Exemple #1
 public void Play(string name, bool isFlipX, bool isBack = false)
     mSpriteRenderer.flipX = isFlipX;
     if (mStateMap.ContainsKey(name))
         if (mCurState != null)
             if (mCurState != mStateMap[name])
                 mCurState        = mStateMap[name];
                 mCurState.IsBack = isBack;
                 if (mCurState.IsOver)
                     mCurState.IsBack = isBack;
         else if (mCurState == null)
             mCurState        = mStateMap[name];
             mCurState.IsBack = isBack;
Exemple #2
    private void SetAnimationState(SpriteAnimationState state)
        if (spriteAnimationState != state)
            spriteAnimationState = state;
            switch (spriteAnimationState)
            case SpriteAnimationState.Standing:

            case SpriteAnimationState.Running:

            case SpriteAnimationState.Jumping:

            case SpriteAnimationState.Falling:
Exemple #3
 public void Init(List <SpriteAnimationClip> clipList)
     for (int i = 0; i < clipList.Count; i++)
         SpriteAnimationState state = new SpriteAnimationState();
         state.Clip     = clipList[i];
         state.WrapMode = clipList[i].WrapMode;
         mStateMap.Add(clipList[i].Name, state);
 static bool checkPlayingQueue(SpriteAnimationState item)
     if ( ! item._animation.IsLayerPlaying(item.layer) )
         item.time = 0f;
         item.weight = 1f;
         item.enabled = true;
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #5
    // OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
    override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        if (_animation == null)
            _animation = animator.GetComponent <SpriteAnimation>();

        _startTime = Time.time;
        if (_state == null)
            _state = _animation[Clip.name];

        _length = _animation[Clip.name].length * (_state.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong ? 2 : 1);
        _isLoop = _state.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop || _state.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong;
 void StopLayerExcept(int layer, SpriteAnimationState s)
     foreach (SpriteAnimationState state in allStates)
         if (state.layer == layer && state != s)
 static bool removeClip(SpriteAnimationState state)
     bool needRemove = state.clip == _removeClip;
     if (needRemove)
     return needRemove;
 internal void AddState(SpriteAnimationState state)
     animationStates.Add(state.name, state);
        void RemoveSprite(SpriteAnimationState state, SpriteAnimationComponent component, SpriteTransform parentTransform, int parentHash)
            SpriteTransform sprTransfrom = spriteRenderer.GetSpriteTransformByFullPathHash(component._fullPathHash + parentHash );

            if (sprTransfrom != null)
                sprTransfrom.DetachState(state, component);

                if (sprTransfrom.attachStateComponent.Count <= 0)
                    if (sprTransfrom.prve != null)
                        sprTransfrom.prve.next = sprTransfrom.next;

                    if (sprTransfrom.next != null)
                        sprTransfrom.next.prve = sprTransfrom.prve;

                    if (sprTransfrom.parent != null && sprTransfrom.parent.firstChild == sprTransfrom)
                        sprTransfrom.parent.firstChild = sprTransfrom.next;

                    for (SpriteTransform child = sprTransfrom.firstChild; child != null; child = child.next)
                        child.parent = null;
                        sprTransfrom.parent = null;
                        sprTransfrom.next = null;
                        sprTransfrom.prve = null;
                        sprTransfrom.firstChild = null;
                        sprTransfrom.lastChild = null;

                    if (stateRoot.Contains(sprTransfrom))


            for (int i = 0, e = component.children.Length; i < e; i++)
                RemoveSprite(state, state.clip.subComponents[component.children[i]], sprTransfrom, 0);
Exemple #10
    void OnGUI()
        GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (25, 45, 150, 500));


        pos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(pos);

        for( int i = 0, e = animatinoNames.Length; i < e; i++)
            //If click button, then play this clip.
            if ( GUILayout.Button( animatinoNames[i] ) )
                //Get clip's playing state
                currState = spriteAnimation[ animatinoNames[i] ];



        if ( currState != null )

            SpriteAnimationState clipState = currState;

            //Pause and resume clip
            if ( GUILayout.Button( clipState.enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable" ) )
                clipState.enabled = !clipState.enabled;

            //Pause and resume clip
            if ( GUILayout.Button( clipState.isPaused ? "Resume" : "Pause" ) )
                if ( clipState.isPaused )
                    spriteAnimation.Resume( clipState.clip.name );
                    spriteAnimation.Pause( clipState.clip.name );

            //Display current playing clip's state.
            GUILayout.Label( "Name:" + clipState.clip.name );
            GUILayout.Label( "Length:" + clipState.length.ToString() );
            GUILayout.Label( "WrapMode:" + clipState.wrapMode.ToString() );
            GUILayout.Label( "Time:" + clipState.time.ToString() );
            GUILayout.Label( "Speed:" + clipState.speed.ToString() );
            clipState.speed = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( clipState.speed, -5f, 5f);

            GUILayout.Label( "Weight:" + clipState.weight.ToString() );
            float weight = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( clipState.weight, 0f, 1f);
            if ( GUI.changed )
                clipState.weight = weight;

            GUILayout.Label( "Layer:" + clipState.layer.ToString() );
            int layer = (int)GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( clipState.layer, -100f, 100f);
            if ( GUI.changed )
                clipState.layer = layer;
 public void Play(SpriteAnimation animation)
     state = SpriteAnimationState.Playing;
        void AddSprite(SpriteAnimationState state, SpriteAnimationComponent component, SpriteTransform parentTransform, int parentHash )
            SpriteTransform sprTransfrom = spriteRenderer.GetSpriteTransformByFullPathHash(component._fullPathHash + parentHash);

            if (sprTransfrom == null)
                    sprTransfrom = spriteRenderer.AttachSpriteComponent(component);

                    sprTransfrom.parent = parentTransform;

                    sprTransfrom.layer = (int)component.layer + state.parentComponentLayer;
                    sprTransfrom.visible = component.visible;

                sprTransfrom.overrideHash = parentHash != 0 ? component._fullPathHash + parentHash : 0;

                if (parentTransform != null)
                    if (parentTransform.firstChild == null)
                        parentTransform.firstChild = sprTransfrom;
                        parentTransform.lastChild = sprTransfrom;

                        sprTransfrom.prve = null;
                        sprTransfrom.next = null;
                        sprTransfrom.next = parentTransform.lastChild.next;
                        sprTransfrom.prve = parentTransform.lastChild;

                        parentTransform.lastChild.next = sprTransfrom;

            sprTransfrom.AttachState(state, component);

            for (int i = 0, e = component.children.Length; i < e; i++)
                AddSprite( state, state.clip.subComponents[ component.children[i] ], sprTransfrom, 0);
        internal void AddState(SpriteAnimationState state)
            animationStates.Add(state.name, state);

            List<SpriteAnimationState> tmp = new List<SpriteAnimationState>(allStates);
            allStates = tmp.ToArray();
        internal void RemoveState(SpriteAnimationState state)

            List<SpriteAnimationState> tmp = new List<SpriteAnimationState>(allStates);
            allStates = tmp.ToArray();
        internal void SetStateName( SpriteAnimationState state, string oldName )
            if ( oldName != null && animationStates.ContainsKey(oldName))
                SpriteAnimationState tmpState = animationStates[oldName] as SpriteAnimationState;

                animationStates.Add(state.name, tmpState);
        internal SpriteAnimationState AddClip(SpriteAnimationClip clip, string newName, int firstFrame, int lastFrame, bool addLoopFrame)
            if (clip == null)
                Debug.LogError("A null clip add to animation!");
                return null;

            SpriteAnimationState state = animationStates[newName] as SpriteAnimationState;
            if (state == null)
                state = new SpriteAnimationState(clip, this, newName);
                state.Init(clip, this, newName);                

            List<SpriteAnimationClip> tmpAnis = new List<SpriteAnimationClip>(animations);
            if (!tmpAnis.Contains(clip))
                animations = tmpAnis.ToArray();

            return state;
        void Stop( SpriteAnimationState state)
            state.time = 0;
            state.weight = 0f;
            state.enabled = false;

            if (state.removeAfterStop)
        internal void Stop( SpriteAnimationState state)
            state.time = 0;
            state.weight = 0f;
            state.enabled = false;

            if (state.removeAfterStop && !state.isRemoving)
                state.isRemoving = true;
 void Blend(SpriteAnimationState state, float targetWeight, float fadeLength, bool needStop)
     if (state.parentTransform == null)
         state.needFade = true;
         state.fadeBase = state.weight;
         state.fadeTarget = targetWeight;
         state.fadeLength = fadeLength;
         state.currFadeTime = 0f;
         state.needStop = needStop;
        internal void AddSprite(SpriteAnimationState state)
            AddSprite(state, state.clip.root, state.parentTransform, 
                state.parentTransform == null ? 0 : state.parentTransform.component._fullPathHash );

            SpriteTransform sprTransfrom = spriteRenderer.GetSpriteTransformByFullPathHash( state.clip.root._fullPathHash);
            if ( state.parentTransform == null && !stateRoot.Contains(sprTransfrom))
        /// <summary>
        /// Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing.<br/>
        ///If queue is QueueMode.CompleteOthers this animation will only start once all other animations have stopped playing.<br/>
        ///If queue is QueueMode.PlayNow this animation will start playing immediately on a duplicated animation state.<br/>
        /// if mode is PlayMode.StopSameLayer, animations in the same layer as animation will be faded out while animation is faded in. if mode is PlayMode.StopAll, all animations will be faded out while animation is faded in.<br/>
        ///After the animation has finished playing it will automatically clean itself up. Using the duplicated animation state after it has finished will result in an exception. <br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The clip name that you want to fade in.</param>
        /// <param name="fadeLength">The fade in/out length in second.</param>
        /// <param name="queue">How the clip start fade.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">How to stop the other clips.</param>
        /// <returns>The duplicated animation state of the clip.</returns>
        public SpriteAnimationState CrossFadeQueued(string name, float fadeLength, QueueMode queue, PlayMode mode)
            SpriteAnimationState state = this[name];
            if (state == null)
                return null;

            bool isPlaying = IsLayerPlaying(state.layer);

            if (queue == QueueMode.PlayNow || !isPlaying)
                string newName = state.name + " - Queued Clone " + cloneID++;

                SpriteAnimationState tmpState = new SpriteAnimationState(state, newName);
                tmpState.removeAfterStop = true;

                CrossFade(tmpState, fadeLength, mode);

                return tmpState;
                string newName = state.name + " - Queued Clone " + cloneID++;

                SpriteAnimationState tmpState = new SpriteAnimationState(state, newName);
                tmpState.removeAfterStop = true;

                SpriteAnimationQueueItem item = new SpriteAnimationQueueItem();
                item.state = tmpState;
                item.playMode = mode;
                item.fadeLength = fadeLength;

                return tmpState;

            return null;
 internal void RemoveSprite(SpriteAnimationState state)
     RemoveSprite(state, state.clip.root, state.parentTransform,
         state.parentTransform == null ? 0 : state.parentTransform.component._fullPathHash );
 void Rewind(SpriteAnimationState state)
     if (state.speed < 0f)
         state.time = state.clip.length;
         state.time = 0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays an animation after previous animations has finished playing.<br/>
        /// If queue is QueueMode.CompleteOthers this animation will only start once all other animations have stopped playing.<br/>
        /// If queue is QueueMode.PlayNow this animation will start playing immediately on a duplicated animation state.<br/>
        /// if mode is PlayMode.StopSameLayer, animations in the same layer as animation will be faded out while animation is faded in. if mode is PlayMode.StopAll, all animations will be faded out while animation is faded in.<br/>
        /// After the animation has finished playing it will automatically clean itself up. Using the duplicated animation state after it has finished will result in an exception. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of animation clip you want to play.</param>
        /// <param name="queue">QueueMode control how to play the clip in queue.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">QueueMode control how to play the clip in queue.</param>
        /// <returns>The duplicated animation state of the clip.</returns>
        public SpriteAnimationState PlayQueued(string name, QueueMode queue, PlayMode mode)
            SpriteAnimationState state = this[name];
            if (state == null)
                return null;

            bool isPlaying = IsLayerPlaying(state.layer);

            if (queue == QueueMode.PlayNow || !isPlaying )
                string newName = state.name + " - Queued Clone " + cloneID++;

                SpriteAnimationState tmpState = new SpriteAnimationState(state, newName);
                tmpState.removeAfterStop = true;

                return tmpState;
                string newName = state.name + " - Queued Clone " + cloneID++;

                SpriteAnimationState tmpState = new SpriteAnimationState(state, newName);
                tmpState.removeAfterStop = true;

                playingQueue.Add( tmpState );

                return tmpState;

            return null;
Exemple #25
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Get SpriteAnimation for GameObject
        spriteAnimation = GetComponent<SpriteAnimation>();

        List<string> tmp = new List<string>();

        //Get all clips assigned in SpriteAnimation
        SpriteAnimationClip[] clips = SpriteAnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips( spriteAnimation );
        foreach( SpriteAnimationClip clip in clips)
            tmp.Add( clip.name);

        animatinoNames = tmp.ToArray();

        if ( spriteAnimation.clip != null )
            currState = spriteAnimation[ spriteAnimation.clip.name ];
        void CrossFade(SpriteAnimationState state, float fadeLength, PlayMode mode)
            if (mode == PlayMode.StopAll)
                foreach (SpriteAnimationState iter in allStates)
                    if (iter.enabled)
                        Blend(iter, 0f, fadeLength, true);
                foreach (SpriteAnimationState iter in allStates)
                    if (iter.enabled && iter.layer == state.layer)
                        Blend(iter, 0f, fadeLength, true);

            if (!state.enabled)
                state.time = 0;
                state.weight = 0f;
                state.enabled = true;

                state.lastTime = 0f;
                state.lastFrameIndex = -1;
                state.lastEvaluateTime = 0;

            Blend(state, 1f, fadeLength, false);
        private void FireAnimationEvent(SpriteAnimationState state, int idx)
            float t = state.time - state.lastTime;
            int step = (int)(t / state._clip.tick);
            int li = state.lastFrameIndex;
            int e = state._clip.events.Length;

            for (float st = state.lastTime; st < state.time; st += state._clip.tick)
                int currFrameIdx = (int)state.curve.Evaluate(st);
                if (li != currFrameIdx)
                    for (int ei = 0; ei < e; ei++)
                        if (state._clip.events[ei].frameIndex == currFrameIdx)
                            SpriteAnimationEvent evt = state._clip.events[ei];
                state.lastFrameIndex = li = currFrameIdx;

            if (state.lastFrameIndex != idx)

                for (int ei = 0; ei < e; ei++)
                    if (state._clip.events[ei].frameIndex == idx)
                        SpriteAnimationEvent evt = state._clip.events[ei];
 void Stop( SpriteAnimationState state)
     state.time = 0;
     state.weight = 0f;
     state.enabled = false;
        void AddSprite(SpriteAnimationState state, SpriteAnimationComponent component, SpriteTransform parentTransform, int parentHash )
            int searchHash = component._fullPathHash + parentHash;
            SpriteTransform sprTransform = spriteRenderer.GetSpriteTransformByFullPathHash(searchHash);

            if (sprTransform == null)
                    sprTransform = spriteRenderer.AttachSpriteComponent(component);

                    sprTransform.parent = parentTransform;

                    sprTransform.layer = (int)component.layer + state.parentComponentLayer;
                    sprTransform.visible = component.visible;

                    sprTransform.searchHash = searchHash;

                    //sprTransform.name = state.parentTransform != null ? state.parentTransform.component._fullPath + component._fullPath : component._fullPath;

                if (parentTransform != null)

                    if (parentTransform.firstChild == null)
                        parentTransform.firstChild = sprTransform;
                        parentTransform.lastChild = sprTransform;

                        sprTransform.prve = null;
                        sprTransform.next = null;
                        sprTransform.next = parentTransform.lastChild.next;
                        sprTransform.prve = parentTransform.lastChild;

                        parentTransform.lastChild.next = sprTransform;

            sprTransform.AttachState(state, component);

            for (int i = 0, e = component.children.Length; i < e; i++)
                AddSprite(state, state.clip.subComponents[component.children[i]], sprTransform, parentHash);
 internal void RemoveSprite(SpriteAnimationState state)
     RemoveSprite(state, state.clip.root, state.parentTransform,
         state.parentTransform == null ? 0 : state.parentTransform.searchHash);
        void RemoveSprite(SpriteAnimationState state, SpriteAnimationComponent component, SpriteTransform parentTransform, int parentHash)
            int searchHash = component._fullPathHash + parentHash;
            SpriteTransform sprTransfrom = spriteRenderer.GetSpriteTransformByFullPathHash(searchHash);

            for (int i = 0, e = component.children.Length; i < e; i++)
                RemoveSprite(state, state.clip.subComponents[component.children[i]], sprTransfrom, parentHash);

            if (sprTransfrom != null)
                //if (sprTransfrom.lastRefClip != null)
                //    string name = state.name + "_" + sprTransfrom.lastRefClip.name;
                //    SpriteAnimationState _state = this[name];

                //    if (_state != null)
                //    {
                //        if (_state.parentState != null)
                //            _state.parentState.subClipState.Remove(_state);

                //        Stop(_state);
                //    }

                //    sprTransfrom.lastRefClip = null;

                sprTransfrom.DetachState(state, component);

                if (sprTransfrom.attachStateComponent.Count <= 0)

                    if (sprTransfrom.prve != null)
                        sprTransfrom.prve.next = sprTransfrom.next;

                    if (sprTransfrom.next != null)
                        sprTransfrom.next.prve = sprTransfrom.prve;

                    if (sprTransfrom.parent != null && sprTransfrom.parent.firstChild == sprTransfrom)
                        sprTransfrom.parent.firstChild = sprTransfrom.next;

                    for (SpriteTransform child = sprTransfrom.firstChild; child != null; child = child.next)
                        child.parent = null;

                        sprTransfrom.parent = null;
                        sprTransfrom.next = null;
                        sprTransfrom.prve = null;
                        sprTransfrom.firstChild = null;
                        sprTransfrom.lastChild = null;

                    if (stateRoot.Contains(sprTransfrom))

 internal void SetStateName( SpriteAnimationState state, string oldName )
     //if ( oldName != null )
         if (animationStates.ContainsKey(oldName))
             animationStates.Add(state.name, state);
 void StopAllExcept(SpriteAnimationState s)
     foreach (SpriteAnimationState state in allStates)
         if (state != s)
        internal void RemoveState(SpriteAnimationState state)
            if (state != null)

 public void Play(SpriteAnimation animation)
     state = SpriteAnimationState.Playing;