private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt2.Value == null && this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择入库库房或者科室"); return; } SqlStr sql = new SqlStr(); if (!this.selTextInpt2.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.WARECODE=?", this.selTextInpt2.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.DEPTID=?", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt1.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.IOID=?", this.selTextInpt1.Value); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("总金额").ToString() + "元"; this.RuKuJinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("运杂费金额").ToString() + "元"; this.label7.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("发票金额").ToString() + "元"; }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //浏览//细节还需要进行权限判断 { this.dataGView_Main.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) // 权限判断,要不要这个功能(暂时还未做权限判断) { if (selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and DEPTID = ?", selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim()); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择科室!"); return; } //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != null) { if (this.comboBox1.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != "9") { sql.Add("and STATUS = ?", this.comboBox1.Value.Trim()); } } } else { WJs.alert("请选择状态!"); return; } sql.Add("and PLANDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker2.Value); sql.Add("and PLANDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker1.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQAskBuy_ConditionScan"; this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView_Main.setFocus(0, 0); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView_Main.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView_Main.Sum("预计总金额").ToString() + "元"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql();//进行过滤的条件 if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个科室!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } DataRow dr1 = EQKind_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); if (EQKind_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != EQKind_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND EQID IN (SELECT EQID FROM LKEQ.DICTEQ WHERE KINDCODE= " + dr1["KINDCODE"].ToString() + ")"); } if (this.dateTimePicker1.Value.CompareTo(this.dateTimePicker2.Value) > 0) { WJs.alert("起始日期必须小于末尾日期!"); return; } //select * from LKEQ.EQCARDREC WHERE CHOSCODE =? AND DEPTID=? [Condition] AND OUTDATE>? AND OUTDATE <? this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.selTextInpt1.Value, dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value }, sqls); this.dataGView1.setFocus(0, 1); dataGView1_SelectionChanged(null, null); }
//查询 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql();//进行过滤的条件 if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个科室!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } DataRow dr1 = EQKind_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); DataRow dr2 = UseStatus_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); if (EQKind_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != EQKind_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND EQID IN (SELECT EQID FROM LKEQ.DICTEQ WHERE KINDCODE= " + dr1["KINDCODE"].ToString() + ")"); } if (UseStatus_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != UseStatus_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUSCODE=" + dr2["STATUSCODE"].ToString()); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=0 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=1 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=2 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=6 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=7 "); } else { sqls.Add(" AND 1=1 "); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { this.selTextInpt1.Value, His.his.Choscode.ToString() }, sqls); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("价格").ToString() + "元"; this.label6.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("原值").ToString() + "元"; }
private void loadData() { //STATUSCODE,STATUSNAME,PYCODE,WBCODE,IFUSE,IFDEPRECIATION,IFDEFAULT,MEMO,USERID,USERNAME,RECDATE,CHOSCODE SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim(); if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSCODE =? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSNAME =? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" and ( upper(PYCODE) =upper(?) )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" and ( WBCODE= ? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSCODE like ? or STATUSNAME like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?) )", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("选择查询条件"); } } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sqls); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查询按钮点击事件 { this.dataGView2.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql();//创建SqlStr对象 if (this.comboBox1.Value != null) { if (this.comboBox1.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != "9") { sql.Add("and STATUS = ?", this.comboBox1.Value.Trim()); } } } if (Ware_selTextInpt.Value != null) { if (Ware_selTextInpt.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and WARECODE = ?", Ware_selTextInpt.Value.Trim()); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择库房!"); return; } //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and PDDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker4.Value); sql.Add("and PDDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker3.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQPandianMainInfo"; this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView1.setFocus(0, 0); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查询 { SqlStr sqlc = SqlStr.newSql(); this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQUnit"; if (this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqlc.Add("and (DICID = ?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqlc.Add("and (DICDESC = ?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(PYCODE) = upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqlc.Add(" and ( DICID like ? or DICDESC like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?)) ", strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询条件!"); } } // this.dataGView1.reLoad(null , sqlc); this.dataGView1.reLoad(null, sqlc); //reLoad(); //rfresh_toolStripButton_Click(null, null); }
public void reLoad() { SqlStr sqlc = SqlStr.newSql(); this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQWares"; if (this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim(); //在获取用户输入的前提下,加入下拉框中的内容 类似stringbuilder if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqlc.Add("and (warecode =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqlc.Add("and (warename =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(pycode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(wbcode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqlc.Add(" and (warecode like ? or warename like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?))", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询条件!"); } } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sqlc); }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //浏览//细节还需要进行权限判断 { this.dataGView_Main.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql();//创建SqlStr对象 //if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) // 权限判断,要不要这个功能 //{ // if (selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim().Length > 0) // { // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and DEPTID = ?", selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim()); // } //} //else //{ // WJs.alert("请选择科室!"); // return; //} //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) { sql.Add("and a.DEPTID = ?", this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value); } sql.Add("and a.PLANDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker2.Value); sql.Add("and a.PLANDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker1.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQAskBuy_ConditionScan1"; this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { warecode, His.his.Choscode, His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView_Main.setFocus(0, 0); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dataGView_xi.ClearData(); this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQStockQuery_EQSearchMainStock"; SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.selTextInpt_Ware.Value == null && this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择出库库房或者科室"); return; } if (!this.selTextInpt_Ware.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and c.WARECODE=?", this.selTextInpt_Ware.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and c.DEPTID=?", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } if (this.selTextInpt1.Value != null) { sql.Add(" and e.KINDCODE =? ", this.selTextInpt1.Value); } if (this.selTextInpt2.Value != null) { sql.Add(" and c.EQID=? ", this.selTextInpt2.Value); } this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView_Main.RowCount.ToString() + "条"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个库房信息!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { WJs.alert("请选择状态信息!"); return; } // TvList.newBind().add("作废", "0").add("等待审核", "1").add("审核被拒", "2").add("已审核", "6").add("已冲销", "7").add("所有","10").Bind(this.Status_ytComboBox); SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=0 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=1 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=2 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=6 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=7 "); } else { sqls.Add(" AND 1=1 "); } if (this.dateTimePicker1.Value.CompareTo(this.dateTimePicker2.Value) > 0) { WJs.alert("起始日期必须小于末尾日期!"); return; } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.selTextInpt1.Value, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sqls); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("总金额").ToString() + "元"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //查询 { SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "FindEQDict"; if (this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and ( a.EQID like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.EQNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or upper(a.PYCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or upper(a.WBCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.SHORTNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.SHORTCODE like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.ALIASNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.ALIASCODE like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add(")"); } this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择科室"); return; } SqlStr sql = new SqlStr(); if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add(" and (DEPTID= ?)", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; }
//查询函数 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr strs = SqlStr.newSql(); string strF = null; if (this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { strF = this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { strs.Add("AND (IOID=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { strs.Add("AND (IONAME=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { strs.Add("AND (upper(PYCODE)=upper(?)) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { strs.Add("AND (WBCODE=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim() + "%"; strs.Add("AND (IOID LIKE ? OR IONAME LIKE ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?)) ", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } if (this.Filter_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { strs.Add("AND (IOFLAG=0)"); } if (this.Filter_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { strs.Add("AND (IOFLAG=1)"); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, strs); }
private void button1_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dataGView1.ClearData(); if (!isAdd) { if (r != null) { this.dataGView1.Url = "EQPD_EditAndScanStockDetail"; this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { r["PDID"].ToString(), wareValue, His.his.Choscode }); } } else { SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); sql.Add(" and (e.KINDNAME ='KINDNAME' "); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (sr[i].Length > 0) { sql.Add("or e.KINDNAME = ?", sr[i]); int j = 1; if (j < 4) { PDNAME = PDNAME + sr[i]; } else { PDNAME = PDNAME + "······"; } } } sql.Add(" ) "); if (this.KClargeZero) { sql.Add("and a.NUM-a.OUTNUM>0"); } PDNAME = PDNAME + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); this.yTextBox_Name.Text = PDNAME; this.dataGView1.Url = "EQPD_NewStockDetail"; this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { wareValue, His.his.Choscode }, sql); } if (this.dataGView1.RowCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.dataGView1.RowCount; i++) { if (this.dataGView1["Column18", i].Value != null && this.dataGView1["Column26", i].Value != null) { this.dataGView1["Column12", i].Value = int.Parse(this.dataGView1["Column18", i].Value.ToString()) - int.Parse(this.dataGView1["Column26", i].Value.ToString()); } if (this.dataGView1["Column2", i].Value == null) { this.dataGView1["Column2", i].Value = this.dataGView1["Column12", i].Value; } } } } //点击查询按钮触发事件
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //查询 { SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 //if (this.textBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) //{ // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and SUPPLYID like ?", "%" + this.textBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"); //} //if (this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim().Length > 0) //{ // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and SUPPLYNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); //} //if (this.yTxtBox_PY.Text.Trim().Length > 0) //{ // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and upper(PYCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_PY.Text.Trim() + "%"); //} //if (this.yTxtBox_WB.Text.Trim().Length > 0) //{ // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and upper(WBCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_WB.Text.Trim() + "%"); //} if (this.textBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.textBox1.Text.Trim(); if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { sql.Add("and (SUPPLYID =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { sql.Add("and (SUPPLYNAME =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { sql.Add("and (upper(pycode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { sql.Add("and (upper(wbcode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.textBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"; sql.Add(" and (SUPPLYID like ? or SUPPLYNAME like ? or upper(pycode) like upper(?) or upper(wbcode) like upper(?))", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询方式!"); } } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sql.Add("and IFFACTORY=1 "); } else { sql.Add("and IFSUPPLY=1"); } } //加载查询数据 this.dataGView1.Url = "EQFindChangShangInfo"; this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView1.setFocus(rowid, 1); rowid = 0; }