Exemple #1
        public async Task gEndCommand(params string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                await ReplyAsync("You gotta tell me what to remove and where :/"); return;
            var   link = args[0];
            ulong chnlid;

            if (ulong.TryParse(link, out var msgid))
                chnlid = Context.Channel.Id;
                var dry = link.Replace(@"https://discord.com/channels/", "").Split('/');
                chnlid = ulong.Parse(dry[1]);
                msgid  = ulong.Parse(dry[2]);
            var channel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(chnlid);

            if (channel == null)
                await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                    Title       = "Which message?",
                    Description = $"Couldn't parse `{args[0]}` as a Discord Message link\nHint: We cannot find the channel. This might be due to Permissions, or that Channel (and Message) is from another server.",
                    Color       = Color.Red

            var message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(msgid);

            if (message == null)
                await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                    Title       = "Which message?",
                    Description = $"Couldn't parse `{args[0]}` as a Discord Message link\nHint: We cannot find the message. This might be due to deletion or permissions.",
                    Color       = Color.Red

            var gaw = new Giveaway_Module.gstart.Giveaway()
                GuildID   = Context.Guild.Id,
                ChannelID = chnlid,
                MessageID = msgid
            var k = (await SqliteClass.GetGiveaways($"SELECT * from giveaways WHERE GuildId = {Context.Guild.Id} AND ChannelID = {chnlid} AND MessageID = {msgid};")).FirstOrDefault();

            if (k == null)
                await ReplyAsync("No such giveaway exists :/");

            await SqliteClass.GiveawayRemover(gaw);

            if (message == null)
            if (message is not IUserMessage mymsg)
            await mymsg.ModifyAsync(msgprop =>
                if (!mymsg.Content.Contains("ENDED"))
                    msgprop.Content = mymsg.Content.Replace("GIVEAWAY", "GIVEAWAY ENDED");
                var existingEmbed = mymsg.Embeds.First();
                msgprop.Embed     = new EmbedBuilder()
                    Title       = existingEmbed.Title,
                    Description = existingEmbed.Description.Split('\n')[0] + string.Join('\n', existingEmbed.Description.Split('\n').Skip(2))

            var allWhoReacted = await mymsg.GetReactionUsersAsync(new Emoji("🎉"), int.MaxValue).FlattenAsync();

            if (Context.Guild == null)
            var allWhoReactedButDidntLeave = allWhoReacted.Where(user => Context.Guild.GetUser(user.Id) is not null && !user.IsBot).Select(o => Context.Guild.GetUser(o.Id));
            var andAllWhoMetRequirements   = allWhoReactedButDidntLeave.Where(kden =>
                                                                              k.RoleReqs.TrueForAll(role => kden.Roles.Any(m => m.Id == role.Id)));

            System.Random rnd      = new();
            string        mentions = "";

            if (k.Winners == 0 || andAllWhoMetRequirements.Count() == 0)
                mentions = "nobody";
                for (int i = 0; i < k.Winners; i++)
                    var usr = andAllWhoMetRequirements.ElementAt(rnd.Next(0, andAllWhoMetRequirements.Count() - 1));
                    await usr.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                        Title       = $"You have won **{k.Title}** in {Context.Guild.Name}!",
                        Description = $"DM <@{k.StarterID}> for your prize",
                        Color       = CommandModuleBase.Blurple,
                        Url         = $"https://discord.com/channels/{k.GuildID}/{k.ChannelID}/{k.MessageID}"

                    mentions += mentions == "" ? usr.Mention : $", {usr.Mention}";
            await mymsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Congratulations {mentions}. You have won {k.Title}");

            var strt = Context.Client.GetUser(k.StarterID);

            if (strt == null)
            await strt.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                Title       = $"Your giveaway ended.",
                Description = $"Your winner(s) are {mentions}",
                Color       = Blurple,
                Url         = $"https://discord.com/channels/{k.GuildID}/{k.ChannelID}/{k.MessageID}"