private void Obj_AI_Base_OnCreate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive()) { return; } foreach (Obj_AI_Hero hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { foreach (var ability in Abilities) { if (sender.Name.Contains(ability.Key.SpellName)) { ability.Key.Casted = true; ability.Key.TimeCasted = (int)Game.ClockTime; if (SpellTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersSpellSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(ability.Key.Name + " casted on " + hero.ChampionName); } CreateText(ability.Key, hero, sender); } } } } }
private async void Speak(SpeechMessage speech) { var service = new Speech(); await this.dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() => { try { if (speech.Action != null && speech.Action.Equals("STOP")) { this.player?.Stop(); } else { service.Speak(this.player, speech); } } catch (Exception e) { await this.SendResult(new ResultMessage(speech) { Result = e.Message, ResultId = e.HResult }); } }); }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; if (RelicTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (RelicObject relic in Relics) { if (!relic.Locked && (relic.Obj != null && (!relic.Obj.IsValid || relic.Obj.IsDead))) { if (Game.ClockTime < relic.SpawnTime) { relic.NextRespawnTime = relic.SpawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime; } else { relic.NextRespawnTime = relic.RespawnTime + (int)Game.ClockTime; } relic.Locked = true; } if ((relic.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime) < 0) { relic.NextRespawnTime = 0; relic.Called = false; } } } if (RelicTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (RelicObject relic in Relics) { if (relic.Locked) { if (relic.NextRespawnTime <= 0 || relic.MapType != GMap.Type) { continue; } int time = Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (!relic.Called && relic.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= time && relic.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime >= time - 1) { relic.Called = true; Timer.PingAndCall(relic.Name + " respawns in " + time + " seconds!", relic.MinimapPosition); if (RelicTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRelicSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(relic.Name + " respawns in " + time + " seconds!"); } } } } } }
private void RandFilm() { Random r = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); string[] s = GetOptions(""); int i = r.Next(0, s.Length); speech.Speak("Playing " + s[i]); Play(s[i]); }
private void Speak(InternalKillable killable, Obj_AI_Hero hero) { if (killable != null) { if (KillableTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersKillableSpeech").GetValue <bool>() && !killable.Spoken && hero.IsVisible && !hero.IsDead) { Speech.Speak("Killable " + hero.ChampionName); killable.Spoken = true; } } }
private static void SayNotepadMenuNameIfSelected(IList <Rect> listOfNotepadMenuItemsRects, Point mouseCurrentPosition) { foreach (var position in listOfNotepadMenuItemsRects) { if (!position.Contains(mouseCurrentPosition)) { continue; } var indexOfPosition = listOfNotepadMenuItemsRects.IndexOf(position); Speech.Speak(Enum.GetName(typeof(NotepadMenuItems), indexOfPosition), true); } }
public void PlayCharSoundSync(char key) { key = char.ToUpper(key); if (Characters.ContainsKey(key)) { try { Characters[key].PlaySync(); } catch { } } else { Speech.Speak(key.ToString()); } }
private void ChatAndPing(KeyValuePair <Obj_AI_Hero, InternalGankDetector> enemy) { Obj_AI_Hero hero = enemy.Key; var pingType = PingCategory.Normal; var t = GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankPingType").GetValue <StringList>(); pingType = (PingCategory)t.SelectedIndex + 1; Vector3 pos = hero.ServerPosition; GamePacket gPacketT; for (int i = 0; i < GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; i++) { if (GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(pingType, pos, true); } else if (!GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(pingType, pos); } } if ( GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": {0}", hero.ChampionName); } else if ( GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": {0}", hero.ChampionName); } if (GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankVoice").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": " + hero.ChampionName); } if (GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": " + hero.ChampionName, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3); } //TODO: Check for Teleport etc. }
private void HandleSs(KeyValuePair <Obj_AI_Hero, Time> enemy) { Obj_AI_Hero hero = enemy.Key; if (enemy.Value.InvisibleTime > 5 && !enemy.Value.Called && Game.Time - enemy.Value.LastTimeCalled > 30) { var pos = new Vector2(hero.Position.X, hero.Position.Y); var pingType = Packet.PingType.Normal; var t = SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerPingType").GetValue <StringList>(); pingType = (Packet.PingType)t.SelectedIndex + 1; GamePacket gPacketT; for (int i = 0; i < SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; i++) { if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { gPacketT = Packet.S2C.Ping.Encoded(new Packet.S2C.Ping.Struct(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0, pingType)); gPacketT.Process(); } else if (!SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { gPacketT = Packet.C2S.Ping.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Ping.Struct(enemy.Value.LastPosition.X, enemy.Value.LastPosition.Y, 0, pingType)); gPacketT.Send(); } } if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat("ss {0}", hero.ChampionName); } else if ( SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("ss {0}", hero.ChampionName); } if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("Miss " + hero.ChampionName); } enemy.Value.LastTimeCalled = (int)Game.Time; enemy.Value.Called = true; } }
private void HandleSs(KeyValuePair <Obj_AI_Hero, Time> enemy) { Obj_AI_Hero hero = enemy.Key; if (enemy.Value.InvisibleTime > 5 && !enemy.Value.Called && Game.Time - enemy.Value.LastTimeCalled > 30) { var pos = new Vector2(hero.Position.X, hero.Position.Y); var pingType = PingCategory.Normal; var t = SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerPingType").GetValue <StringList>(); pingType = (PingCategory)t.SelectedIndex + 1; GamePacket gPacketT; for (int i = 0; i < SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; i++) { if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(pingType, pos, true); } else if (!SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(pingType, pos); } } if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat("ss {0}", hero.ChampionName); } else if ( SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("ss {0}", hero.ChampionName); } if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("Miss " + hero.ChampionName); } if (SsCallerTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersSsCallerNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification("Miss " + hero.ChampionName, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3); } enemy.Value.LastTimeCalled = (int)Game.Time; enemy.Value.Called = true; } }
private void ChatAndPing(KeyValuePair <Obj_AI_Hero, InternalGankDetector> enemy) { Obj_AI_Hero hero = enemy.Key; var pingType = Packet.PingType.Normal; var t = GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankPingType").GetValue <StringList>(); pingType = (Packet.PingType)t.SelectedIndex + 1; Vector3 pos = hero.ServerPosition; GamePacket gPacketT; for (int i = 0; i < GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; i++) { if (GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { gPacketT = Packet.S2C.Ping.Encoded(new Packet.S2C.Ping.Struct(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0, pingType)); gPacketT.Process(); } else if (!GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { gPacketT = Packet.C2S.Ping.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Ping.Struct(pos[0], pos[1], 0, pingType)); gPacketT.Send(); } } if ( GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankChatChoice").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": {0}", hero.ChampionName); } else if ( GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": {0}", hero.ChampionName); } if (GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankVoice").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT") + ": " + hero.ChampionName); } //TODO: Check for Teleport etc. }
public void StartRace() { foreach (var c in CountersGroup.All) { c.Reset(); c.Start(); } Race.StartRace(); if (LastLocaton != null) { MessagingHub.Send(QueueType.Race, new RaceEvent(LastLocaton, RaceEventTypes.Start)); MessagingHub.Send(new VibrateCommand("11")); } Speech?.Speak("Поехали"); }
private void Speak() { var word = TextBoxWord.Text; try { var speed = (int)NumericUpDownSpeed.Value; var speech = new Speech(); speech.Speak(word, speed); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private Recognition.Response Search(string query) { Recognition.Response re = new Recognition.Response(); re.grammars = new Grammar[0]; Regex r = new Regex(@"(on|about) ((\w|\s)+) please", RegexOptions.Compiled); Match m = r.Match(query); if (m.Groups.Count > 1) { query = m.Groups[2].Value; wolf.Search(query); string text = wiki.Search(query); = text; speech.Speak(text); } return(re); }
public Gank() { foreach (Obj_AI_Hero hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (hero.IsEnemy) { Render.Text text = new Render.Text(new Vector2(0, 0), Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT_JUNGLER"), 28, Color.Red); text.PositionUpdate = delegate { Speech.Speak(Language.GetString("DETECTORS_GANK_TEXT_JUNGLER")); return(Drawing.WorldToScreen(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition)); }; text.VisibleCondition = sender => { bool hasSmite = false; foreach (SpellDataInst spell in hero.Spellbook.Spells) { if (spell.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite")) { hasSmite = true; break; } } return(IsActive() && GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankShowJungler").GetValue <bool>() && hero.IsVisible && !hero.IsDead && Vector3.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, hero.ServerPosition) > GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankTrackRangeMin").GetValue <Slider>().Value&& Vector3.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, hero.ServerPosition) < GankDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsGankTrackRangeMax").GetValue <Slider>().Value&& hasSmite); }; text.OutLined = true; text.Centered = true; Enemies.Add(hero, new InternalGankDetector(text)); } } ThreadHelper.GetInstance().Called += Game_OnGameUpdate; //Game.OnGameUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; }
public static bool PingAndCall(String text, Vector3 pos, bool call = true, bool ping = true, bool notification = true) { if (ping) { for (int i = 0; i < Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; i++) { if (Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(PingCategory.Normal, pos, true); } else if (!Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(PingCategory.Normal, pos); } } } if (call) { if (Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersChat").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(text); } } if (notification) { if (Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification(text, Color.White, 3); } } if (Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(text); } return(true); }
private void Obj_AI_Base_OnCreate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive()) { return; } foreach (Obj_AI_Hero hero in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>()) { if (!hero.IsEnemy) { foreach (var ability in Abilities) { if (sender.Name.Contains(ability.Key.SpellName) && /*variable*/ Vector3.Distance(sender.Position, ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition) <= 4000) { ability.Key.Owner = hero; ability.Key.Casted = true; ability.Key.TimeCasted = (int)Game.ClockTime; if (Vector3.Distance(sender.Position, hero.ServerPosition) <= 100) { ability.Key.Target = hero; } if (ImmuneTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersImmuneSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { if (ability.Key.Target != null) { Speech.Speak(ability.Key.Name + " casted on " + ability.Key.Target.ChampionName); } else if (ability.Key.Owner != null) { Speech.Speak(ability.Key.Name + " casted on " + ability.Key.Owner.ChampionName); } } } } } } }
private void Obj_AI_Base_OnCreate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive()) { return; } foreach (var ability in Abilities) { if (sender.Name.ToLower().Contains(ability.Key.SpellName.ToLower())) { Obj_AI_Hero hero = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.NetworkId == sender.NetworkId); ability.Key.Casted = true; ability.Key.TimeCasted = (int)Game.ClockTime; if (SpellTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersSpellSpeech").GetValue <bool>() && hero != null) { Speech.Speak(ability.Key.Name + " casted on " + hero.ChampionName); } CreateText(ability.Key, hero, sender); } } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; if (AltarTimer.GetActive()) { AltarObject altarDestroyed = null; foreach (AltarObject altar in Altars) { if (altar.Obj.IsValid) { bool hasBuff = false; foreach (BuffInstance buff in altar.Obj.Buffs) { if (buff.Name == "treelinelanternlock") { hasBuff = true; break; } } if (!hasBuff) { altar.Locked = false; altar.NextRespawnTime = 0; altar.Called = false; } else if (hasBuff && altar.Locked == false) { altar.Locked = true; altar.NextRespawnTime = altar.RespawnTime + (int)Game.ClockTime; } } else { if (altar.NextRespawnTime < (int)Game.ClockTime) { altarDestroyed = altar; } } } if (altarDestroyed != null && Altars.Remove(altarDestroyed)) { } foreach (Obj_AI_Minion altar in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>()) { AltarObject nAltar = null; if (altar.Name.Contains("Buffplat")) { AltarObject health1 = Altars.Find(jm => jm.Obj.NetworkId == altar.NetworkId); if (health1 == null) { if (altar.Name.Contains("_L")) { nAltar = new AltarObject("Left Altar", altar); } else { nAltar = new AltarObject("Right Altar", altar); } } } if (nAltar != null) { Altars.Add(nAltar); } } } ///// if (AltarTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (AltarObject altar in Altars) { if (altar.Locked) { if (altar.NextRespawnTime <= 0 || altar.MapType != GMap.Type) { continue; } int time = Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (!altar.Called && altar.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= time && altar.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime >= time - 1) { altar.Called = true; Timer.PingAndCall(altar.Name + " unlocks in " + time + " seconds!", altar.Obj.ServerPosition); if (AltarTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersAltarSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(altar.Name + " unlocks in " + time + " seconds!"); } } } } } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; if (HealthTimer.GetActive()) { HealthObject healthDestroyed = null; foreach (HealthObject health in Healths) { if (health.Obj.IsValid) { if (health.Obj.Health > 0) { health.Locked = false; health.NextRespawnTime = 0; health.Called = false; } else if (health.Obj.Health < 1 && health.Locked == false) { health.Locked = true; health.NextRespawnTime = health.RespawnTime + (int)Game.ClockTime; } } if (health.NextRespawnTime < (int)Game.ClockTime && health.Locked) { healthDestroyed = health; } } if (healthDestroyed != null) { healthDestroyed.TextMinimap.Dispose(); healthDestroyed.TextMinimap.Remove(); healthDestroyed.TextMap.Dispose(); healthDestroyed.TextMap.Remove(); Healths.Remove(healthDestroyed); } foreach (Obj_AI_Minion health in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>()) { HealthObject nHealth = null; if (health.Name.Contains("Health")) { HealthObject health1 = Healths.Find(jm => jm.Obj.NetworkId == health.NetworkId); if (health1 == null) { nHealth = new HealthObject(health); } } if (nHealth != null) { Healths.Add(nHealth); } } } ///// if (HealthTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (HealthObject health in Healths) { if (health.Locked) { if (health.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= 0 || health.MapType != GMap.Type) { continue; } int time = Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (!health.Called && health.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= time && health.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime >= time - 1) { health.Called = true; Timer.PingAndCall("Heal respawns in " + time + " seconds!", health.Position); if (HealthTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersHealthSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("Heal respawns in " + time + " seconds!"); } } } } } }
private void On(string input) { speech.Speak(input); }
private void HandleRecall(Packet.S2C.Teleport.Struct recallEx) { int time = Environment.TickCount - Game.Ping; for (int i = 0; i < Recalls.Count; i++) { Packet.S2C.Teleport.Struct recall = Recalls[i]; if (true /*recallEx.Type == Recall.ObjectType.Player*/) { var obj = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(recall.UnitNetworkId); var objEx = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(recallEx.UnitNetworkId); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (obj.NetworkId == objEx.NetworkId) //already existing { recall = recallEx; //recall.Recall2 = new Recall.Struct(); var percentHealth = (int)((obj.Health / obj.MaxHealth) * 100); String sColor; String hColor = (percentHealth > 50 ? "<font color='#00FF00'>" : (percentHealth > 30 ? "<font color='#FFFF00'>" : "<font color='#FF0000'>")); if (recallEx.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start) { String text = (recallEx.Type == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Type.Recall ? Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_RECALLING") : Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_PORTING")); sColor = "<font color='#FFFF00'>"; recall.Start = (int)Game.Time; if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {2} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " {3}({4})", sColor, text, (int)obj.Health, hColor, percentHealth); } else if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {2} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " {3}({4})", sColor, text, (int)obj.Health, hColor, percentHealth); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + text); } } else if (recallEx.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Finish) { String text = (recallEx.Type == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Type.Recall ? Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_RECALLED") : Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_PORTED")); sColor = "<font color='#FF0000'>"; if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {2} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " {3}({4})", sColor, text, (int)obj.Health, hColor, percentHealth); } else if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem( "SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {2} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " {3}({4})", sColor, text, (int)obj.Health, hColor, percentHealth); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + text); } } else { sColor = "<font color='#00FF00'>"; if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 1) { Game.PrintChat("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED") + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + "", sColor, (int)obj.Health); } else if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChatChoice") .GetValue <StringList>() .SelectedIndex == 2 && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem( "SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("{0}" + obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED") + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + "", sColor, (int)obj.Health); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED")); } } return; } } } }
private void HandleRecall(Packet.S2C.Teleport.Struct recallEx) { for (int i = 0; i < _recalls.Count; i++) { Packet.S2C.Teleport.Struct recall = _recalls[i].Recall; var obj = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(recall.UnitNetworkId); var objEx = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(recallEx.UnitNetworkId); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (obj.NetworkId == objEx.NetworkId) { _recalls[i].Recall = recallEx; var percentHealth = (int)((obj.Health / obj.MaxHealth) * 100); if (recallEx.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start) { String text = (recallEx.Type == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Type.Recall ? Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_RECALLING") : Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_PORTING")); recall.Start = (int)Game.Time; if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChat").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(obj.ChampionName + " {0} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " ({2})", text, (int)obj.Health, percentHealth); } for (int j = 0; j < RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; j++) { if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(PingCategory.EnemyMissing, obj.ServerPosition, true); } else if (!RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(PingCategory.EnemyMissing, obj.ServerPosition); } } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + text); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification(obj.ChampionName + " " + text + " " + (int)obj.Health + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " (" + percentHealth + ")", System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed, 3); } } else if (recallEx.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Finish) { String text = (recallEx.Type == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Type.Recall ? Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_RECALLED") : Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_PORTED")); if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChat").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem( "SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(obj.ChampionName + " {0} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {1} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " ({2})", text, (int)obj.Health, percentHealth); } for (int j = 0; j < RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; j++) { if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(PingCategory.Fallback, obj.ServerPosition, true); } else if (!RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(PingCategory.Fallback, obj.ServerPosition); } } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + text); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification(obj.ChampionName + " " + text + " " + (int)obj.Health + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " (" + percentHealth + ")", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3); } } else { if ( RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallChat").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem( "SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say(obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED") + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_WITH") + " {0} " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + "", (int)obj.Health); } for (int j = 0; j < RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallPingTimes").GetValue <Slider>().Value; j++) { if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.ShowPing(PingCategory.Danger, obj.ServerPosition, true); } else if (!RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallLocalPing").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive") .GetValue <bool>()) { Game.SendPing(PingCategory.Danger, obj.ServerPosition); } } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED")); } if (RecallDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsRecallNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification(obj.ChampionName + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_CANCELED") + " " + (int)obj.Health + " " + Language.GetString("DETECTORS_RECALL_TEXT_HP") + " (" + percentHealth + ")", System.Drawing.Color.LawnGreen, 3); } } return; } } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; Obj_AI_Hero player = ObjectManager.Player; foreach (var enemy in _enemies.ToList()) { double dmg = 0; try { if (player.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.Q) == SpellState.Ready) { dmg += player.GetSpellDamage(enemy.Key, SpellSlot.Q); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } try { if (player.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.W) == SpellState.Ready) { dmg += player.GetSpellDamage(enemy.Key, SpellSlot.W); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } try { if (player.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.E) == SpellState.Ready) { dmg += player.GetSpellDamage(enemy.Key, SpellSlot.E); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } try { if (player.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.R) == SpellState.Ready) { dmg += player.GetSpellDamage(enemy.Key, SpellSlot.R); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } try { dmg += player.GetAutoAttackDamage(enemy.Key); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } _enemies[enemy.Key].Damage = dmg; if (enemy.Value.Damage > enemy.Key.Health) { _enemies[enemy.Key].Line.Color = Color.OrangeRed; } if (enemy.Value.Damage < enemy.Key.Health && !GankTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersGankKillable").GetValue <bool>()) { _enemies[enemy.Key].Line.Color = Color.GreenYellow; } else if (enemy.Key.Health / enemy.Key.MaxHealth < 0.1) { _enemies[enemy.Key].Line.Color = Color.Red; if (!_enemies[enemy.Key].Pinged) { if (GankTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersGankVoice").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("Gankable " + enemy.Key.ChampionName); } } if (!_enemies[enemy.Key].Pinged && GankTracker.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTrackersGankPing").GetValue <bool>()) { Packet.S2C.Ping.Encoded(new Packet.S2C.Ping.Struct(enemy.Key.ServerPosition[0], enemy.Key.ServerPosition[1], 0, 0, Packet.PingType.Normal)).Process(); _enemies[enemy.Key].Pinged = true; } } else if (enemy.Key.Health / enemy.Key.MaxHealth > 0.1) { _enemies[enemy.Key].Pinged = false; } } }
private void DetectDisconnect(GamePacketEventArgs args) { try { var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(args.PacketData)); byte packetId = reader.ReadByte(); //PacketId int packet = -1; if (Game.Version.Contains("5.24")) { packet = 68; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.1")) { packet = 33; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.2")) { packet = 135; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.3")) { packet = 25; } if (Game.Version.Contains("Feb 24 2016")) //6.4 { packet = 246; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.6")) { packet = 247; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.7")) { packet = 76; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.8")) { packet = 199; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.9")) { packet = 174; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.10")) { packet = 8; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.12")) { packet = 247; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.13")) { packet = 49; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.14")) { packet = 146; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.15")) { packet = 49; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.16")) { packet = 76; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.18")) { packet = 107; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.19")) { packet = 35; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.20")) { packet = 225; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.21")) { packet = 225; } if (Game.Version.Contains("6.22")) { packet = 42; } if (packetId != packet || args.PacketData.Length != 12) { return; } if (DisReconnectDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsDisReconnectChat").GetValue <bool>() && Menu.GlobalSettings.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesGlobalSettingsServerChatPingActive").GetValue <bool>()) { Game.Say("A Champion has disconnected!"); } if (DisReconnectDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsDisReconnectSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("A Champion has disconnected!"); } if (DisReconnectDetector.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesDetectorsDisReconnectNotification").GetValue <bool>()) { Common.ShowNotification("A Champion has disconnected!", Color.LawnGreen, 3); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("DisconnectProcess: " + ex); } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; if (SummonerTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (var hero in Summoners) { Obj_AI_Hero enemy = hero.Key; List <SpellSlot> summonerSpells = new List <SpellSlot>(); summonerSpells.Add(SpellSlot.Summoner1); summonerSpells.Add(SpellSlot.Summoner2); for (int i = 0; i < summonerSpells.Count(); i++) { SpellDataInst spellData = enemy.Spellbook.GetSpell(summonerSpells[i]); if (hero.Value.Called[i]) { if (Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value < spellData.CooldownExpires - Game.ClockTime) { hero.Value.Called[i] = false; } } if (!hero.Value.Called[i] && Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value > spellData.CooldownExpires - Game.ClockTime) { hero.Value.Called[i] = true; String text = enemy.ChampionName + " "; switch (spellData.Name.ToLower()) { case "summonerbarrier": text = text + "Barrier"; break; case "summonerboost": text = text + "Cleanse"; break; case "summonerclairvoyance": text = text + "Clairvoyance"; break; case "summonerdot": text = text + "Ignite"; break; case "summonerexhaust": text = text + "Exhaust"; break; case "summonerflash": text = text + "Flash"; break; case "summonerhaste": text = text + "Ghost"; break; case "summonerheal": text = text + "Heal"; break; case "summonermana": text = text + "Clarity"; break; case "summonerodingarrison": text = text + "Garrison"; break; case "summonerrevive": text = text + "Revive"; break; case "smite": text = text + "Smite"; break; case "summonerteleport": text = text + "Teleport"; break; } text = text + " " + Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value + " sec"; Timer.PingAndCall(text, new Vector3(), true, false); if (SummonerTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersSummonerSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(text + "onds"); } } } } } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; var minions = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Base>().Where(minion => !minion.IsDead && minion.IsValid && (minion.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("SRU") || minion.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("TT_"))); foreach (var jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if (!jungleCamp.Dead) { bool alive = false; foreach (var creep in jungleCamp.Creeps) { foreach (var minion in minions) { if (minion.Name.ToUpper().Equals(creep.Name.ToUpper())) { alive = true; break; } } if (alive == true) { break; } } if (alive == true) { jungleCamp.Visible = true; } } } foreach (var jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if (!jungleCamp.Dead && jungleCamp.Visible) { int count = 0; foreach (var creep in jungleCamp.Creeps) { foreach (var minion in minions) { if (minion.Name.ToUpper().Equals(creep.Name.ToUpper())) { count++; } } } if (count == 0) { jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime = (int)Game.ClockTime + jungleCamp.RespawnTime; jungleCamp.Dead = true; jungleCamp.Visible = false; } } } ///////// foreach (var enemyInfo in Enemies) { if (enemyInfo.DragonBuff < enemyInfo.GetDragonStacks()) { foreach (var jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if (jungleCamp.CampId == 6) { jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime = (int)Game.ClockTime + jungleCamp.RespawnTime; jungleCamp.Dead = true; jungleCamp.Visible = false; } } } if (enemyInfo.NashorBuff != enemyInfo.HasNashorBuff()) { foreach (var jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if (jungleCamp.CampId == 12 && !jungleCamp.Called) { jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime = (int)Game.ClockTime + jungleCamp.RespawnTime; jungleCamp.Dead = true; jungleCamp.Visible = false; } } } enemyInfo.DragonBuff = enemyInfo.GetDragonStacks(); enemyInfo.NashorBuff = enemyInfo.HasNashorBuff(); } ///////// if (JungleTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (JungleCamp jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if ((jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime) < 0) { jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime = 0; jungleCamp.Called = false; jungleCamp.Dead = false; } } } ///// if (JungleTimer.GetActive()) { foreach (JungleCamp jungleCamp in JungleCamps) { if (jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime <= 0 || jungleCamp.MapType != GMap.Type) { continue; } int time = Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (!jungleCamp.Called && jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= time && jungleCamp.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime >= time - 1) { jungleCamp.Called = true; Timer.PingAndCall(jungleCamp.Name + " respawns in " + time + " seconds!", jungleCamp.MinimapPosition); if (JungleTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersJungleSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak(jungleCamp.Name + " respawns in " + time + " seconds!"); } } } } }
public AppHome() { this.InitializeComponent(); Speech.Speak("Images loading"); this.DisplayAllFiles(); }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (!IsActive() || lastGameUpdateTime + new Random().Next(500, 1000) > Environment.TickCount) { return; } lastGameUpdateTime = Environment.TickCount; if (InhibitorTimer.GetActive()) { if (_inhibitors == null || _inhibitors.Inhibitors == null) { return; } foreach (InhibitorObject inhibitor in _inhibitors.Inhibitors) { if (inhibitor.Obj.Health > 0) { inhibitor.Locked = false; inhibitor.NextRespawnTime = 0; inhibitor.Called = false; } else if (inhibitor.Obj.Health < 1 && inhibitor.Locked == false) { inhibitor.Locked = true; inhibitor.NextRespawnTime = inhibitor.RespawnTime + (int)Game.ClockTime; } } } ///// if (InhibitorTimer.GetActive()) { if (_inhibitors.Inhibitors == null) { return; } foreach (InhibitorObject inhibitor in _inhibitors.Inhibitors) { if (inhibitor.Locked) { if (inhibitor.NextRespawnTime <= 0) { continue; } int time = Timer.Timers.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersRemindTime").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (!inhibitor.Called && inhibitor.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime <= time && inhibitor.NextRespawnTime - (int)Game.ClockTime >= time - 1) { inhibitor.Called = true; Timer.PingAndCall("Inhibitor respawns in " + time + " seconds!", inhibitor.Obj.Position); if (InhibitorTimer.GetMenuItem("SAssembliesTimersInhibitorSpeech").GetValue <bool>()) { Speech.Speak("Inhibitor respawns in " + time + " seconds!"); } } } } } }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); Speech.Speak("Welcome to the Intel AI DevJam IDC Classifier GUI Demo, please authenticate yourself using the camera."); NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Disabled; }