//Returns a list of all the comments the media item has
        public List <Comment> getComments()
            List <Comment> commentList = new List <Comment>();
            string         sql;
            DataTable      comments;
            DateTime       placedOn;
            int            commentID, userID;
            string         username;
            string         content;

                sql      = "getMediaComments @media=" + mediaID;
                comments = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in comments.Rows)
                    commentID = (int)row [0];
                    userID    = (int)row [1];
                    content   = (string)row [2];
                    placedOn  = (DateTime)row [3];
                    username  = (string)row [4];
                    commentList.Add(new Comment(commentID, userID, mediaID, content, placedOn, username));
            }catch {
                commentList.Add(new Comment());
                commentList.Add(new Comment());
        //Returns an Exhibition object with the details of the given exhibition
        //Returns null if exhibition does not exist
        public static Exhibition retrieve(int exhibitionID)
            int      curatedBy;
            string   name, description, type;
            DateTime dateEntered;

                DataTable exhibitionTable = SqlComm.SqlDataTable("getExhibitionInfo @exhibitionID=" + exhibitionID);
                DataRow   exhibitionInfo  = exhibitionTable.Select()[0];
                if (exhibitionInfo.IsNull(0))
                curatedBy = (int)exhibitionInfo [0];
                name      = (string)exhibitionInfo [1];
                //If description is null catch exception and set description to null
                    description = (string)exhibitionInfo [2];
                }catch {
                    description = "";
                type        = (string)exhibitionInfo[3];
                dateEntered = (DateTime)exhibitionInfo[4];
                return(new Exhibition(exhibitionID, curatedBy, name, description, type, dateEntered));
            }catch {
                return(new Exhibition());
        //Returns a Media object for the given media item
        //Returns null if item does not exist
        public static Media retrieve(int mediaID)
            int    exhibitionID, artistID;
            string url, filename, name, description;

                DataTable mediaTable = SqlComm.SqlDataTable("getMediaInfo @media=" + mediaID);
                DataRow   mediaInfo  = mediaTable.Select() [0];
                if (mediaInfo.IsNull(0))

                exhibitionID = (int)mediaInfo [0];
                artistID     = (int)mediaInfo [1];
                    url = (string)mediaInfo [2];
                }catch {
                    url = "";
                filename = (string)mediaInfo [3];
                name     = (string)mediaInfo [4];
                //If description is null catch exception and set description to null
                    description = (string)mediaInfo [5];
                }catch {
                    description = "";
                return(new Media(mediaID, exhibitionID, artistID, url, filename, name, description));
            }catch {
                return(new Media());
        //Returns an artist object of the given artistID
        //Returns null if artist does not exist
        public static Artist retrieve(int artistID)
            int    createdByUserID;
            string name, location, bio;

                DataTable artistTable = SqlComm.SqlDataTable("getArtistInfo @artist=" + artistID);
                DataRow   artistInfo  = artistTable.Select()[0];
                if (artistInfo.IsNull(0))

                createdByUserID = (int)artistInfo [0];
                name            = (string)artistInfo [1];
                //Try and catch blocks catch exception thrown if values in DB are null, sets the values to empty string
                    location = (string)artistInfo [2];
                }catch {
                    location = "";
                    bio = (string)artistInfo [3];
                }catch {
                    bio = "";
                return(new Artist(artistID, createdByUserID, name, location, bio));
            }catch {
                return(new Artist());
Exemple #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int loop1, loop2;

            // Load NameValueCollection object.
            NameValueCollection coll = Request.QueryString;

            // Get names of all keys into a string array.
            String[] arr1 = coll.AllKeys;
            string   fname, lname;
            bool     isDebug = false;

            fname = "";
            lname = "";
            Response.Write("\nYour search result for\t" + Request.QueryString["fname"] + "\tand\t" + Request.QueryString["lname"]);
            for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < arr1.Length; loop1++)
                //Response.Write("Key: " + Server.HtmlEncode(arr1[loop1]) + "<br>");
                String[] arr2 = coll.GetValues(arr1[loop1]);
                for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < arr2.Length; loop2++)
                    //Response.Write("Value " + loop2 + ": " + Server.HtmlEncode(arr2[loop2]) + "<br>");
                    if (arr1[loop1] == "fname")
                        fname = arr2[loop2];
                    else if (arr1[loop1] == "lname")
                        lname = arr2[loop2];
                    else if (arr1[loop1] == "Debug")
                        isDebug = true;
            if ((arr1.Length > 0) && (isDebug == true))
                SqlComm s = new SqlComm();

                //select * from [Table] where fname = ''
                var query = "select * from [Table] where fname = '" + fname + "' and lname='" + lname + "'";
                var l     = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(query);
                var n     = SqlComm.SqlReturn("select @@version;EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig'");
                Response.Write("Query run: </br>" + query + "</br>");
                for (int i = 0; i < l.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Response.Write("</br> Vote Count" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[3] + "&nbsp &nbsp First name:" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[1] + "&nbsp &nbsp Last Name:" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[2]);
        //Returns list of all media items in exhibition
        private List <Media> getMediaArray()
            List <Media> mediaList = new List <Media>();
            string       sql;
            DataTable    mediaIDs;

                sql      = "getArtistMediaIDs @artist=" + artistID;
                mediaIDs = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in mediaIDs.Rows)
            }catch {
                mediaList.Add(new Media());
                mediaList.Add(new Media());
        //Returns a list of all artists created by given user
        public List <Artist> getArtistArray()
            List <Artist> artistList = new List <Artist>();
            string        sql;
            DataTable     artistIDs;

                sql       = "getArtistIDs @user=" + userID;
                artistIDs = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in artistIDs.Rows)
            }catch {
                artistList.Add(new Artist());
                artistList.Add(new Artist());
        //Returns info for all exhibitions (for Carousel)
        //Displays the top 30 most recently created if more than 30 exist
        public static List <Exhibition> getRecentExhibitions()
            List <Exhibition> exhibitionList = new List <Exhibition>();
            string            sql;
            DataTable         exhibitionIDs;

                sql           = "getRecentExhibitionIDs";
                exhibitionIDs = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in exhibitionIDs.Rows)
            }catch {
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
            } return(exhibitionList);
        public static List <LostSolarSystem> List()
            var result = new List <LostSolarSystem>();

            var sql = "SELECT PublisherName, WormholeName, Reward, LoginDate FROM LostAndFoundWormholes ORDER BY LoginDate DESC";

            var data = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows)
                result.Add(new LostSolarSystem
                    Publisher = row["PublisherName"].ToString(),
                    Reward    = row["Reward"].ToString(),
                    Name      = row["WormholeName"].ToString(),
                    Date      = row["LoginDate"] is DateTime ? (DateTime)row["LoginDate"] : new DateTime()

        //Returns list of all artists involved in exhibition
        //The curator is the first artist in the array
        public List <Artist> getArtistArray()
            List <Artist> artistList = new List <Artist>();
            string        sql;
            DataTable     artistIDs;

                sql       = "getExhibitionArtistIDs @exhibition=" + exhibitionID;
                artistIDs = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in artistIDs.Rows)
                    if ((int)row [0] != curatedBy)
                        artistList.Add(Artist.retrieve((int)row [0]));
            }catch {
                artistList.Add(new Artist());
                artistList.Add(new Artist());
        //Returns a list of all exhibitions created by given user
        public List <Exhibition> getExhibitionArray()
            if (artistID < 1)
            List <Exhibition> exhibitionList = new List <Exhibition>();
            string            sql;
            DataTable         exhibitionIDs;

                sql           = "getExhibitionIDs @artistID=" + artistID;
                exhibitionIDs = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in exhibitionIDs.Rows)
            }catch {
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
                exhibitionList.Add(new Exhibition());
        //Returns a list of all comments made by the user
        private List <Comment> getUserComments()
            List <Comment> commentList = new List <Comment>();
            string         sql;
            DataTable      comments;
            DateTime       placedOn;
            int            commentID, mediaID;
            string         username;
            string         content;

            sql      = "getUserComments @user=" + userID;
            comments = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(sql);
            foreach (DataRow row in comments.Rows)
                commentID = (int)row [0];
                mediaID   = (int)row [1];
                content   = (string)row [2];
                placedOn  = (DateTime)row [3];
                username  = (string)row [4];
                commentList.Add(new Comment(commentID, userID, mediaID, content, placedOn, username));