Exemple #1
        //================== Music Settings Bars =====================//
        public PopUp(Game game, ScreenManager screenManager, Bubble player, SpectrumEnums.popUpId style = SpectrumEnums.popUpId.custom, string headline = "", string text = "")
            this.position = new Vector2(game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2f, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2f);
            this.game = game;
            this.texManager = ((Spectrum)game).texManager;
            this.screenManager = screenManager;
            this.player = player;
            this.headlineFont = screenManager.modelManager.getHeadlineFont();
            this.textFont = screenManager.modelManager.getTextFont();
            this.buttonHandler = screenManager.modelManager.buttonHandler;

            popUpTexture = texManager.getUITexture(style);
            currentStyle = style;
            switch (style)
                case SpectrumEnums.popUpId.custom:
                    this.headline = headline;
                    this.text = text;
                case SpectrumEnums.popUpId.win:
                    this.headline = "Congratulations!";
                    this.text = "You beat the level! \n You can go on with the next level \nor play again.";
                case SpectrumEnums.popUpId.lose:
                    this.headline = "Game over";
                    this.text = "You lose, try again!";
            origin = new Vector2(popUpTexture.Width / 2f, popUpTexture.Height / 2f);
            center = new Vector2(position.X + recPosition.Width / 2f, position.Y + recPosition.Height / 2f);
            recPosition = new Rectangle((int)position.X - (int)origin.X, (int)position.Y - (int)origin.Y, popUpTexture.Width, popUpTexture.Height);
Exemple #2
         * Checks if we need to Display a popUp because of winning/losing
         * and sets what PopUp needs to be drawn
        protected bool checkForPopUps()
            // check if we need to popUp the you win screen
            if (player.isOnGoal)
                if (levelPassed())
                    currentPopUpId = SpectrumEnums.popUpId.win;
                    return true;
                    // maybe gamestate change
                    if (!hasBeenDisplayed)
                        currentPopUpId = SpectrumEnums.popUpId.custom;
                        hasBeenDisplayed = true;
                        return true;
                    // collect all the ink popUp


            // check if we need to popUp the you lose screen
            if (player.getLives() <= 0)
                currentPopUpId = SpectrumEnums.popUpId.lose;
                return true;
            return false;