Exemple #1
        private void GetInsertData(DiscoveredServer server, DiscoveredDatabase database, ICheckNotifier checkNotifier)
            var memoryRepository = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            var    sytnaxHelper     = server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();
            string tableName        = _tableInfo.Name;
            string archiveTableName = sytnaxHelper.EnsureFullyQualified(database.GetRuntimeName(), _tableInfo.Schema, _tableInfo.GetRuntimeName() + "_Archive");

            var whereStatement = "";

            foreach (ColumnInfo pk in _pks)
                whereStatement += string.Format("{0}.{1} = {2}.{1} AND ", tableName, pk.GetRuntimeName(), archiveTableName);

            var qb = new QueryBuilder(null, null, new[] { _tableInfo });

            qb.TopX = _batchSize;
            qb.AddColumnRange(_tableInfo.ColumnInfos.Select(c => new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memoryRepository, c)).ToArray());

            var filter1 = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memoryRepository, null, SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID + " = " + _dataLoadRunID, "DataLoadRunID matches", null, null);
            var filter2 =
                new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memoryRepository, null,
                                                string.Format(@" not exists (
select 1 from {0} where {1} {2} < {3}
)", archiveTableName, whereStatement, SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, _dataLoadRunID),
                                                "Record doesn't exist in archive", null, null);

            qb.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(memoryRepository, null, new [] { filter1, filter2 }, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            Inserts = new DataTable();
            FillTableWithQueryIfUserConsents(Inserts, qb.SQL, checkNotifier, server);
Exemple #2
        public string GetCommand()
            var repo = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            var qb = new QueryBuilder("distinct", null);

            qb.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(repo, _keyColumn)
                Order = 0
            qb.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(repo, _descriptionColumn)
                Order = 1
            qb.TopX = 100;

            var container = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(repo, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbCode.Text))
                var codeFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, container, _keyColumn.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " LIKE '" + tbCode.Text + "%'", "Key Starts", "", null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbDescription.Text))
                var codeFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, container, _descriptionColumn.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " LIKE '%" + tbDescription.Text + "%'", "Description Contains", "", null);

            qb.RootFilterContainer = container;

Exemple #3
        private string GetMappingTableSql()
            var repo = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            var qb = new QueryBuilder("DISTINCT", null, null);

            qb.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(repo, MappingFromColumn));
            qb.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(repo, MappingToColumn));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(WHERELogic))
                var container = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(repo, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.AND);
                var filter    = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, container, WHERELogic, "WHERELogic", null, null);

                qb.RootFilterContainer = container;

Exemple #4
        private void AddWHEREToBuilder_CategoryIsTOrNumberGreaterThan42(AggregateBuilder builder, DatabaseType type)
            var syntaxHelper = new QuerySyntaxHelperFactory().Create(type);
            var declaration  = syntaxHelper.GetParameterDeclaration("@category", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 1));

            var repo = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            var ORContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(repo, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.OR);
            var constParam  = new ConstantParameter(declaration, "'T'", "T Category Only", syntaxHelper);

            //this is deliberately duplication, it tests that the parameter compiles as well as that any dynamic sql doesn't get thrown by quotes
            var filter1 = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, ORContainer, "(Category=@category OR Category = 'T')", "Category Is @category",
                                                          "ensures the records belong to the category @category", new ISqlParameter[] { constParam });
            var filter2 = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, ORContainer, "NumberInTrouble > 42",
                                                          "number in trouble greater than 42", "See above", null);


            builder.RootFilterContainer = ORContainer;
        public void OpportunisticJoinRequired()
            var memory = new MemoryRepository();

            //tables and columns
            TableInfo  head = new TableInfo(CatalogueRepository, "Head");
            ColumnInfo col1 = new ColumnInfo(CatalogueRepository, "TestResultSetNumber", "int", head);
            ColumnInfo col2 = new ColumnInfo(CatalogueRepository, "PK", "int", head);

            TableInfo  result = new TableInfo(CatalogueRepository, "[biochemistry]..[Result]");
            ColumnInfo col3   = new ColumnInfo(CatalogueRepository, "FK", "int", result);
            ColumnInfo col4   = new ColumnInfo(CatalogueRepository, "Code", "varchar(10)", result);
            ColumnInfo col5   = new ColumnInfo(CatalogueRepository, "[biochemistry]..[Result].[OmgBob]", "varchar(10)", result);

            //we can join on col2 = col3
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, col3, col2, ExtractionJoinType.Right, "");

            //CASE 1 : Only 1 column used so no join needed
            var queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(null, null);
            var icol1        = new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memory, col1);

            icol1.Order = 1;

            TableInfo primary;
            var       tablesUsed = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(queryBuilder, out primary, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, tablesUsed.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(head, tablesUsed[0]);

            //CASE 2 : 2 columns used one from each table so join is needed
            queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(null, null);
            queryBuilder.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memory, col1));

            var icol4 = new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memory, col4);

            icol4.Order = 2;

            tablesUsed = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(queryBuilder, out primary, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, tablesUsed.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(head, tablesUsed[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, tablesUsed[1]);

[biochemistry]..[Result] Right JOIN Head ON FK = PK"), CollapseWhitespace(queryBuilder.SQL));

            var memoryRepository = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            var spontContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(memoryRepository, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            var spontFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memoryRepository, spontContainer, "[biochemistry]..[Result].[OmgBob] = 'T'",
                                                              "My Filter", "Causes spontaneous requirement for joining compeltely", null);


            //CASE 3 : Only 1 column from Head but filter contains a reference to Result column
            queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(null, null);
            queryBuilder.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memory, col1));

            //without the filter
            tablesUsed = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(queryBuilder, out primary, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tablesUsed.Count);

            //set the filter
            queryBuilder.RootFilterContainer = spontContainer;

            //this is super sneaky but makes the queryBuilder populate it's Filters property... basically your not supposed to use SqlQueryBuilderHelper for this kind of thing

            //with the filter
            tablesUsed = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(queryBuilder, out primary, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, tablesUsed.Count);
Exemple #6
        private void Initialize()
            //Figure out which UID columns exist in the Catalogue, do not require file path to be in Catalogue
            _columnSet = QueryToExecuteColumnSet.Create(_catalogue, false);

            //Tells us the DBMS type
            var syntax = _catalogue.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            //For storing the OR container and filter(s)
            var memory = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            //builds SQL we will run in lookup stage
            _queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(null, null);

            //all we care about is if the uid appears if it does then we are rejecting it
            _queryBuilder.TopX = 1;

            //Filter is OR i.e. StudyInstanceUID = @StudyInstanceUID OR SeriesInstanceUID = @SeriesInstanceUID
            var container = _queryBuilder.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(memory, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.OR);

            //Build SELECT and WHERE bits of the query
            if (_columnSet.StudyTagColumn != null)

                string whereSql =
                    $"{_columnSet.StudyTagColumn.SelectSQL} = {syntax.ParameterSymbol}{QueryToExecuteColumnSet.DefaultStudyIdColumnName}";

                _studyFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memory, container, whereSql, "Study UID Filter", "", null);

            if (_columnSet.SeriesTagColumn != null)

                string whereSql =
                    $"{_columnSet.SeriesTagColumn.SelectSQL} = {syntax.ParameterSymbol}{QueryToExecuteColumnSet.DefaultSeriesIdColumnName}";

                _seriesFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memory, container, whereSql, "Series UID Filter", "", null);

            if (_columnSet.InstanceTagColumn != null)

                string whereSql =
                    $"{_columnSet.InstanceTagColumn.SelectSQL} = {syntax.ParameterSymbol}{QueryToExecuteColumnSet.DefaultInstanceIdColumnName}";

                _instanceFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memory, container, whereSql, "Instance UID Filter", "", null);

            // Make sure the query builder looks valid
            if (!_queryBuilder.SelectColumns.Any())
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Blacklist Catalogue {_catalogue} (ID={_catalogue.ID}) did not have any Core ExtractionInformation columns corresponding to any of the image UID tags (e.g. StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, SOPInstanceUID).");

                // make sure we can connect to the server
                _server = _catalogue.GetDistinctLiveDatabaseServer(DataAccessContext.DataExport, true);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to test connection for Catalogue {_catalogue}", e);

            // run a test lookup query against the remote database
            DoLookup("test1", "test2", "test3");
Exemple #7
        protected override AggregateBuilder GetQueryBuilder(AggregateConfiguration aggregateConfiguration)
            if (Request == null)
                throw new Exception("Request has not been initialized yet, has SetCollection not yet been called?");

            var repo = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            //we are hijacking the query builder creation for this graph
            AggregateBuilder toReturn = base.GetQueryBuilder(aggregateConfiguration);

            //instead of only filtering on the filters of the Aggregate, also filter on the configurations data extraction filters AND on the cohort ID
            var spontedContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(repo, null, null, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            //the aggregate has filters (it probably does)
            if (toReturn.RootFilterContainer != null)
                spontedContainer.AddChild(toReturn.RootFilterContainer);//add it
            //the cohort extraction request has filters?
            if (Request.QueryBuilder.RootFilterContainer != null)
                spontedContainer.AddChild(Request.QueryBuilder.RootFilterContainer);//add those too
            //now also add the cohort where statement
            string cohortWhereSql = Request.ExtractableCohort.WhereSQL();

            var spontedFilter = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(repo, spontedContainer, cohortWhereSql, "Cohort ID Filter",
                                                                "Cohort ID Filter (" + Request.ExtractableCohort + ")", null);

            //now we need to figure out what impromptu joins are going on in the main query extraction
            //Normally we have an impromptu join e.g. Inner Join MyCohortTable on CHI = MyCohortTable.CHI
            //Also we can expect there to be joins to custom tables e.g. Left Join MyCohortCustomTable1 on CHI = MyCustomCohortTable1.CHI (so they can select freaky researcher columns like PatientBarcode etc
            //Finally we expect that there is an impromptu filter which does the cohort ID restriction on the query - we have already dealt with that above with a SpontaneouslyInventedFilter so we can ignore those

            //But maybe some other programmer has sneaked in some other custom lines we should worry about
            var customLines = Request.QueryBuilder.CustomLines.ToArray();

            //we expected a custom line for this (which we have dealt with above so throw it away)
            customLines = customLines.Where(c => c.Text != Request.ExtractableCohort.WhereSQL()).ToArray();

            //now all that should be left are custom lines which are joins (in theory, otherwise complain)
            if (customLines.Any(c => c.LocationToInsert != QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin))
                throw new QueryBuildingException("We were busy hijacking the ISqlQueryBuilder returned by Request.GetQueryBuilder and were looking for the custom table / cohort table join custom lines but then we noticed there were other custom lines in the query (like non join ones!)");

            if (!customLines.Any())
                throw new Exception("Expected there to be at least 1 custom join line returned by the ISqlQueryBuilder fetched with Request.GetQueryBuilder but it had 0 so how did it know what cohort table to join against?");

            foreach (CustomLine line in customLines)
                toReturn.AddCustomLine(line.Text, QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);


            //now set the original aggregate that we are hijacking to have the new sponted container (which includes the original filters + the extraction ones + the cohort ID one)
            toReturn.RootFilterContainer = spontedContainer;
