Exemple #1
        private void InitializeVariablesList()
            Debug.Assert(this.FileHandle >= 0, "Must be working with an open file.");
            int initialSize;

            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetNumberofVariables(this.FileHandle, out initialSize), "spssGetNumberofVariables");
            this.variables       = new List <SpssVariable>(initialSize);
            this.variablesLookup = new SpssVariableKeyedCollection();

            string[]   varNames;
            int[]      varTypes;
            ReturnCode result = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNames(this.FileHandle, out varNames, out varTypes), "spssGetVarNames", ReturnCode.SPSS_INVALID_FILE);

            if (result == ReturnCode.SPSS_INVALID_FILE)
                // brand new file

            Debug.Assert(varNames.Length == varTypes.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < varNames.Length; i++)
                this.Add(SpssVariable.LoadVariable(this, varNames[i], varTypes[i]));
        public void spssGetNumberofCases()
            int count = 0;

            SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetNumberofCases(handle, out count);
            Assert.Equal(138, count);
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the SPSS data file with changes made to the collection.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal override void Update()
     foreach (var pair in this)
         SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarNValueLabel(FileHandle, Variable.Name, pair.Key, pair.Value);
Exemple #4
        internal static SpssVariable LoadVariable(SpssVariablesCollection parent, string varName, int varType)
            FormatTypeCode writeFormat, printFormat;
            int            writeDecimal, writeWidth, printDecimal, printWidth;

            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarWriteFormat(parent.Document.Handle, varName, out writeFormat, out writeDecimal, out writeWidth), "spssGetVarWriteFormat");
            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarPrintFormat(parent.Document.Handle, varName, out printFormat, out printDecimal, out printWidth), "spssGetVarPrintFormat");

            SpssVariable variable;

            switch (varType)
            case 0:
                // This may be a date or a numeric
                if (SpssDateVariable.IsDateVariable(writeFormat))
                    variable = new SpssDateVariable(parent, varName, writeFormat, writeWidth, printFormat, printWidth);
                    variable = new SpssNumericVariable(parent, varName, writeFormat, writeDecimal, writeWidth, printFormat, printDecimal, printWidth);


                Debug.Assert(varType == printWidth);
                variable = new SpssStringVariable(parent, varName, varType);

Exemple #5
        private void AssumeIdentity(string varName)
            if (varName == null || varName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("varName");

            ReturnCode result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarHandle(this.FileHandle, varName, out this.variableHandle);

            switch (result)
            case ReturnCode.SPSS_OK:

            case ReturnCode.SPSS_DICT_NOTCOMMIT:
                // Header not yet saved, but that's ok.
                // Just remember the name of the variable

            case ReturnCode.SPSS_VAR_NOTFOUND:
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("varName", varName, "SPSS returned: " + result);

                throw new SpssException(result, "spssGetVarHandle");

            this.name = varName;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpssDataDocument"/> class
        /// and opens an existing SPSS file, or creates a new one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The path of the file to open/create.</param>
        /// <param name="access">The desired file access.</param>
        protected SpssDataDocument(string filename, SpssFileAccess access)
            this.Filename   = filename;
            this.AccessMode = access;
            int handle;

            switch (access)
            case SpssFileAccess.Read:
                SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssOpenRead(filename, out handle), "spssOpenRead");

            case SpssFileAccess.Append:
                SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssOpenAppend(filename, out handle), "spssOpenAppend");

            case SpssFileAccess.Create:
                SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssOpenWrite(filename, out handle), "spssOpenWrite");

                throw new ApplicationException("Unrecognized access level: " + access);

            this.Handle = new SpssSafeHandle(handle, access);
            if (access == SpssFileAccess.Create)
                this.IsCompressed = true;

            this.IsAuthoringDictionary = true;
            this.Variables             = new SpssVariablesCollection(this);
            this.Cases = new SpssCasesCollection(this);
            this.IsAuthoringDictionary = access == SpssFileAccess.Create;
 public void Dispose()
     if (handle != 0)
         handle = 0;
        public void spssConvertDate()
            const double expectedDate = 12598070400.0;
            double       spssDate;

            SpssSafeWrapper.spssConvertDate(1, 1, 1982, out spssDate);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDate, spssDate);
        public void spssGetReleaseInfo()
            int[]      relInfo;
            ReturnCode result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetReleaseInfo(handle, out relInfo);

            Assert.Equal(12, relInfo[0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, relInfo[1]);
            Assert.Equal(0, relInfo[7]);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a newly added row to the data file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method should be called after a new row has had all its values set.
 /// After calling this method, variable values may not be changed.
 /// Without calling this method, the row is never actually written to the
 /// data file.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <example>
 /// To add a case to an existing SPSS file called mydata.sav, the following code could apply:
 /// <code>
 /// using( SpssDataDocument doc = SpssDataDocument.Open("mydata.sav", SpssFileAccess.Append) )
 /// {
 ///		SpssCase Case = doc.Cases.New();
 ///		Case["var1"] = 5;
 ///		Case["var2"] = 3;
 ///		Case["name"] = "Andrew";
 ///		Case.Commit();
 ///	}
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void Commit()
     if (this.Cases.IsReadOnly)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Not available when in read-only mode.");
Exemple #11
        private static DateTime ConvertDoubleToDateTime(double v)
            int    sD, sM, sY, sd, sh, sm, ss, sms;
            double smsDbl;

            SpssSafeWrapper.spssConvertSPSSDateImpl(out sD, out sM, out sY, v);
            SpssSafeWrapper.spssConvertSPSSTimeImpl(out sd, out sh, out sm, out smsDbl, v);
            ss  = (int)smsDbl;
            sms = (int)((smsDbl % 1.0) * 1000);
            return(new DateTime(sY, sM, sD, sh, sm, ss, sms));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Commits the dictionary of a newly created SPSS file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method should be called after all variables
        /// have been added to the data file.
        /// </remarks>
        public void CommitDictionary()

            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssCommitHeaderImpl(this.Handle), "spssCommitHeader");

            this.IsAuthoringDictionary = false;

        public void spssGetVarInfo()
            const int  varIdx  = 0;
            string     varName = new string(' ', SpssSafeWrapper.SPSS_MAX_VARNAME + 1);
            int        varType;
            ReturnCode result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarInfo(handle, varIdx, out varName, out varType);

            Assert.Equal(ReturnCode.SPSS_OK, result);
            Assert.Equal(Test1VarNames[varIdx], varName);
            Assert.Equal(0, varType);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the changed attributes of the variable within SPSS.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void Update()
     if (!IsInCollection)
         return;                  // we'll get to do this later
     SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarLabel(FileHandle, Name, Label), "spssSetVarLabel");
     SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarColumnWidth(FileHandle, Name, ColumnWidth), "spssSetVarColumnWidth");
     SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarMeasureLevel(this.FileHandle, this.Name, this.MeasurementLevel), "spssSetVarMeasureLevel");
     SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarAlignment(this.FileHandle, this.Name, this.Alignment), "spssSetVarAlignment");
        public void spssGetVarNames()
            string[] varNames;
            int[]    formatTypes;
            SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNames(handle, out varNames, out formatTypes);
            Assert.Equal(Test1VarNames.Length, varNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal(Test1VarNames.Length, formatTypes.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < Test1VarNames.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(Test1VarNames[i], varNames[i]);
Exemple #16
        private static double ConvertDateTimeToDouble(DateTime value)
            double d, t = 0;

            SpssSafeWrapper.spssConvertDate(value.Day, value.Month, value.Year, out d);
            double seconds = (double)(value.Second) + (value.Millisecond / 1000.0);

            SpssSafeWrapper.spssConvertTimeImpl(0, value.Hour, value.Minute, seconds, out t);

            double total = d + t;

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the variable's metadata out to the dictionary of the SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal void CommitToDictionary()
            if (this.Handle >= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Already committed.");

            // Create the variable.
            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarName(this.FileHandle, this.Name, this.SpssType), "spssSetVarName");

            // Call the descending class to finish the details.
            this.committedThisSession = true;
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpssDateVariable"/> class.
        /// for use in loading variables from an existing SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variables">The containing collection.</param>
        /// <param name="varName">The name of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="writeFormat">The write format.</param>
        /// <param name="writeWidth">Width of the write.</param>
        /// <param name="printFormat">The print format.</param>
        /// <param name="printWidth">Width of the print.</param>
        protected internal SpssDateVariable(SpssVariablesCollection variables, string varName, FormatTypeCode writeFormat, int writeWidth, FormatTypeCode printFormat, int printWidth)
            : base(variables, varName)
            MissingValueFormatCode formatCode;

            double[]   missingValues = new double[3];
            ReturnCode result        = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNMissingValues(this.FileHandle, this.Name, out formatCode, out missingValues[0], out missingValues[1], out missingValues[2]), "spssGetVarNMissingValues");

            this.MissingValueFormat = formatCode;
            this.MissingValues      = new List <DateTime>(missingValues.Take(Math.Abs((int)formatCode)).Select(v => ConvertDoubleToDateTime(v)));
            this.writeFormat        = writeFormat;
            this.writeWidth         = writeWidth;
            this.printFormat        = printFormat;
            this.printWidth         = printWidth;
        public void spssGetVarCValueLabels()
            string varName = "charLabels";

            string[] values;
            string[] labels;
            SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarCValueLabels(handle, varName, out values, out labels);
            Assert.Equal(2, values.Length);
            Assert.Equal(2, labels.Length);

            Assert.Equal("b", values[0].TrimEnd());
            Assert.Equal("goodbye", labels[0]);

            Assert.Equal("h", values[1].TrimEnd());
            Assert.Equal("hello", labels[1]);
        public void spssGetVarNValueLabels()
            string varName = "numLabels";

            double[] values;
            string[] labels;
            SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNValueLabels(handle, varName, out values, out labels);
            Assert.Equal(23, values.Length);
            Assert.Equal(23, labels.Length);

            Assert.Equal(1d, values[0]);
            Assert.Equal("fattening", labels[0]);

            Assert.Equal(2d, values[1]);
            Assert.Equal("men", labels[1]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the value labels dictionary from the SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadFromSpssFile()
            double[]   values;
            string[]   labels;
            ReturnCode result = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNValueLabels(FileHandle, Variable.Name, out values, out labels), "spssGetVarNValueLabels", ReturnCode.SPSS_NO_LABELS);

            if (result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK)
                Debug.Assert(values.Length == labels.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    Add(values[i], labels[i]);

            // SPSS_NO_LABELs is nothing special -- just no labels to add
Exemple #22
        protected override void Update()

            double[] missingValues = new double[3];
            this.MissingValues.Select(v => ConvertDateTimeToDouble(v)).Take(missingValues.Length).ToArray().CopyTo(missingValues, 0);
                                             missingValues[2]), "spssSetVarNMissingValues");

            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarPrintFormat(FileHandle, Name, this.PrintFormat, 4, this.PrintWidth), "spssSetVarPrintFormat");
            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarWriteFormat(FileHandle, Name, this.WriteFormat, 4, this.WriteWidth), "spssSetVarWriteFormat");
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpssNumericVariable"/> class
        /// for use in loading variables from an existing SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variables">The containing collection.</param>
        /// <param name="varName">The name of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="writeFormat">The write format.  The default is <see cref="FormatTypeCode.SPSS_FMT_F"/></param>
        /// <param name="writeDecimal">The write decimal.</param>
        /// <param name="writeWidth">Width of the write.</param>
        /// <param name="printFormat">The print format.  The default is <see cref="FormatTypeCode.SPSS_FMT_F"/></param>
        /// <param name="printDecimal">The print decimal.</param>
        /// <param name="printWidth">Width of the print.</param>
        protected internal SpssNumericVariable(SpssVariablesCollection variables, string varName, FormatTypeCode writeFormat, int writeDecimal, int writeWidth, FormatTypeCode printFormat, int printDecimal, int printWidth)
            : base(variables, varName)
            this.valueLabels = new SpssNumericVariableValueLabelsDictionary(this);

            MissingValueFormatCode formatCode;

            double[]   missingValues = new double[3];
            ReturnCode result        = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarNMissingValues(this.FileHandle, this.Name, out formatCode, out missingValues[0], out missingValues[1], out missingValues[2]), "spssGetVarNMissingValues");

            this.MissingValueFormat = formatCode;
            this.MissingValues      = new List <double>(missingValues.Take(Math.Abs((int)formatCode)));
            this.writeDecimal       = writeDecimal;
            this.writeWidth         = writeWidth;
            this.writeFormat        = writeFormat;
            this.printDecimal       = printDecimal;
            this.printWidth         = printWidth;
            this.printFormat        = printFormat;
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in a derived class, executes the code required to free the handle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the handle is released successfully; otherwise, in the event of a catastrophic failure, false. In this case, it generates a releaseHandleFailed MDA Managed Debugging Assistant.
        /// </returns>
        protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
            switch (this.accessMode)
            case SpssFileAccess.Read:
                ReturnCode result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssCloseRead(this.handle.ToInt32());
                return(result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK);

            case SpssFileAccess.Append:
                result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssCloseAppendImpl(this.handle.ToInt32());
                return(result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK);

            case SpssFileAccess.Create:
                result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssCloseWriteImpl(this.handle.ToInt32());
                return(result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK || result == ReturnCode.SPSS_DICT_NOTCOMMIT);

Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpssStringVariable"/> class
        /// for use in loading variables from an existing SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variables">The containing collection.</param>
        /// <param name="varName">The name of the variable being loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length of the string variable.  This is the same as SpssType</param>
        protected internal SpssStringVariable(SpssVariablesCollection variables, string varName, int length)
            : base(variables, varName)
            this.valueLabels = new SpssStringVariableValueLabelsDictionary(this);
            this.length      = length;

            MissingValueFormatCode formatCode;

            string[]   missingValues = new string[3];
            ReturnCode result        = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarCMissingValues(this.FileHandle, this.Name, out formatCode, out missingValues[0], out missingValues[1], out missingValues[2]), "spssGetVarCMissingValues", ReturnCode.SPSS_SHORTSTR_EXP);

            if (result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK)
                this.MissingValues = new List <string>(missingValues.Take((int)formatCode));
                this.MissingValues = new List <string>(0);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the value labels dictionary from the SPSS data file.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadFromSpssFile()
            if (!this.Applies)

            string[]   values;
            string[]   labels;
            ReturnCode result = SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarCValueLabels(this.FileHandle, this.Variable.Name, out values, out labels), "spssGetVarCValueLabels", ReturnCode.SPSS_NO_LABELS);

            if (result == ReturnCode.SPSS_OK)
            { // ReturnCode.SPSS_NO_LABELS is nothing special -- just no labels to add
                Debug.Assert(values.Length == labels.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    this.Add(values[i], labels[i]);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the changed attributes of the variable within SPSS.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Update()

            if (!IsInCollection)
                return;                  // we'll get to do this later
            string[] missingValues = new string[3];
            this.MissingValues.Take(missingValues.Length).ToArray().CopyTo(missingValues, 0);

            // We allow failure due to long string var types only if we're not actually setting any missing values.
            ReturnCode[] allowedReturnCodes = this.MissingValues.Count > 0 ? new ReturnCode[0] : new ReturnCode[] { ReturnCode.SPSS_SHORTSTR_EXP };
                                             (MissingValueFormatCode)Math.Min(this.MissingValues.Count, missingValues.Length),
                                             missingValues[2]), "spssSetVarCMissingValues", allowedReturnCodes);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates details of the variable.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Update()

            if (!this.IsInCollection)
                return; // we'll get to do this later

            double[] missingValues = new double[3];
            this.MissingValues.Take(missingValues.Length).ToArray().CopyTo(missingValues, 0);
                                             missingValues[2]), "spssSetVarNMissingValues");

            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarPrintFormat(this.FileHandle, this.Name, this.PrintFormat, this.PrintDecimal, this.PrintWidth), "spssSetVarPrintFormat");
            SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssSetVarWriteFormat(this.FileHandle, this.Name, this.WriteFormat, this.WriteDecimal, this.WriteWidth), "spssSetVarWriteFormat");
Exemple #29
 private void Document_DictionaryCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Set the variable handle
     SpssException.ThrowOnFailure(SpssSafeWrapper.spssGetVarHandle(this.FileHandle, this.Name, out this.variableHandle), "spssGetVarHandle");
        public SpssSafeWrapperTest()
            ReturnCode result = SpssSafeWrapper.spssOpenRead(TestBase.GoodFilename, out handle);

            Assert.Equal(ReturnCode.SPSS_OK, result); // Error opening SPSS file.