public PrepareEventGraphRunSimple(double time, double speed, int sessionID, int personID, string table, string type) { Sqlite.Open(); //obtain data runsAtSQL = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(true, sessionID, personID, type, Sqlite.Orders_by.ID_DESC, 10); //select only last 10 string sqlSelect = "distance/time"; personMAXAtSQLAllSessions = SqliteSession.SelectMAXEventsOfAType(true, -1, personID, table, type, sqlSelect); personMAXAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMAXEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, personID, table, type, sqlSelect); sessionMAXAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMAXEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, -1, table, type, sqlSelect); //distancePersonAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, personID, table, type, "distance"); //distanceSessionAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, -1, table, type, "distance"); //better to know speed like: //SELECT AVG(distance/time) from run; than //SELECT AVG(distance) / SELECT AVG(time) //first is ok, because is the speed AVG //2nd is not good because it tries to do an AVG of all distances and times personAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, personID, table, type, sqlSelect); sessionAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType(true, sessionID, -1, table, type, sqlSelect); this.time = time; this.speed = speed; Sqlite.Close(); }
/* * ReactionTime class methods */ public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, string type, double time, string description, int simulated) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } if (uniqueID == "-1") { uniqueID = "NULL"; } dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, time, description, simulated)" + " VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", " + personID + ", " + sessionID + ", \"" + type + "\", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(time) + ", \"" + description + "\", " + simulated + ")"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // string myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; dbcmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }
/* * class methods */ public static void Insert(bool dbconOpened, ExecuteAutoSQL eaSQL) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.ExecuteAutoTable + " (uniqueID, name, mode, description, " + " serie1IDs, serie2IDs, serie3IDs, " + " future1, future2, future3)" + " VALUES ( NULL, \"" + + "\", \"" + eaSQL.Mode.ToString() + "\", \"" + eaSQL.Description + "\", \"" + eaSQL.SerieIDsToStr(eaSQL.Serie1IDs) + "\", \"" + eaSQL.SerieIDsToStr(eaSQL.Serie2IDs) + "\", \"" + eaSQL.SerieIDsToStr(eaSQL.Serie3IDs) + "\", " + "\"\", \"\", \"\")"; //future1, future2, future3 LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } }
//Called from new methods were dbcon is opened public static string Select(string myName, bool dbconOpened) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT value FROM " + Constants.PreferencesTable + " WHERE name == \"" + myName + "\""; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //SqliteDataReader reader; SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); string myReturn = "0"; if (reader.Read()) { myReturn = reader[0].ToString(); } reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myReturn); }
public static int Insert1RM(bool dbconOpened, int personID, int sessionID, int exerciseID, double load1RM) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.Encoder1RMTable + " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, exerciseID, load1RM, future1, future2, future3)" + " VALUES (NULL, " + personID + ", " + sessionID + ", " + exerciseID + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(load1RM) + ", \"\",\"\",\"\")"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // string myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; dbcmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }
//checks if there are Rjs with different number of TCs than TFs //then repair database manually, and look if the jump is jumpLimited, and how many jumps there are defined public static void FindBadRjs() { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT uniqueID, tcstring, tvstring, jumps, limited FROM jumpRj"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); while (reader.Read()) { if (Util.GetNumberOfJumps(reader[1].ToString(), true) != Util.GetNumberOfJumps(reader[2].ToString(), true)) { LogB.Error(string.Format("Problem with jumpRj: {0}, tcstring{1}, tvstring{2}, jumps{3}, limited{4}", reader[0].ToString(), Util.GetNumberOfJumps(reader[1].ToString(), true).ToString(), Util.GetNumberOfJumps(reader[2].ToString(), true).ToString(), reader[3].ToString(), reader[4].ToString())); } } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); }
public static void Update(bool dbconOpened, ForceSensorExercise ex) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } /* * string uniqueIDStr = "NULL"; * if(ex.UniqueID != -1) * uniqueIDStr = ex.UniqueID.ToString(); */ dbcmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + " name = \"" + ex.Name + "\", percentBodyWeight = " + ex.PercentBodyWeight + ", resistance = \"" + ex.Resistance + "\", angleDefault = " + ex.AngleDefault + ", description = \"" + ex.Description + "\" WHERE uniqueID = " + ex.UniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } }
//public static int InsertPing(ServerPing ping) public static int InsertPing(bool dbconOpened, int evaluatorID, string cjVersion, string osVersion, string ip, DateTime date) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } string uniqueID = "NULL"; string myString = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.ServerPingTable + " (uniqueID, evaluatorID, cjVersion, osVersion, IP, date) VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", " + evaluatorID + ", \"" + cjVersion + "\", \"" + osVersion + "\", \"" + ip + "\", \"" + UtilDate.ToSql(date) + "\")"; dbcmd.CommandText = myString; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; dbcmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }
public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, SqliteCommand mycmd, int sportID, string speciallityName) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } string myString = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.SpeciallityTable + " (uniqueID, sportID, name) VALUES (NULL, " + sportID + ", \"" + speciallityName + "\")"; mycmd.CommandText = myString; LogB.SQL(mycmd.CommandText.ToString()); mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; mycmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(mycmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }
public static string [] SelectEvaluators(bool addAnyString) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + ".uniqueID, " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + ".name " + " FROM " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + ", " + Constants.SessionTable + " WHERE " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + ".uniqueID = " + Constants.SessionTable + ".evaluatorID" + " GROUP BY " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + ".uniqueID"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); ArrayList evals = new ArrayList(); if (addAnyString) { evals.Add(Constants.AnyID.ToString() + ":" + Constants.Any); } while (reader.Read()) { evals.Add(reader[0].ToString() + ":" + reader[1].ToString()); } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(Util.ArrayListToString(evals)); }
/* * this is only called on client */ public static string [] StatsMine() { ArrayList stats = new ArrayList(); Sqlite.Open(); /* * is good to add the string stuff like "Pings" * because then client will show this data or not * depending if it matches what want to show. * Maintain the ':' as separator */ stats.Add("Sessions:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.SessionTable, true, "serverUniqueID", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("Persons:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.PersonTable, true, "serverUniqueID", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("Jumps:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.JumpTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("JumpsRj:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.JumpRjTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("Runs:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.RunTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("RunsInterval:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.RunIntervalTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("ReactionTimes:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.ReactionTimeTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("Pulses:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.PulseTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); stats.Add("MultiChronopic:" + Sqlite.CountCondition(Constants.MultiChronopicTable, true, "simulated", ">", "0").ToString()); Sqlite.Close(); string [] statsString = Util.ArrayListToString(stats); return(statsString); }
//when client selects in it's DB, there's only a row with uniqueID: 1 //if confiable is read on client, it will be also checked on server public static ServerEvaluator SelectEvaluator(int myUniqueID) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + " WHERE uniqueID == " + myUniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); ServerEvaluator myEval = new ServerEvaluator(); //will return a -1 on uniqueID to know that evaluator data is not in the database myEval.UniqueID = -1; while (reader.Read()) { myEval.UniqueID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); myEval.Code = reader[1].ToString(); myEval.Name = reader[2].ToString(); myEval.Email = reader[3].ToString(); myEval.DateBorn = UtilDate.FromSql(reader[4].ToString()); myEval.CountryID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[5].ToString()); myEval.Chronometer = reader[6].ToString(); myEval.Device = reader[7].ToString(); myEval.Comments = reader[8].ToString(); myEval.Confiable = Util.IntToBool(Convert.ToInt32(reader[9].ToString())); } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(myEval); }
public static void UpdateEvaluator(bool dbconOpened, int uniqueID, string code, string name, string email, DateTime dateBorn, int countryID, string chronometer, string device, string comments, bool confiable) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " + Constants.ServerEvaluatorTable + " " + " SET code = \"" + code + "\" , name = \"" + name + "\" , email = \"" + email + "\" , dateBorn = \"" + UtilDate.ToSql(dateBorn) + "\" , countryID = " + countryID + ", chronometer = \"" + chronometer + "\", device = \"" + device + "\", comments = \"" + comments + //"\", confiable = " + Util.BoolToInt(confiable) + //security: update cannot change confiable "\" WHERE uniqueID == " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } }
public PrepareEventGraphReactionTime(double time, int sessionID, int personID, string table, string type) { Sqlite.Open(); //obtain data rtsAtSQL = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(true, sessionID, personID, type, Sqlite.Orders_by.ID_DESC, 10); //select only last 10 personMAXAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMAXEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, personID, table, type, "time"); sessionMAXAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMAXEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, -1, table, type, "time"); personMINAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMINEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, personID, table, type, "time"); sessionMINAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectMINEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, -1, table, type, "time"); personAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, personID, table, type, "time"); sessionAVGAtSQL = SqliteSession.SelectAVGEventsOfAType( true, sessionID, -1, table, type, "time"); Sqlite.Close(); this.time = time; }
public static bool ExistsAndItsNotMe(int uniqueID, string personName) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT uniqueID FROM " + Constants.PersonTable + " WHERE LOWER(" + Constants.PersonTable + ".name) == LOWER(\"" + personName + "\")" + " AND uniqueID != " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); bool exists = new bool(); exists = false; if (reader.Read()) { exists = true; //LogB.SQL("valor {0}", reader[0].ToString()); } //LogB.SQL("exists = {0}", exists.ToString()); reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(exists); }
public static string Select(bool dbconOpened, int uniqueID) { if (uniqueID == -1) { return(""); } if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT name FROM " + Constants.SpeciallityTable + " WHERE uniqueID == " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); string speciallityName = reader[0].ToString(); //name reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(Catalog.GetString(speciallityName)); }
public static JumpRj SelectJumpData(string tableName, int uniqueID, bool dbconOpened) { //tableName is jumpRj or tempJumpRj if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE uniqueID == " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); JumpRj myJump = new JumpRj(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 18)); reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myJump); }
//tableName is jumpType or jumpRjType public static bool HasWeight(string tableName, string typeName) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT weight " + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE name == \"" + typeName + "\""; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); bool hasWeight = false; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader[0].ToString() == "1") { hasWeight = true; LogB.SQL("found type: hasWeight"); } else { LogB.SQL("found type: NO hasWeight"); } } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(hasWeight); }
//undefined defaultAngle will be 1000 //note execution can have a different angle than the default angle public static void Insert(bool dbconOpened, int uniqueID, string name, int percentBodyWeight, string resistance, int angleDefault, string description) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } string uniqueIDStr = "NULL"; if (uniqueID != -1) { uniqueIDStr = uniqueID.ToString(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (uniqueID, name, percentBodyWeight, resistance, angleDefault, description)" + " VALUES (" + uniqueIDStr + ", \"" + name + "\", " + percentBodyWeight + ", \"" + resistance + "\", " + angleDefault + ", \"" + description + "\")"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } }
//we know if it has fall if it starts in public static bool HasFall(string tableName, string typeName) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT startIn " + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE name == \"" + typeName + "\""; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); bool hasFall = true; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader[0].ToString() == "1") { hasFall = false; } } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(hasFall); }
public static RunInterval SelectRunData(string tableName, int uniqueID, bool dbconOpened) { //tableName can be runInterval or tempRunInterval if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE uniqueID == " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); RunInterval myRun = new RunInterval(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 13)); reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myRun); }
//when a session is NOT KNOWN, then select atrribute of last session //select doubles public static double SelectAttribute(int personID, string attribute) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + attribute + ", sessionID FROM " + Constants.PersonSessionTable + " WHERE personID == " + personID + "ORDER BY sessionID DESC LIMIT 1"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); double myReturn = 0; if (reader.Read()) { myReturn = Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[0].ToString())); } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(myReturn); }
public static PulseType SelectAndReturnPulseType(string typeName) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * " + " FROM " + Constants.PulseTypeTable + " WHERE name = \"" + typeName + "\" ORDER BY uniqueID"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); PulseType myPulseType = new PulseType(); while (reader.Read()) { myPulseType.Name = reader[1].ToString(); myPulseType.FixedPulse = Convert.ToDouble(reader[2].ToString()); myPulseType.TotalPulsesNum = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]); } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(myPulseType); }
public static bool PersonSelectExistsInSession(int myPersonID, int mySessionID) { Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + Constants.PersonSessionTable + " WHERE personID == " + myPersonID + " AND sessionID == " + mySessionID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); bool exists = new bool(); exists = false; while (reader.Read()) { exists = true; } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(exists); }
public static ReactionTime SelectReactionTimeData(int uniqueID, bool dbconOpened) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + Constants.ReactionTimeTable + " WHERE uniqueID == " + uniqueID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); ReactionTime myRT = new ReactionTime(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 7)); reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myRT); }
//use this in the future: public static List <PersonSession> SelectPersonSessionList(int sessionID) { string tps = Constants.PersonSessionTable; Sqlite.Open(); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + tps + ".*" + " FROM " + tps + " WHERE " + tps + ".sessionID == " + sessionID; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); List <PersonSession> list = new List <PersonSession>(); while (reader.Read()) { PersonSession ps = new PersonSession( Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()), //uniqueID Convert.ToInt32(reader[1].ToString()), //personID Convert.ToInt32(reader[2].ToString()), //sessionID Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[3].ToString())), //height Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[4].ToString())), //weight Convert.ToInt32(reader[5].ToString()), //sportID Convert.ToInt32(reader[6].ToString()), //speciallityID Convert.ToInt32(reader[7].ToString()), //practice reader[8].ToString() //comments ); list.Add(ps); } reader.Close(); Sqlite.Close(); return(list); }
public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, string name, string place, DateTime date, int personsSportID, int personsSpeciallityID, int personsPractice, string comments, int serverUniqueID) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } if (uniqueID == "-1") { uniqueID = "NULL"; } dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (uniqueID, name, place, date, personsSportID, personsSpeciallityID, personsPractice, comments, serverUniqueID)" + " VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", \"" + name + "\", \"" + place + "\", \"" + UtilDate.ToSql(date) + "\", " + personsSportID + ", " + personsSpeciallityID + ", " + personsPractice + ", \"" + comments + "\", " + serverUniqueID + ")"; LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // string myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; dbcmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }
public static bool PersonExistsInPS(bool dbconOpened, int personID) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + Constants.PersonSessionTable + " WHERE personID == " + personID; //LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString()); SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); bool exists = new bool(); exists = false; if (reader.Read()) { exists = true; } //LogB.SQL(string.Format("personID exists = {0}", exists.ToString())); reader.Close(); if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(exists); }
public static void Insert(bool dbconOpened, SqliteCommand mycmd, string code, string nameEnglish, string continent) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } string myString = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.CountryTable + //" (uniqueID, code, name, continent) VALUES (NULL, '" + code + "', '" + //nameEnglish + "', '" + continent + "')"; //fix bad chars (') : " (uniqueID, code, name, continent) VALUES (NULL, \"" + code + "\", \"" + nameEnglish + "\", \"" + continent + "\")"; mycmd.CommandText = myString; LogB.SQL(mycmd.CommandText.ToString()); mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* * //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; * // * myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; * mycmd.CommandText = myString; * int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. */ if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } }
//Called from initialize public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, SqliteCommand mycmd, string uniqueID, string name, bool userDefined, bool hasSpeciallities, string graphLink) { if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Open(); } if (uniqueID == "-1") { uniqueID = "NULL"; } string myString = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.SportTable + " (uniqueID, name, userDefined, hasSpeciallities, graphLink) VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", \"" + name + "\", " + Util.BoolToInt(userDefined) + ", " + Util.BoolToInt(hasSpeciallities) + ", \"" + graphLink + "\")"; mycmd.CommandText = myString; LogB.SQL(mycmd.CommandText.ToString()); mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //int myLast = dbcon.LastInsertRowId; // myString = @"select last_insert_rowid()"; mycmd.CommandText = myString; int myLast = Convert.ToInt32(mycmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Need to type-cast since `ExecuteScalar` returns an object. if (!dbconOpened) { Sqlite.Close(); } return(myLast); }