private void AddSplinePoint() { splinePointRenderers[splinePointRenderers.Count - 1].EnableRightControlPoint(); Vector2 mousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); spline.AddPoint(mousePosition); SplinePointRenderer splinePoint = Instantiate(splinePointRendererPrefab, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity); splinePoint.Parent = this; splinePoint.Index = splinePointRenderers.Count; splinePointRenderers.Add(splinePoint); splinePoint.RenderPoint( spline.AnchorPoints[spline.AnchorPoints.Count - 1], spline.ControlPoints[spline.ControlPoints.Count - 1]); splinePoint.ControlPointRight.IsEndPoint = true; RenderSpline(); }
public Path(List <Vector> points, double travelTime) { foreach (Vector v in points) { _spline.AddPoint(v); } _tween = new Tween(0, 1, travelTime); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { _spline = target as Spline; serializedObject.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("showGizmo")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("showNumbers")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("showVelocities")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("showAccelerations")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("color")); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); bool loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Loop", _spline.loop); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "Toggle Loop"); foreach (Object o in serializedObject.targetObjects) { Spline s = o as Spline; s.loop = loop; EditorUtility.SetDirty(s); } } if (_selectedIndex >= 0 && _selectedIndex <= _spline.curveCount * 3) { _DrawSelectedPointInspector(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Add Point")) { Undo.RecordObject(_spline, "Add Point"); _spline.AddPoint(_selectedIndex); EditorUtility.SetDirty(_spline); } if (_spline.curveCount >= 2 && (_selectedIndex == 0 || _selectedIndex % 3 == 0)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Point")) { Undo.RecordObject(_spline, "Delete Point"); _spline.DeletePoint(_selectedIndex); _selectedIndex = -1; EditorUtility.SetDirty(_spline); } } if (SplinesGUI.Foldout(ref foldouts[0], "Spline Info")) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Total Length: " + _spline.length); } }
private Spline CreateSpline(Point nextP) { GameObject newSpline = (GameObject)Instantiate(SplinePrefab,, Quaternion.identity); Spline s = newSpline.GetComponent <Spline> (); = + "—" +; s.Selected = curPoint; progress = 0; if (lastPoint != curPoint) { s.AddPoint(lastPoint); } s.AddPoint(curPoint); s.AddPoint(nextP); s.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(curPoint.Pos, nextP.Pos, 0.5f); s.DrawMesh(); return(s); }
public SplineIdle(JSONTransform[] jsonSpline) { timeElapsed = 0; spline = new Spline(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonSpline.Length; ++i) { JSONTransform element = jsonSpline[i]; spline.AddPoint( element.position, Quaternion.Euler(element.eulerAngles), step * i, new Vector2(0, 1) ); } spline.StartInterpolation(null, true, eWrapMode.LOOP); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_numSubDivisions); _spline.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (SerializedProperty.EqualContents(_numSubDivisions, __numSubDivisions)) { __numSubDivisions = _numSubDivisions; spline = (Spline)target; spline.UpdateNumberSubDivisions(); } //DrawDefaultInspector(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Point")) { Spline spline = (Spline)target; spline.AddPoint(false); } }
public void PointSwitch() { Spline nextSpline = null; Point nextPoint = null; bool newSpline = false; bool newPoint = false; float angleToSpline = Mathf.Infinity; if (curPoint.HasSplines()) { bool forward = true; Spline closestSpline = null; Point pointDest = null; foreach (Spline s in curPoint.GetSplines()) { foreach (Point p in curPoint.GetNeighbours()) { if (!p._connectedSplines.Contains(s)) { //do nothing if the point is in another spline } else { float curAngle; int indexDifference = s.SplinePoints.IndexOf(p) - s.SplinePoints.IndexOf(curPoint); if (indexDifference == -1 || indexDifference > 1) { curAngle = s.CompareAngleAtPoint(cursorDir, p, true); } else { curAngle = s.CompareAngleAtPoint(cursorDir, curPoint); } if (curAngle < angleToSpline) { angleToSpline = curAngle; closestSpline = s; pointDest = p; } } } } int indexdiff = closestSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(pointDest) - closestSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(curPoint); if (indexdiff == -1 || indexdiff > 1) { closestSpline.Selected = pointDest; forward = false; Services.Player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour> ().SetProgress(1f); } else { Services.Player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour> ().SetProgress(0f); forward = true; closestSpline.Selected = curPoint; } if (angleToSpline <= StopAngleDiff) { nextSpline = closestSpline; } } if (Input.GetButton("x") && nextSpline == null && angleToSpline > LineAngleDiff) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(cursor.transform.position)); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Point") { Point hitPoint = hit.collider.GetComponent <Point> (); if (hitPoint == curPoint) { //you clicked on the node you are currently on } else { newPoint = true; nextPoint = hitPoint; } } } else if (inventory.Count > 0) { //DOUBLE POINT ERROR IS ONLY HAPPENING IN THE MIDDLE OF LINES? newPoint = true; nextPoint = CreatePoint(cursor.transform.position); } if (newPoint) { if (curSpline != null && (curPoint == curSpline.StartPoint() || curPoint == curSpline.EndPoint())) { //EDGE CASE //Creating endpoint when you're on startpoint //make it so that the start/midpoint get shifted down one index, insert at startpoint newSpline = false; if (nextPoint == curSpline.StartPoint() || nextPoint == curSpline.EndPoint() && !curSpline.closed) { curSpline.closed = true; curSpline.LoopIndex = curSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(nextPoint); curPoint.AddPoint(nextPoint); nextPoint.AddPoint(curPoint); if (curSpline.GetPointIndex(nextPoint) - curSpline.GetPointIndex(curPoint) > 1) { curSpline.Selected = nextPoint; } } else { curSpline.AddPoint(nextPoint); } nextSpline = curSpline; = nextSpline.SplinePoints [0].name + "—" + curSpline.EndPoint().name; } else { newSpline = true; //YOU CANT JUST ADD THE NEW POINT INTO THE OLD SPLINE IF YOU'RE DOING SO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SPLINE //IT WILL CREATE PROBLEMS. IT WONT KNOW THE PROPER NEIGHBOURS //MAYBE INSERT IT AT A POSITION //If at the end or start of the current line, insert the new point at the ends //if not, don't insert it // if (curSpline != null && !curSpline.SplinePoints.Contains (nextPoint)) { // curSpline.AddPoint (nextPoint); // } nextSpline = CreateSpline(nextPoint); } } } //BREAK OUT OF FUNCTION BEFORE THE NEXT SPLINE IS SET TO THE CURRENT SPLINE if (!newPoint && nextSpline == null) { flow = Mathf.Lerp(flow, 0, decay * Time.deltaTime); // transform.position = curPoint.transform.position; return; } else { //SET NEXT SPLINE TO CURRENT SPLINE curSpline = nextSpline; curSpline.OnSplineExit(); if (newPoint) { if (curPoint == curSpline.Selected) { if (!goingForward) { // flow = -flow; } goingForward = true; progress = 0; } else { if (goingForward) { // flow = -flow; } goingForward = false; progress = 1; } } traversing = true; } }