Exemple #1
 public static async Task <List <ListenerTrack> > Run(
     [ActivityTrigger] List <string> listenerIds,
     ILogger log
     return(await SpotifyHelper.GetListenerTracks(listenerIds, log));
Exemple #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> DisplayArtists() // grab three artists from a genre.
            SearchItem ArtistSearch = await SpotifyHelper.GrabArtists("Imagine");

            List <FullArtist> searchedArtists = ArtistSearch.Artists.Items; // this list acts like an array?

            TempData["ArtistList"] = searchedArtists[0].Name + " " + searchedArtists[1].Name + " " + searchedArtists[2].Name;

 public static void Search(string query)
     App._searchResult = new SearchResult();
     SpotifyHelper spotify = new SpotifyHelper("test");
     spotify.SearchArtistsAsync(query, App.SearchArtistsCallback);
     spotify.SearchAlbumsAsync(query, App.SearchAlbumsCallback);
     spotify.SearchTracksAsync(query, App.SearchTracksCallback);
     var page = new View.GroupedCollectionPage();
     page.Groups = App._searchResult.SearchResultGroups;
     Window.Current.Content = page;
Exemple #4
    public static async Task <PlayingItem?> GetCurrentlyPlayingTrack(string username)
        SpotifyUser?user = await GetSpotifyUser(username);

        if (user is null)

        CurrentlyPlaying response = await new SpotifyClient(user.AccessToken).Player.GetCurrentlyPlaying(new());
        PlayingItem?     item     = SpotifyHelper.GetPlayingItem(response);

        public async Task <string> GetToken(string code)
            var request = new RestRequest("/api/token", Method.POST);
            var base64  = SpotifyHelper.Base64Encode($"{AppSettings.ClientId}:{AppSettings.ClientSecret}");

            request.AddParameter("code", code);
            request.AddParameter("redirect_uri", "https://localhost:44320/callback");
            request.AddParameter("grant_type", "authorization_code");
            request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            request.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Basic {base64}");
            IRestResponse response = await Client.ExecutePostTaskAsync <AccessTokenResponse>(request);

            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccessTokenResponse>(response?.Content)?.AccessToken);
Exemple #6
    public static async Task <string> AddToQueue(string channel, string song, bool channelEqualsTarget = true)
        string?uri = SpotifyHelper.GetSpotifyUri(song);

        if (uri is null)
            return("this isn't a valid track link");

        SpotifyUser?user = await GetSpotifyUser(channel);

        if (user is null)
            return($"can't add the song to the queue of {channel}, they have to register first");

        if (user.SongRequestEnabled == true)
                SpotifyClient client = new(user.AccessToken);
                await client.Player.AddToQueue(new(uri));

                FullTrack item = await client.Tracks.Get(uri.Remove("spotify:track:"));

                string[] artists  = item.Artists.GetArtistNames();
                string   response = $"{item.Name} by {string.Join(", ", artists)} has been added to the queue";

                if (!channelEqualsTarget)
                    response = string.Concat(response, $" of {channel}");
            catch (APIException ex)
                return($"no music playing on any device, {channel} has to start their playback first");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return($"an unknown error occurred. It might not be possible to request songs for this user");
            return($"song requests are currently not open, {channel} or a mod has to enable song requests first");
Exemple #7
        public static void Search(string query)
            App._searchResult = new SearchResult();
            SpotifyHelper spotify = new SpotifyHelper("test");

            spotify.SearchArtistsAsync(query, App.SearchArtistsCallback);
            spotify.SearchAlbumsAsync(query, App.SearchAlbumsCallback);
            spotify.SearchTracksAsync(query, App.SearchTracksCallback);
            var page = new View.GroupedCollectionPage();

            page.Groups            = App._searchResult.SearchResultGroups;
            Window.Current.Content = page;
Exemple #8
        public async Task <ActionResult> DisplayRandomGenre() // name needs to be changed to RandomGenre
            string Genre = await SpotifyHelper.GetGenre();

            if (Genre != null)
                TempData["Genre"] = Genre;
                TempData["Genre"] = "Whoops!";

Exemple #9
        public async Task <bool> Login()
            if (Sessao.spotify == null || !Sessao.spotify.logged)
                var spotify    = new SpotifyHelper();
                var estaLogado = await spotify.Login();

                if (estaLogado)
                    Sessao.spotify = spotify;


Exemple #10
    public static async Task <string> GetCurrentlyPlaying(string username)
        SpotifyUser?user = await GetSpotifyUser(username);

        if (user is null)
            return($"can't request the current playing song, user {username} has to register first");

        CurrentlyPlaying response = await new SpotifyClient(user.AccessToken).Player.GetCurrentlyPlaying(new());
        PlayingItem?     item     = SpotifyHelper.GetPlayingItem(response);

        if (item is not null)
            return("nothing playing");
Exemple #11
    public static async Task <string> Search(string query)
        SpotifyUser?user = await GetSpotifyUser("strbhlfe");

        if (user is null)
            return("can't search for a track at the moment");

        SearchResponse response = await new SpotifyClient(user.AccessToken).Search.Item(new(SearchRequest.Types.Track, query));
        FullTrack?     track    = SpotifyHelper.GetExcactTrackFromSearch(response.Tracks.Items, query.Split().ToList());

        if (track is not null)
            string[] artists = track.Artists.GetArtistNames();
            return($"{track.Name} by {string.Join(", ", artists)} || {track.Uri}");
            return("no tracks found to match the search query");
Exemple #12
        public static async Task <List <ListenerTrack> > Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "listeners")] HttpRequest req,
                 Connection = Constants.StorageConnection
                 )] CloudTable userTable,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("Retrieving non-hidden users");
            await userTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            var repo     = new UserRepository(userTable);
            var entities = await repo.GetUsersAsync();

            var nonHiddenUserIds = entities
                                   .Where(e => e.Active)
                                   .Select(e => e.RowKey)

            log.LogInformation("Found these users: {Users}", string.Join(", ", nonHiddenUserIds));

            return(await SpotifyHelper.GetListenerTracks(nonHiddenUserIds, log));
Exemple #13
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "recent/{userId}")] HttpRequest req,
                 Connection = Constants.StorageConnection
                 )] CloudTable userTable,
            string userId,
            ILogger log)
            await userTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            var repo   = new UserRepository(userTable);
            var entity = await repo.GetUserAsync(userId);

            if (entity != null && entity.Active)
                var playHistory = await SpotifyHelper.GetRecentlyPlayedTracksAsync(userId);

                return(new JsonResult(playHistory));

            return(new NotFoundResult());
Exemple #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> SpotifyArtistSearch(string Keyword, string Genre)
            string ArtistString = "";

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                SearchItem ArtistSearch = await SpotifyHelper.GrabArtists(Keyword);

                List <FullArtist> searchedArtists = ArtistSearch.Artists.Items; // this list acts like an array?
                int      arraySize   = searchedArtists.Count();
                string[] ArtistArray = new string[arraySize];

                for (int i = 0; i <= arraySize - 1; i++)
                    if (Genre == "") //leave genre blank to grab 50 artists
                        ArtistArray[i] = searchedArtists[i].Name;
                    else if (searchedArtists[i].Genres.Contains(Genre))

                        ArtistString  += searchedArtists[i].Name + ", ";
                        ArtistArray[i] = searchedArtists[i].Name;
                TempData["ArtistsByGenre"] = ArtistArray;
                TempData["ArtistsByGenre"] = "Whoops something went wrong!";

        public void SelectPlaylist(string id)
            var val = Task.Run(() => Spotify.getPlayListById(id));

            SpotifyHelper.SelectItemByValue(comboBox1, val.Result);
 public async Task <IMusicServiceStatus> GetStatusAsync() => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.GetStatus());
Exemple #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // string accessToken = KeyVaultHelper.GetSecret(bearerTokenIdentifier);

            // var storageAccount = AzureStorageHelper.CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(connectionString);

            CloudTable table = AzureStorageHelper.GetOrCreateTableAsync("partyCodes").Result;

            // AzureStorageHelper.DeleteParty("WXYZ", table);

            // AzureStorageHelper.InsertOrMergeParty(new Party("IYEY"), table);
            // AzureStorageHelper.InsertAccessTokenToParty("WXYZ", table, accessTokenA);

            var accessTokens = AzureStorageHelper.GetParty("WXYZ", table).GetAccessTokens();

            var topArtists = new List <IEnumerable <Artist> >();

            foreach (var token in accessTokens)

            var commonArtists = Matchmaker.FindCommonArtists(topArtists.ElementAt(0), topArtists.ElementAt(1));
            var commonGenres  = Matchmaker.FindCommonGenres(topArtists.ElementAt(0), topArtists.ElementAt(1));

            var difference = topArtists.ElementAt(0).Except(commonArtists);


            // var topArtistsA = SpotifyHelper.GetTopArtistsAsync(accessTokenA, "short_term").Result;
            // var topArtistsB = SpotifyHelper.GetTopArtistsAsync(accessTokenB, "short_term").Result;
            // ;
            // // var userA = SpotifyHelper.GetUserAsync(accessTokenA).Result;
            // // var userB = SpotifyHelper.GetUserAsync(accessTokenB).Result;

            // // SpotifyHelper.CreatePlaylistAsync(accessToken, user.Id).Wait();

            // var commonArtists = SpotifyHelper.FindCommonArtists(topArtistsA, topArtistsB);

            // var commonGenres = SpotifyHelper.FindCommonGenres(topArtistsA, topArtistsB);

            // var commonArtistsString = String.Join(", ", commonArtists);

            // var commonGenresString = string.Join(", ", commonGenres);

            // Console.WriteLine($"You have these artists in common: {commonArtistsString}");

            // Console.WriteLine($"You have these genres in common: {commonGenresString}");

            // var suggestedArtists = SpotifyHelper.SuggestArtists(topArtistsA, topArtistsB);
            // var suggestedArtistsString = String.Join(", ", suggestedArtists);
            // Console.WriteLine($"We suggest listening to these artists: {suggestedArtistsString}");

            // var artistIDs = SpotifyHelper.SuggestArtistIDs(topArtistsA, topArtistsB).ToList();

            var playListId = SpotifyHelper.CreatePlaylistAsync(accessTokens[0], "Spotify Matchmaker Playlist").Result;

            foreach (var artist in commonArtists)
                var tracks = SpotifyHelper.GetArtistsTopTracksAsync(accessTokens[0], artist).Result;
                SpotifyHelper.AddSongsToPlaylistAsync(accessTokens[0], playListId, tracks);

Exemple #18
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "slack")] HttpRequest req,
                 Connection = Constants.StorageConnection
                 )] CloudTable userTable,
            ILogger log)
            await userTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            var bodyString = await req.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var slackPayload = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(bodyString);
            var token        = slackPayload["token"];

            if (!string.Equals(token, Config.SlackToken))
                throw new System.Exception("Not allowed");

            var args = slackPayload["text"]?.Trim();

            if (string.Equals("list", args))
                var repo     = new UserRepository(userTable);
                var entities = await repo.GetUsersAsync();

                var nonHiddenUserIds = entities
                                       .Where(e => e.Active)
                                       .Select(e => e.RowKey)

                log.LogInformation("Found these users: {Users}", string.Join(", ", nonHiddenUserIds));

                var listenerTracks = await SpotifyHelper.GetListenerTracks(nonHiddenUserIds, log);

                return(new JsonResult(new
                    blocks = new
                        type = "section",
                        block_id = "listeners",
                        fields = listenerTracks.Select(lt => new { type = "mrkdwn", text = $"- {lt.userId}: {lt.currentTrack}" }).ToArray <object>()

            return(new JsonResult(new
                blocks = new object[] {
                    new {
                        type = "section",
                        block_id = "help_text_commands",
                        fields = new [] {
                            new {
                                type = "mrkdwn",
                                text = "*Hey! Welcome to now playing* \n Press the button below to go to the website, or register with Now Playing:"
                    new { type = "actions", elements = new object[] {
                              new {
                                  type = "button",
                                  action_id = "dashboard_nowplaying",
                                  url = Config.HostUrl,
                                  text = new {
                                      type = "plain_text",
                                      text = "Dashboard website",
                              new {
                                  type = "button",
                                  action_id = "register_nowplaying",
                                  url = $"{Config.HostUrl}api/authorize",
                                  text = new {
                                      type = "plain_text",
                                      text = "Register with Now Playing",
                          } }
 public async Task <float> GetVolumeAsync() => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.GetVolume());
        public async Task <bool> NextAsync(string url)
            await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.Next(url));

        public async Task <bool> PauseAsync()
            await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.Pause());

 public async Task <bool> PlayAsync() => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.Play());
 public async Task <bool> PlayAsync(string url) => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.Play(url));
Exemple #24
    public static async Task <string> ListenTo(string username, string target)
        SpotifyUser?user = await GetSpotifyUser(username);

        if (user is null)
            return($"can't listen to other's songs, you have to register first");

        if (username == target)
            return($"you can't listen to your own song");

        SpotifyUser?targetUser = await GetSpotifyUser(target);

        if (targetUser is null)
            return($"can't listen to {target}'s songs, they have to register first");

        SpotifyClient    targetClient           = new(targetUser.AccessToken);
        CurrentlyPlaying targetCurrentlyPlaying = await targetClient.Player.GetCurrentlyPlaying(new());

        PlayingItem?playingItem = SpotifyHelper.GetPlayingItem(targetCurrentlyPlaying);

        if (playingItem is null)
            return($"{target} is currently not listening to a song");

        if (playingItem.IsLocal)
            return($"can't listen to {target}'s local file");

        SpotifyClient userClient = new(user.AccessToken);

            await userClient.Player.AddToQueue(new(playingItem.Uri));
        catch (APIException ex)
            return($"no music playing on any device, you have to start your playback first");
        catch (Exception ex)
            return($"an unknown error occurred. It might not be possible to listen to songs");

            await userClient.Player.SkipNext(new());
        catch (Exception ex)
            return($"an error occurred while trying to play the song");

        return($"now playing {playingItem.Title} by {string.Join(", ", playingItem.Artists)} || {playingItem.Uri}");
 public async Task <IList <ISearchResult> > SearchAsync(string keyword) => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.Search(keyword));
 public async Task SetVolumeAsync(float volume) => await Task.Run(() => SpotifyHelper.SetVolume(volume));