearBoard();

        //    Piece piece;
        //    ushort index = 0;
        //    char ch = fenString[ index ];

        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    //Piece placement. put pieces
        //    SquareE sqr = SquareE.A8;
        //    while( ch != ' ' )
        //    {
        //        // get the piece from its char representation
        //        piece = Piece.Parse(ch);
        //        if( piece != default(Piece) )
        //        {// there is a piece
        //            byte color = (byte) piece.Color;
        //            byte type = (byte) piece.Type;

        //            if( color != (byte) ColorE.NoColor && type != (byte) PieceE.NoPiece )
        //            {
        //                #region Checking
        //                if( type == (byte) PieceE.King && PieceCount[ color, type ] >= 1 )
        //                    Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", (ColorE) color + " King already there");

        //                if( (PieceCount[ color, (byte) PieceE.Pawn ] +
        //                    Math.Max(PieceCount[ color, (byte) PieceE.Queen ] - 1, 0) +
        //                    Math.Max(PieceCount[ color, (byte) PieceE.Rook ] - 2, 0) +
        //                    Math.Max(PieceCount[ color, (byte) PieceE.Bishop ] - 2, 0) +
        //                    Math.Max(PieceCount[ color, (byte) PieceE.Knight ] - 2, 0)) > 8 )
        //                {
        //                    Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Too many Pieces of " + (ColorE) color);
        //                }

        //                if( type == (byte) PieceE.Pawn )
        //                {
        //                    RankE rank = Square._Rank(sqr);
        //                    if( rank == RankE.Rank_1 || rank == RankE.Rank_8 )
        //                        Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Pawn Rank");
        //                }
        //                #endregion

        //                PutPiece(piece, sqr);   // put the piece on board
        //                Square.BackwardInc(ref sqr);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if( ch == '8' )
        //        {
        //            Debug.Assert((byte) sqr % File.Files == 0, "Illegal FEN format", "Wrong character");
        //            sqr -= File.Files;
        //            if( sqr != SquareE.A1 )
        //            {
        //                ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //                if( ch != '/' )
        //                {// there another char than '/' throw exception
        //                    Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Wrong character");
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if( ch >= '1' && ch <= '7' )
        //        {// there is a number
        //            byte emptySqr = (byte) (ch - '0');
        //            while( emptySqr != 0 )    // skip empty squares
        //            {
        //                Square.BackwardInc(ref sqr);
        //                --emptySqr;
        //                if( (byte) sqr % File.Files == 0 )
        //                    break;
        //            }
        //            Debug.Assert(emptySqr == 0, "Illegal FEN format", "Wrong character");
        //        }
        //        else if( ch != '/' )
        //        {// there another char than '/' throw exception
        //            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Wrong character");
        //        }
        //        ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    }

        //    if( sqr != SquareE.NoSquare )
        //    {
        //        Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "InComplete Position");
        //    }

        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];

        //    //Active color. set side to move
        //    if( ch == 'w' )
        //    {
        //        OnMove = ColorE.White;
        //    }
        //    else if( ch == 'b' )
        //    {
        //        OnMove = ColorE.Black;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        OnMove = ColorE.NoColor;
        //        Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Active Color");
        //    }

        //    ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];

        //    //Castle availability. set castle availability
        //    if( ch == '-' )
        //    {
        //        ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        while( ch != ' ' )
        //        {
        //            switch( ch )
        //            {
        //                case 'K':
        //                    {
        //                        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.White ];
        //                        if( BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.King ], SquareE.E1) ||
        //                            BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Rook ], SquareE.H1) )
        //                        {
        //                            Castle[ (byte) ColorE.White ].ShortCastle = true;
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Castle [White.ShortCastle]");
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                case 'Q':
        //                    {
        //                        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.White ];
        //                        if( BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.King ], SquareE.E1) ||
        //                            BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Rook ], SquareE.A1) )
        //                        {
        //                            Castle[ (byte) ColorE.White ].LongCastle = true;
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Castle [White.LongCastle]");
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                case 'k':
        //                    {
        //                        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.Black ];
        //                        if( BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.King ], SquareE.E8) ||
        //                            BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Rook ], SquareE.H8) )
        //                        {
        //                            Castle[ (byte) ColorE.Black ].ShortCastle = true;
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Castle [Black.ShortCastle]");
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                case 'q':
        //                    {
        //                        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.Black ];
        //                        if( BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.King ], SquareE.E8) ||
        //                            BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Rook ], SquareE.A8) )
        //                        {
        //                            Castle[ (byte) ColorE.Black ].LongCastle = true;
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Castle [Black.LongCastle]");
        //                    }
        //                    break;
        //                default: Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Castle"); break;
        //            }
        //            ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //        }
        //    }

        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];

        //    //En passant target square. set en passant target
        //    if( ch == '-' )
        //    {
        //        EnPassant = SquareE.NoSquare;
        //        ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {   // checks if the square notation is correct
        //        char fileEP = ch;
        //        if( fileEP >= 'a' && fileEP <= 'h' )
        //        {
        //            char rankEP = fenString[ ++index ];
        //            if( rankEP == '3' || rankEP == '6' )
        //            {
        //                ++index;
        //                if( rankEP == '3' && !BitBoard.GetSquare(Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.White ] & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Pawn ], Square._Square(fileEP, (char) (rankEP + 1))) ||
        //                    rankEP == '6' && !BitBoard.GetSquare(Occupies[ (byte) ColorE.Black ] & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Pawn ], Square._Square(fileEP, (char) (rankEP - 1))) )
        //                {
        //                    Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Pawn missing");
        //                }
        //                EnPassant = Square._Square(fileEP, rankEP);
        //            }
        //            else
        //                Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "En passant (rank)");
        //            ch = fenString[ index ];
        //        }
        //        else
        //            Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "En passant (file)");
        //    }

        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];
        //    //Halfmove clock. set ply
        //    try
        //    {
        //        int length = fenString.IndexOf(' ', index) - index;
        //        HalfMoveClock = byte.Parse(fenString.Substring(index, length));
        //        if( HalfMoveClock >= 100 )
        //            Debug.Assert(false, "Fifty Move Draw");

        //        index += (ushort) length;
        //        ch = fenString[ index ];
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "HalfMove (Ply)");
        //    }

        //    while( ch == ' ' ) ch = fenString[ ++index ];

        //    //Fullmove counter. set move number
        //    try
        //    {
        //        int length = fenString.IndexOf(' ', index);
        //        length = length != -1 ? length : fenString.Length - index;
        //        FullMoveCount = byte.Parse(fenString.Substring(index, length));
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        Debug.Assert(false, "Illegal FEN format", "Moves");
        //    }

        //    Console.Write(FEN.ToString(this));

        //    if( IsLegal() )
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(ToString());
        //    }

        internal void PutPiece(Piece piece, SquareE square)
            byte color = (byte)piece.Color;
            byte type  = (byte)piece.Type;

            BitBoard.SetSquare(ref Occupies[color], square);
            BitBoard.SetSquare(ref Pieces[type], square);
            ++PieceCount[color, type];
        internal static SquareE[] GetSquares(Bitboard bb)
            List <SquareE> square = new List <SquareE>();

            for (SquareE sqr = SquareE.A1; sqr <= SquareE.H8; ++sqr)
                if (GetSquare(bb, sqr))
Exemple #8
        public override void Reset()

            EnPassant = SquareE.NoSquare;

            IsWhiteShortCastling = true;
            IsWhiteLongCastling  = true;
            IsBlackShortCastling = true;
            IsBlackLongCastling  = true;
            IsEngineBlack        = true;
            IsEngineOn           = true;
            IsGameStart          = true;
            IsMainline           = true;
Exemple #9
        public void MovePiece(SquareE origin, SquareE destiny, PieceE promote)

            Piece movePiece = PickPiece(origin);

            if (movePiece.Color == OnMove)
                RemovePiece(movePiece, origin);

                Piece capturePiece = PickPiece(destiny);
                if (capturePiece.Type != PieceE.NoPiece)
                    RemovePiece(capturePiece, destiny);

                PutPiece(movePiece, destiny);
Exemple #10
        public void SetFen(string fen)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fen))

            if (BeforeSetFen != null)
                BeforeSetFen(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            //GameValidator = new GameW(fen);

            if (Flags.IsOffline)
                if (Flags.IsFirtMove)
                    MoveIdWhenFenIsSet = 0;
                    MoveIdWhenFenIsSet = CurrentMove.Id;


            EnPassant                  = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetEnpasantSqaure(fen);
            HalfMovesCounter           = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetHalfMovesCounter(fen);
            FullMovesCounter           = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetFullMovesCounter(fen);
            Flags.IsBlackShortCastling = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetIsBlackShortCastling(fen);
            Flags.IsBlackLongCastling  = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetIsBlackLongCastling(fen);
            Flags.IsWhiteShortCastling = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetIsWhiteShortCastling(fen);
            Flags.IsWhiteLongCastling  = ChessLibrary.FenParser.GetIsWhiteLongCastling(fen);

            if (AfterSetFen != null)
                AfterSetFen(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemple #11
        internal static SquareE BackwardInc(ref SquareE sqr)
            switch (sqr)
            case SquareE.H1: return(sqr = SquareE.NoSquare);

            case SquareE.H2: return(sqr = SquareE.A1);

            case SquareE.H3: return(sqr = SquareE.A2);

            case SquareE.H4: return(sqr = SquareE.A3);

            case SquareE.H5: return(sqr = SquareE.A4);

            case SquareE.H6: return(sqr = SquareE.A5);

            case SquareE.H7: return(sqr = SquareE.A6);

            case SquareE.H8: return(sqr = SquareE.A7);

            default: return(++sqr);    // sqr = (SquareE) (sqr + 1);
Exemple #12
        private void ClearSquare(SquareE square)
            //bool isPiece = false;
            for (ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color)
                Bitboard occupy = Occupies[(byte)color];
                if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy, square))
                    for (PieceE type = PieceE.Pawn; type <= PieceE.King; ++type)
                        Bitboard piece = Pieces[(byte)type];
                        if (BitBoard.GetSquare(piece, square))  // occupy & piece
                            BitBoard.RstSquare(ref Occupies[(byte)color], square);
                            BitBoard.RstSquare(ref Pieces[(byte)type], square);

                            //Debug.Assert(!isPiece, "Piece Overlaps");
                            //isPiece = true;
Exemple #13
        public Piece PickPiece(SquareE sqr)
            Piece p = new Piece();

            //bool isPiece = false;
            for (ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color)
                Bitboard occupy = Occupies[(byte)color];
                if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy, sqr))
                    for (PieceE type = PieceE.Pawn; type <= PieceE.King; ++type)
                        Bitboard piece = Pieces[(byte)type];
                        if (BitBoard.GetSquare(piece, sqr))  // occupy & piece
                            //Debug.Assert(!isPiece, "Piece Overlaps");
                            //isPiece = true;
                            return(new Piece(color, type));
Exemple #14
        internal static string ToString(Board board)
            if (board == default(Board))
                Debug.Assert(false, "Null or Empty FEN");

            StringBuilder fenString = new StringBuilder();

            #region Pieces
            for (RankE rank = RankE.Rank_8; ; --rank)
                byte emptySqr = 0;
                for (FileE file = FileE.File_A; file <= FileE.File_H; ++file)
                    bool isPiece = false;
                    for (ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color)
                        Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)color];
                        SquareE  sqr    = Square._Square(file, rank);
                        if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy, sqr))
                            for (PieceE type = PieceE.Pawn; type <= PieceE.King; ++type)
                                Bitboard piece = board.Pieces[(byte)type];
                                if (BitBoard.GetSquare(piece, sqr))  // occupy & piece
                                    isPiece = true;
                                    if (emptySqr > 0)
                                        emptySqr = 0;
                                    fenString.Append(Piece.mapPiece[(byte)color, (byte)type]);
                    if (!isPiece)
                if (emptySqr > 0)
                    emptySqr = 0;

                if (rank == RankE.Rank_1)



            #region OnMove
            switch (board.OnMove)
            case ColorE.White: fenString.Append('w'); break;

            case ColorE.Black: fenString.Append('b'); break;

            case ColorE.NoColor:
            default: fenString.Append('-'); break;


            #region Castle
            if (board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].AnyCastle ||
                if (board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].ShortCastle)
                if (board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].LongCastle)
                if (board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.Black].ShortCastle)
                if (board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.Black].LongCastle)


            #region EnPassant

            SquareE ep = board.EnPassant;
            if (Square.IsValid(ep))


            #region HalfMove Clock



            #region FullMove Counter


Exemple #15
        /// Split Method
        internal static Board ToBoard(string fenString)
            const Board emptyBoard = default(Board);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fenString))

            string[] records   = fenString.Split(new char[] { recordSep }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int      numRecord = records.Length;
            // --- full fenString check
            //if( numRecord != 6 ) return emptyBoard;

            Board board = new Board();

            #region Piece placement

            string[] ranks = records[0].Split(rankSep);

            if (ranks.Length != Rank.Ranks)

            byte baseSqr = (byte)SquareE.A8;
            foreach (string rank in ranks)
                byte offsetFile = 0;
                foreach (char achar in rank)
                    if (achar >= '1' && achar <= '8')
                        offsetFile += (byte)(achar - '0');
                        Piece piece = Piece.Parse(achar);

                        if (piece != default(Piece))
                        {// there is a piece
                            ColorE color = piece.Color;
                            PieceE type  = piece.Type;

                            if (color != ColorE.NoColor && type != PieceE.NoPiece)
                                if (offsetFile >= File.Files)

                                SquareE sqr = (SquareE)(baseSqr + offsetFile);

                                switch (type)
                                case PieceE.Pawn:
                                    RankE pawnRank = Square._Rank(sqr);
                                    if (pawnRank == RankE.Rank_1 || pawnRank == RankE.Rank_8)
                                    if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)type] >= 8)

                                case PieceE.King:
                                    if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)type] >= 1)

                                case PieceE.Knight:
                                case PieceE.Bishop:
                                case PieceE.Rook:
                                case PieceE.Queen:
                                    if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Pawn] +
                                        board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Knight] +
                                        board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Bishop] +
                                        board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Rook] +
                                        board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Queen]
                                        >= 15)

                                board.PutPiece(piece, sqr);   // put the piece on board


                if (offsetFile == 0)  // Allow null lines = /8/
                    offsetFile = File.Files;

                if (offsetFile != File.Files)

                baseSqr -= File.Files;

            for (ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color)
                Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)color];
                // check too many total pieces
                if (BitBoard.CountSets(occupy) > 16)

                // check if the number of Pawns plus the number of extra Queens, Rooks, Bishops, Knights
                // (which can result only by promotion) exceeds 8

                // check too many color pieces
                if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Pawn] +
                    Math.Max(board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Knight] - 2, 0) +
                    Math.Max(board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Bishop] - 2, 0) +
                    Math.Max(board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Rook] - 2, 0) +
                    Math.Max(board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Queen] - 1, 0)
                    > 8)

                if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Bishop] > 1)
                    Bitboard bishops = occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Bishop];

                    byte[] bishopCount = new byte[Color.Colors];

                    //SquareE[] square = BitBoard.GetSquares(occupy & board.Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Bishop ]);
                    //foreach( SquareE sqr in square )
                    //    ++bishopCount[ (byte) Square._Color(sqr) ];

                    bishopCount[(byte)ColorE.White] = BitBoard.CountSets(BitBoard.LightSquares & bishops);
                    bishopCount[(byte)ColorE.Black] = BitBoard.CountSets(BitBoard.DarkSquares & bishops);

                    if (board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.Pawn] +
                        Math.Max(bishopCount[(byte)ColorE.White] - 1, 0) +
                        Math.Max(bishopCount[(byte)ColorE.Black] - 1, 0)
                        > 8)

                // check for King
                byte king = board.PieceCount[(byte)color, (byte)PieceE.King];
                if (king != 1)  //Illegal King

            if (numRecord > 1)
                #region Active color

                string aColor = records[1];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aColor) || aColor.Length != 1)

                char activeColor = char.ToLower(aColor[0]);
                if (activeColor == 'w')
                    board.OnMove = ColorE.White;
                else if (activeColor == 'b')
                    board.OnMove = ColorE.Black;
                    board.OnMove = ColorE.NoColor;

            if (numRecord > 2)
                #region Castling privileges

                string castles = records[2];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(castles))

                if (castles == "-")
                    board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].AnyCastle = false;
                    board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.Black].AnyCastle = false;
                    int length = castles.Length;
                    if (length > 4)

                    for (byte i = 0; i < length - 1; ++i)
                        for (byte j = (byte)(i + 1); j < length; ++j)
                            if (castles[i] == castles[j])

                    foreach (char castle in castles)
                        switch (castle)
                        case 'K':
                            Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.White];
                            if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.King], SquareE.E1) &&
                                BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Rook], SquareE.H1))
                                board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].ShortCastle = true;
                        } break;

                        case 'Q':
                            Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.White];
                            if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.King], SquareE.E1) &&
                                BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Rook], SquareE.A1))
                                board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.White].LongCastle = true;
                        } break;

                        case 'k':
                            Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.Black];
                            if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.King], SquareE.E8) &&
                                BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Rook], SquareE.H8))
                                board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.Black].ShortCastle = true;
                        } break;

                        case 'q':
                            Bitboard occupy = board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.Black];
                            if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.King], SquareE.E8) &&
                                BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Rook], SquareE.A8))
                                board.Castle[(byte)ColorE.Black].LongCastle = true;
                        } break;


            if (numRecord > 3)
                #region EnPassant Target square

                string epSqr = records[3];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(epSqr))

                if (epSqr == "-")
                    board.EnPassant = SquareE.NoSquare;
                    if (epSqr.Length != 2)

                    char epFile = char.ToLower(epSqr[0]);
                    if (!(epFile >= 'a' && epFile <= 'h'))

                    char epRank = epSqr[1];
                    if (!(epRank == '3' || epRank == '6'))

                    if (epRank == '3' &&
                            board.OnMove != ColorE.Black ||
                            !BitBoard.GetSquare(board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.White] & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Pawn], Square._Square(epFile, (char)(epRank + 1)))
                        epRank == '6' &&
                            board.OnMove != ColorE.White ||
                            !BitBoard.GetSquare(board.Occupies[(byte)ColorE.Black] & board.Pieces[(byte)PieceE.Pawn], Square._Square(epFile, (char)(epRank - 1)))

                    board.EnPassant = Square._Square(epFile, epRank);

            if (numRecord > 4)
                #region HalfMove Clock (Ply)

                byte halfMoveClock;
                if (!byte.TryParse(records[4], out halfMoveClock))

                if (halfMoveClock > 100)

                board.HalfMoveClock = halfMoveClock;

            if (numRecord > 5)
                #region FullMove Counter

                ushort fullMoveCount;
                if (!ushort.TryParse(records[5], out fullMoveCount))

                if (fullMoveCount == 0)
                    fullMoveCount = 1;
                board.FullMoveCount = fullMoveCount;

Exemple #16
 public static string ToString(SquareE sqr)
     return(string.Format("{0}{1}", File.FileNotation(_File(sqr)), Rank.RankNotation(_Rank(sqr))));
Exemple #17
        internal static Bitboard NortExMask(SquareE sqr)
            const Bitboard fileA_1 = 0x0101010101010100;//File_A & ~Rank_1;

            return(fileA_1 << (byte)sqr);
Exemple #18
 internal static bool IsValid(SquareE sqr)
     return(((byte)sqr & 0xC0) == 0); //((byte) sqr & ~0x3F) == 0; // sqr >= SquareE.A1 && sqr <= SquareE.H8;
Exemple #19
 internal static ColorE _Color(SquareE sqr)
     return((ColorE)(((byte)_File(sqr) + (byte)_Rank(sqr) + 1) % 2));
Exemple #20
 internal static byte FileIndex(SquareE sqr)
     Debug.Assert(Square.IsValid(sqr), "Not 0-3F");
     return((byte)((byte)sqr & 0x07));
Exemple #21
        internal const byte Squares = 0x40; //File.Files * Rank.Ranks;

        #region Old

        //internal byte Sqr;
        //internal Piece Piece = default(Piece);

        //internal FileE File { get { return GetFile(Sqr); } }

        //internal RankE Rank { get { return GetRank(Sqr); } }

        //internal Square()

        //internal Square( byte sqr )
        //    SetSquare(sqr);

        //internal Square( SquareE sqr )
        //    : this((byte) sqr)

        //internal Square( byte file, byte rank )
        //    SetFileRank(file, rank);

        //internal Square( FileE file, RankE rank )
        //    : this((byte) file, (byte) rank)

        //private void SetSquare( byte sqr )
        //    //Debug.Assert(sqr < Square.Squares);
        //    Sqr = sqr;

        //private void SetFileRank( byte file, byte rank )
        //    //Debug.Assert(file < M.File.Files);
        //    //Debug.Assert(rank < M.Rank.Ranks);
        //    //SetSquare((byte) ((rank * M.File.Files) + file));
        //    SetSquare((byte) ((rank << 0x03) + file));

        //internal bool IsEmpty
        //    get { return Piece == default(Piece); }

        //internal ColorE OccupiedBy
        //    get
        //    {
        //        if( !IsEmpty )
        //        {
        //            if( Piece.Color == ColorE.White )
        //                return ColorE.White;
        //            else if( Piece.Color == ColorE.Black )
        //                return ColorE.Black;
        //            else
        //                return ColorE.NoColor;
        //        }
        //        return ColorE.NoColor;
        //    }

        //internal bool IsOccupiedBy( ColorE color )
        //    return !IsEmpty && Piece.Color == color;
        //public override string ToString()
        //    return string.Format("{0}{1}", FileNotation, RankNotation);


        internal static FileE _File(SquareE sqr)
            Debug.Assert(IsValid(sqr), "Not 0-3F");
            return((FileE)((byte)sqr & 0x07));
Exemple #22
        internal static Bitboard SoutExMask(SquareE sqr)
            const Bitboard fileH_8 = 0x0080808080808080;//File_H & ~Rank_8;

            return(fileH_8 >> ((byte)sqr ^ 0xFF));
Exemple #23
        // TODO::
        //internal Bitboard AttacksTo( Bitboard occupied, SquareE sqr, ColorE side )
        //    //Bitboard knights, kings, bishopsQueens, rooksQueens;
        //    //knights = pieceBB[ nWhiteKnight ] | pieceBB[ nBlackKnight ];
        //    //kings = pieceBB[ nWhiteKing ] | pieceBB[ nBlackKing ];
        //    //rooksQueens =
        //    //bishopsQueens = pieceBB[ nWhiteQueen ] | pieceBB[ nBlackQueen ];
        //    //rooksQueens |= pieceBB[ nWhiteRook ] | pieceBB[ nBlackRook ];
        //    //bishopsQueens |= pieceBB[ nWhiteBishop ] | pieceBB[ nBlackBishop ];

        //    //return (arrPawnAttacks[ nWhite ][ sqr ] & pieceBB[ nBlackPawn ])
        //    //     | (arrPawnAttacks[ nBlack ][ sqr ] & pieceBB[ nWhitePawn ])
        //    //     | (arrKnightAttacks[ sqr ] & knights)
        //    //     | (arrKingAttacks[ sqr ] & kings)
        //    //     | (bishopAttacks(occupied, sqr) & bishopsQueens)
        //    //     | (rookAttacks(occupied, sqr) & rooksQueens)
        //    //     ;

        //    ColorE oppside = ColorE.NoColor;
        //    if( side == ColorE.White )
        //    {
        //        oppside = ColorE.Black;
        //    }
        //    else if( side == ColorE.Black )
        //    {
        //        oppside = ColorE.White;
        //    }

        //    Bitboard sideOccupied = Occupies[ (byte) side ];

        //    Bitboard rooksQueens = Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Rook ] | Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Queen ];
        //    Bitboard bishopsQueens = Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Bishop ] | Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Queen ];

        //    return (MoveAttack._PawnAttacks[ (byte) sqr, (byte) side ] & (Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Pawn ] & Occupies[ (byte) oppside ]))
        //        | (MoveAttack._PawnAttacks[ (byte) sqr, (byte) oppside ] & (Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Pawn ] & Occupies[ (byte) side ]))
        //        | (MoveAttack._KnightMoves[ (byte) sqr ] & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.Knight ])
        //        | (MoveAttack._KingMoves[ (byte) sqr ] & Pieces[ (byte) PieceE.King ])
        //        | (MoveAttack._RookMoves[ (byte) sqr ] & rooksQueens)
        //        | (MoveAttack._BishopMoves[ (byte) sqr ] & bishopsQueens);

        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder sboard = new StringBuilder();

            sboard.AppendLine(" +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+");

            //SquareE begSqr = SquareE.A8;
            //SquareE endSqr = SquareE.H1;
            //for( SquareE sqr = begSqr; ; Square.BackwardInc(ref sqr) )
            //    if( (byte) sqr % File.Files == 0 )
            //    {
            //        if( sqr != begSqr ) sboard.AppendLine();
            //        sboard.Append(Rank.mapRank[ (byte) sqr / File.Files ]);
            //    }
            //    bool isPiece = false;
            //    sboard.Append(" ");
            //    for( ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color )
            //    {
            //        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[ (byte) color ];
            //        for( PieceE type = PieceE.Pawn; type <= PieceE.King; ++type )
            //        {
            //            Bitboard piece = Pieces[ (byte) type ];
            //            if( BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy & piece, sqr) )
            //            {
            //                //if( isPiece ) sboard.Append('x'); // '*'
            //                isPiece = true;
            //                sboard.Append(Piece.mapPiece[ (byte) color, (byte) type ]);
            //                break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    if( !isPiece )
            //        sboard.Append(".");
            //    if( sqr == endSqr )
            //        break;

            for (RankE rank = RankE.Rank_8; ; --rank)
                for (FileE file = FileE.File_A; file <= FileE.File_H; ++file)
                    bool isPiece = false;
                    sboard.Append(" ");
                    for (ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color)
                        Bitboard occupy = Occupies[(byte)color];
                        SquareE  sqr    = Square._Square(file, rank);
                        if (BitBoard.GetSquare(occupy, sqr))
                            for (PieceE type = PieceE.Pawn; type <= PieceE.King; ++type)
                                Bitboard piece = Pieces[(byte)type];
                                if (BitBoard.GetSquare(piece, sqr))  // occupy & piece
                                    //if( isPiece ) sboard.Append('x'); // '*'
                                    isPiece = true;
                                    sboard.Append(Piece.mapPiece[(byte)color, (byte)type]);
                    if (!isPiece)
                if (rank == RankE.Rank_1)

            sboard.AppendLine().Append(" +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+").AppendLine();
            sboard.Append(" ");
            foreach (char file in File.mapFile)
                sboard.Append(" " + file);
Exemple #24
 internal static bool GetSquare(Bitboard bb, SquareE sqr)
     return((bb & SquareMask(sqr)) != EmptySquares);
Exemple #25
 internal static Bitboard DiagA8H1ExMask(SquareE sqr)
     return(DiagA8H1Mask(sqr) ^ SquareMask(sqr));
Exemple #26
 internal static Bitboard SetSquare(ref Bitboard bb, SquareE sqr)
     return(bb |= SquareMask(sqr));
        //internal static Bitboard[ , ] _PassedPawnMask;
        //internal static Bitboard[ , ] _OutpostMask;

        internal static void InitBitboards()
            #region //Constants
            //byte i;
            //for( i = 0; i < 0x08; ++i )
            //    SquaresOfFile[ i ] = SquaresOfRank[ i ] = EmptySquares;

            //for( SquareE sqr = SquareE.A1; sqr <= SquareE.H8; ++sqr )
            //    SquaresOfFile[ (byte) Square._File(sqr) ] |= _MinValue[ (byte) sqr ];
            //    SquaresOfRank[ (byte) Square._Rank(sqr) ] |= _MinValue[ (byte) sqr ];

            //SquaresOfFileRange = new Bitboard[ File.Files, Rank.Ranks ];
            //SquaresOfRankRange = new Bitboard[ File.Files, Rank.Ranks ];
            //for( i = 0; i < 0x08; ++i )
            //    SquaresOfLateralFiles[ i ] = SquaresOfLateralRanks[ i ] = EmptySquares;

            //    if( i != (byte) FileE.File_A )
            //        SquaresOfLateralFiles[ i ] |= SquaresOfFile[ i - 1 ];
            //    if( i != (byte) FileE.File_H )
            //        SquaresOfLateralFiles[ i ] |= SquaresOfFile[ i + 1 ];
            //    if( i != (byte) RankE.Rank_1 )
            //        SquaresOfLateralRanks[ i ] |= SquaresOfRank[ i - 1 ];
            //    if( i != (byte) RankE.Rank_8 )
            //        SquaresOfLateralRanks[ i ] |= SquaresOfRank[ i + 1 ];

            //    for( byte j = 0; j < 0x08; ++j )
            //    {
            //        SquaresOfFileRange[ i, j ] = SquaresOfRankRange[ i, j ] = EmptySquares;
            //        for( byte k = 0; k < 0x08; k++ )
            //        {
            //            if( (k >= i && k <= j) || (k >= j && k <= i) )
            //            {
            //                SquaresOfFileRange[ i, j ] |= SquaresOfFile[ k ];
            //                SquaresOfRankRange[ i, j ] |= SquaresOfRank[ k ];
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //File_NotA = ~SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_A ];
            //File_NotH = ~SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_H ];

            //WhiteSideSquares = SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_1 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_2 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_3 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_4 ];
            //BlackSideSquares = SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_5 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_6 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_7 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_8 ];

            //QueenSideSquares = SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_A ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_B ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_C ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_D ];
            //KingSideSquares = SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_E ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_F ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_G ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_H ];

            //CenterSquares = MinValue[ (byte) SquareE.D4 ] | MinValue[ (byte) SquareE.D5 ] | MinValue[ (byte) SquareE.E4 ] | MinValue[ (byte) SquareE.E5 ];

            //ExpCenterSquares =
            //    (SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_C ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_D ] |
            //     SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_E ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_F ])
            //  & (SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_3 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_4 ] |
            //     SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_5 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_6 ]);

            //CornerSquares = (BitBoard.File_A | BitBoard.File_H) & (BitBoard.Rank_1 | BitBoard.Rank_8);
            //BorderSquares = SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_A ] | SquaresOfFile[ (byte) FileE.File_H ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_1 ] | SquaresOfRank[ (byte) RankE.Rank_8 ];

            Bitboard min = 0x01UL;
            _MinValue = new Bitboard[Square.Squares];
            _MaxValue = new Bitboard[Square.Squares];
            for (SquareE sqr = SquareE.A1; sqr <= SquareE.H8; ++sqr, min <<= 1)
                _MinValue[(byte)sqr] = min;
                _MaxValue[(byte)sqr] = ~min;

            _SetCount    = new byte[Max16 + 1];
            _RankOverlay = new byte[Max16 + 1];
            for (ushort s = 0; ; ++s)
                _SetCount[s]    = CountSets(s);
                _RankOverlay[s] = RankOverlay(s);

                if (s == Max16)

            _BitShiftGap = new byte[Max08 + 1, File.Files];
            for (byte occ = 0; ; ++occ)
                for (byte file = 0; file < File.Files; ++file)
                    //_BitShiftGap[ occ, file ] = (byte) (occ == 0 ? 0 : 8);
                    //for( byte index = 0; index < File.Files; ++index )
                    //    if( ((byte) _MinValue[ index ] & occ) != 0 )
                    //    {
                    //        byte value = (byte) Math.Abs(file - index);
                    //        if( value < _BitShiftGap[ occ, file ] )
                    //        {
                    //            _BitShiftGap[ occ, file ] = value;
                    //            if( index > file )
                    //                break;
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    if (occ == 0 || ((byte)_MinValue[file] & occ) != 0)
                        _BitShiftGap[occ, file] = 0;
                    byte westCount = 8;
                    if (file > 0)  // west
                        westCount = 1;
                        for (byte west = (byte)(file - 1);
                             west != 0 && ((byte)_MinValue[west] & occ) == 0;
                            //if( west == 0 || ((byte) _MinValue[ west ] & occ) != 0 ) break;
                    byte eastCount = 8;
                    if (file < 7)  // east
                        eastCount = 1;
                        for (byte east = (byte)(file + 1);
                             east != 7 && ((byte)_MinValue[east] & occ) == 0;
                            //if( east == 7 || ((byte) _MinValue[ east ] & occ) != 0 ) break;
                    _BitShiftGap[occ, file] = Math.Min(westCount, eastCount);

                if (occ == Max08)

            //_PassedPawnMask = new Bitboard[ Color.Colors, Square.Squares ];
            //_OutpostMask = new Bitboard[ Color.Colors, Square.Squares ];
            //for( ColorE color = ColorE.White; color <= ColorE.Black; ++color )
            //    for( SquareE sqr = SquareE.A1; sqr <= SquareE.H8; ++sqr )
            //    {
            //        _PassedPawnMask[ (byte) color, (byte) sqr ] = FrontRank(color, sqr) & LateralThisFiles(sqr);
            //        _OutpostMask[ (byte) color, (byte) sqr ] = FrontRank(color, sqr) & LateralFiles(sqr);
            //    }
Exemple #28
 internal static RankE _Rank(SquareE sqr)
     Debug.Assert(IsValid(sqr), "Not 0-3F");
     return((RankE)(((byte)sqr >> 3) & 0x07));
        internal static bool IsSquareOn(Bitboard bb, SquareE sqr)
            //return (bb & _MinValue[ (byte) sqr ]) != EmptySquares;

            return((bb & 0x01UL << (byte)sqr) != EmptySquares);
Exemple #30
 internal static Bitboard RstFile(ref Bitboard bb, SquareE sqr)
     return(bb &= ~FileMask(sqr));