private void GetSplineFormer() { if (_splineFormer == null) { _splineFormer = (SplineFormer)target; } }
public void Remap(SplineNode node, SplineFormer toFormer) { RemoveNodeImmediately(node); toFormer.Nodes.Add(node); node.SplineFormer = toFormer; InvalidateMesh(); toFormer.InvalidateMesh(); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys this node if it's no longer conected to the host SplineFormer /// </summary> private void Clean() { if (SplineFormer == null || SplineFormer.transform == null || !SplineFormer.Nodes.Contains(this) ) { SplineFormer = null; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); } }
public GameObject createSpline() { // Create new GameObject to hold spline GameObject go = new GameObject("Spline"); go.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false); // Create a new SplineFormer SplineFormer _splineFormer = go.AddComponent <SplineFormer>(); _splineFormer.SegmentsNumber = 20; _splineFormer.Coefficient = 0.3f; _splineFormer.LoftDirection = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); _splineFormer.SegmentScale = new Vector3(0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f); _splineFormer.LoftingGroups[0].Weld = false; // hide nodes _splineFormer.VisualOptions.NodeSize = 0.05f; _splineFormer.VisualOptions.ShowTangentNodes = false; _splineFormer.VisualOptions.ShowTangents = false; _splineFormer.VisualOptions.ShowNodeLinks = false; // associate segment mesh _splineFormer.LoftingGroups[0].SegmentMesh = SegmentMesh; // create & associate MeshFilter MeshFilter _meshFilter = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); _splineFormer.LoftingGroups[0].MeshFilter = _meshFilter; // create & associate MeshCollider MeshCollider _meshCollider = go.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); _splineFormer.LoftingGroups[0].MeshCollider = _meshCollider; // create MeshRenderer & Material MeshRenderer _meshMeshRenderer = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); _meshMeshRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); Color[] palette = new Color[7] {, Color.cyan, Color.gray,, Color.magenta,, Color.yellow }; _meshMeshRenderer.material.color = palette[pathGOs.Count % palette.Length]; return(go); }
public string GetName(SplineFormer splineFormer, LoftingGroup group) { if (!ExtendedNaming) { return(String.Format("{0} Lg#{1} result",, splineFormer.LoftingGroups.IndexOf(group))); } List <string> parts = new List <string>(10); if (AddObjectName) { parts.Add(; } if (AddLoftingGroupIndex) { parts.Add(String.Format("Lg#{0}", splineFormer.LoftingGroups.IndexOf(group))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomName)) { parts.Add(CustomName); } if (AddDateTime) { parts.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString()); } if (AddAutoIncrementNumber) { _uk++; parts.Add(_uk.ToString()); } string name = String.Join(" ", parts.ToArray()); name = CleanFileName(name); return(name); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { splineFormer = GetComponent <SplineFormer>(); }
public string GetName(SplineFormer splineFormer, LoftingGroup group) { if (!ExtendedNaming) { return String.Format("{0} Lg#{1} result",, splineFormer.LoftingGroups.IndexOf(group)); } List<string> parts = new List<string>(10); if (AddObjectName) parts.Add(; if (AddLoftingGroupIndex) parts.Add(String.Format("Lg#{0}", splineFormer.LoftingGroups.IndexOf(group))); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomName)) parts.Add(CustomName); if (AddDateTime) parts.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (AddAutoIncrementNumber) { _uk++; parts.Add(_uk.ToString()); } string name = String.Join(" ", parts.ToArray()); name = CleanFileName(name); return name; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _splineFormer = GameObject.Find("Road").GetComponent <SplineFormer>(); }
// Gets new data from Sense public void NewData(string d) { // Remove any existing sankey foreach (Transform child in transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); pathGOs.Clear(); Debug.Log("data: " + d); JSONNode JPaths = JSON.Parse(d); //var pathList = new List<Path>(); var Paths = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, int> >(); var CompletedPaths = new Dictionary <int, float>(); var Groups = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, float> >(); int MaxSteps = 0; for (int i = 0; i < JPaths.AsArray.Count; i++) { // Splice path string p = JPaths[i]; //Debug.Log("path: " + p); string path = p.Substring(1, p.Length - 2); string[] nodes = path.Split(','); if (nodes.Length < 2) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++) { string n = nodes[j]; //Debug.Log("node: " + n); if (Paths.ContainsKey(j)) { if (Paths[j].ContainsKey(n)) { Paths[j][n]++; } else { Paths[j][n] = 1; } } else { Paths.Add(j, new Dictionary <string, int>()); Paths[j][n] = 1; } MaxSteps = MaxSteps > Paths[j][n] ? MaxSteps : Paths[j][n]; //Original //MaxSteps = MaxSteps > Paths[j][n] ? MaxSteps : Paths[j][n]; MaxSteps = MaxSteps > nodes.Length ? MaxSteps : nodes.Length; Debug.Log("SANKEY MaxSteps: " + MaxSteps); } } for (int i = 0; i < JPaths.AsArray.Count; i++) { string p = JPaths[i]; string path = p.Substring(1, p.Length - 2); string[] nodes = path.Split(','); if (nodes.Length < 2) { continue; } if (nodes.Length < Paths.Count) { Paths[Paths.Count - 1][nodes[nodes.Length - 1]] = 1; } } Debug.Log("Last pos length: " + Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count); for (int i = 0; i < JPaths.AsArray.Count; i++) { // Splice path string p = JPaths[i]; Debug.Log("path: " + p); string path = p.Substring(1, p.Length - 2); string[] nodes = path.Split(','); if (nodes.Length < 2) { continue; } GameObject go = createSpline(); Vector3 pp = transform.position; // go.transform.position = new Vector3(pp.x, chartHeight / (float)JPaths.AsArray.Count * (float)i, pp.z); go.transform.position = new Vector3(pp.x, pp.y, pp.z); pathGOs.Add(go); // Setup nodes SplineFormer sf = go.GetComponent <SplineFormer>(); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++) { string n = nodes[j]; //Debug.Log("node: " + n); // float zStep= chartLength / (nodes.Length-1); float zStep = chartLength / MaxSteps; // float zPos = zStep * (float)j; float zPos; zPos = j < (nodes.Length - 1) ? zStep * (float)j : chartLength; if (j < nodes.Length - 1) { if (CompletedPaths.ContainsKey(j)) { CompletedPaths[j]++; } else { CompletedPaths.Add(j, 1f); } } else { if (CompletedPaths.ContainsKey(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count)) { CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]++; } else { CompletedPaths.Add(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count, 1f); } } SplineNode sn = null; if (j > 1) { sn = sf.AddNodeImmediately(); Vector3 f = sn.transform.position; float hOffset; if (j < nodes.Length - 1) { if (Groups.ContainsKey(j)) { if (Groups[j].ContainsKey(n)) { hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } else { Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[j]; hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } } else { Groups.Add(j, new Dictionary <string, float>()); Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[j]; hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } } else { //hOffset = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; if (Groups.ContainsKey(Paths.Count - 1)) { if (Groups[Paths.Count - 1].ContainsKey(n)) { hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } else { Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } } else { Groups.Add(Paths.Count - 1, new Dictionary <string, float>()); Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } } f = f + Vector3.up * hOffset; sn.transform.position = new Vector3(f.x, f.y, zPos); } else if (j == 1) { sn = sf.Nodes[j]; Vector3 f = sn.transform.position; float hOffset; if (j < nodes.Length - 1) { //Debug.Log("Path count: " + Paths[j][n]); if (Paths[j][n] > 1) { if (Groups.ContainsKey(j)) { if (Groups[j].ContainsKey(n)) { hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } else { Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[j]; hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } } else { Groups.Add(j, new Dictionary <string, float>()); Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[j]; hOffset = Groups[j][n]; } } else { hOffset = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[j]; } } else { //hOffset = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; if (Groups.ContainsKey(Paths.Count - 1)) { if (Groups[Paths.Count - 1].ContainsKey(n)) { hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } else { Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } } else { Groups.Add(Paths.Count - 1, new Dictionary <string, float>()); Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count + 1) * CompletedPaths[Paths[Paths.Count - 1].Count]; hOffset = Groups[Paths.Count - 1][n]; } } f = f + Vector3.up * hOffset; sn.transform.position = new Vector3(f.x, f.y, zPos); } else if (j == 0) { sn = sf.Nodes[j]; Vector3 f = sn.transform.position; float yStep = chartHeight / (float)JPaths.AsArray.Count; //// f = f + Vector3.up * -((float)i-1f) * yStep; // f = f + Vector3.up * chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count+1); //Debug.Log("NumNodesAtPos " + j + ": " + Paths[j].Count + " for path " + i + " = " + chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1)); if (Groups.ContainsKey(j)) { if (!Groups[j].ContainsKey(n)) { Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1); } } else { Groups.Add(j, new Dictionary <string, float>()); Groups[j][n] = chartHeight / (float)(Paths[j].Count + 1); } f = f + Vector3.up * Groups[j][n]; sn.transform.position = f; } // Add Sphere Nodes to nodes GameObject spNode = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("SankeyNode"), sn.transform.position, sn.transform.rotation); Vector3 vec = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f); spNode.transform.Rotate(vec, 180f); spNode.transform.SetParent(sn.transform); float _nodeScaler = Mathf.Lerp(0.1f, 0.2f, Paths[j][n] / MaxSteps); spNode.transform.localScale = new Vector3(_nodeScaler, _nodeScaler, _nodeScaler); // Add Text Labels to nodes GameObject label = spNode.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; label.transform.RotateAround(sn.transform.position, Vector3.up, 90); GameObject txt = label.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; txt.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = n; // Add Tap Handler SelectMgr hit = spNode.AddComponent <SelectMgr>(); } sf.InvalidateMesh(); } // Move Sankey above patient /*Vector3 pPos = patient.transform.position; * pPos.x -= 0.4f; * pPos.y += 0.8f; * pPos.z -= 0.5f; * gameObject.transform.position = pPos; * Quaternion pRot = patient.transform.rotation; * pRot.y -= Mathf.PI * 0.25f; * gameObject.transform.rotation = pRot; */ ReTag(gameObject.transform, LayerMask.NameToLayer("Sankey")); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { splineFormer = GetComponent<SplineFormer>(); }
public static void MeshToObjFile(Mesh mesh, string filename, SplineFormer.ExportOptionsContainer options) { try { filename = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".obj"); string path = null; if (options.ShowSaveAsDialog) { path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export to OBJ", "", filename, "obj"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return; } else { path = AssetsDirectory + options.DefaultFolder + "/" + filename; } PrepareDirectory(path); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { sw.Write(MeshToObjString(mesh)); } filename = Path.GetFileName(path); string msg = String.Format("Mesh exported as {0}.", filename); if (options.ShowExportResultDialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Exported successfully", msg, "OK"); } else { Debug.Log(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { string msg = e.Message; if (options.ShowExportResultDialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Export failed", msg, "OK"); } else { Debug.LogError("Export failed:" + msg); } } }
public static void MeshToAsset(Mesh mesh, string filename, SplineFormer.ExportOptionsContainer options) { try { filename = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".asset"); string path = null; if (options.ShowSaveAsDialog) { path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export to asset", AssetsDirectory, filename, "asset"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return; } else { path = AssetsDirectory + options.DefaultFolder + "/" + filename; } int index = path.LastIndexOf(AssetsDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format("Asset can't be saved outside the folder \"{0}\"", AssetsDirectory) ); } PrepareDirectory(path); mesh = (Mesh)Instantiate(mesh); path = path.Remove(0, index); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(path); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, path); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); filename = Path.GetFileName(path); string msg = String.Format("Mesh exported as {0}.", filename); if (options.ShowExportResultDialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Exported successfully", msg, "OK"); } else { Debug.Log(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { string msg = e.Message; if (options.ShowExportResultDialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Export failed", msg, "OK"); } else { Debug.LogError("Export failed:" + msg); } } }
private void GetSplineFormer() { if (_splineFormer == null) _splineFormer = (SplineFormer)target; }
private bool FoldoutOption(string label, SplineFormer.LoftingGroup group) { int index = _splineFormer.LoftingGroups.IndexOf(group); string key = label + index; if (!_foldouts.ContainsKey(key)) _foldouts[key] = false; _foldouts[key] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_foldouts[key], label); return _foldouts[key]; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _splineFormer = GameObject.Find("Road").GetComponent<SplineFormer>(); }