private static void DataDumped(SqlFormatterState state) { if (state != null) { state.WasDataOnCurrentLine = true; } }
public static string GetSqlLiteralAndRead(SqlFormatProperties props, IDialectDataAdapter dda, SqlFormatterState state, object val, DbTypeBase dsttype) { if (state == null) { state = new SqlFormatterState(); } state._Holder.ReadFrom(val); return(GetSqlLiteral(props, dda, state, state._Holder, dsttype)); }
private static void DumpEoln(StringBuilder sb, SqlFormatProperties props, SqlFormatterState state) { if (props.IndentationLevel != SqlIndentationLevel.SingleLine) { sb.Append("\n"); if (state != null) { for (int j = 0; j < state.IndentLevel * props.Indentation; j++) { sb.Append(" "); } } } else { sb.Append(" "); } }
private static void DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(StringBuilder sb, SqlFormatProperties props, SqlFormatterState state) { if (state == null) { return; } if (state.LineFeedNeeded) { DumpEoln(sb, props, state); state.LineFeedNeeded = false; state.SeparatorNeeded = false; state.WasDataOnCurrentLine = false; } if (state.SeparatorNeeded && state.WasDataOnCurrentLine) { sb.Append(' '); state.SeparatorNeeded = false; } }
private static string QuoteFullName(ISqlDialect dialect, SqlFormatProperties props, SqlFormatterState state, NameWithSchema name) { bool omitSchema = !props.UseSchema || name.Schema == null; if (state != null && state.ForceFullName) { state.ForceFullName = false; omitSchema = false; } if (omitSchema) { return(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, name.Name)); } return(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, name.Schema) + "." + QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, name.Name)); }
public static string GetSqlLiteral(SqlFormatProperties props, IDialectDataAdapter dda, SqlFormatterState state, ICdlValueReader reader, DbTypeBase dsttype) { if (props.BinaryStrings) { switch (reader.GetFieldType()) { case TypeStorage.String: if (props.BinaryStrings) { return(dda.GetSqlLiteral(props.RealBinaryEncoding.GetBytes(reader.GetString()), dsttype)); } break; } } return(dda.GetSqlLiteral(reader, dsttype)); }
public static string GetSqlLiteral(SqlFormatProperties props, IDialectDataAdapter dda, SqlFormatterState state, ICdlValueReader reader) { return(GetSqlLiteral(props, dda, state, reader, null)); }
public static string GetSqlLiteralAndRead(SqlFormatProperties props, IDialectDataAdapter dda, SqlFormatterState state, object val) { return(GetSqlLiteralAndRead(props, dda, state, val, null)); }
private static void WriteFormattedValue(ISqlDialect dialect, SqlFormatProperties props, StringBuilder sb, object val, char fmt, SqlFormatterState state, IDialectDataAdapter dda) { switch (fmt) { case 'i': // quote identifier DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); if (val is string) { sb.Append(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, (string)val)); } else if (val is ColumnReference) { sb.Append(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, ((ColumnReference)val).RefColumn.Name)); } else { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00044 Identifier must be of type string or IColumnReference"); } DataDumped(state); break; case 'f': // quote full name DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); if (val is NameWithSchema) { sb.Append(QuoteFullName(dialect, props, state, (NameWithSchema)val)); } else if (val is IFullNamedObject) { sb.Append(QuoteFullName(dialect, props, state, ((IFullNamedObject)val).FullName)); } else { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00045 Full name must be of type NameWithSchema or IFullNamedObject"); } DataDumped(state); break; case 'l': // quote linked server name DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); var linked = val as LinkedDatabaseInfo; if (linked == null && val != null) { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00162 Linked name must be LinkedDatabaseInfo or null"); } if (linked != null && linked.LinkedServerName != null) { sb.Append(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, linked.LinkedServerName)); sb.Append("."); sb.Append(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, linked.LinkedDatabaseName)); sb.Append("."); state.ForceFullName = true; } if (linked != null && linked.ExplicitDatabaseName != null) { sb.Append(QuoteIdentifier(dialect, props, linked.ExplicitDatabaseName)); sb.Append("."); state.ForceFullName = true; } break; case 's': // string - copy character data if (val != null) { DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); sb.Append(val.ToString()); DataDumped(state); } break; case 'k': // keyword DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); if (!(val is string)) { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00046 Identifier must be of type string"); } foreach (char c2 in (string)val) { sb.Append(GetCasedChar(c2, props.SqlCommandCase)); } DataDumped(state); break; case 'K': // multi-word keyword if (!(val is IEnumerable <string>)) { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00047 Identifier must be of type string"); } foreach (string s in ((IEnumerable <string>)val)) { DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); sb.Append(GetCasedString(s, props.SqlCommandCase)); if (state != null) { state.SeparatorNeeded = true; } else { sb.Append(" "); } DataDumped(state); } break; case 'v': // value - copy character data DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); var vth = val as ValueTypeHolder; if (vth != null) { sb.Append(GetSqlLiteralAndRead(props, dda, state, vth.Value, vth.DbType)); } else { sb.Append(GetSqlLiteralAndRead(props, dda, state, val)); } DataDumped(state); break; case 't': // version test if (val != null && !props.OmitVersionTests) { sb.Append(val.ToString()); } break; default: throw new InternalError("DBSH-00048 Unknown format character: " + fmt); } }
public static string Format(IDatabaseFactory factory, SqlFormatProperties props, SqlFormatterState state, string format, params object[] args) { IDialectDataAdapter dda = null; if (state != null) { dda = state.DDA; } if (dda == null) { dda = factory.CreateDataAdapter(); } var dialect = factory.CreateDialect(); int argindex = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (i < format.Length) { char c = format[i]; switch (c) { case '^': // SQL keyword { i++; DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); while (i < format.Length && (Char.IsLetter(format, i) || format[i] == '_')) { sb.Append(GetCasedChar(format[i], props.SqlCommandCase)); i++; } DataDumped(state); } break; case '&': // indentation & spacing { i++; c = format[i]; i++; char level = '0'; if (c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '5') { level = c; c = format[i]; i++; } if (level != '0') { // indentation levels if (props.IndentationLevel == SqlIndentationLevel.Original || props.IndentationLevel == SqlIndentationLevel.SingleLine) { if (c == 'n' || c == 's') { if (state != null) { state.SeparatorNeeded = true; } else { sb.Append(" "); } } // when original indentation is used, don't use our separators break; } bool valid = (props.IndentationLevel == SqlIndentationLevel.Compact && (level == '2' || level == '5')) || (props.IndentationLevel == SqlIndentationLevel.Large && (level == '3' || level == '5')); if (!valid) { break; // mark is not for this indentation level } } switch (c) { case '&': sb.Append("&"); break; case 'n': if (state == null) { DumpEoln(sb, props, state); } else { state.LineFeedNeeded = true; } break; case '>': if (state != null) { state.IndentLevel++; } break; case '<': if (state != null) { state.IndentLevel--; } break; case 's': if (state != null) { state.SeparatorNeeded = true; } else { sb.Append(" "); } break; case 'r': DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); break; case 'd': DataDumped(state); break; default: throw new InternalError("DBSH-00042 Unknown & formatting instruction:" + c); } } break; case '%': // format parameter { i++; c = format[i]; if (c == '%') { sb.Append('%'); i++; } else if (c == ',' || c == ';') // comma separated list { i++; bool lining = c == ';'; c = format[i]; bool ok = false; if (args[argindex] is IEnumerable) { ok = true; } if (args[argindex] is ICdlRecord && c == 'v') { ok = true; } if (!ok) { throw new InternalError("DBSH-00043 List must be of type Enumerable"); } bool was = false; if (args[argindex] is IEnumerable) { if (lining) { state.IndentLevel++; DumpEoln(sb, props, state); } foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)args[argindex]) { if (was) { if (lining) { DumpEoln(sb, props, state); sb.Append(","); } else { sb.Append(", "); } } WriteFormattedValue(dialect, props, sb, item, c, state, dda); was = true; } if (lining) { state.IndentLevel--; } } else { var rec = (ICdlRecord)args[argindex]; if (lining) { state.IndentLevel++; DumpEoln(sb, props, state); } for (int x = 0; x < rec.FieldCount; x++) { if (lining) { DumpEoln(sb, props, state); sb.Append(","); } else { sb.Append(", "); } rec.ReadValue(x); sb.Append(GetSqlLiteral(props, dda, state, rec)); was = true; } if (lining) { state.IndentLevel--; } } argindex++; i++; } else if (c == ':') { object orig = args[argindex]; argindex++; i++; c = format[i]; object arg = args[argindex]; argindex++; i++; WriteFormattedValue(dialect, props, sb, arg, c, state, dda); } else { WriteFormattedValue(dialect, props, sb, args[argindex], c, state, dda); argindex++; i++; } } break; default: { if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { if (state != null) { state.SeparatorNeeded = false; } } else { DumpSeparatorIfNeeded(sb, props, state); } sb.Append(c); i++; } break; } } return(sb.ToString()); }