Exemple #1
        private Point GetBestPointToHide(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            var allValidMoves = GetValidMoves(allPlayers, board, this.GetInfo() as SpleefPlayerInfo);

            var playersPositions = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, board)
                                   .Where(x => x.ID != this.GetInfo().ID)
                                   .Select(p => p.CurrentLocation);
            var list               = playersPositions.ToList();
            var enemyCentroid      = new Polygon(list).FindCentroid();
            var enemyCentroidPoint = new Point((int)enemyCentroid.X, (int)enemyCentroid.Y);

            var solidSquares              = GetSolidSquares(allPlayers, board);
            var solidSquaresCentroid      = new Polygon(solidSquares.ToList()).FindCentroid();
            var solidSquaresCentroidPoint = new Point((int)solidSquaresCentroid.X, (int)solidSquaresCentroid.Y);

            Point move = Point.Empty;

            var bestMovesByDescending = allValidMoves.Select(x => new
                Move  = x,
                Value = (GetDistance(solidSquaresCentroidPoint, x) * _centerOfMassSolidWeight) -
                        (GetDistance(enemyCentroidPoint, x) * _centerOfMassEnemiesWeight) + 100

            if (bestMovesByDescending.Any())
                move = bestMovesByDescending.First().Move;

        private bool CanGoDirection(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point myLocation)
            var destination = GetTargetSquare(myLocation, currentDirection);

            return((destination.X >= 0 && destination.Y >= 0 && destination.X < board.Width &&
                    destination.Y < board.Height) && board[destination.X, destination.Y].IsSolid);
Exemple #3
        private SpleefDecision ChooseRandomSurvivalDirection(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point myLocation)
            var possibilities = new List <SpleefDecision>();


            for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    if (j != 0 || i != 0)
                        var moveAction = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, new Point(i, j));

                        if (moveAction.IsValid)
                            var dest = new Point(myLocation.X + moveAction.Target.X, myLocation.Y + moveAction.Target.Y);

                            if (dest.X >= 0 && dest.X < board.Width && dest.Y >= 0 && dest.Y < board.Height)
                                if (board[dest.X, dest.Y].IsSolid)

            return(possibilities[RandomGen.Next(0, possibilities.Count)]);
Exemple #4
        private int GetNumMovesNextTurn(SpleefDecision decision, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, int myLocX, int myLocY)
            if (decision.Action != SpleefAction.Move)

            var newBoard = board.Clone();

            newBoard[myLocX, myLocY].Destroy();
            var destX = myLocX + decision.Target.X;
            var destY = myLocY + decision.Target.Y;

            var num = 0;

            for (var i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                for (var j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    var destXAfter = destX + i;
                    var destYAfter = destY + j;
                    if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && destXAfter >= 0 && destYAfter >= 0 && destXAfter < board.Width && destYAfter < board.Height)
                        if (board[destX, destY].IsSolid)

Exemple #5
 public IEnumerable <Point> GetSolidSquares(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> players, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
     for (var i = 0; i < board.Width; i++)
         for (var j = 0; j < board.Height; j++)
             if (board[i, j].IsSolid && FindShortestPathAStar(board, GetMyLocation(), new Point(i, j)) != null)
                 yield return(new Point(i, j));
Exemple #6
        public IEnumerable <Point> GetValidMoves(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> players, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board,
                                                 SpleefPlayerInfo currentPlayer)
            var alivePlayers      = GetAlivePlayers(players, board);
            var otherAlivePlayers = alivePlayers.Where(x => x.ID != currentPlayer.ID).ToList();

            foreach (var point in GetAllMoves(board, currentPlayer.CurrentLocation))
                if (board[point.X, point.Y].IsSolid && otherAlivePlayers.All(x => x.CurrentLocation != point))
                    yield return(point);
Exemple #7
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard spleefBoard)
            _currentBoard = spleefBoard;
            var myLocation   = GetMyLocation();
            var aliveEnemies = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, spleefBoard).Where(x => x.ID != Info.ID).ToList();

            var closestPlayers = FindClosestPlayersByDistance(aliveEnemies, myLocation);

            if (!closestPlayers.Any())

            var target         = closestPlayers[RandomGen.Next(0, closestPlayers.Count)];
            var targetLocation = GetPlayerLocation(target);

            var distance = GetDistance(targetLocation, myLocation);

            if (distance > 0 && distance < 3 && timeSpentHere < 3)
                var offsetFromMe = new Point(targetLocation.X - myLocation.X, targetLocation.Y - myLocation.Y);
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Hole, offsetFromMe));

            List <Point> targetPath            = null;
            var          easiestToReachPlayers = FindClosestPlayersByPath(aliveEnemies, myLocation);

            while (targetPath == null && easiestToReachPlayers.Any())
                var targetToRunAfter = easiestToReachPlayers[RandomGen.Next(0, easiestToReachPlayers.Count)];
                targetLocation = GetPlayerLocation(targetToRunAfter);
                targetPath     = FindShortestPathAStar(spleefBoard, myLocation, targetLocation);

            if (targetPath != null && targetPath.Count > 1)
                var thisTurnDest = targetPath[1];
                var offsetFromMe = new Point(thisTurnDest.X - myLocation.X, thisTurnDest.Y - myLocation.Y);

                timeSpentHere = 0;
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, offsetFromMe));

            timeSpentHere = 0;
            return(ChooseRandomSurvivalDirection(spleefBoard, myLocation));
Exemple #8
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard spleefBoard)
            var possibilities = new List <SpleefDecision>();


            var myLocation = GetMyLocation();

            for (int i = -2; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++)
                    if (j != 0 || i != 0)
                        var moveAction = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, new Point(i, j));
                        var holeAction = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Hole, new Point(i, j));

                        if (moveAction.IsValid)
                            var dest = new Point(myLocation.X + moveAction.Target.X, myLocation.Y + moveAction.Target.Y);

                            if (dest.X >= 0 && dest.X < spleefBoard.Width && dest.Y >= 0 && dest.Y < spleefBoard.Height)
                                if (spleefBoard[dest.X, dest.Y].IsSolid)
                        if (holeAction.IsValid)
                            var dest = new Point(myLocation.X + holeAction.Target.X, myLocation.Y + holeAction.Target.Y);

                            if (dest.X >= 0 && dest.X < spleefBoard.Width && dest.Y >= 0 && dest.Y < spleefBoard.Height)
                                if (spleefBoard[dest.X, dest.Y].IsSolid)

            return(possibilities[RandomGen.Next(0, possibilities.Count)]);
Exemple #9
        public IEnumerable <Point> GetAllMoves(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point currentPosition)
            var baseValidMoves = new List <Point>()
                new Point(currentPosition.X - 1, currentPosition.Y - 1),
                new Point(currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y - 1),
                new Point(currentPosition.X + 1, currentPosition.Y - 1),
                new Point(currentPosition.X - 1, currentPosition.Y),
                new Point(currentPosition.X + 1, currentPosition.Y),
                new Point(currentPosition.X - 1, currentPosition.Y + 1),
                new Point(currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y + 1),
                new Point(currentPosition.X + 1, currentPosition.Y + 1),

            var validMoves = baseValidMoves.Where(m => m.X >= 0 && m.Y >= 0 && m.X < board.Width && m.Y < board.Height);

        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard spleefBoard)
            if (currentDirection == Point.Empty)

            var myLocation = GetMyLocation();

            var tries = 20;

            while (tries > 0 && (!CanGoDirection(spleefBoard, myLocation) || currentDirection == Point.Empty))

            return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, currentDirection));
        private List <Point> GetCasesAround(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point pos)
            var cases = new List <Point>();

            for (var x = -1; x < 2; x++)
                for (var y = -1; y < 2; y++)
                    var realCoordX = pos.X + x;

                    var realCoordY = pos.Y + y;
                    if ((x != 0 || y != 0) && (realCoordX > -1 && realCoordY > -1 && realCoordX < board.Width && realCoordY < board.Height &&
                                               board[realCoordX, realCoordY].IsSolid))
                        cases.Add(new Point(realCoordX, realCoordY));
        private List <Point> GetCasesAround2Dis(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point pos)
            var cases      = new List <Point>();
            var casestempo = new List <Point>()
                new Point(pos.X + 2, pos.Y),
                new Point(pos.X - 2, pos.Y),
                new Point(pos.X, pos.Y + 2),
                new Point(pos.X, pos.Y - 2)

            foreach (var c in casestempo)
                var laCase = c;
                if ((laCase.X > -1 && laCase.Y > -1 && laCase.X < board.Width && laCase.Y < board.Height &&
                     board[laCase.X, laCase.Y].IsSolid) && (FindShortestPathAStar(board, pos, laCase) == null))
Exemple #13
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            var bestHidingPosition = GetBestPointToHide(allPlayers, board);
            var currentPosition    = GetMyLocation();

            var alivePlayers = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, board);
            var aliveEnemies = alivePlayers.Where(x => x.ID != this.GetInfo().ID);

            if (aliveEnemies.Any(x => FindShortestPathAStar(board, x.CurrentLocation, bestHidingPosition) != null))
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move,
                                          new Point(bestHidingPosition.X - currentPosition.X, bestHidingPosition.Y - currentPosition.Y)));

            if (board[currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y].HealthRemaining >= 2)
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Wait, Point.Empty));

            return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move,
                                      new Point(bestHidingPosition.X - currentPosition.X, bestHidingPosition.Y - currentPosition.Y)));
Exemple #14
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            var highestTotalOpponentDistance = double.MinValue;
            var bestSquare = Point.Empty;

            var myLocation   = GetMyLocation();
            var alivePlayers = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, board).Where(x => x.ID != Info.ID).ToList();

            for (var i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                for (var j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    var sqrX = myLocation.X + i;
                    var sqrY = myLocation.Y + j;
                    if (sqrX >= 0 && sqrY >= 0 && sqrX < board.Width && sqrY < board.Height && board[sqrX, sqrY].IsSolid && (i != 0 || j != 0))
                        var targetSquare        = new Point(sqrX, sqrY);
                        var totOpponentDistance = 0.0;
                        foreach (var p in alivePlayers)
                            var path = FindShortestPathAStar(board, targetSquare, p.CurrentLocation);
                            if (path != null && path.Count > 1)
                                totOpponentDistance += Math.Sqrt(path.Count);

                        if (totOpponentDistance > highestTotalOpponentDistance)
                            highestTotalOpponentDistance = totOpponentDistance;
                            bestSquare = new Point(i, j);

            return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, bestSquare));
Exemple #15
 private bool seeIfAlone(Point currentPosition, List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, List <Point> alreadyUsedPoint)
     foreach (Point move in possibleMove)
         Point newPosition = new Point(currentPosition.X + move.X, currentPosition.Y + move.Y);
         if (newPosition.X >= 0 && newPosition.Y >= 0 && newPosition.X < board.Width && newPosition.Y < board.Height && this.IsAlive(newPosition, board) && !pointWePassed.Contains(newPosition))
             if (otherPlayersPosition.Contains(newPosition))
             bool alone = seeIfAlone(newPosition, allPlayers, board, alreadyUsedPoint);
             if (!alone)
             pointWePassed.Remove(alreadyUsedPoint[alreadyUsedPoint.Count - 1]);
 public List <SpleefPlayerInfo> GetAlivePlayers(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
     return(allPlayers.Where(x => board[x.CurrentLocation.X, x.CurrentLocation.Y].IsSolid).ToList());
 public abstract SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the shortest path containing no holes to go from one point to another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board">The Spleef board, including holes</param>
        /// <param name="startPoint">The starting point</param>
        /// <param name="goal">The point to reach</param>
        /// <returns>The List of point from the start to the goal that the shortest path takes. Includes the start point and the goal.</returns>
        protected List <Point> FindShortestPathAStar(SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, Point startPoint, Point goal)
            // The set of nodes already evaluated
            var closedSet = new List <Point>();

            // The set of currently discovered nodes that are not evaluated yet.
            // Initially, only the start node is known.
            var openSet = new List <Point>()

            // For each node, which node it can most efficiently be reached from.
            // If a node can be reached from many nodes, cameFrom will eventually contain the
            // most efficient previous step.
            var cameFrom = new Dictionary <Point, Point>();

            // For each node, the cost of getting from the start node to that node.
            var gScore = new Dictionary <Point, int>();

            // The cost of going from start to start is zero.
            gScore.Add(startPoint, 0);

            // For each node, the total cost of getting from the start node to the goal
            // by passing by that node. That value is partly known, partly heuristic.
            var fScore = new Dictionary <Point, int>();

            // For the first node, that value is completely heuristic.
            fScore.Add(startPoint, GetDistance(startPoint, goal));

            while (openSet.Any())
                var current      = Point.Empty;
                var lowestfScore = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (var os in openSet)
                    if (fScore.ContainsKey(os))
                        if (fScore[os] < lowestfScore)
                            lowestfScore = fScore[os];
                            current      = os;

                if (current == goal)
                    return(RebuildPath(cameFrom, current));


                var neighbors = new List <Point>();
                for (var i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                    for (var j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                        var neighX = current.X + i;
                        var neighY = current.Y + j;
                        if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && (neighX > -1 && neighY > -1 && neighX < board.Width && neighY < board.Height))
                            if (board[neighX, neighY].IsSolid)
                                neighbors.Add(new Point(neighX, neighY));

                foreach (var n in neighbors)
                    if (!closedSet.Contains(n))
                        // The distance from start to a neighbor
                        var tentativeGScore = gScore[current] + 1;

                        if (!openSet.Contains(n))                       // Discover a new node

                        if (!(gScore.ContainsKey(n)) || tentativeGScore < gScore[n])
                            // This path is the best until now. Record it!
                            cameFrom[n] = current;
                            gScore[n]   = tentativeGScore;
                            var ds = GetDistance(n, goal);
                            fScore[n] = gScore[n] + ds;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the list of all alive players from a list of players and a board they are on
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="players">The players to check</param>
 /// <param name="board">The board they are on</param>
 /// <returns>The list of the players who are actually alive</returns>
 protected List <SpleefPlayerInfo> GetAlivePlayers(List <PlayerInfo> players, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
     return(players.Where(x => IsAlive(x, board)).OfType <SpleefPlayerInfo>().ToList());
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests if a bot on a given square is still alive on a specific board
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">The square to check</param>
 /// <param name="board">The board</param>
 /// <returns>true if a bot that would be on that square would be alive</returns>
 protected bool IsAlive(Point location, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
     return(board[location.X, location.Y].IsSolid);
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests if a bot is still alive on a specific board
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">The bot to check</param>
 /// <param name="board">The board</param>
 /// <returns>true if it is alive</returns>
 protected bool IsAlive(PlayerInfo info, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
     return(IsAlive(GetPlayerLocation(info), board));
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            var choix = SpleefDecision.DefaultDecision;

            if (gameNumber == 1 && turnNumber == 1)
                foreach (var p in allPlayers)
                    playerArray.Add(p.ID, new PlayerPersonality(p.ID));

            var players = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, board);
            var me      = (SpleefPlayerInfo)Info;

            // Need history

            /*if (roundNum !== 0 && me.History.length > 0)
             * {
             *          foreach (var p in players)
             *  {
             *      if (players[p].History[players[p].History.length - 1].indexOf("HOLE") !== -1)
             *      {
             *          playerArray[players[p].ID].Aggr++;
             *          totAggr++;
             *          playerArray[players[p].ID].Echec == 0.5;
             *      }
             *      else if (players[p].History[players[p].History.length - 1].indexOf("MOVE") !== -1)
             *      {
             *          playerArray[players[p].ID].Echec == 0.5;
             *      }
             *      if (roundNum == 5)
             *      {
             *          playerArray[players[p].ID].Echec == 0.5;
             *      }
             *      else if (players[p].History[players[p].History.length - 1] == ("I suck at this game") && playerArray[players[p].ID].Echec != 0.5)
             *      {
             *          playerArray[players[p].ID].Echec == 2;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            //Moves bitches
            var canStay = true;

            if (stayCpt == 0)
                canStay = false;
            // ajouter et si bot agressif à proximité, ne pas stay, sen éloigner ou le bloquer

            var myBoard  = board.Clone();
            var myBoard2 = board.Clone();

            foreach (var p in players)
                if (p.ID != me.ID)
                    myBoard[p.CurrentLocation.X, p.CurrentLocation.Y].Status = SpleefSquareStatus.Hole;
                myBoard2[p.CurrentLocation.X, p.CurrentLocation.Y].Status = SpleefSquareStatus.Hole;

            var myLongArray = new List <List <Point> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < myBoard2.Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < myBoard2.Height; j++)
                    if (myBoard2[i, j].IsSolid)
                        var arrP = new List <Point>();
                        arrP.Add(new Point(i, j));

            var longeurArray = -1;

            while (longeurArray != myLongArray.Count)
                longeurArray = myLongArray.Count;
                for (var m = 0; m < myLongArray.Count; m++)
                    for (var n = m + 1; n < myLongArray.Count; n++)
                        var isAnyAdjacent = false;
                        for (var k = 0; k < myLongArray[n].Count; k++)
                            for (var l = 0; l < myLongArray[m].Count; l++)
                                var dis = GetDistance(myLongArray[n][k], myLongArray[m][l]);
                                if (dis == 1 || (dis == 2 && myLongArray[n][k].X != myLongArray[m][l].X && myLongArray[n][k].Y != myLongArray[m][l].Y))
                                    isAnyAdjacent = true;

                        if (isAnyAdjacent)
                            for (var l = 0; l < myLongArray[m].Count; l++)


                            n = myLongArray.Count + 1;
                            m = myLongArray.Count + 1;

            //code temporaire
            var monArray8CaseCancer = GetCasesAround(myBoard, me.CurrentLocation);

            var array8CaseCancerScores = new Dictionary <Point, double>();

            if (monArray8CaseCancer.Count > 0)
                foreach (var cancer in monArray8CaseCancer)
                    var arraySecondaire        = GetCasesAround(myBoard, cancer);
                    var nombreCasesTourSuivant = arraySecondaire.Count;
                    var lesProfondeurs         = 0;
                    if (nombreCasesTourSuivant > 0)
                        foreach (var sdf in arraySecondaire)
                            var arrayTertiere = GetCasesAround(myBoard, sdf);
                            lesProfondeurs += arrayTertiere.Count;

                    var distanceEnnemi = 0.0;
                    var multipli       = 1.0;
                    foreach (var dude in players)
                        if (dude.ID != me.ID)
                            var pathEnemi = FindShortestPathAStar(board, cancer, dude.CurrentLocation);
                            if (pathEnemi != null)
                                multipli        = ((1 + (playerArray[dude.ID].Aggr / totAggr)) * playerArray[dude.ID].Failure) * ratiosBalance[2];
                                distanceEnnemi += (Math.Sqrt(pathEnemi.Count)) * multipli / players.Count;

                    var sizeZone = 0;
                    for (var m = 0; m < myLongArray.Count; m++)
                        for (var n = 0; n < myLongArray[m].Count; n++)
                            if (myLongArray[m][n].X == cancer.X && myLongArray[m][n].Y == cancer.Y)
                                sizeZone = myLongArray[m].Count;

                    array8CaseCancerScores.Add(cancer, (ratiosBalance[0] * nombreCasesTourSuivant)
                                               + (ratiosBalance[1] * distanceEnnemi)
                                               + (ratiosBalance[3] * lesProfondeurs)
                                               + (ratiosBalance[4] * sizeZone / players.Count));

                var bestMoves      = new List <Point>();
                var bestMovesScore = double.MinValue;
                foreach (var m in monArray8CaseCancer)
                    if (array8CaseCancerScores[m] > bestMovesScore)
                        bestMovesScore = array8CaseCancerScores[m];
                        bestMoves      = new List <Point>()
                    else if (Math.Abs(array8CaseCancerScores[m] - bestMovesScore) < 0.01)

                var chosenMove = bestMoves[RandomGen.Next(0, bestMoves.Count)];

                var isSafe = true;
                foreach (var dude in players)
                    if (dude.ID != me.ID)
                        if (FindShortestPathAStar(board, me.CurrentLocation, dude.CurrentLocation) != null)
                            isSafe = false;

                if (players.Count < 4)
                    foreach (var p in players)

                if (isSafe && stayCpt > 0)
                    choix = SpleefDecision.DefaultDecision;
                    choix = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, new Point(chosenMove.X, chosenMove.Y));

            if (choix.Action == SpleefAction.Wait)
                var caseAttaque = GetCasesAround2Dis(myBoard, me.CurrentLocation);
                if (caseAttaque.Count > 0)
                    var chosenAttack = caseAttaque[RandomGen.Next(0, caseAttaque.Count)];

                    choix = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Hole, new Point(chosenAttack.X, chosenAttack.Y));
                SpleefPlayerInfo closestOpponent = null;
                var closestOpponentDistance      = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (var p in players)
                    if (p.ID != me.ID)
                        var dist = GetDistance(me.CurrentLocation, p.CurrentLocation);
                        if (dist < closestOpponentDistance && dist > 0)
                            closestOpponentDistance = dist;
                            closestOpponent         = p;

                if (closestOpponentDistance < 3)
                    choix = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Hole, new Point(closestOpponent.CurrentLocation.X, closestOpponent.CurrentLocation.Y));

            // Retours possibles
            // Si une action invalide est retournée, l'action "WAIT" sera effectuée à la place
            // Faire un trou sur un trou existant, faire un trou trop loin
            // Bouger sur une case trop loin, bouger sur sa propre case
            // faire un trou ou bouger en dehors du board
            // sont toutes des actions invalides

            // Actions quand on est au sol
            // WAIT					Ne rien faire pour ce tour
            // MOVE X Y				Bouger sur une case (et détruire la case d'ou vous venez) dans un range de 1 de toi incluant les diagonales. Ni X ni Y ne peuvent être à plus de 1 de ta coordonnée.
            // HOLE X Y				Exploser une case au choix dans un range de 1-2 (Distance de Manhattan)

            if (choix.Action == SpleefAction.Wait || choix.Action == SpleefAction.Hole)
                stayCpt = 3;
            if (choix.Action == SpleefAction.Wait)
                choix = new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Hole, new Point(-9999, -9999));
            choix.Target = new Point(choix.Target.X - me.CurrentLocation.X, choix.Target.Y - me.CurrentLocation.Y);
        private double EvaluateDecision(SpleefDecision decision, List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, int myLocX, int myLocY, int turnsSpenthere, int depth, Dictionary <SpleefPlayerInfo, List <Point> > paths)
            if (depth <= 0)

            double score = _brain.DefaultMoveValue;

            var newLocX = myLocX + decision.Target.X;
            var newLocY = myLocY + decision.Target.Y;

            var newBoard      = board.Clone();
            var newTurnsSpent = turnsSpenthere + 1;

            if (decision.Action == SpleefAction.Move)
                newTurnsSpent = 0;
                newBoard[myLocX, myLocY].Destroy();
                score += _brain.MoveValue;
            else if (decision.Action == SpleefAction.Wait)
                score += _brain.WaitValue;

            foreach (var enemy in allPlayers)
                var hisPos   = GetPlayerLocation(enemy);
                var myPos    = GetMyLocation();
                var distBird = GetDistance(hisPos, myPos);

                score += (distBird * _brain.EnemyBirdDistance) + ((distBird * distBird) * _brain.EnemyBirdDistancePow2);

                if (paths.ContainsKey(enemy))
                    var path = paths[enemy];

                    if (path == null)
                        score += _brain.CantReachValue;
                        score += (path.Count * _brain.PathDistValue) + ((path.Count * path.Count) * _brain.PathDistValuePow2);

            var decisionsFromThere = GenerateDecisions(allPlayers, newBoard, newLocX, newLocY, newTurnsSpent);

            foreach (var deci in decisionsFromThere)
                score += EvaluateDecision(deci, allPlayers, board, newLocX, newLocY, newTurnsSpent, depth - 1, paths) / _brain.DepthValue;

Exemple #24
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            var myLocation = GetMyLocation();
            var enemies    = GetAlivePlayers(allPlayers, board).Where(x => x.ID != Info.ID).ToList();

            var sharingArea = true;

            if (enemies.Count < 4)
                sharingArea = false;
                foreach (var e in enemies)
                    var path = FindShortestPathAStar(board, myLocation, e.CurrentLocation);
                    if (path != null)
                        sharingArea = true;

            var myPossibilities = GenerateDecisions(enemies, board, myLocation.X, myLocation.Y, timeSpentHere);

            if (myPossibilities.Count == 0)

            var bestDecisions = new List <SpleefDecision>();
            var bestScore     = double.MinValue;

            if (sharingArea)
                foreach (var decision in myPossibilities)
                    var score = EvaluateDecision(decision, enemies, board, myLocation.X, myLocation.Y, timeSpentHere,
                    if (score > bestScore)
                        bestScore = score;
                    else if (score == bestScore)
                if (myPossibilities.Any(x => x.Action == SpleefAction.Wait))
                    foreach (var decision in myPossibilities)
                        var numNextTurn = GetNumMovesNextTurn(decision, board, myLocation.X, myLocation.Y);

                        var score = 0;
                        if (numNextTurn > 0)
                            score = 8 - numNextTurn;

                        if (score > bestScore)
                            bestScore = score;
                        else if (score == bestScore)

            var choice = bestDecisions[RandomGen.Next(0, bestDecisions.Count)];

            if (choice.Action == SpleefAction.Move)
                timeSpentHere = 0;

Exemple #25
        private double EvaluateDecision(SpleefDecision decision, List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, int myLocX, int myLocY, int turnsSpenthere, int depth)
            if (depth <= 0)

            double score = 1;

            var newLocX = myLocX + decision.Target.X;
            var newLocY = myLocY + decision.Target.Y;

            var newBoard      = board.Clone();
            var newTurnsSpent = turnsSpenthere + 1;

            if (decision.Action == SpleefAction.Move)
                newTurnsSpent = 0;
                newBoard[myLocX, myLocY].Destroy();

            var decisionsFromThere = GenerateDecisions(allPlayers, newBoard, newLocX, newLocY, newTurnsSpent);

            foreach (var deci in decisionsFromThere)
                score += EvaluateDecision(deci, allPlayers, board, newLocX, newLocY, newTurnsSpent, depth - 1) / 5;

Exemple #26
        private List <SpleefDecision> GenerateDecisions(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, int myLocX, int myLocY, int turnsSpentHere)
            var decisions = new List <SpleefDecision>();

            var closestPlayerDistance = int.MaxValue;

            foreach (var p in allPlayers)
                var dist = GetDistance(p.CurrentLocation.X, p.CurrentLocation.Y, myLocX, myLocY);
                if (dist < closestPlayerDistance)
                    closestPlayerDistance = dist;

            if (turnsSpentHere < 3 && closestPlayerDistance > 2)
                decisions.Add(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Wait, Point.Empty));

            for (var i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                for (var j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    var destX = myLocX + i;
                    var destY = myLocY + j;
                    if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && destX >= 0 && destY >= 0 && destX < board.Width && destY < board.Height)
                        if (board[destX, destY].IsSolid && allPlayers.All(p =>
                                                                          p.CurrentLocation.X != destX || p.CurrentLocation.Y != destY))
                            decisions.Add(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, new Point(i, j)));

Exemple #27
        private int seeTheFuture(int numberOfTime, Point currentPosition, List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board, List <Point> alreadyUsedPoint)
            int bestValue = numberOfTime;

            if (bestValue < PRECISION)
                foreach (Point move in possibleMove)
                    Point newPosition = new Point(currentPosition.X + move.X, currentPosition.Y + move.Y);
                    if (newPosition.X >= 0 && newPosition.Y >= 0 && newPosition.X < board.Width && newPosition.Y < board.Height && this.IsAlive(newPosition, board) && !alreadyUsedPoint.Contains(newPosition))
                        int value = seeTheFuture(numberOfTime + 1, newPosition, allPlayers, board, alreadyUsedPoint);
                        if (value > bestValue)
                            bestValue = value;
                        if (bestValue == PRECISION)
                        alreadyUsedPoint.Remove(alreadyUsedPoint[alreadyUsedPoint.Count - 1]);
Exemple #28
 public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard spleefBoard)
Exemple #29
        public override SpleefDecision PlayTurn(List <SpleefPlayerInfo> allPlayers, SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard board)
            Point currentPosition = this.GetMyLocation();

            allMoveValue = new Dictionary <Point, int>();
            List <Point> usedPosition = new List <Point>();

            otherPlayersPosition = new List <Point>();

            foreach (SpleefPlayerInfo player in allPlayers)
                if (player != this.Info)

            foreach (Point move in possibleMove)
                SpleefBoard.SpleefBoard boardClone = board.Clone();
                Point newPosition = new Point(currentPosition.X + move.X, currentPosition.Y + move.Y);
                if (newPosition.X >= 0 && newPosition.Y >= 0 && newPosition.X < board.Width && newPosition.Y < board.Height && this.IsAlive(newPosition, board))
                    allMoveValue.Add(move, seeTheFuture(1, newPosition, allPlayers, boardClone, usedPosition));
                    allMoveValue.Add(move, 0);

            Point bestMove  = new Point(0, 0);
            int   bestValue = 0;

            foreach (var move in allMoveValue)
                if (move.Value > bestValue)
                    bestMove  = move.Key;
                    bestValue = move.Value;

            if (bestValue == 0)
                //If we reach this point, we cry and stop moving hoping the other die before us
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Wait, new Point()));
                // if true, it mean that there is not a lot of point left
                if (bestValue != PRECISION)
                    pointWePassed = new HashSet <Point>();

                    if (board[currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y].HealthRemaining > 1 && (isAlone || seeIfAlone(bestMove, allPlayers, board.Clone(), usedPosition)))
                        isAlone = true;
                        return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Wait, new Point()));

                //We simply play our best move
                return(new SpleefDecision(SpleefAction.Move, bestMove));