private void SpotFeedRequestCallback( IAsyncResult ar )
            Thread.MemoryBarrier( );

              var asyncChainedState = ( AsyncChainedState<TrackerState> ) ar.AsyncState;

            TrackerState result = this.currentRequest.EndRequest( ar );

            if ( result.Error != null )
              LogFailedRequestEnd( asyncChainedState, result );

            bool needContinue = false;

            if ( result.Error == null ||
             result.Error.Type == Data.ErrorType.ResponseHasNoData )
            { // Might be there is a result from the prev.pages, so try to merge it:
              result = MergeWithExistingData( result, out needContinue );
              // If it was an error with ResponseHasNoData, but there were data from the prev.pages,
              // then now result has Error == null.

            bool isSubsequentRequestStarted = false;

            if ( result.Error == null )
              if ( !needContinue )
            LogSuccRequestEnd( asyncChainedState );
            this.currentRequest =
              new SpotFeedRequest(
                this.currentRequest.Page + 1,
                this.consequentErrorsCounter == null
                  ? null
                  : this.consequentErrorsCounter.UnexpectedForeignErrorsCounter

            // If isAborted but we're here then "bad" (timed out?) request was finished and closed.
            if ( !this.isAborted )
              this.currentRequest.BeginRequest( SpotFeedRequestCallback, asyncChainedState );
              isSubsequentRequestStarted = true;

            if ( !isSubsequentRequestStarted )
              asyncChainedState.SetAsCompleted( result );
              catch ( Exception exc )
            asyncChainedState.SetAsCompleted( exc );
 public TestLocationRequest( RequestParams requestParams, string testXml )
     : base(requestParams)
     this.spotFeedRequest = new SpotFeedRequest( requestParams.Id, testXml, -1 );
        public override IAsyncResult BeginReadLocation( AsyncCallback callback, object state )
            lock ( this.sync )
            if ( this.inCall )
              throw new InvalidOperationException( "BeginReadLocation has already been called for this instance" );

            this.inCall = true;

              var asyncChainedState = new AsyncChainedState<TrackerState>( callback, state );

              Lrid = asyncChainedState.Id;

              this.currentRequest =
            new SpotFeedRequest(
              this.consequentErrorsCounter == null
            ? null
            : this.consequentErrorsCounter.UnexpectedForeignErrorsCounter

              Log.InfoFormat( "Created request for {0}, lrid {1}", this.Id, asyncChainedState.Id );

              this.currentRequest.BeginRequest( SpotFeedRequestCallback, asyncChainedState );

              return asyncChainedState.FinalAsyncResult;