Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check Access from your Application [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbUserName">DB Username</param>
        private void CheckAccessPermissionsForDBUsers(string dbUserName)
            // REMBER:
            // Modify dbo.GetDBUsers Table-Function to customize DB User list.
            // USER MUST BE A MEMBER OF SQL DATABASE ROLE: NetSqlAzMan_Readers
            //Sql Storage connection string
            string sqlConnectionString = "data source=(local);initial catalog=NetSqlAzManStorage;user id=netsqlazmanuser;password=password";
            //Create an instance of SqlAzManStorage class
            IAzManStorage storage = new SqlAzManStorage(sqlConnectionString);
            //Retrieve DB User identity from dbo.GetDBUsers Table-Function
            IAzManDBUser      dbUser = storage.GetDBUser(dbUserName);
            AuthorizationType auth   = storage.CheckAccess("My Store", "My Application", "My Operation", dbUser, DateTime.Now, true);

            switch (auth)
            case AuthorizationType.AllowWithDelegation:
                //Yes, I can ... and I can delegate

            case AuthorizationType.Allow:
                //Yes, I can

            case AuthorizationType.Neutral:
            case AuthorizationType.Deny:
                //No, I cannot
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IAzManStorage       storage = new SqlAzManStorage("data source=(local);Initial Catalog=NetSqlAzManStorage;user id=sa;password="******"Andrea");
            UserPermissionCache cache   = new UserPermissionCache(storage, "Store Stress Test", "Application0", andrea, true, true);

            Session["cache"] = cache;
Exemple #3
        public List <Role> GetUserPermissionsNotification(string userName, string store, string application)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            //string userSid = userId.ToString("X");
            //string zeroes = string.Empty;
            //for (int start = 0; start < 8 - userSid.Length; start++)
            //    zeroes += "0";
            string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CatsContext"].ConnectionString;

            IAzManStorage AzManStore = new SqlAzManStorage(connectionString);
            StorageCache  storage    = new StorageCache(connectionString);

            //storage.BuildStorageCache(store, application);
            //new AuthorizedItem(){}
            //AuthorizedItem[] items = storage.GetAuthorizedItems(store, application, AzManStore.GetDBUser(userName).CustomSid.StringValue, DateTime.Now);

            //AuthorizedItem[] items = storage.GetAuthorizedItems("CATS", application, AzManStore.GetDBUser(userName).CustomSid.StringValue, DateTime.Now, null);

            var allItems = storage.Storage.GetStore(store).GetApplication(application).Items;

            ////var d = CheckAccess(AzManStore.GetDBUser(userName), application, "EW Coordinator", AzManStore);

            var roleItems = (
                from t in allItems
                where t.Value.ItemType == ItemType.Role
                select t

            var roles = new List <Role>();

            foreach (var item in roleItems)
                var r = new Role();
                r.RoleName  = item.Value.Name;
                r.IsChecked = CheckAccess(AzManStore.GetDBUser(userName), application, item.Value.Name, AzManStore);
                if (r.IsChecked)

            //AuthorizedItem[] items = storage.GetAuthorizedItems();
            //var f =(from t in items where t.Authorization == AuthorizationType.Allow && t.Type == ItemType.Role  select new Role { RoleName = t.Name }).ToList();
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Full Storage through .NET code
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateFullStorage()
            // USER MUST BE A MEMBER OF SQL DATABASE ROLE: NetSqlAzMan_Administrators

            //Sql Storage connection string
            string sqlConnectionString = "data source=(local);initial catalog=NetSqlAzManStorage;user id=netsqlazmanuser;password=password";
            //Create an instance of SqlAzManStorage class
            IAzManStorage storage = new SqlAzManStorage(sqlConnectionString);

            //Open Storage Connection
            //Begin a new Transaction
            //Create a new Store
            IAzManStore newStore = storage.CreateStore("My Store", "Store description");
            //Create a new Basic StoreGroup
            IAzManStoreGroup newStoreGroup = newStore.CreateStoreGroup(SqlAzManSID.NewSqlAzManSid(), "My Store Group", "Store Group Description", String.Empty, GroupType.Basic);
            //Retrieve current user SID
            IAzManSid mySid = new SqlAzManSID(((System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity as WindowsIdentity) ?? WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()).User);
            //Add myself as sid of "My Store Group"
            IAzManStoreGroupMember storeGroupMember = newStoreGroup.CreateStoreGroupMember(mySid, WhereDefined.Local, true);
            //Create a new Application
            IAzManApplication newApp = newStore.CreateApplication("New Application", "Application description");
            //Create a new Role
            IAzManItem newRole = newApp.CreateItem("New Role", "Role description", ItemType.Role);
            //Create a new Task
            IAzManItem newTask = newApp.CreateItem("New Task", "Task description", ItemType.Task);
            //Create a new Operation
            IAzManItem newOp = newApp.CreateItem("New Operation", "Operation description", ItemType.Operation);

            //Add "New Operation" as a sid of "New Task"
            //Add "New Task" as a sid of "New Role"
            //Create an authorization for myself on "New Role"
            IAzManAuthorization auth = newRole.CreateAuthorization(mySid, WhereDefined.Local, mySid, WhereDefined.Local, AuthorizationType.AllowWithDelegation, null, null);
            //Create a custom attribute
            IAzManAttribute <IAzManAuthorization> attr = auth.CreateAttribute("New Key", "New Value");
            //Create an authorization for DB User "Andrea" on "New Role"
            IAzManAuthorization auth2 = newRole.CreateAuthorization(mySid, WhereDefined.Local, storage.GetDBUser("Andrea").CustomSid, WhereDefined.Local, AuthorizationType.AllowWithDelegation, null, null);

            //Commit transaction
            //Close connection
Exemple #5
        public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
            // Check if the supplied credentials are correct.
            ViewBag.HasError  = false;
            ViewBag.returnUrl = returnUrl;

            // Create logger instance to record activities
            var log = new Logger();

                if (_userAccountService.Authenticate(model.UserName, model.Password))
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, true);

                    // Will be refactored
                    var user = _userAccountService.GetUserDetail(model.UserName);
                    user.LogginDate      = DateTime.Now;
                    user.NumberOfLogins += 1;
                    // Session["USER_PROFILE"] = user;

                    // Add user information to session variable to avoid frequent trip to the databas
                    var service  = (IUserAccountService)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IUserAccountService));
                    var userInfo = service.GetUserInfo(model.UserName);
                    Session["USER_INFO"]    = userInfo;
                    Session["USER_PROFILE"] = service.GetUserDetail(model.UserName);

                    // Before trying to go and look for user permissions, check if the user is logged in or not

                    //// Load user permissions
                    IAzManStorage storage = new SqlAzManStorage(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CatsContext"].ConnectionString);
                    IAzManDBUser  dbUser  = storage.GetDBUser(user.UserName);

                    // Early Warning user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache earlyWarningPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.EARLY_WARNING, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.EARLY_WARNING_PERMISSIONS] = earlyWarningPermissionCache;

                    //PSNP user permission
                    UserPermissionCache psnpPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.PSNP, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.PSNP_PERMISSIONS] = psnpPermissionCache;

                    // Logistics user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache logisticsPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.LOGISTICS, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.LOGISTICS_PERMISSIONS] = logisticsPermissionCache;

                    // Procurement user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache procurementPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.PROCUREMENT, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.PROCUREMENT_PERMISSIONS] = procurementPermissionCache;

                    // Hub user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache hubPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.HUB, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.HUB_PERMISSIONS] = hubPermissionCache;

                    // Regional user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache regionalPermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.REGION, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.REGION_PERMISSIONS] = regionalPermissionCache;

                    // Regional user permissions
                    UserPermissionCache financePermissionCache = new UserPermissionCache(storage, CatsGlobals.CATS, CatsGlobals.FINANCE, dbUser, true, false);
                    Session[CatsGlobals.FINANCE_PERMISSIONS] = financePermissionCache;
                    // Whatever permission we are going to have!
                    _log.Info("Logged in User: "******"Administrator", "Manage User Account");
                    //service.GetUserPermissions(model.UserName, "CATS", "Finance");
            catch (UserNotFoundException unfe)
                log.LogAllErrorsMesseges(unfe, _log);
                ViewBag.HasError     = true;
                ViewBag.Error        = unfe.ToString();
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your user name is not registered as a user on CATS. Please contact your system administrator.";
            catch (DisabledUserException due)
                log.LogAllErrorsMesseges(due, _log);
                ViewBag.HasError     = true;
                ViewBag.Error        = due.ToString();
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your user account is disabled. Please contact your system administrator.";
            catch (UnmatchingUsernameAndPasswordException uuape)
                log.LogAllErrorsMesseges(uuape, _log);
                ViewBag.HasError     = true;
                ViewBag.Error        = uuape.ToString();
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "The user name and password you provided do not match. Please try again with a correct combination.";
            catch (Exception exception)
                log.LogAllErrorsMesseges(exception, _log);

                ViewBag.HasError     = true;
                ViewBag.Error        = exception.ToString();
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Login failed. Try logging in with the right user name and password.";

                ModelState.AddModelError("", exception.Message);
